ACD Systems International Inc. 2010 All rights reserved.
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This So ftware als o contains sof tware of ACD Sys tems and its supp liers which ar e used in accordan ce with the
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This So ftware cont ains Method an d System for Cal endar-Based I mage Asset Or ganization, P atent No. US
7,398,479 B2
This pro duct includ es DNG technol ogy under lice nse by Adobe Sys tems Incorpor ated. More info rmation may
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Commerc ial Computer Sof tware Res tricted Rig hts at 48 CFR 52.2 27-19, as appl icable. Manuf acturer is Ch ilkat
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This So ftware is ba sed in part o n the work of th e Independen t JPEG Group.
MPEG 1 Cod ec is copyright MainConcept 20 08. The MainC oncept logo an d the ‘Codec By ’ logo are reg istered
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CD/DVD re cording sof tware develo ped under lic ense from Padus , Inc. – http: //www.p Copy right
1996-2007 Pad us, Inc. All Righ ts Reserve d.
This so ftware cont ains portio ns of imaging co de owned and co pyrighted by Pe gasus Imaging Co rp., Tampa
Welcome to ACDSee 12 1
About ACDSee 12 2
ACDSee 12 modes 2
Manage 5
Overview 6
Browse 6
Folders, Calendar, and Favorites 7
Filter, Group, Sort, View, Select 8
Database 9
Congratulations on choosing ACDSeePhoto Manager 12, the industryleading photo management software. ACDSee12 is fast, powerful, and
so easy to use that it is essential for managing, viewing, editing, and
sharing your digital photos.
About ACDSee 12
ACDSee12 provides a wealth of tools to help you manage, view, edit, and share
your images.
▪▪Browse and organize images on your computer, or impor t photos from a
camera, memory card, or other device.
▪▪View the images and tag the ones that need further editing.
▪▪Use the Edit tools to enhance the images, x exposure and lighting, or add
borders, text, or other special eects.
▪▪Share your images with an account.
The purpose of this guide is to introduce you to just a few of these basic features to
get you started. For information about all the ACDSee12 features and tools, see the
ACDSee12 Help le. Simply press F1 at any time while you are using ACDSee12.
ACDSee 12 modes
ACDSee12 provides four modes—Manage, View, Edit, Online—to group the tools
that you commonly use during each step of your photography workow.
2 | ACDSe e 12 Getting St arted Guide
Manage mode is the main browsing and managing component of ACDSee12. In
Manage mode, you can nd, move, preview, and lter les located on your hard
drive or removable storage device. You can also organize your les by adding
categories, keywords, and other metadata to make your les easier to search.
There is no need to import your les into the program because ACDSee12 catalogs
your les as you browse through them, adding le properties and metadata to the
ACDSee12 database automatically.
However, you can use ACDSee12 to import les from a camera or other device
onto your computer. When you use the Import tools you can create folders, rename
les, add organizing information, and create backups as you import the les.
In View mode you can display images one at a time, zoom in and out, and see
images in full screen. You can also view image properties, display parts of an image
at varying magnications, as well as add organizing information or tag your images
for further editing.
You can open View mode by double-clicking a le in Manage mode, and then
use the lmstrip to ip quickly between all of the images in a folder or a group of
selected les.
In Edit mode you can x and enhance images. You can make adjustments to the
entire image, such as cropping, rotating, applying color or lighting adjustments,
sharpening, and reducing noise, or use Selections to adjust selected areas. And you
can add borders, text, and other special eects.
Online mode provides an easy way to upload images to, an
image sharing and storage service located online at:
In Online mode, you can select the images on your computer and then drag and
drop them directly into your account. From there you can share
images with people you know, or you can make images public so that anyone can
see them.
Welcome to AC DSee 12 | 3
4 | ACDSe e 12 Getting St arted Guide
In Manage mode, you can browse the les on your hard drive or
removable storage device, import images from a camera or other device,
organize images using categories, ratings, and other le properties, and
tag images for further editing.
Manage mode, the default view in ACDSee12, is where you can browse and
organize your les and images. You can perform sophisticated searches and
ltering operations, and view thumbnail previews of images.
ACDSee12 gives you the ability to browse the les on your hard drive or a
removable storage device. There is no need to import les into ACDSee12—simply
navigate to the les you want to view.
6 | ACDSe e 12 Getting St arted Guide
Folders, Calendar, and Favorites
The easiest way to browse your les, is to use the Folders pane, much like you
would use the folder tree in Windows Explorer. Double-click folders to expand
them, or use the + and - icons to expand or collapse folders. The les and subfolders in the selected folder are displayed in the File List pane, the central section
of the ACDSee12 window.
If you have images or folders that you frequently need to nd, you can add them to
your favorites, and then use the Favorites pane to quickly nd them again.
Once you have browsed your les and ACDSee12 has added them to the database,
you can use the Calendar pane to easily nd les or images by date.
Manage | 7
Filter, Group, Sort, View, Select
When you are looking at a set of les, you can adjust the view using the drop-down
lists in the File List toolbar.
8 | ACDSe e 12 Getting St arted Guide
If you are a new ACDSee user, you may not know that ACDSee12 uses a database
to record information about your images. As you browse your images, ACDSee12
catalogs them and saves any le properties or metadata that they contain, such as
the le name and date, and the type of camera and camera settings used.
Then, when you organize your images using ACDSee12, the custom metadata is
also added to the database. The more information you add, the more easily you can
search your les and nd the exact image you are looking for.
If you want to move or copy an image to a dierent computer or to a removable
storage device, you can embed the custom metadata in the image le or you can
export the database information. See the ACDSee12 Help for details.
You can use the Properties pane to view the
information about your images, including
information in the database, and File, EXIF, and IPTC
metadata. You can also enter additional information
in this pane.
To open the Properties pane:
Click View | Properties.
Manage | 9
+ 33 hidden pages
You need points to download manuals.
1 point = 1 manual.
You can buy points or you can get point for every manual you upload.