_w _mlw _ m
O erator's Manual
Electric Start Capable
4-Cycle Gas Trimmer
Service Information ............................................ 1
Rules for Safe Operation ....................................... 2
Know Your Unit ............................................... 4
Assembly Instructions ......................................... 4
Oil and Fuel Information ........................................ 5
Starting and Stopping Instructions ................................ 6
Operating Instructions ......................................... 7
Maintenance and Repair Instructions .............................. 8
Cleaning and Storage ......................................... 10
Optional Accessory .......................................... 10
Troubleshooting Chart ........................................ 10
Specifications ............................................... 10
Warranty Information ......................................... 32
For assistance regarding the assembly, controls, operation or maintenance of
the unit, please call the Customer Support Department at 1-800-828-5500 in
the United States or 1-800-668-1238 in Canada. Additional information about
the unit can be found on our website at www.troybilt.corn or www.troybiit.ca.
For service, please call the Customer Support Department to obtain a list of
authorized service dealers near you. Service on this unit, both within and after
the warranty period, should only be performed by an authorized and approved
service dealer. When servicing, use only identical replacement parts.
All information, illustrations, and specifications in this manual are based on
the latest product information available at the time of printing. We reserve
the right to make changes at any time without notice.
Copyright@ 2011 MTD SOUTHWEST INC, All Rights Reserved.
769=05313A P00 08/11

NOTE: For users on U.S. Forest Land and in the states of California, Maine,
Oregon and Washington. All U.S. Forest Land and the state of California
(Public Resources Codes 4442 and 4443), Oregon and Washington require, by
law that certain internal combustion engines operated on forest brush and/or
grass-covered areas be equipped with a spark arrestor, maintained in effective
working order, or the engine be constructed, equipped and maintained for the
prevention of fire. Check with your state or local authorities for regulations
pertaining to these requirements. Failure to follow these requirements could
subject you to liability or a fine. This unit is factory equipped with a spark
arrestor. If it requires replacement, ask your LOCAL SERVICE DEALER to
install the Accessory Part #753=05297 Spark Arrestor.
Read the Operator's Manual and follow all warnings and safety
instructions. Failure to do so can result in serious injury to the operator
and/or bystanders.
FOR QUESTIONS, CALL 1=800=828=5500 IN U.S. OR 1=800=668=1238 in
The purpose of safety symbols is to attract your attention to possible
dangers. The safety symbols, and their explanations, deserve your careful
attention and understanding. The safety warnings do not by themselves
eliminate any danger. The instructions or warnings they give are not
substitutes for proper accident prevention measures.
SAFETY ALERT: Indicates danger, warning or caution.
Attention is required in order to avoid serious personal injury. May
be used in conjunction with other symbols or pictographs.
DANGER: Failure to obey a safety warning will result in serious
injury to yourself or to others. Always follow the safety precautions
to reduce the risk of fire, electric shock and personal injury.
WARNING: Failure to obey a safety warning can result in injury
to yourself and others. Always follow the safety precautions to
reduce the risk of fire, electric shock and personal injury.
CAUTION: Failure to obey a safety warning may result in
property damage or personal injury to yourself or to others.
Always follow the safety precautions to reduce the risk of fire,
electric shock and personal injury.
NOTE: Advises you of information or instructions vital to the operation or
maintenance of the equipment.
WARNING: Engine exhaust, some of its constituents and
certain finished components contain or emit chemicals known to
the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other
reproductive harm. Wash hands after handling.
rules. Please read these instructions before operating the unit in
L_ ARNING: When using the unit, you must follow the safety
• Read the instructions carefully. Be familiar with the controls and proper
order to ensure the safety of the operator and any bystanders.
Please keep these instructions for later use.
use of the unit.
Do not operate this unit when tired, ill, or under the influence of alcohol,
drugs, or medication.
Children and teens under the age of 15 must not use the unit, except for
teens guided by an adult.
All guards and safety attachments must be installed properly before
operating the unit.
Inspect the unit before use. Replace damaged parts. Check for fuel leaks.
Make sure all fasteners are in place and secure. Replace parts that are
cracked, chipped, or damaged in any way. Do not operate the unit with
loose or damaged parts.
Carefully inspect the area before starting the unit. Remove all debris and
hard or sharp objects such as glass, wire, etc.
Be aware of the risk of injury to the head, hands and feet.
Clear the area of children, bystanders, and pets. At a minimum, keep all
children, bystanders, and pets outside a 50 feet (15 m.) radius; there still
may be a risk to bystanders from thrown objects. Bystanders should be
encouraged to wear eye protection. If you are approached, stop the unit
Use only 0.095 inch, 2.41 mm diameter original equipment manufacturer
replacement line. Never use metal-reinforced line, wire or rope. These can
break off and become dangerous projectiles.
Squeeze the throttle control and check that it returns automatically to the
idle position. Make all adjustments or repairs before using unit.
i ]_[_ ARNING: Gasoline is highly flammable, and its vapors can
explode if ignited. Take the following precautions:
Store fuel only in containers specifically designed and approved for the
storage of such materials.
