Accusplit Fitness Walker A210F User Manual


The Secret to the ACCUSPLIT Electronic Pedometer Accuracy

FINALLY, atler ZDO Years, an ACCURATE Pedometer, II took America's Stopwatck Camtiany te do It. Ever since Thomas Jefferson invented the pedometer, it’s been inaocurale. Now, ACCUSPLIT used the power ol our professional stopwatch lecfinology to Invent the first accurate pedometer. With one automatic setting, your pedometer is calibrated to accurately record your distance travelled with accuracies of 99.8% (strolling) to 99.2% (running). An ACCUSPLIT Electronic Pedometer will be your first accurate pedometer,
Automatic Stride Style Adjustment is the secret to the
new standard in accuracy. We recommend that you use
Exclusive Features and Functions Make an
ACCUSPLIT Electronic Pedometer Easy and Fun to Use
your local school's 1/4-mite track to accurately set your pedometer. If you change your striding style, simply reset, once, automatically. As long as you continue to stride In the same style, an ACCUSPLIT Electronic Pedometer wilt always accurately measure the distance travelled,
ACCUSPLIT's Proprietary Eleclrontc Cirtfuit Electronic module combines with the sealed, magnetic, stride-detection switch and the magnetic stride signaling pendulum with a stainless steel spring to signal and detect strides, then processes the information in a Patent­Applied-For method to display an accurate measurement of the distance travelled.
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TOTAL AND 7 TRIP Distance Memories will record 7 TRIP distances as
well as a week's, month’s or year's TOTAL distance. You decide, because
each memory is resettable individually. The TRIP range is 99.9 miles (km) with automatic roll-over at 100,0 to 00.0. The TOTAL range is 999 miles (km)
with automatic roll-over at 1000 to 000.
Nylon 6.6 Clip is lightweight, but
practically break-proof.
Splash-Resistant means that
you can get caught in the rain, sweat, and even rinse if off with no leakage of water.
5-Year Battery. Long-lite battery
Fail-Sate Reset functions require
a Press-and-Hold button action to prevent accidental resetting of distances and stride style settings.
Polycarbonate Plastic Case
increases impact resistance and durability.
1/2 inch Numbers in the display
are, by far, the largest and boldest.
Display Test function shows all
display items simultaneously and resets everything to zero.
Snap-Action Delrin Buttons
give you a positive feedback
.that the button "worked”. These
professional, stopwatch-style buttons are designed tor million­cycle life without failure,
Color-coded Buttons activate word
indicators in the display.
StaN/Stop Button prevents
recording of distances when
you don’t want to record.
Cam-Action Case snaps open
when pushed past the 1/4 open point and snaps shut when closed past the 3/4 point. No loose joints, no squeaking, no vibrating sounds,
no pins to lose.
Batteries; Batteries should last 5
years. If display becomes dim, return to the factory for new battery per the warranty instructions.
Operating Temperature; 14°F to
PATENT 5 117 444 ©AST, Inc 1992-2002 A210 Electronic Pedometer 980-034FCX
Quartz Crystal Accuracy; ±0.002%
(accuracy may vary with shock, temperature, or aging of crystal).
Unit of Measure; Any unit of distance
can be used, Simply set your distance
ACCUSPLIT, Inc 3090 Independence Drive, Suite 148
Livermore, CA 94551 USA
800-935-1996 • 925-290-1900
FAX 925-290-1930 • support@ACCUSPLITcom
Made in PR China
meter to
1/2 unit of distance. Size; 1 ounce (28 g), 2.25 in. wide x
1.5 in. tall X .63 in. thin (57 mm x 38 mm X16 mm).
stride style by striding