This chapter provides some basic information on
options available f or your Extensa computer.
For more detailed information and instructions
please refer to the installat i on i nstructions that
come with your option.
To get the most up to date list of options
available wit h your Extensa computer, pl ease
call 1-800-TI-TEXAS, option 2, t hen 1, in the
United States or Canada. Outside of the United
States or Canada, please contact your local
Texas Instruments dealer. A listing of local
dealers is available at t he end of t hi s U ser’s
AC Adapter..................................................4-2
PC Cards.....................................................4-3
PS/2 Devices...............................................4-4
External Monitor..........................................4-5
External Mouse............................................4-6
Audio Options..............................................4-8
Mobile Productivity Base Option................... 4-9
Miscellaneous Options............................... 4-10

AC Adapter
Your Extensa uses a small light w e i ght external
AC adapter to charge and power the computer.
The AC adapter can be operated anywhere
between 100 - 240 volts AC and has a
detachable AC power cord.
You can order power cords with specific plugs
for the region you will be operating the computer
Caution: Use only the AC adapter
recommended in this document (TI Part No.
9813497-0004). Another adapter c an damage
your co mputer.
DC Connector
AC Adapter
AC Adapter

PC Cards
Your Extensa computer supports all PCMCIA
and Cardbus PC cards. These PC cards are used
to add functionalit y t o your computer, such as
communicating over a telephone or connecti ng
to a network.
The computer has built-in slots that support one
Type III or two Type II o r Type I PC ca rds. Type
III PC card s must b e inse rted i n to the lower slot.
Your Extensa computer is designed to support
additional funct i onal ity on top of the standard
Cardbus interface. These functions include the
Zoomed Video port interface required by MPEG
cards (on the bottom PC card slot) and t he
DataRace Speakerphone modems.