i 'munmmmBw,_,
Electric Start Capable
Handheld Blower / Vacuum
RemovingUnit FromCarton
Remove all contents from
AssembleThe Unit
) t
Place the unit on a level
surface. Fill the fuel tank.
Insert the upper blower
tube into the blower outlet
and turn it clockwise until
it locks into place.
Starting The Unit
Primer L
) J
Press the primer bulb 10
times, or until fuel is visible.
Install the lower blower tube
onto the upper blower tube
and turn it clockwise until it
locks into place.
fChoke_er E
Move the choke lever to
Position 1.
Tools Required:
• Flathead Screwdriver
I Gallon 3.2 oz
Mix thoroughly in a separate
fuel can:
- 3.2 fl. oz. of 2-cycle
engine oil
- 1 gallon of unleaded
NOTE: Do not mix directly in
the fuel tank.
Upper Blower Tub
Cruise Control _ ,__ _
Starter Rope
Choke Lever
_Z/ P.merBu,b_
_._ cover__
_ Fuel Cap
Lower Vacuum Tube
Upper Vacuum Tube
Starting The Unit
Crouch in the starting
Starting The Unit
Do not squeeze the
trigger. Pull the rope 3-5
times to start the engine.
DO NOT squeeze the
E] E
Squeeze the trigger, or
press down the cruise
control, and allow the unit to
warm up for 30-60 seconds.
Do not squeeze the
trigger. Pull the rope 5
Continue to squeeze the
trigger, Move the choke
lever to Position 3. Warm
the unit for an additional 60
seconds. The unit may be
used during this time.
Do not squeeze the
trigger. Move the choke
lever to Position 2.
Need Help?
Call 1-800-828-5500
Repeat the starting instructions.
IF engine fails to start after2 attempts,
move choke lever to position 3 and pull
the starter rope until engine starts
IF unit still fails to start, refer to the
operator's manual for additional starting
and troubleshooting information
Bag Strap
•Vacuum Bag
__ Zipper
NEED HELP? CALL 1-800-828-5500 iN U.S. OR 1-800-668-1238 iN CANADA
769-07209 P00 06/11

Service Information ................................................................ 2
Safety Information ................................................................ 2
Assembly Instructions ............................................................. 3
Oii and Fuel Information ............................................................ 3
Starting and Stopping Instructions .................................................... 3
Operahng Instructions ............................................................. 3
Maintenance and Repair Instructions .................................................. 4
Cleaning and Storage .............................................................. 4
Optional Accessory ............................................................... 4
Troubleshooting .................................................................. 4
Specifications .................................................................... 4
Warranty Information ............................................................. 16
All mformahon, illustrations, and specifications ,q this manual are based on the latest product information
available at the time of pnnhng. We reserve the right to make changes at any time without notice.
Copyright© 2011 MTD SOUTHWEST INC, All Rights Reserved.
For ass=stance regarding the assembly, controls, operation or maintenance of the un=t, please call the
Customer Support Department at 1=800=828=5500 in the United States or 1=800-668=1238 m Canada.
Addlhonal mformahon about the umt can be found on our webslte at www.troybilt.com or
For serwce, please call the Customer Support Department to obtaHq a list of authorized service dealers
near you. Service on this umt, both within and after the warranty period, should only be performed by an
authonzed and approved service dealer. When servicing, use only idenhcal replacement parts.
NOTE: For users on U.S. Forest Land and in the states of California, Maine, Oregon and Washington.
All U.S. Forest Land and the state of Cahfornla (Pubhc Resources Codes 4442 and 4443), Oregon and
Washington require, by law that certain ,_ternal combustion engines operated on forest brush and/or grass-
covered areas be equipped with a spark arrestor, ma,qta,qed ,q effective work,qg order, or the engine be
constructed, equipped and maintained for the prevention of fire. Check with your state or local authonhes for
regulations perta,qlng to these requirements. Failure to follow these requirements could subject you to hablhty
or a fine. This unit is factory equipped with a spark arrestor. If it requires replacement, ask your LOCAL
SERVICE DEALER to install the Accessory Part #753=06027 Muffler Assembly.
Safety alert symbols are used to draw your attention to possible dangers. These symbols, and their
explanahons, deserve your careful attenhon and understanding. The safety warnings do not by
themselves eliminate any danger. The instructions or warnings they give are not substitutes for
proper accident prevent=on measures. These safety mstruchons are not meant to cover every
possible condition that may occur. If queshons arise, please call the Customer Support
__ I WARNING: Signals a SERIOUS hazard.
[_.l CAUTION: Signals a MODERATE hazard.
IMPORTANT! Signals special mechanical informahon.
NOTE: S@qals addlhonal important general mformahon.
Department at 1=800=828=5500 (U.S.) or 1=800=668=1238 (Canada).
DANGER: S@qals an EXTREME hazard.
Failure to obey a safety DANGER signal WiLL result in serious injury or death to yourself or
to others.
Failure to obey a safety WARNING s@qal CAN result in senous injury to yourself or to others.
Failure to obey a safety CAUTION signal MAY result in property damage or injury to
yourself or to others.
,, To reduce the risk of hearing loss associated with sound level(s), always wear ear/heanng
protection when operating this unit.
