Accuphase M-8921 Brochure

m Ultra-powerful output stage with 22 parallel push-pull transistors
remains linear down to extremely low 1-ohm load impedance m MCS configuration in input stage m Stabilized power supply in driver stage m Current feedback circuit topology assures great sound and stable operation m Bridged use of two units possible f or f our times the output power m Massive Super Ring toroidal transformer rated for 3 kVA max.
When developing the M-8000, Accuphase took a fresh look at the entire concept of the power amplifier. As a result, the M-8000 was designed to realize the ideal of constant voltage drive, which is best implemented in a monophonic configuration. In order to bring out the full performance potential of any loudspeaker, unaffected by the often drastic fluctuations in speaker impedance, the amplifier must have very low output impedance (Note 1), and it must be able to supply a constant drive voltage (Note 2).
In the M-8000, a complement of 22 output transistors with a collector dissipation (Pc) of 150 watts each is used in the output stage. Connected in parallel, these devices have a combined collector dissipation of 6,600 watts. At the extremely low load impedance of 1 ohm, the amplifier is rated to deliver an amazing 2,000 watts. Constant voltage drive enables linear progression of output vs. load impedance. This performance is sustained by a massive Super Ring toroidal transformer housed in a diecast enclosure with directly mounted heat sinks, and by large filtering capacitors. The transformer is rated for 1,5 kVA, max. 3,0 kVA, and there are two capacitors of 40,000 µF each. This assures more than ample reserves and allows the M-8000 to meet even the most demanding and rapidly fluctuating power requirements. Use of two units in bridged configuration is also possible, resulting in a mono amplifier with even higher capabilities.
The important input stage also has been given due attention. Another Accuphase innovation called MCS (Multiple Circuit Summing) helps to minimize noise. The predriver stage features a DC stabilized power supply. This results in drastically improv ed S/N ratio , minimum distortion, and superb performance in all other aspects. Stable output is achieved regardless of fluctuations on the AC side. Current feedback topology makes it possible to combine stable operation with impeccable frequency response. The circuit boards of the M-8000 possess a Teflon base with low dielectric constant and minimum loss. Balanced inputs help to shut out external noise. T he copper foil side of PCBs and all input and output terminals as well as all major signal carrying points are gold plated. The o verall result of these measures is musical purity that leaves nothing to be desired.
* Teflon is a registered trademark of DuPont USA.
Bias stabilizer
Constant current
Bias stabilizer circuit
Bias stabilizer
Fig. 1 Circuit diagram of amplifier section
A monophonic power amplifier with impressive muscle: 2000 watts into 1 ohm MCS topology for input stage assures high S/N ratio. 22 wide-band high power transistors in parallel push-pull configuration. Power supply with massive 3 kVA toroidal power transformer realizes constant voltage speaker drive and delivers linear po wer down to impedances as low as one ohm. Teflon PCBs with low dielectric constant and minimum loss.
Note 1: Low amplifier output impedance
When forming the load of a power amplifier a loudspeaker generates a counterelectromotive force that can flow back into the amplifier via the NF loop. This phenomenon is influenced by fluctuations in speaker impedance, and interferes with the drive performance of the output circuitry. The internal impedance of a power amplifier should therefore be made as low as possible by using output devices with high current capability .
Note 2: Constant drive voltage principle
Even when the impedance of a load fluctuates drastically , the ideal power amplifier should deliver a constant voltage signal to the load. When the supplied voltage remains constant for any impedance , output power will be inversely proportional to the impedance of the load. A con ventional amplifier can be easily made to operate in this way down to a load impedance of about 4 ohms. Howev er, at 2 ohms and below, much more substantial output reserves are needed. This can only be achieved by a thorough redesign of all basic amplifier aspects.
Ultra-powerful output stage with 22 parallel push­pull transistors delivers 2,000 watts into 1 ohm, 1,000 watts into 2 ohms, 500 watts into 4 ohms and 250 watts into 8 ohms
The M-8000 uses a complement of 22 high-power transistors with a collector dissipation (Pc) of 150 watts and a collector current of 15 amperes each.
These devices are excellent in every regard, including frequency response, current amplification linearity, and switching characteristics. The 22 devices are connected in a parallel push-pull configuration and mounted to immense heat sinks
Bias stabilizer circuit
made of diecast aluminum. This assures efficient dissipation of thermal energy and provides plenty of performance margin. As a result, the power amplifier is capable of delivering enormous output power in a linear progression towards lower load impedances: 2,000 watts into 1 ohm, 1,000 watts into 2 ohms, 500 watts into 4 ohms and 250 watts into 8 ohms. The M-8000 also is able to drive reactive loads with ease. Figure 2 is a graph plotting the output voltage versus current characteristics. Even when the load changes , the output voltage remains almost constant, showing linear current progression. Actual measurement of clipping power at the extremely low load impedance of 1 ohm yields 2,330 watts. At 2 ohms , the figure is 1,230 watts, at 4 ohms 630 watts, and at 8 ohms 310 watts. This demonstrates the impressive performance reserves of this amplifier.
MCS topology in input stage drastically improves S/N ratio
The input stage features Accuphase's original MCS (Multiple Circuit Summing) design. Three separate
Output current (A)
Output voltage (V)
* 1-ohm operation possible
Fig. 2 Output power vs. load impedance
(output voltage/output current: actual measurements)
with music signals only
unit amplifiers for the input signal are connected in parallel, which minimizes noise and distortion and greatly improves other performance parameters as well. This manifests itself in further improved sound quality.
Stabilized power supply in driver stage assures outstanding operation stability
The MCS circuitry and predriver stage employ a DC stabilized power supply . When the power stage amplifies a signal to large amplitudes, this could cause noise in the input stage via the power supply. This is prevented by fixing the voltage of the predriver stage, to improve the quality of the power supply for the low-level amplification stages. Outstanding S/N ratio and stable operation unaffected by ambient temperature and by AC line fluctuations is guaranteed at all times.
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