Always stop the engine and allow it to cool before filling the fuel tank.
Never remove the fuel tank cap or add fuel when the engine is hot. Always
loosen the fuel tank cap slowly to relieve any pressure in the tank before
fueling. Do not smoke.
Always add fuel in a clean, well-ventilated outdoor area where there are
no sparks or flames. Do not smoke.
Never operate the unit without the fuel cap securely in place.
Avoid creating a source of ignition for spilled fuel. Wipe up any spilled fuel
from the unit immediately before starting the engine. Move the unit at
least 30 feet (9.1 m) from the fueling source and site before starting the
engine. Do not smoke.
Never start or run the unit inside a closed room or building. Breathing exhaust
fumes can kill. Only operate this unit in a well-ventilated outdoor area.
Wear safety glasses or goggles that meet ANSI Z87.1 standards and are
marked as such. Wear ear/hearing protection when operating this unit.
Wear a face or dust mask if the operation is dusty.
Wear heavy long pants, boots, gloves and a long sleeve shirt. Do not wear
loose clothing, jewelry, short pants, sandals or go barefoot. Secure hair
above shoulder level.
The cutting attachment shield must always be in place while operating the
unit as a trimmer. Do not operate unit without both trimming lines
extended, and the proper line installed. Do not extend the trimming line
beyond the length of the shield.
This unit has a clutch. The cutting attachment remains stationary when
the engine is idling. If it does not, have the unit adjusted by an authorized
service technician.
Adjust the handle to your size in order to provide the best grip.
Be sure the cutting attachment is not in contact with anything before
starting the unit.
Use the unit only in daylight or good artificial light.
Avoid accidental starting. Be in the starting position whenever pulling the
starter rope. The operator and unit must be in a stable position while
starting. Refer to Starting and Stopping Instructions.
Use the right tool. Only use this tool for its intended purpose.
Do not overreach. Always keep proper footing and balance.

• Keephands,face,andfeetatadistancefromallmovingparts.Donot
• Donotoperatetheenginefasterthanthespeedneededtocut,trimor
', Use only original equipment manufacturer replacement parts and
accessories for this unit. These are avadable from your authorized serwce
dealer. Use of any unauthorized parts or accessories could lead to serious
injury to the user, or damage to the unit, and void your warranty.
,, Keep unit clean of vegetation and other materials. They may become
lodged between the cuttnqg attachment and shield.
,, To reduce hre hazard, replace a faulty muffler and spark arrestor. Keep the
engine and muffler free from grass, leaves, excesswe grease or carbon
build up.
,, Never store a fueled unit inside a bulldung where fumes may reach an
open flame or spark.
,, Allow the engine to cool before stonng or transporting. Be sure to secure
the unit while transporting.
,, Store the unit in a dry area, locked up or up high to prevent LmaL4thonzed
use or damage, out of the reach of children.
,, Never douse or squirt the unit wuth water or any other hquld. Keep handles
dry, clean and free from debris. Clean after each use, see Cleaning and
Storage instructions.
,, Keep these instruchons. Refer to them often and use them to instruct other
users. If you loan someone this unit, also loan them these instructions.
This operator's manual describes safety and international symbols and
plctographs that may appear on this product. Read the operator's manual for
complete safety, assembly, operating, maintenance, and repair information.
/ _->!
Indicates danger, warnung or cauhon. May be used un
conjunchon with other symboHs or puctographs.
WARNING: Read the operator's manual(s) and foHHowaH
warnings and safety mstructuons. Failure to do so can resuHt
unsenous unjury to the operator and/or bystanders.
WARNING: Thrown objects and loud noise can cause
severe eye injury and hearing loss. Wear eye protection
meeting ANSI Z87.1-1989 standards and ear protection
when operating this unit. Use a full face shueid when needed.
Always use cHean,fresh unleaded fueH
Refer to operator's manual for the proper type of oil.
WARNING: It has been proven that fuel contalnung greater
than 10% ethanol will likely damage ths engine and void the
1. * FULL choke posltuon
2. • PARTIAL choke posuhon
3. ,, RUN choke posltuon
WARNING: Small objects can be propertied at high speed,
causng unjury. Keep away from the rotating rotor.
WARNING: Keep aHHbystanders, especially cMdren and
pets, at least 50 feet (15 m) from the operahng area.
Do not touch a hot muffler or cyhnder. You may get burned.
These parts get extremely hot from operatuon. When turned
off they remaun hot for a short tume.
WARNING: Sharp blade on cutting attachment shueHd.To
prevent senous unjury,do not touch the hne cutting blade.

As a trimmer: Oil Fill Plug
" Cutting grass and light weeds.
• Edging
= Decorative trimming around trees, fences, etc.
Other optional accessories may be used. Spark
= #2 Phillips screwdriver
= 3/8" Socket
Line Cutting
D-Handle Shaft
On/Off Stop
A_, IWARNING: To prevent serious personal injury, never operate
the tr mmer w thout the cutt ng attachment she d n p ace. |
Use the following instructions if the cutting
attachment shield on your unit is not installed.