,, Wear heavy long pants, boots, gloves, and a long sleeve shirt. Do not wear loose clothing, jewelery,
short pants, sandals or go barefoot. Secure hair above shoulder level.
,, Wear a face or dust mask if the operahon is dusty.
,, To avoid static electricity shock, do not wear rubber gloves or any other insulated gloves while
operating th_s umt.
,, Use the unit only m dayhght or good artificial hght.
,, Keep all surfaces free from oll and fuel.
,, Avoid accidental starting. Be m the starting position whenever pulhng the starter rope. The operator
and unit must be in a stable poslhon while starting. Refer to Starting and Stopping Instructions.
,, Do not set unit on any surface except a clean, hard area while engine is running. Debris such as
gravel, sand, dust, grass, etc. could be picked up by the air retake and thrown out by the discharge
opening, damaging unit, property, or causing serious injury to bystanders or operator.
,, Only use the unit for its intended purpose. Only use the unit as described in this manual.
,, Do not force the umt. It will do the job better and with less hkehhood of injury at a rate for which it
was designed.
,, Do not overreach or use from unstable surfaces such as ladders, trees, steep slopes, rooftops, etc.
Always keep proper footing and balance.
,, Always hold the umt with a firm grip when operating.
,, Keep hands, face, and feet away from all moving parts. Do not touch or try to stop the impeller
when it is rotating. Do not operate without guards m place.
,, Do not put any object into openings. Do not use with any opening blocked; keep free of dirt, debris,
and anything that may reduce the air flow.
,, Do not touch the engine or muffler. These parts get extremely hot from operahon, even after the
unit Is turned off.
,, Do not operate the engine faster than the speed needed to do the job. Do not run the engine at
high speed when not m use.
,, Always stop the engine when operahon is delayed or when walk,_g from one Iocahon to another.
,, Stop the engine for maintenance, repair, to install or remove the blower tubes or vacuum
attachments. The Emitmust be stopped and the impeller no longer turning to avoid contact with the
rotating blades.
,, Ifyou strike or come into contact with a foreign object, stop the engine immediately and check for
damage. Do not operate before repalnng damage. Do not operate the unit with loose or damaged parts.
,, Use only original equipment manufacturer replacement parts and accessories for this unit. These
are available from an authorized serwce dealer. The use of any unauthorized parts or accessories
could lead to serious injury to the user, or damage to the unit, and void the warranty.
,, Never use this unit for spreading chemicals, ferhhzers or other substances which may contain toxic
,, To reduce fire hazard, replace faulty muffler and spark arrestor. Keep the engine and muffler free
from grass, leaves, excesswe grease or carbon build up.
,, Never point the blower in the dlrechon of bystanders, animals, windows or automobiles.
,, Avoid situations that could catch the vacuum bag on fire. Do not operate near an open flame. Do
not vacuum warm ash from fire-places, barbecue p_ts, brush plies, etc. Do not vacuum d_scarded
cigars or cigarettes unless the cinders are completely cool.
,, The unit is designed to pickup dry material such as leaves, grass, small twigs, and bits of paper. Do
not attempt to vacuum wet debris and/or standing water as th_s may result m damage to the
blower/vacuum. To avoid severe damage to the impeller, do not vacuum metal, broken glass, etc.
,, Always disconnect the spark plug before performing maintenance or accessing movable parts.
,, Never store the unit. with fuel in the tank, inside a building where fumes may reach an open flame
(pilot hghts, etc.) or sparks (switches. electrical motors, etc.).
', Allow the engine to cool before storing or transporting. Be sure to secure the unit while transporting.
,, Store the unit m a dry place, either locked up or up high to prevent Lmauthonzed use or damage.
Keep out of the reach of children.
,, Never douse or squirt the unit with water or any other hquld. Keep handles dry, clean, and free from
debris. Clean after each use, see Cleaning and Storage instruchons.
,, Keep these mstruchons. Refer to them often and use them to instruct other users. If you loan this
umt to others, also loan these mstruchons to them.
SPECIAL NOTE: Exposure to vibrations through prolonged use of gasohne powered hand tools could
cause blood vessel or nerve damage m the fingers, hands, and joints of people prone to circulation
disorders or abnormal swelhng. Prolonged use in cold weather has been hnked to blood vessel
damage m otherwise healthy people. If symptoms occur such as numbness, pare, loss of strength,
change m skin color or texture, or loss of feehng m the fingers, hands or joints, dlsconhnue use of this
too! and seek medical attention. An anh-wbrahon system does not guarantee avoidance of these
problems. Users who operate power tools on a regular basis must closely monitor their physical
cond_hon and the cond_hon of th_s tool.
Read the Operator's Manual and follow all warnings and safety instructions. Failure to do so
can result in serious injury to the operator and/or bystanders.
FOR QUESTIONS, CALL 1=800=828=5500 IN THE U.S. OR 1=800=668=1238 IN CANADA
WARNING: Engine exhaust, some of its constituents and certain finished components
I _ I WARNING: When us,qg the unit. you must follow the safety rules. Please read these
,, Read the instruchons carefully. Be familiar w_th the controls and proper use of the unit.
