Acer A1-830 Maintenance manual

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Borqs Beijing R&D Co., Ltd.
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BBoorrqqss BBeeiijjiinngg RR&&DD CCoo..,, LLttdd.
Maintenance manuals
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File name A1 830 Maintenance manuals Production
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Borqs Beijing R&D Co., Ltd.
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S/N Rev Description of Change Date Originator Check Approval DCR No.

1 V1.0
Formal Version
2013-12-20 ZhaoYan
File name A1 830 Maintenance manuals Production
HW Version No. Ver1.0 File type
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page number 3 / 15
Borqs Beijing R&D Co., Ltd.
classification High
Breakdown maintenance ............................................................................ 4
1.1 Can't boot or can' t kee p on .................................................... 4
1.2 Abnormal power ma nagement .............................................. 5
1.3 Program Download an omalies and USB not identify ........... 6
1.4 LCD display abnormal .......................................................... 7
1.5 The speaker sile nt .................................................................. 9
1.6 The microphone work abnormal ......................................... 10
1.7 There was no voice and headsets microphone failure ......... 10
1.8 Camera function abn ormal .................................................. 11
1.9 Touch screen is invalid ........................................................ 12
1.10 The sensor failure .............................................................. 13
1.11 EMMC failure .................................................................... 13
1.12 Dysfunction of the SD ....................................................... 14
1.13 GPS function abnormal ..................................................... 14
1.14 WIFI/BT function abnormal .............................................. 15
Appendix 1 test po int s
File name A1 830 Maintenance manuals Production
HW Version No. Ver1.0 File type
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page number 4 / 15
Borqs Beijing R&D Co., Ltd.
Can't boot up
classification High
Don't boot often manifests itself in the following situation aLow battery voltage
The battery take off the battery voltage is measured with a multimeter, should be higher than 3.7 V, Ducati just can normal boot.Replace the battery or the battery is full
Battery IDpin, abnormal Bptherm_NTC resistance.Replace the battery can be
ID resistance at 100 k
cNTC resi s t a nce of 47 k dThe battery connector is not good
Check whether the battery connector plug, confirm the connector has completely fasten
eIf the Power Key connection whether normal or damage
Reconnect the or replace the Power Key
fCheck if the LCD and LCD_FPC assembly is normal, rebuilt or replaced gOut of a ~ e still cannot boot after failure, board level fault shall be checked
Check each power supply is normal, or short circuit
File name A1 830 Maintenance manuals Production
HW Version No. Ver1.0 File type
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page number 5 / 15
Borqs Beijing R&D Co., Ltd.
classification High
1.2 Abnormal power ma nagement
Power management system maintenance is to first check for short circuit situation and check whether the power supply situation is normal, U3001 - PMU - 2 chips and peripheral resistance, capacitance and inductance are even welding, welding condition, whether X5001 vibration (32.768 Khz), if the above works, could be chip U9004 welding problems.Heavy
welding or replace the chips.Can also be carried out in accordance with the flowchart in detail
File name A1 830 Maintenance manuals Production
HW Version No. Ver1.0 File type
+ 11 hidden pages