Use only the instructions that apply to the type of
shaft and shield that your unit is equipped with.
Cutting Guard
Head Shield Mount
1. Place the cutting head shield onto the guard
mount bracket, making sure to align the
holes on the shield with the holes in the
guard mount bracket. (Fig. 1)
2. Take the 2 shield screws and screw each
one into the shield until finger tight.
3. Using an appropriate screw driver, tighten
the screws until the shield is firmly in place.
Make sure the screws are tightened equally
so there is a balanced gap between the
bracket and the shield on each side.
6in. _'_%_k/'_J2Y
(15.24 cm) "t_.'_1_ _
Minimum _
1. Loosen the bolt on the handle just enough
to move it (Fig. 2).
While holding the unit in the operating position (Fig. 13), move the D-
handle to the location that provides the best grip.
Tighten the bolt until the D-handle is secure. (Fig. 2)
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Screw (2)
3uttiag Head
Cutting Head Shield Air Filter

SERIOUS PERSONAL INJURY. Check and maintain the proper oil WARNING: Remove fuel cap slowly to avoid injury from fuel
level in the crank case; it is important and cannot be spray. Never operate the unit without the fuel cap securely in place.
overemphasized. Check the oil before each use and change it as
needed. See Changing the Oil.
Using the proper type and weight of oil
'--'" in the crankcase is extremely important.
Check the oil before each use and change the
oil regularly. Failure to use the correct oil, or
using dirty oil, can cause premature engine
wear and failure.
Use a high-quality SAE 30 weight oil of API
(American Petroleum Institute) service class SF,
Fig. 3
NOTE: This unit is shipped without oil. In order to
avoid damage to the unit, put oil in the
crankcase before you attempt to start the unit.
Your unit is supplied with one 3.04 fluid oz. (90
ml) bottle of SAE 30 SF, SG, SH oil (Fig. 3).
NOTE: Save the bottle of oil. It can be used to
measure the correct amount during future oil
changes. See Changing the Oil.
Oil Fill Plug
Fig. 4
1. Unscrew the top of the bottle of oil and
remove the paper seal covering the
opening. Replace the top. Next, cut the tip
off the funnel spout (Fig. 3).
2. Tip unit so that the back of the engine is
facing up in a vertical position.
3. Remove the oil fill plug from the crankcase
(Fig. 5).
Oil Fill Hole -
Fig. 5
4. Pour the entire bottle of oil into the oil fill hole (Fig. 4).
NOTE: Never add oil to the fuel or fuel tank.
5. Wipe up any oil that may have spilled and reinstall the oil fill plug.
Check oil before each use and change as needed. Refer to Checking the Oil Level.
1. Remove the fuel cap (Fig. 6).
2. Place the gas container's spout into the fill
Gas Can Spout
hole on the fuel tank (Fig. 6) and fill the tank.
NOTE: Do not overfill the tank.
3. Wipe up any gasoline that may have spilled.
4. Reinstall the fuel cap.
5. Move the unit at least 30 ft. (9.1 m) from the FuelTank FuelCap
fueling source and site before starting the Fig.6
NOTE: Dispose of the old gasoline in accordance with federal, state and
local regulations.
It has been proven that fuel containing greater than 10% ethanol
will likely damage this engine and void the warranty.
Old fuel is the primary reason for improper unit performance. Be sure to use
fresh, clean, unleaded gasoline.
NOTE: This is a four cycle engine. In order to avoid damage to the unit, do
not mix oil with gasoline.
Definition of Blended Fuels
Today's fuels are often a blend of gasoline and oxygenates such as ethanol,
methanol or MTBE (ether). Alcohol-blended fuel absorbs water. As little as 1%
water in the fuel can make fuel and oil separate or form acids when stored.
Use fresh fuel (less than 30 days old), when using alcohol-blended fuel.
Using Blended Fuels
If you choose to use a blended fuel, or its use is unavoidable, follow
recommended precautions:
• Always use fresh unleaded gasoline
• Use the fuel additive STA-BIL® or an equivalent
Drain tank and run the engine dry before storing unit
Using Fuel Additives
up any spilled fuel immediately. Avoid creating a source of ignition for
WARNING: Add fuel in a clean, well ventilated outdoor area. Wipe
spilt fuel. Do not start the engine until fuel vapors dissipate.
may explode. Always stop the engine and allow it to cool before
WARNING: Gasoline is extremely flammable. Ignited vapors
filling the fuel tank. Do not smoke while filling the tank. Keep
sparks and open flames at a distance from the area.
The use of fuel additives, such as STA-BIL® Gas Stabilizer or an equivalent,
will inhibit corrosion and minimize the formation of gum deposits. Using a
fuel additive can keep fuel from forming harmful deposits in the carburetor
for up to six (6) months. Add 0.8 oz. (23 ml) of fuel additive per gallon of fuel
according to the instructions on the container. NEVER add fuel additives
directly to the unit's gas tank.

WARNING: Operate this unit only in a well-ventilated outdoor area.
Carbon monoxide exhaust fumes can be lethal in a confined area.