,, Do not operate this unit when bred, iii, or under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or medlcahon.
,, Children and teens under the age of 15 must not use the unit, except for teens guided by an adult.
,, All guards and safety attachments must be installed properly before operahng the unit.
,, Inspect the unit before use. Replace damaged parts. Check for fuel leaks. Make sure all fasteners
,, Carefully respect the area before starting the unit. Remove all debris and hard or sharp objects such
,, Clear the area of children, bystanders, and pets. At a minimum, keep all children, bystanders, and pets
-- i
L_ ARNING: Gasohne is highly flammable, and its vapors can explode if @qlted. Take the
,, Store fuel only m containers specifically des@_ed and approved for the storage of such materials.
,, Always stop the engine and allow it to cool before fllhng the fuel tank. Never remove the fuel tank
,, Always mix and add fuel in a clean, well-ventilated outdoor area where there are no sparks or
,, Never operate the unit without the fuel cap securely in place.
,, Avoid creating a source of @_lhon for spilled fuel. Wipe up any spilled fuel from the unit
,, Never start or run the unit inside a closed room or building. Breathing exhaust fumes can kill.
,, Wear safety glasses or goggles that are marked as meehng ANSI Z87.1-1989 standards.
,, Never run the unit w_thout the proper equipment attached. Do not operate the umt w_thout the
contain or emit chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and b_rth
defects or other reproductive harm. Wash hands after handhng.
_nstruct_ons before operating the unit in order to ensure the safety of the operator and any
bystanders. Please keep these mstruchons for later use.
are m place and secure. Replace parts that are cracked, ch_pped, or damaged _nany way. Do not
operate the umt w_th loose or damaged parts.
as glass, w_re. etc.
outside a 50 feet (15 m) radius; there still may be a risk to bystanders from thrown objects. Bystanders
should be encouraged to wear eye protection. Ifyou are approached, stop the unit immediately.
following precautions:
cap or add fuel when the engine _shot. Always loosen the fuel tank cap slowly to reheve any
pressure _nthe tank before fuehng. Do not smoke.
flames. Do not smoke.
_mmed_ately before starting the Emit. Move the unit at least 30 feet (9.1 m) from the fuehng source
and s_te before start,qg the eng,qe. Do not smoke.
Operate th_s umt only _na well-ventilated outdoor area.
blower tubes or vacuum tubes and vacuum bag attached. Make sure the vacuum bag _scompletely
z_pped closed.
Th_soperator's manual descnbes safety and ,_ternat_onalsymbols and p_ctographs that may appear on thB product
Readthe operator's manual for complete safety assembly, operat,_g, ma=ntenance and repa=r=nformat=on
Ind_cates danger, warning or caution. May be used m conjunction w_th other symbols
or p_ctographs.
WARNING: Read the operator's manual(s) and foHHowair warnings and safety
,nstruct,ons. Failure to do so can resuHtm senous injury to the operator and/or bystanders.
WARNING: Thrown objects and Houdno_secan cause severe eye injury and heanng
Ross.Wear eye protection meeting ANSI Z87.1-1989 standards and ear protechon when
operating thB un,t. Use a fuHHface sh,eld when needed.
Always use clean, fresh unleaded fueH
Refer to operator's manual for the proper type of oil.
WARNING: It has been proven that fuel containing greater than 10% ethanol w_ll
I_keiydamage th_s engine and void the warranty.
H IqH )
Push pnmer bulb, fully and slowly, I0 times.
1. _ FULL choke posit,on
2. • PARTIAL choke pos,t,on
3. * RUN choke poslhon
WARNING: Small objects can be propelled at h,gh speed, causing injury.

It has been proven that fuel containing greater than 10% ethanol will likely
damage this engine and void the warranty.
-- I
WARNING: Gasoline is extremely flammable. Ignited vapors may
explode. Always stop the engine and allow it to cool before filling the
fuel tank. Do not smoke while filling the tank. Keep sparks and open
flames at a distance from the area.
WARNING: Remove fuel cap slowly to avoid injury from fuel spray.
Never operate the unit without the fuel cap securely in place.
I _ I WARNING: Add fuel in a clean, well ventilated outdoor area. Wipe up any spilled fuel immediately. |
Avoid creating a source of ignition for spilled fuel. Do not start the engine until fuel vapors dissipate.
(3.8 LITERS) (95 ml)
1 LITER 25 ml
_[_ ARNING: To prevent serious personal injury, stop the engine and allow the impeller to stop before
_ ARNING: To prevent serious personal injury or damage to the unit, make sure the blower tubes, or
Installing the Upper Blower Tube
1. Align the bump on the end of the upper
2. Insert the upper blower tube into the blower
3. Twist the upper blower tube clockwise until it
installing the Lower Blower Tube
1. Align the bump slot on the top end of the lower
2. Place the lower blower tube onto the upper
3. Twist the lower blower tube clockwise until
Removing the Upper Blower Tube
1. Hold the unit firmly.
2. Insert a flathead screwdriver into the tube
3. Grasp the upper blower tube and twist it
4. Pull the upper blower tube from the blower
Removing the Lower Blower Tube
1. Hold the upper blower tube firmly.
2. Grasp the lower blower tube and twist it counterclockwise until the lower blower
3. Remove the lower blower tube from the upper blower tube.
Installing the Vacuum Tubes
1. Locate the hole in the impeller door. The door lock tab is recessed in the hole
NOTE: The arrows must align properly to install the vacuum tubes correctly.
