Installation and Operation Instructions
A/TT100, A/TT1K
4 to 20mA Output
Standard Units
Current Output
(4 to 20 mA)
Voltage Out put
(1 to 5, 2 to 10VDC)
+VDC (Red Wire)
4 to 20mA Output (White Wire)
Potted Units
Current Output
(4 to 20 mA)
Voltage Out put
(1 to 5, 2 to 10VDC)
RTD Wires
(100 Ohm RTD Brown Wires)
(1K Ohm RTD Black Wires)
Voltage Out put
(1 to 5, 2 to 10VDC)
+VDC (Red Wire)
GND (White Wire)
RTD Wires
(100 Ohm RTD Brown Wires)
(1K Ohm RTD Black Wires)
Volt age Output (Yel low Wire)
(1 to 5, 2 to 10VDC)
The A/TT and TTM DO NOT support an AC input.
All ACI/TT and TTM temperature transmitters can be powered from either an unregulated or regulated 8.5 to 32VDC power
supply. The minimum voltage at the transmitter power terminal is 8.5V after load resistor voltage drop.
249 ohm load resistor (1-5VDC output) = 13.5V minimum supply Voltage
499 ohm load resistor (2-10VDC output) = 18.5V minimum supply Voltage
Several transmitters may be powered from the same supply as shown below.
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Each transmitter could draw 25mA. To determine the number of transmitters use the following formula:
where: N = number of transmitters
I = current available from power supply
25mA = maximum current draw of transmitter
e.g., If I = 1.5A then:
N = 1.5/25mA
N = 60
Therefore a 1.5A power supply will safely power up to 60 transmitters.
Power Supply
Gnd In1 In2 In3
All A/TT and TTM temperature transmitters are reverse polarity protected.
Temp.Transmitter #1 Temp.Transmitter #NTemp.Transmitter #2
+ - + - + -
= Connections
In1 = Controller Input #1
In2 = Controller Input #2
In3 = Controller Input #3
Room Temperature Transmitters
This unit is suitable for either drywall or junction box mounting. First, remove the cover of the housing and mount the base of
the Room unit to the wall, using the (2) 6/32” x 1” screws that are provided. Once the base is mounted to the wall, make all of
the proper connections and then place the cover back onto the unit. Now tighten the cover down, using the (2) Allen screws
located in the bottom of the housing. The Room transmitter is provided with a two pole terminal block for power and a two
pole terminal block for the RTD, which allows for easy wiring of the unit.
Duct & Duct Averaging Temperature Transmitters
Duct Temperature Sensors - Drill a 3/8” hole in the duct and insert the probe through the hole until the foam pad is tight to the
duct. Now insert (2) screws through the mounting holes in the flange and tighten until the unit is held firmly to the duct.
Duct Averaging Sensors – Drill a 3/8” hole in the duct and insert the averaging element through the hole until the foam pad is
tight to the duct. Now insert (2) screws through the mounting holes in the flange and tighten until the unit is held firmly to the
duct. The sensor should then be strung in a criss-cross pattern throughout the duct (see Figure #2) using the mounting clips
provided, in a pattern that covers the greatest surface area of the duct, to insure that there is no stratification. When bending the
copper tubing, be careful that you use a gradual bend and that you DO NOT kink the copper tubing.
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