WARNING: Avoid accidental starting. Make sure you are in the
starting position when pulling the starter rope (Fig. 9). To avoid
serious injury, the operator and unit must be in a stable position
while starting. Make sure that any Add-On item is installed
correctly and secure before starting the unit.
1. Check the oil level in the crankcase. Refer to
Checking the Oil Level.
2. Fill the fuel tank with fresh, clean unleaded
gasoline. Refer to Fueling the Unit.
NOTE: There is no need to turn the unit on. The Throttle
On/Off Stop Control is in the ON ( I) position control
at all times (Fig. 7). Fig.7
3. Fully press and release the primer bulb 10
times, slowly. Some amount of fuel should Choke Lever Primer Bulb
be visible in the primer bulb (Fig. 8). If fuel
cannot be seen in the bulb, press and
release the bulb until fuel is visible.
4. Move the choke lever to Position 1 (Fig. 8).
5. Crouch in the starting position (Fig. 9).
SQUEEZE and HOLD the throttle control
for ALL further steps. Pull the starter rope Fig.8
5 times.
6. Continue to squeeze the throttle control. _ starting
Move the choke lever to Position 2 (Fig. 8). starter
Pull the starter rope 3=5 times to start the
8. Continue to squeeze the throttle control. Throttle._1_) _-_
Allow the engine to warm up for 30-60 control /_
seconds. Fig, 9
9. Continue to squeeze the throttle control.
Move the choke lever to Position 3 (Fig. 8).
10. Continue to squeeze the throttle control Run the unit for an additional 60
seconds to complete the warm-up. The unit may be used during this step.
NOTE: The unit is properly warmed up when the engine accelerates without
iF... the engine hesitates, return the choke lever to Position 2 and continue
the warm-up.
iF... the engine does not start, go back to step 3.
iF... the engine fails to start after a few attempts, move the choke lever to
Position 3 and squeeze the throttle control. Pull the starter rope 3=8
times. The engine should start. If not, repeat.
iF THE ENGINE iS HOT... Move the choke lever to Position 2, press the
primer bulb 10 times, squeeze the throttle control and pull the starter
rope until the unit starts. Run the unit for 2-5 minutes. The unit may be
used during this time. Then move the choke lever to Position 3.
1. Release your hand from the throttle control. Allow the engine to cool
down by idling.
2. Press and hold the On/Off Stop Control switch in the OFF (O) position
until the unit comes to a complete stop (Fig. 7).
NOTE: This Unit Can Use an Electric Start or Power Start Bit TM Optional
Please refer to the Electric Starter or Power Start Bit operator's manual for
proper use of this feature. (Items Sold Separately! Please refer to page
10 of this manual about purchasing these accessories.)
1. Check the oil level in the crankcase. Refer to Checking the Oil Level.
2. Fill the fuel tank with fresh, clean unleaded gasoline. Refer to Fueling the
NOTE: There is no need to turn the unit on. The On/Off Stop Control is in the
ON (I) position at all times (Fig. 7).
3. Fully press and release the primer bulb 10 times, slowly. Some amount
of fuel should be visible in the primer bulb (Fig. 8). If fuel cannot be seen
in the bulb, press and release the bulb until fuel is visible.
4. Move the choke lever to Position 1 (Fig. 8).
5. Crouch in the starting position (Fig. 9). Place the electric starter or Power
Start BitTM into the back of the unit (Fig. 37). Refer to the Operation
section of the Electric Starter or Power Start Bit TM operator's manual.
6. SQUEEZE and HOLD the throttle control for ALL further steps. Press
and hold the electric starter or drill ON (I) button for 2 seconds.
7. Continue to squeeze the throttle control. Move the choke lever to
Position 2 (Fig. 8).
8. Continue to squeeze the throttle control. Press and hold the electric
starter or drill ON (I)button for 2-second intervals until the unit starts.
9. Continue to squeeze the throtUe control. Remove the electric starter
or drill from the unit.
10. Continue to squeeze the throtUe control. Allow the engine to warm up
for 30-60 seconds.
11. Continue to squeeze the throtUe control. Move the choke lever to
Position 3 (Fig. 8).
12. Continue to squeeze the throtUe control Run the unit for an additional 60
seconds to complete the warm-up. The unit may be used during this step.
NOTE: The unit is properly warmed up when the engine accelerates without
IF... the engine hesitates, return the choke lever to Position 2 and continue
the warm-up.
IF... the engine does not start, go back to step 3.
IF... the engine fails to start after a few attempts, move the choke lever to
Position 3 and squeeze the throttle control. Press and hold the electric
starter or drill ON (I)button for 2-second intervals until the unit starts.
IF THE ENGINE IS HOT... Move the choke lever to Position 2, press the
primer bulb 10 times, squeeze the throttle control, and press and hold
the electric starter or drill ON (I) button for 2-second intervals until the
unit starts. Run the unit for 2-5 minutes. The unit may be used during
this time. Then move the choke lever to Position 3.
1. Release your hand from the throttle control. Allow the engine to cool
down by idling.
2. Press and hold the On/Off Stop Control switch in the OFF (O) position
until the unit comes to a complete stop (Fig. 7).