4. Grasp the lower vacuum tube firmly with both hands and push the lower vacuum
NOTE: Use both hands during this assembly to fit the parts together tightly.
NOTE: The flat area on the upper vacuum tube should face the handle when installed
Installing the Vacuum Elbow onto the Blower
1. While facing the front of the unit, hold the keyed end of the vacuum elbow in the
2. Insert the vacuum elbow into the blower and turn clockwise until it locks into
Inserting the Vacuum Elbow into the Bag
1. Locate the small opening in the vacuum bag. Insert the flared end of the vacuum
I _ _CAUTION: For proper engine operation and maximum reliability, pay strict attention to the oil and fuel i
Old and/or improperly mixed fuel are the main reasons for the unit not running properly. Be sure to use fresh, clean
unleaded fuel. Follow the instructions carefully for the proper fuel/oil mixture.
Definition of Blended Fuels
Today's fuels are often a blend of gasoline and oxygenates such as ethanol, methanol, or MTBE (ether). Alcohol-
blended fuel absorbs water. As little as 1% water in the fuel can make fuel and oil separate. It forms acids when
stored. When using alcohol-blended fuel, use fresh fuel (less than 30 days old).
Using Blended Fuels
If you choose to use a blended fuel, or its use is unavoidable, follow recommended precautions:
Using Fuel Additives
The bottle of 2-cycle oil that came with your unit contains a fuel additive which will help inhibit corrosion and minimize
the formation of gum deposits. It is recommended that you use our 2-cycle oil with this unit. If unavailable, use a good
2-cycle oil designed for air-cooled engines along with a fuel additive, such as STA-BIL@ Gas Stabilizer or an
equivalent. Add 0.8 oz. (23 ml) of fuel additive per gallon of fuel according to the instructions on the container. NEVER
add fuel additives directly to the unit's fuel tank.
Thoroughly mix the proper ratio of 2-cycle engine oil with unleaded gasoline in a separate fuel can. Use a 40:1 fuel/oil
ratio. Do not mix them directly in the engine fuel tank. See the table below for specific gas and oil mixing ratios.
NOTE: One gallon (3.8 liters) of unleaded gasoline mixed with one 3.2 oz. (95 ml) bottle of 2-cycle oil makes a 40:1
NOTE: Dispose of the old fuel/oil mix in accordance with federal, state and local regulations.
attaching or removing tubes.
vacuum tubes and the vacuum bag, are in place before you operate the unit.
Blower Outlet _ Bump
\ /'_ It_("_ Slot
Upper_ /_A _-¢_ _
blower tube with the bump slot on the bottom
end of the blower outlet (Fig. 1).
outlet (Fig. 1).
locks into place (Fig. 1).
blower tube with the bump on the end of the
upper blower tube (Fig. 2).
blower tube (Fig. 2).
tight (Fig. 2).
lock. Twist the screwdriver counterclockwise
1/4 turn and hold (Fig. 3).
counterclockwise (Fig. 3).
tube unlocks from the upper blower tube.
toward the front of the blower (Fig. 4). Insert a flat head screwdriver, into the hole
and press the door lock tab in and lift the door to release the lock.
While holding the impeller door open, align the upper vacuum tube's three (3)
slots with the impeller intake's three (3) lock tabs (Fig. 5). Insert the upper vacuum VacuumTube VacuumTube
tube into the impeller intake and twist the upper vacuum tube clockwise with both Fig.7
hands until the lock tabs snap into place (Fig. 6).
Align the arrow on the lower vacuum tube with the arrow on the upper vacuum
tube (Fig. 7).
tube into the upper vacuum tube. Turn the lower vacuum tube clockwise until it
snaps into place and locks. The dot on the lower tube aligns with the dot on the
upper tube when properly assembled.
left hand and the flared end in the right hand. Align the lock tabs on the keyed end
with the lock tabs on the blower outlet. (Fig. 8)
place. (Fig. 8)
elbow approximately 4 in. inside the small opening. (Fig. 9)
Pull the end of the cinch strap to secure the small opening of the bag around the vacuum elbow. Tighten the cinch
strap so that the bag has limited movement along the elbow, but will not slip off the flared end.
mixing instructions on the 2-cycle oil container. Using improperly mixed fuel can severely damage the engine.
Always use the fresh fuel mix explained in your operator's manual
Use the fuel additive STA-BIL® or an equivalent
Always agitate the fuel mix before fueling the unit
Drain the tank and run the engine dry before storing the unit
fuel/oil ratio.
7/// Bump
Fig. 1
Fig. :3
Fig. 5
Lower ,_ "_"
Blower 'k_-_ _'_:
Fig. 2
Impeller Door Lock Tab
Fig. 4
Vacuum Tube
Fig. 6
4 in. Bag
Fig. 9
l I A, I WARNING: Operate this unit only in a well-ventilated outdoor area. Carbon monoxide exhaust fumescan be lethal in a confined area.
i I _, I WARNING: Avoid accidental starting. Make sure you are in the starting position when pulling the starter
NOTE: When starting the unit, make sure it is not directed at bystanders or loose debris.
