Make sure that your Griffin is unloaded and the air supply is disconnected. Due to the various air-input locations on markers, this kit does not
include the connection from the regulator to the ASA adapter. Your stock ACI Griffin bottomline hose will work with this kit.
1) Remove all bottom line connections from trigger frame.
Using the 5/32" Allen wrench remove the two screws that
connect the trigger frame to the main body. Gently separate
the trigger frame from main body.
2) Remove the striker plug and power spring, exposing the strikĀer buffer. Remove the striker buffer (the buffer will be reinĀstalled with the Sonic Conversion.)
3) Remove the connecting pin and release the bolt from the
striker. Remove the striker from the receiver. The bolt should
remain in the receiver to connect to the Sonic Conversion
4) Remove the front reservoir plug, valve spring and cup seal.
You will use the stock valve spring with the Sonic
5) Carefully remove the valve body from the front of the Griffin.
Figure 1