_[___[ WARNING: Before you begin using any attachment, read and
The EZ-LinW Msystem enables the use of these optional Add-Ons:
Trimmer ................................................. AF720
Hedge Trimmer .......................................... AH720
Brushcutter ............................................. BC720"
Cultivator ............................................... GC720
Edger ................................................... LE720
Pole Saw ............................................... PS720
Straight Shaft Trimmer ..................................... SS725
Turbo Blower ............................................ TB720
*Do NOT use this attachment with an electric powered unit.
Removing the Cutting Attachment or Add=On
1. Turn the knob counterclockwise to loosen
2. Press and hold the release button (Fig. 10).
3. While firmly holding the upper shaft housing,
Installing the Cutting Attachment or Add=On °-f___ -_
_ CAUT'ON: Add-°ns are to be 1 upP_ssnh_ftF,g 11 LoNv_ersShgaft
NOTE: Place the unit on the ground or on a
1. Turn knob counterclockwise to loosen (Fig. 12).
2. While firmly holding the add-on, push it
NOTE: Aligning the release button with the
3. Turn the knob clockwise to tighten (Fig. 12).
_ CAUTION: Lock the release button in the primary hole and |
For edging (when using the line head cutting attachment with EZ-Link TM
models), lock the release button of the cutting attachment into the 90 °
edging hole (Fig. 12).
understand the manual that came with the attachment. Follow all
safety information contained within.
WARNING: Toavoid serious
personal injury and damage to the
unit, shut the unit off before
removing or installing add-ons.
(Fig. 12).
pull the cutting attachment or add-on straight PrimaryHole
out of the EZ-Link TM coupler (Fig. 11). \
used in the primary hole only. Using
the wrong hole could lead to personal . •
injury or damage to the unit.
work bench to make add-on installation or
removal easier.
straight into the EZ-Link TM coupler (Fig. 11).
guide recess will help installation (Fig. 10).
securely tighten the knob before operating this unit.
EZ-Link TM Release
Coupler Button
90° Edging Hole
(Trimmer Only)
Guide Recess
Fig, 10
Fig. 12
_ ARNING: Do not remove or alter the line cutting blade
The Bump Head TM cutting attachment allows
you to release trimming line without stopping
the engine. To release more line, lightly tap the
cutting attachment on the ground (Fig. 14) while
operating the trimmer at high speed.
NOTE: Always keep the trimming line fully
Each time the head is bumped, about 1 inch
(25.4 mm) of trimming line is released. A blade in the cutting attachment
shield will cut the line to the proper length if excess line is released.
For best results, tap the Bump Head TM on bare ground or hard soil. If line
release is attempted in tall grass, the engine may stall. Always keep the
trimming line fully extended. Line release becomes more difficult as the
cutting line becomes shorter.
NOTE: Do not rest the Bump Head TM on the ground while the unit is running.
Some line breakage will occur from:
• Entanglement with foreign matter
• Normal line fatigue
For example, the line will wear faster when trimming against a foundation
wall as opposed to trimming around a tree.
Decorative trimming is accomplished by
removing all vegetation around trees, posts,
fences and more.
Rotate the whole unit so that the cutting
attachment is at a 30 ° angle to the ground (Fig. 15). _ 30°
assembly. Excessive line length will make the clutch overheat. This
may lead to serious personal injury or damage to the unit.
extended. Line release becomes more
difficult as the cutting line becomes shorter.
Attempting to cut thick, stalky weeds
Forcing the line into objects such as walls or fence posts
For best trimming results, operate unit at full throttle.
Keep the cutting attachment parallel to the ground.
Do not force the cutting attachment. Allow the tip of the line to do the
cutting, especially along walls. Cutting with more than the tip will reduce
cutting efficiency and may overload the engine.
Cut grass over 8 inches (200 mm) by working from top to bottom in small
increments to avoid premature line wear or engine drag.
Cutting from right to left improves the unit's cutting efficiency. Clippings
are thrown away from the operator.
Slowly move the trimmer into and out of the cutting area at the desired
height. Move either in a forward-backward or side-to-side motion. Cutting
shorter lengths produces the best results.
Trim only when grass and weeds are dry.
The life of your cutting line is dependent upon proper adherence of
explained trimming techniques, what vegetation is cut, and where
vegetation is cut.
Fig. 14
Fig. 15
_ ARNING: Always wear eye, hearing, foot and body protection
Before operating the unit, stand in the operating position (Fig. 13). Check for
the following:
• The operator's left arm is straight, the left
• The unit is at waist level
to reduce the risk of injury when operating this unit.
The operator is wearing eye protection and proper clothing
With a slightly-bent right arm, the operator's
right hand is holding the shaft grip
hand holding the assist handle
The cutting attachment is parallel to the
ground and easily contacts the grass without
the need to bend over
Fig. 13

WARNING: To prevent serious injury, never perform
maintenance or repairs with unit running. Always service and
repair a cool unit. Disconnect the spark plug wire to ensure that
the unit cannot start.