1. Mix gas with oil. Fill the fuel tank with fresh fuel/oil mixture. See Oil and Fuel
NOTE: There is no need to turn the unit on. The On/Off switch is in the ON ( I )
2. Fully press and release the primer bulb 10 times, slowly. Some amount of fuel
3. Move the choke lever to Position 1 (Fig. 11).
NOTE: The unit should be started in idle. Do not squeeze the trigger until step 8 (Fig. 10).
4. Do not squeeze the trigger. Place the unit on a firm, flat surface. Crouch in the
5. Do not squeeze the trigger. Pull the starter rope out until some resistance is felt.
6. Do not squeeze the trigger. Move the choke lever to Position 2 (Fig. 11).
7. Do not squeeze the trigger. Pull the starter rope 3-5 times in a controlled and
8. Squeeze and hold the trigger, or press down the cruise control (Fig. 10), and allow
9. Continue to squeeze the trigger. Move the choke lever to Position 3 (Fig. 11).
10. Continue to squeeze the trigger. Continue warming the engine for an additional
mE..The engine does not start, go back to step 2.
mE..The engine fails to start after 2 attempts, move the choke lever to Position 3,
iF WARM... If the engine is already warm, go back to step 6.
1. Release the trigger or raise the cruise control to idle the engine.
2. Press and hold the On/Off switch in the OFF (O} position until the engine comes to a complete stop (Fig. 10).
NOTE: This Unit Can Use an Electric Start or Power Start Bit TMOptional Accessory!
NOTE: When starting the unit, make sure it is not directed at bystanders or loose debris.
1. Mix gas with oil. Fill the fuel tank with fresh fuel/oil mixture. See Oil and Fuel Mixing Instructions.
NOTE: There is no need to turn the unit on. The On/Off switch is in the ON (I) position at all times (Fig. 10).
2. Fully press and release the primer bulb 10 times, slowly. Some amount of fuel should be visible in the primer bulb
3. Move the choke lever to Position 1 (Fig. 11).
NOTE: The unit should be started in idle. Do not squeeze the trigger until step 10 (Fig. 10).
4. Do not squeeze the trigger. Place the unit on a firm, flat surface. Crouch in the starting position and hold the unit
5. Do not squeeze the trigger. Insert the electric starter or Power Start Bit TMinto the side of the unit (Fig. 22). Refer to the
6. Do not squeeze the trigger. Press and hold the electric starter or drill's ON (I) button for 2 seconds.
7. Do not squeeze the trigger. Move the choke lever to Position 2 (Fig. 11).
8. Do not squeeze the trigger. Press and hold the electric starter or drill's ON (I) button for 2-second intervals until
9. Do not squeeze the trigger. Remove the electric starter or drill from the unit.
10. Squeeze and hold the trigger, or press down the cruise control (Fig. 10), and allow the engine to warm up for 30 to
11. Continue to squeeze the trigger. Move the choke lever to Position 3 (Fig. 11).
12. Continue to squeeze the trigger. Continue warming the engine for an additional 60 seconds. The unit is now
mE..The engine does not start, go back to step 2.
mE..The engine fails to start after 2 attempts, move the choke lever to Position 3 and squeeze the trigger. Press and
iF WARM... If the engine is already warm, go back to step 7.
1. Release the trigger or raise the cruise control to idle the engine.
2. Press and hold the On/Off switch in the OFF (O) position until the engine comes to a complete stop (Fig. 10).
rope (Fig. 12). To avoid serious injury, the operator and unit must be in a stable position while starting.
To avoid serious personal injury, make sure that the blower tube is locked in place.
Cruise / On/Off Switch
Control J Trigger
Mixing Instructions.
position at all times (Fig. 10).
should be visible in the primer bulb (Fig. 11). If fuel cannot be seen in the bulb,
press and release the bulb until fuel is visible.
starting position and hold the unit firmly (Fig. 12).
This is usually around 2-4 inches. Pull the starter rope 5 times in a controlled and
steady motion.
steady motion to start the engine.
the engine to warm up for 30 to 60 seconds.
60 seconds. The unit is now ready for use.
squeeze the trigger, and pull the starter rope 3-8 times in a controlled and steady
motion. The engine should start. If not, repeat. Fig. 12
Please refer to the Electric Starter or Power Start Bit TMoperator's manual for proper use of this feature. (items Sold
Separately! Please refer to page 4 of this manual about purchasing these accessories.)
(Fig. 11). If fuel cannot be seen in the bulb, press and release the bulb until fuel is visible.
firmly (Fig. 12).
Operation section of the electric starter or Power Start BitTMoperator's manual.
the unit starts.
60 seconds.
ready for use.
hold the electric starter or drill ON (I) button for 2-second intervals until the unit starts.
