Issued/Revised date: Jan-12-2011
Document No:WI-01112011001
1. Product and Company Identification
Product Identification :
Lithium-Ion Rechargeable Battery Pack
Detail in Appendix
Manufacturer :
Simplo Technology Co., Ltd.
No.471, Sec.2, Pa Teh Rd,. Hu Kou 303, Hsin Chu Hsien, Taiwan
Tel : +886-3-5695920 Fax : +886-3-5695931
Simplo Electronics (CHANGSHU) INC.
No.2 DongNan Avenue,ChangShu,JiangSu Province , China
TEL :+86-0512-52302255 FAX :+86- 0512-52302277
2. Hazards Identification
Primary routes of entry : Skin contact, Skin absorption; Eye contact, Inhalation and ingestion: No
Symptoms of exposure :
Skin absorption :
Eye contact :
Inhalation :
Reported as
No effect under routine handling and use.
No effect under routine handling and use.
No effect under routine handling and use.
carcinogen : Not applicable
3. Composition / Identification on Ingredients
Substance : Lithium Ion Battery
CAS number : Not specified
UN Class : Even classified as lithium batteries, they are exempted from dangerous goods.
UN-Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods Model Regulations.
* Lithium ion cells and batteries may be offered for transport if they meet the following :
* For cells, the Watt-hour rating should not be more than 20 Wh;
* For batteries, the Watt-hour rating should not be more than 100 Wh. The Watt-hour rating must be
marked on the outside of the battery case .
* Each cell or battery of the type proved to meet the requirements of each test in the UN manual of
tests and criteria, Part III, subsection 38.3.
* General requirements and additional requirements, Please see Section Ⅱof Packing Instruction
965, 966, 967 accordingly or UN 3480 , UN3481.
Composition :
3-1. Cases: Plastic Not dangerous
3-2. Printed Circuit Board Assembly Not dangerous
3-3. Lithium Ion Cell :
Aluminum 2-10 %
Metal Oxide (proprietary) 20-50 %
Skin contact, No effect under routine handling and use.

Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) <5 %
Copper 2-10 %
Carbon (proprietary) 10-30 %
Electrolyte (proprietary) 10-20 %
4. First Aid Measures
Inhalation : Make the victim blow his/her nose, gargle. Seek medical attention if necessary.
Skin contact
Eye contact :
Ingestion :
: Remove contaminated clothes and shoes immediately. Wash extraneous matter or
contact region with soap and plenty of water immediately.
Do not rub one’s eyes. Immediately flush eyes with water continuously for at least 15
minutes. Seek medical attention immediately.
Make the victim vomit. When i t is impossible or the feeling is not w ell after vomiting,
seek medical attention.
5. Fire Fighting Measures
Extinguishing Media : Use suitable extinguishing media.
Firefighting Equipment :
(SCBA) with full protective gear.
Use NIOSH/MSHA approved full-face self-contained breathing apparatus
6. Accidental Release Measures
On Land : Place material into suitable containers and call local fire/police department.
In Water :
If possible, Remove from water and call local fire/police department.
7. Handling and Storage
Handling :
Do not expose the battery to excessive physical shock or v ibration. Shor t-circ uiting should be av oi ded.
However, accidental short-circuiting for a few seconds will not seriously affect the battery. Prolonged
short circuits will cause the battery to rapidly lose energy, could generate enough heat to burn skin.
Sources of short circuits include jumbled batteries in bulk containers, coins, metal jewelry, metal
covered tables, or metal belts used for assembly of batteries in devices. To minimize risk of
short-circuiting, the protective case supplied with the battery should be used to cover the terminals
when transporting or storing the battery. Do not disassemble or deform the battery. Should an
individual cell within a battery become ruptured, do not allow contact with water.
Storage :
The lithium ion battery should be between 25% and 75% of full charge when stored for a long period
of time. Store in a cool, dry, well ventilated area. And temperature above 100 degree can result in loss
of battery performance, leakage, or rust. Do not expose the battery to open flames.
8. Exposure Controls / Personal Protection
Engineering Controls : Keep away from heat and open flame. Store in a cool dry place
Personal Protection :
Respirator :
Eye/Face Protection :
Gloves :
Foot Protection :
Not required during normal operations. SCBA required in the event of a fire.
Not required beyond safety practices of employer.
Not required for handling of battery.
Steel toed shoes recommended for large container handling.
9. Physical and Chemical Properties