Perform these required maintenance procedures at the frequency stated in
the table. These procedures should also be a part of any seasonal tune-up.
NOTE: Some maintenance procedures may require special tools or skills. If
you are unsure about these procedures take your unit to any non-road
engine repair establishment, individual or authorized service dealer.
NOTE: Maintenance, replacement, or repair of the emission control devices
and system may be performed by any non-road engine repair
establishment, individual or authorized service dealer.
NOTE: Please read the California/EPA statement that came with the unit for
a complete listing of terms and coverage for the emissions control
devices, such as the spark arrestor, muffler, carburetor, etc.
Every 10 hours Clean and oil air filter p. 9
After 1st 10 hours Change oil p. 8
Change oil p. 8
Every 25 hours Check rocker arm to valve clearance and adjust p. 9
Check spark plug condition and gap p. 9
Always use original equipment manufacturer
0.095 in. (2.41 mm) replacement line. Other types
of line may make the engine overheat or fail.
NOTE: There may be a need to remove the old
line prior to installing new line. If so, please
refer to Removing the old line or obstructions.
NOTE: Line installation DOES NOT require
Arrow Cutting Head Knob
removal or disassembly of the cutting head.
1. Align the arrows on the cutting head knob
with the outer spool eyelets, if they are not
already. (Fig. 16)
2. Using 10.5 ft. (3.2 m) of 0.095 in. (2.41 mm)
replacement line push an end of the line
through one of the eyelets until it protrudes
through the opposite side. Continue pushing
or pulling the line until the line is evenly
distributed, so approximately 5 ft. (1.5 m) is
visible from both sides of the cutting head.
(Fig. 17)
3. Hold the cutting head knob and turn the
cutting head counterclockwise to wind the
line around the spool until 5 in. (12.7 cm)is
protruding from each side of the cutting
head. (Fig. 18)
NOTE: If winding the line from a large spool of
line, cut the line from the spool so that it
measures 5" from the eyelet.
4. Start the unit and bump the cutting head on
the ground until the desired cutting length is
NOTE: There should only be a need to remove
the bump cap if the old line gets jammed or
an obstruction preventing the new line from
being installed properly.
1. Firmly press in on the tabs that are on each
side of the cutting head. (Fig. 19)
NOTE: It may be easier to press in and then up
on one tab at a time.
Remove the cap either by letting it pop off Reel ____rm" Spring
or a slight wiggle of the cap may be required
and pull it off the outer spool (Fig. 20). spool
Remove any old line from the inner reel or .JL
obstructions from the outer spool. (Fig. 21) Fig.20
Place the inner reel back into the outer spool (Fig. 20).
Replace the bump cap by aligning the tabs of the bump cap with the tab
lock windows of the outer spool and press down firmly until both tabs
snap back into place. (Fig. 22)
To install new line, please refer to the Line Installation section.
Align Eyelet
Fig. 16
Fig. 17
Fig. 18
Fig. 19
T up
Fig. 21 Fig. 22
engine wear and damage to the
unit, always maintain the proper oil
_I_L_I_[ WARNING: To preventextensive
The importance of checking and maintaining the
level in the crankcase. Never
operate the unit with a low oil level.
Fig. 23
proper oil level in the crankcase cannot be
overemphasized. Check oil before each use:
1. Stop the engine and allow oil to drain into
the crankcase.
2. Place the engine on a flat, level surface with
the cutting head shield hanging off a work
bench or table to get a proper oil level
Max Oil Fill Line
reading (Fig. 23).
3. Keep dirt, grass clippings and other debris
Fig. 24
out of the engine. Clean the area around the
dipstick before removing it.
Oil Fill Plug,
4. Remove the oil fill plug.
5. Look into the oil fill hole, use a flashlight if
needed. The oil should be just touching the
inner most thread (Fig. 24).
6. If the oil level is not touching the inner most
thread on the oil fill hole, add a small
amount of oil to the oil fill hole and recheck
(Fig. 24). Repeat this procedure until the oil
level reaches the inner most thread on the
Oil Fill Hole
Fig. 25
oil fill hole.
NOTE: Do not overfill the unit.
NOTE: Make sure the O-ring is in place on the
oil fill plug when checking and changing the
oil (Fig. 25).
Fig. 26
injury when handling the unit.
ic,o,,o°; 0,ovesto ve tl
Change the oil while the engine is still warm. The
oil will flow freely and carry away more impurities.
1. Unplug spark plug boot to prevent
accidental starting.
2. Remove the oil fill plug.
3. Pour the oil out of the oil fill hole and into a
container by tipping the unit to a vertical
Fig. 27
position (Fig. 26). Allow ample time for
complete drainage.
4. Wipe up any oil residue on the unit and
clean up any oil that may have spilled.
Dispose of the oil according to federal, state
and local regulations.
5. Refill the crankcase with 3.04 fluid ounce
(90 ml) of SAE 30 SF, SG, SH oil (Fig. 27).
NOTE: Use the bottle and spout saved from
Fig. 28
initial use to measure the correct amount of oil. The top of the label on
the bottle measures approximately 3.04 ounces (90 ml) (Fig. 28). Check
the level, See Checking the Oil Level. Ifthe level is low, add a small
amount of oil and recheck. Do not overfill (Fig. 24).