Fig. 10
_ ARNING: To avoid serious personal injury, wear goggles or safety glasses at all times when
L_ I WARNING: To prevent serious personal injury or damage to the unit, make sure the blower tubes, or
Before operating the unit, stand in the operating position. Check for the following:
1. Once the engine has started and warmed up, squeeze the trigger to accelerate
2. For longer periods of operation and to eliminate possible finger fatigue, move the
3. To decrease engine speed, move the cruise control to the SLOW position and the Fig.13
operating this unit. Wear a face mask or dust mask in dusty locations.
vacuum tubes and the vacuum bag, are in place before you operate the unit.
Operator is wearing proper clothing, such as boots, safety glasses or goggles, ear/hearing protection, gloves, long
pants and long sleeve shirt
The unit is in good working condition
The tubes and guards are in place and secure
the unit as needed (Fig. 13).
cruise control toward the FAST position to incrementally increase or maintain the
unit's engine speed (Fig. 13). When the cruise control is pressed, the trigger will
recede into the handle.
trigger will return to idle (Fig. 13).

Assure the unit is not directed at anybody or any loose debris before starting the unit.
Always hold the unit securely when operating. Keep a firm grip on the handle.
To reduce the risk of hearing loss associated with sound level(s), hearing protection is required.
Operate power equipment only at reasonable hours-- not early in the morning or late at night when people might be
disturbed. Comply with times listed in local ordinances. Usual recommendations are 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday
through Saturday.
To reduce noise levels, limit the number of pieces of equipment used at any one time.
To reduce noise levels, operate power blowers at the lowest possible speed to do the job.
Check your equipment before operation, especially the muffler, air intakes and air filters.
Use rakes and brooms to loosen debris before blowing.
In dusty conditions, slightly dampen surfaces when water is available.
Watch out for children, pets, open windows or freshly washed cars, and blow debris safely away.
Clean up after using blowers and other equipment. Dispose of debris appropriately.
_ILL_ I WARNING: After starting the unit, always stand on the left side of |
Use the blower for trees, shrubs, flower beds and hard-to-clean areas. Also use the
unit around buildings, walls, overhangs, fences and screens, and for other normal
cleaning procedures. Conserve water by using power blowers instead of hoses for
many lawn and garden applications, including areas such as gutters, screens, patios,
grills, porches and gardens.
Hold the blower with the right hand. Do not stand on the right side of the blower when operating the unit (Fig. 14). If
you do, you will be blocking the air intake and this will affect the unit's performance. Instead, be sure to stand on the
left side of the unit to maximize the unit's efficiency (Fig. 14).
Sweep from side to side with the nozzle several inches above the ground or floor. Slowly advance the unit, keeping
the accumulated pile of debris in front of you.
Most dry blowing operations are better suited to low speeds, rather than high. High speed blowing is a better way to
move heavier items like large debris or gravel.
_IILL_ ARNING: To avoid serious personal injury, never unzip the
the unit to operate it as shown in figure 14 to keep from blocking the
air intake.
vacuum bag without stopping the unit first.
WARNING: As a vacuum, the unit is designed to pick up dry
material such as leaves, grass, small twigs and bits of paper. To avoid
serious personal injury, do not attempt to vacuum wet debris and/or
standing water as this may result in damage to the blower/vacuum. Fig. 15
To avoid severe damage to the impeller, do not vacuum metal, broken
glass or similar items.
WARNING: Avoid situations that could catch the vacuum bag on
fire. Do not operate near an open flame. Do not vacuum warm ash
from fireplaces, barbecue pits, brush piles, etc. Do not vacuum
discarded cigars or cigarettes unless the cinders are completely cool.
Use the unit for vacuuming up light debris like leaves and paper.
Be sure the vacuum bag is zipped closed before operating the unit. Fig.16
Place the shoulder harness over your head and onto your shoulder. Hold the vacuum with both on hands on the
handle (Fig. 15), tilting the suction tube slightly, and use a sweeping action to collect light debris (Fig. 16). The debris
will flow into the vacuum bag. Things such as small leaves and small twigs will be mulched as they pass through the
fan housing, allowing the vacuum bag to hold more debris.
Emptying the Vacuum Bag
When the bag is full, suction will noticeably decrease. Turn off the unit and allow the impeller to stop before you unzip
the bag.
1. While wearing eye protection and a dust mask, unzip the vacuum bag and empty the contents into a garbage bag
or container.
2. Turn the bag inside out after initial emptying and vigorously shake out dust and debris.
3. Zip close and reinstall the vacuum bag.
NOTE: Empty the bag after each use to avoid deterioration and obstructing air flow, which will reduce the
performance of the vacuum.
Checking the fuel, cleaning the air filter, and adjusting the idle speed should solve most engine problems. If not and all
of the following are true:
the engine will not idle
the engine hesitates or stalls on acceleration
there is a loss of engine power
Have the carburetor adjusted by an authorized service dealer.
Use a replacement part number 753-06193. The correct spark gap is 0.025 in. (0,635 ram}.
1. Stop the engine and allow it to cool.
3. Clean dirt from around the spark plug. Remove the spark plug from the cylinder 0.025in.
head by turning a 5/8 in. socket counterclockwise. Io.6
2. Grasp the plug boot firmly and pull the cap from the spark plug.
_L_ CAUTION: Do not sand blast, scrape, or clean electrodes. Grit in
4. Replace cracked, fouled or dirty spark plug. Set the spark gap at 0.025 in. (0.635 mm) using a feeler gauge (Fig. 21).
