m Powerful 11-parallel push-pull output stage in each channel delivers linear
power into loads as low as one ohm m Instrumentation amplifi er type design
of amplifi cation stages m Further refi ned MCS+ circuit topology m Current
feedback circuit combines excellent sound quality with total operation stability
m Bridged connection mode allows upgrading to true monophonic amplifi er
m 4-step gain control m Massive Super Ring toroidal transformer rated for 1.5 kVA

Impressive power amplifi er capable of delivering 1000 watts × 2 into 1 ohm –
Amplification stages feature fully balanced signal paths as found in highquality instrumentation amplifi ers. Further refi ned MCS+ topology and current feedback design result in even better S/N ratio, distortion, and other
performance parameters. Massive, high-efficiency 1.5 kVA toroidal transformer and 11-parallel push-pull arrangement of high-power transistors deliver enormous amounts of linear power into ultra-low loads down to one ohm.
The P-7100 is a successor to the highly regarded
P-7000, inheriting its general design policy and major
features while realizing further improvements in various aspects. A major new highlight is the overall “instrumentation amplifi er” confi guration, which allows
fully balanced signal transmission in all stages of
the amplifi er. In addition, the power amplifi er section
employs MCS+, an improved version of the innovative Multiple Circuit Summing principle developed by
Accuphase. In conjunction with the famous current
feedback topology, this provides further improved
performance characteristics. Only strictly selected
high-quality parts and materials are used throughout,
and the output of the amplifi er is designed to achieve
very low impedance and constant drive voltage.
In the output stage, 11 pairs of high-power transistors
with a rated collector dissipation of 150 watts are arranged in a parallel push-pull confi guration for each
channel. The devices are mounted to large heat sinks
on both sides of the main chassis for effi cient dissipation of thermal energy generated during operation.
As a result, the amplifi er is capable of delivering
power in a linear progression down to an ultra-low
load impedance of one ohm. Even speakers with very
low impedances as well as speakers whose impedance fl uctuates drastically can be driven with ease.
By using the P-7100 in bridged mode, it is possible
to create a monophonic amplifi er with even higher
power. This performance is sustained by a massive Super Ring toroidal transformer housed in an
aluminum enclosure with excellent heat dissipation
characteristics. The transformer is rated for 1.5 kVA,
and is coupled with two large fi ltering capacitors rated
for 56,000 µF each. This allows the amplifi er to meet
even the most demanding and rapidly fl uctuating
power requirements with ease.
The input stage features another Accuphase innovation called MCS+ (Multiple Circuit Summing)
which helps to minimize noise. The material used
for printed circuit boards has a decisive infl uence not
only on electrical characteristics but also on the sonic
end result. The P-7100 employs Tefl on boards with
extremely low dielectric constant and low loss. The
copper foil side of PCBs and all input and output terminals as well as all major signal carrying points are
gold plated. Balanced inputs help to shut out external
noise. The combination of outstanding circuit design
with top-quality materials and parts produces music
of unsurpassed purity that immediately captures and
enchants the listener. Hearing is believing.
n 11-parallel push-pull power unit delivers guaranteed linear
power output of 1000 watts into 1 ohm (music signals only),
500 watts into 2 ohms, 250 watts into 4 ohms and 125 watts
into 8 ohms
The output stage uses high-power transistors with a rated collector
dissipation of 150 watts and collector current of 15 amperes. These
devices boast excellent frequency response, current amplifi cation
linearity, and switching characteristics.
n Printed circuit boards made from Tefl on with low
dielectric constant and low loss
* Tefl on is a registered trademark of DuPont USA.
n Robust power supply with Super Ring toroidal
transformer and high fi ltering capacity
The P-7100 features a massive toroidal power transformer
with a maximum rating of 1.5 kVA, and two large electrolytic
capacitors rated for 56,000 µF each, specially selected for
optimum sound quality.
Toroidal transformer
n Bridged connection allows upgrading to a true monophonic ampli-
fi er with 2000 watts into 2 ohms (music signals only), 1000 watts
into 4 ohms, and 500 watts into 8 ohms
Bridged connection results in a monophonic amplifi er with four times the power
output than during stereo operation. This gives effortless dynamic power.
n Balanced inputs prevent externally induced noise
4-step gain selector minimizes residual
noise (MAX, –3 dB, –6 dB, –12 dB)
n PCB copper foil and all major signal
path components are gold-plated
n Mode selector makes it easy to switch
between dual mono, stereo, or bridged
n Large direct-reading analog power
Gold-plated parts
meters with meter on/off button
n Input selector button (balanced/unbalanced) on front panel
n Oversize speaker terminals accept also Y lugs
Large speaker terminals
Highly reliable parts selected for
sound quality
High-power transistors
Filtering capacitors
Unbalanced/balanced input connectors
Gain selector
Meter and input selector buttons
Assembly with meter and protection circuitry
Multiple Circuit)
Bias stabilizer
Bias stabilizer
Bias stabilizer
Bias stabilizer
Bias stabilizer
Figure 1 Circuit diagram of amplifi er section (one channel)
Output current (A)
Output voltage (V)
Figure 2 Load impedance vs. output pow
(output voltage/output current)
* 1-ohm operation possible with
music signals only