Replace the oil fill plug.
Reconnect the spark plug boot.

____ Air Filter
WARNING: Toavoid serious
personal injury, always turn the unit
off and allow it to cool before you
clean or service it.
Cleaning the Air Filter
Failure to maintain your air filter properly can
result in poor performance or can cause
permanent damage to your engine. Back
1. Open the air filter cover. Push the tab on the _,_
under side of the cover inward. Then pull
the air filter cover out and up. (Fig. 29).
2. Remove the air filter (Fig. 30). Air
3. Wash the filter in detergent and water. Rinse Filter Locking
the filter thoroughly and allow it to dry. Tab
4. Apply enough clean SAE 30 motor oil to F_g.30
lightly coat the filteE
5. Squeeze the filter to spread and remove excess oil.
6. Replace the filter (Fig. 30).
NOTE: Ifthe unit is operated without the air filter, you will VOID the warranty.
7. Reinstall the air filter cover. Position the slots on the top of the air filter
cover onto the tabs at the top of the back plate (Fig. 29).
8. Swing the cover down until the tab on the air filter backplate snaps into
place in the slot on the air filter cover (Fig. 29).
The idle speed of the engine is adjustable. An idle adjustment screw is
between the air filter cover and the engine starter housing (Fig. 31).
NOTE: Careless adjustments can seriously damage your unit. An authorized
service dealer should make carburetor ad ustments.
WARNING: The cutting
attachment may spin during idle
speed adjustments. Wear protective
clothing and observe all safety
instructions to prevent serious
personal injury.
If, after checking the fuel and cleaning the air Fig.31
filter, the engine still will not idle, adjust the idle
speed screw as follows:
1. Start the engine and let it run at a high idle for a minute to warm up.
Refer to Starting and Stopping Instructions.
2. Release the throttle trigger and let the engine idle. If the engine stops,
insert a small phillips in between the air filter cover and the engine cover
(Fig. 31). Turn the idle speed screw in, clockwise, 1/8 of a turn at a time
(as needed) until the engine idles smoothly.
NOTE: The cutting attachment should not rotate when the engine idles.
3. If the cutting attachment rotates when the engine idles, turn the idle
speed screw counterclockwise 1/8 of a turn at a time (as needed), to
reduce idle speed. 4.
Checking the fuel, cleaning the air filter, and adjusting the idle speed should
solve most engine problems. If not and all of the following are true:
• the engine will not idle 5.
the engine hesitates or stalls on acceleration
there is a loss of engine power
Have the carburetor adjusted by an authorized service dealer.
View Of The Rear Engine Cover
Fig. 29
ustmeat Screw
2. Disconnect the spark plug wire. Adjustment
3. Clean dirt from around the spark plug. Rocker Intake , Nuts
by turning a 5/8 in. socket counterclockwise.
Remove the spark plug from the cylinder head
4. Remove the engine cover (Fig. 32).
5. Clean dirt from around the rocker arm cover. _ /z_Exhaust
Remove the screw holding the rocker arm
cover with a large flat blade screwdriver or Fig.34
Torx® T-25 bit (Fig. 33). Remove the rocker
arm cover and gasket.
Pull the starter rope slowly to bring the
piston to the top of its travel, (known as top
dead center). Check that:
The piston is at the top of its travel while
looking in the spark plug hole (Fig. 33).
Both rocker arms move freely, and both
valves are closed.
If these statements are not true, repeat this
7. Slide the feeler gauge between the rocker arm and the valve return
spring. Measure the clearance between the valve stem and rocker arm
(Fig. 34). Measure both the intake and exhaust valves.
The recommended clearance for both intake and exhaust is .003 - .006 in.
(.076 - 0.152 mm). Use a standard automotive .005 in. (0.127 mm) feeler
gauge. The feeler gauge should slide between the rocker arm and valve
stem with a slight amount of resistance, without binding (Fig. 34 and 35).
8. If the clearance is not within specification:
a. Turn the adjusting nut using a 5/16 inch (8 mm) wrench or nut driver
(Fig. 35).
To increase clearance, turn the adjusting nut counterclockwise.
To decrease clearance, turn the adjusting nut clockwise.
b. Recheck both clearances, and adjust as necessary.
9. Reinstall the rocker arm cover using a new gasket. Torque the screw to
20-30 inolb (2.2-3.4 Norn).
10. Check the spark plug and reinstall. See Replacing the Spark Plug.
11. Replace the spark plug wire.
12. Reinstall the engine cover. Check alignment of the cover before
tightening the screws. Tighten screws.
Use a replacement part number 753-05784 or Champion® RDZ4H spark
plug. The correct air gap is 0.025 in. (0.635 mm).
1. Stop the engine and allow it to cool. Remove the six (6) screws on the back
of the engine cover with a Flat-head or T-25 Torx® screwdriver (Fig. 36).
2. Grasp the plug wire firmly and pull the cap from the spark plug.
3. Clean dirt from around the spark plug. Remove the spark plug from the
cylinder head by turning a 5/8 in. socket counterclockwise.