5. Install a correctly-gapped spark plug in the cylinder head. Turn the 5/8 in. socket clockwise until snug.
If using a torque wrench, torque to:
110-120 in.olb. {12.3-13.5 N,_m)
Do not over tighten.
6. Reinstall the spark plug boot.
m j_lhbL_ ARNING: To avoid serious personal injury, always turn your unit off and allow it to cool before you
Use a small brush to clean off the outside of the unit. Do not use strong detergents. Household cleaners that contain
aromatic oils such as pine and lemon, and solvents such as kerosene, can damage the plastic housing or handle. Wipe
off any moisture with a soft cloth.
Long Term Storage
1. Remove the fuel cap, tip the unit and drain the fuel into an approved container.
NOTE: Do not use fuel that has been stored for more than 30 days. Dispose of the old fuel/oil mix in accordance with
2. Start the engine and allow it to run until it stalls. This ensures that all fuel has been drained from the carburetor.
3. Allow the engine to cool. Remove the spark plug and put 5 drops of any high quality motor oil or 2-cycle oil into the
NOTE: Remove the spark plug and drain all of the oil from the cylinder before attempting to start the unit after storage.
4. Thoroughly clean the unit and inspect it for any loose or damaged parts. Repair or replace damaged parts and
This unit is designed to be started with an optional electric starter or Power Start Bit TM that are sold separately. If choosing
to start the unit using one of these features or have questions, please contact your local retailer or call 1-800-828-5500 in
the U.S (1-800-668-1238 in Canada) for more information and purchasing. You may also go to www.troybimt.com or
www, troybimt.ca.
the engine could damage the cylinder. ._
clean or do any maintenance on it.
Never store a fueled unit where fumes may reach an open flame or spark.
Allow the engine to cool before storing.
Store the unit locked up to prevent unauthorized use or damage.
Store the unit in a dry, well-ventilated area.
Store the unit out of the reach of children.
federal, state and local regulations.
cylinder. Pull the starter rope slowly to distribute the oil. Reinstall the spark plug.
tighten loose screws, nuts or bolts. The unit is ready for storage.
_L_ ARNING: To prevent serious injury, never perform maintenance or repairs with unit running. Always
Perform these required maintenance procedures at the frequency stated in the table. These procedures should also be
a part of any seasonal tune-up.
NOTE: Some maintenance procedures may require special tools or skills. If you are unsure about these procedures,
NOTE: Maintenance, replacement, or repair of the emission control devices and system may be performed by a Troy-
NOTE: Please read the California/EPA statement that came with the unit for a complete listing of terms and coverage
Before starting the engine Fill the fuel tank with fresh fuel mixture 3. 3
Every 10 hours (every 5 hours
in vacuum mode)
Every 25 hours Check the spark plug condition and gap 3.4
_I_L_ ARNING: To avoid serious personal injury, always turn your
_ WARNING: Wear gloves to prevent injury when handling unit.
Cleaning the Air Filter
Failure to maintain your air filter properly can result in poor performance or can cause
permanent damage to your engine.
1. To open the air filter cover, push the locking tab on the right side of the cover
2. Remove the air filter (Fig. 18).
3. Wash the filter in detergent and water. Rinse the filter thoroughly and allow it to dry.
4. Apply enough clean SAE 30 motor oil to lightly coat the filter.
5. Squeeze the filter to spread and remove excess oil.
6. Replace the filter (Fig. 18).
NOTE: If the unit is operated without the air filter, you will VOID the warranty.
7. To reinstall the air filter cover, position the hooks on the left side of the air filter
8. Swing the cover to the right and press closed so the air filter cover tab snaps into
service and repair a cool unit. Disconnect the spark plug wire to ensure that the unit cannot start.
take your unit to a Troy-Bilt or other qualified service dealer.
Bilt or other qualified service dealer.
for the emissions control devices, such as the spark arrestor, muffler, carburetor, etc.
Clean and re-oil the air filter 3.4
Air FHter Cover Locking Tab
trimmer off and allow it to cool before you clean or service it.
inward and pull the air filter cover slightly out and to the left (Fig. 17).
Back PJate Air FJJter
cover into the slots at the left side of the back plate (Fig. 18).
the slot on the back plate (Fig. 19).
Air FiJter Cover Locking Tab
Smots Smot
Fig. 18
Fig. 22
The primer bulb was not pressed enough
The fuel is old (over 30 days) and!or improperly mixed
Press the primer bulb fully and slowly 10 times
Drain the fuel tank and add fresh, properly mixed fuel
The fuel is old (over 30 days) and!or improperly mixed Drain the fuel tank and add fresh, properly mixed fuel
:to ,
The air filter is plugged Clean or replace the air filter
The air filter is plugged Clean or replace the air filter
NOTE: For repairs beyond the minor adjustments listed above, locate your nearest authorized service center by calling
the Customer Support Department at 1-800-828-5500 (U.S.) or 1-800-668-1238 (Canada).
adjustment. Wear protective clothing and observe all safety
instructions to prevent serious personal injury.
Also, DO NOT set unit on any surface except a clean, hard area while
L_ ARNING: This unit will need to be running during idle speed
The idle speed of the engine is adjustable. An idle adjustment screw is between the
air filter cover and the engine starter housing (Fig. 20).
NOTE: Careless adjustments can seriously damage your unit. An authorized service
If, after checking the fuel and cleaning the air filter, the engine still will not idle, adjust
the idle speed screw as follows:
1. Start the engine and let it run at a high idle for a minute to warm up. Refer to
starting or performing any adjustments. Debris, such as gravel, sand,
dust, grass, etc., could be thrown by the blower tube and damage
property or cause serious injury to bystanders or operator.
dealer should make carburetor adjustments.
Starting/Stopping Instructions.
Release the throttle trigger and let the engine idle. If the engine stops, insert a small Phillips in between the air filter
cover and the engine cover (Fig. 20). Turn the idle speed screw in, clockwise, 1/8 of a turn at a time (as needed)
until the engine idles smoothly.
Fig. 19
Fig. 20
Engine Type ..................................................................... Air-Cooled, 2-Cycle
Displacement ............................................................................... 27 cc
Idle Speed RPM ................................................................... 3,200-4,400 rpm
Operating RPM ................................................................... 7,000 - 8,000 rpm
Blower Velocity .............................................................. up to 150 mph (240 kmh)
Blower Air Output ........................................................... up to 450 cfm (12.7 cmm)
Mulching Ratio .......................................................................... up to 10:1
Spark Plug Gap ................................................................. 0.025 in. (0.635 mm)
Lubrication ......................................................................... Fuel/Oil Mixture
Fuel/Oil Ratio ................................................................................ 40:1
Fuel Tank Capacity ................................................................... 14 oz. (414 ml)
Vacuum Bag Capacity ................................................................. 1 bushel (35 I)
Approximate Weight (no fuel) .......................................................... 12 Ibs. (5.44 kg)
All specifications are based on the latest product information available at the time of printing. We reserve the right
to make changes at any time without notice.

i 'munmmmBw ,_, mmmmmmmwJ" _ __
Souffleur / aspirateur
main 2 temps compatible
d_marrage _lectrique
RetirerI'appareil du carton
Retirez tousles &l&ments du
Assembler Fappareil
Assembler I'appareil
Ins@ez le tube de
soufflage sup@ieur dans la
sortie du souffleur et
tournez-le vers la droite
jusqu'& ce qu'il soit
parfaitement en place.
D_marrer I'appareil
f Pc,re E]
Installez le tube de soufflage
inf@ieur dans le tube de
soufflage sup@ieur et
tournez-le vers la droite
jusqu'b, ce qu'il soit
parfaitement en place.
fLevier d'_trangl.... 'El
E] Outils requis :
I Gallon 3.2oz R&gulateur deviteese
IVI ' Bougie
&langez soigneusement dans un f_j_/
autre bidon • _ ,
- 0,95 dl (3,2 oz) d'hude pour eup_rieur . ////"b_'_
- 3,8 I (1 gal) d'essence sans _ _i'Z_ ,S/
REMARQUE : ne faites pas le _" //
• . Tubede soufflage i_',b,"_%.,_
moteur 2 temps _ //S S) y
plomb _//y ///
m@lange directement dans le ,,_// C ...... le du pot /
r6servoir de carburant. /_:_'_Z/I d'_chappement
• Toumevis & t_te plate
Commande marche/arr_t _._
Tubeid_rS.OUff,age /_'_ . _'__
Couvercle du
Cordon de
filtre a air
) i
Placez I'appareil sur une
surface plane. Remplissez le
r&servoir de carburant.
D_marrer l'appareil
) 1
Placez-vous en position de
D_marrer l'appareil
Pressez la poire
d'amorqage 10 fois ou
jusqu'& ce que le carburant
soit visible•
NE pressez pas la g&chette. Ne pressez pas la
Mettez le levier
d'6tranglement en position 1.
g_chette. Tirez 5 fois sur le
] E]
Tube aepirateur inf_rieur de carburant
Ne pressez pas la g_chette.
Mettez le levier
d'&tranglement en Position 2.
Besoin d'aide ?
Appelez ie 1-800-828-5500
Tube aepirateur eup_rieur
Bouchon de r_servoir
Anneau de eerrage
. Tirette
Ne pressez pas la
g_chette. Tirez sur le
cordon 3 _ 5 fois de suite
pour d&marrer le moteur.
) J
Pressez la g&chette ou
enfoncez le r6gulateur de
vitesse, et laissez le moteur
se r6chauffer pendant 30 &
60 secondes.
Continuez de presser la
g_chette. Mettez le levier
d'&tranglement en Position
3. Laissez le moteur se
r6chauffer pendant encore
60 secondes. L'appareil
peut _tre utilis6 pendant ce
R6p6tez les instructions de d_marrage.
Sl le moteur ne d_marre pas apres 2 tentatives, placez
le levier d'_tranglement en position 3 et tirez le cordon
de d#marrage jusqu'a ce que le moteur d#marre
S! le moteur ne d_marre toujours pas, consultez le
manuel de I'utilisateur pour plus d'informations sur le
d#marrage et le d#pannage
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