_h_ ARNING: Do not sand blast, scrape or clean electrodes. Grit
in the engine could damage the cylinder.
Replace cracked, fouled or dirty spark plug.
Set the air gap at 0.025 in. (0.635 mm.)
using a feeler gauge (Fig. 36).
Install a correctly-gapped spark plug in the
cylinder head. Turn the 5/8 in. socket
clockwise until snug.
If using a torque wrench torque to:
110-120 in.olb. (12.3-13.5 Nora)
Do not over tighten.
Adjusting .._ • _ Rocker Arm
Nut _ ./
__ Feeler
_ Valve Stem
Fig. 35
0.025 in.
(0.635 mm)
Fig. 36
personal injury, always turn the unit
off and allow it to cool before you
iwAo°,.o oavodserousI
clean or service it.
This adjustment requires disassembly of the
engine. If you feel unsure or unqualified to
perform this, take the unit to an authorized
service center.
The engine must be cold when checking or
adjusting the valve clearance.
This task should be performed inside, in a
clean, dust free area.
1. Remove the six (6) screws on the back of
the engine cover with a Flat-head or T-25
Torx® screwdriver (Fig. 32).
Rocker Arm
Plug Hole
Fig. 32
Fig. 33

I _l WARNING: To avoid serious personal injury, always turn the I
unit off and allow it to cool before you clean or service it.
Use a small brush to clean off the outside of the unit. Do not use strong
detergents. Household cleaners that contain aromatic oils such as pine and
lemon, and solvents such as kerosene, can damage plastic housing or
handle. Wipe off any moisture with a soft cloth.
• Never store the unit with fuel in the tank where fumes may reach an open
flame or spark.
Allow the engine to cool before storing.
Lock up the unit to prevent unauthorized use or damage.
Store the unit in a dry, well-ventilated area.
• Store the unit out of the reach of children.
Short Term Storage (1-2 weeks}
1. Store the unit in a horizontal position. If this is not possible, store the unit
vertically with the engine at the top.
Long Term Storage
1. Remove the fuel cap, tip the unit and drain the fuel into an approved container.
NOTE: Do not use gasoline that has been stored for more than 30 days. Dispose
of old gasoline in accordance with federal, state and local regulations.
2. Start the engine and allow it to run until it stalls. This ensures that all
gasoline has been drained from the carburetor.
3. Allow the engine to cool. Remove the spark plug and put 5 drops of high
quality motor oil into the cylinder. Pull the starter rope slowly to distribute
the oil. Reinstall the spark plug.
NOTE: Remove the spark plug and drain all of the oil from the cylinder
before attempting to start the trimmer after storage.
4. Change the oil, referring to Changing the Off. Dispose of the old oil in
accordance with federal, state and local regulations.
5. Thoroughly clean the unit and inspect for any loose or damaged parts.
Repair or replace damaged parts and tighten loose screws, nuts or bolts.
The unit is ready for storage.
Old fuel (over 30 days)
Cutting attachment bound with grass
Fouled spark plug
Cutting attachment out of line
Cutting head dirty
Line twisted when refilled
Drain fuel tank and add fresh fuel
Stop the engine and clean the
cutting attachment
Replace or clean the spark plug
Refill with new line
Clean inner reel and outer spool
Disassemble and rewind the line
This unit is designed to be started with an optional
electric starter or Power Start BitTM, which are sold
separately. If choosing to start the unit using one
of these features or have questions, please
contact your local retailer or call 1=800=828=5500
in the U.S. (1=800-668=1238 in Canada) for more
information and purchasing. You may also go to
www.troybilt.com or www.troybilt.ca.
Electric Start Feature
Fig. 37
Primer bulb wasn't pressed enough times
Press primer bulb fully and slowly 10
Fouled spark plug Replace or clean the spark plug
if further assistance is required, contact your authorized service dealer.
Engine Type ................................... Air-Cooled, 4-Cycle
Displacement .................................... 1.8 cu. in. (29 cc)
Operating RPM ....................................... 6,800+ rpm
Idle Speed RPM ................................. 2,800 - 3,600 rpm
Valve clearance ..................... 0.003-0.006 in. (0.076-0.152 mm)
Spark Plug Gap .............................. 0.025 inch (0.635 mm)
Lubrication ........................................... SAE 30 Oil
Crankcase Oil Capacity .............................. 3.04 oz (90 ml)
Fuel.................................................. Unleaded
Fuel Tank Capacity .................................. 14 oz (414 ml)
Approximate Weight (without fuel) .............. 11.5-13.0 Ibs (5.2-5.9 kg)
Cutting Mechanism ................................ SpeedSpool 2@
Line Spool ................................... Bump Line Releaser
Line Spool Diameter ............................ 4 inches (101.6 mm)
Trimming Line Diameter ....................... 0.095 inches (2.41 mm)
Cutting Path Diameter ........................... 17 inches (43.2 cm)
* All specifications are based on the latest product information available at
the time of printing. We reserve the right to make changes at any time
without notice.