m High-rigidity, high-precision SA-CD/CD drive m Innovative digital signal
processor with MDSD technology
driven in parallel
Filter” with totally separate balanced and unbalanced signal paths m Transport
outputs and digital inputs m Accuphase HS-Link digital interface
m “Ultra Jitter-Free Plus” PLL circuit m “Direct Balanced
m MDS++ D/A converter with eight DACs

The ultimate integrated SA-CD/CD player — High-rigidity, high-precision
SA-CD/CD drive combined with exquisite disc tray and ultra-smooth
loading mechanism. Ground-breaking MDSD (Multiple Double Speed DSD)
digital signal processing circuitry constitutes a moving average fi lter for
straight D/A conversion. Superior quality digital audio interface HS-Link.
When Accuphase introduced the ultimate separate-type
SA-CD/CD player, the models DP-800 and DC-801, a new
epoch in audio history had begun. Garnering worldwide
acclaim both for their technological excellence and sound
quality, the transport and processor pair has become the
new reference for SA-CD reproduction.
The new DP-700 is an integrated type SA-CD player
incorporating that very same state-of-the-art technology.
Major highlights are the ultra-rigid SA-CD/CD drive
assembly and the MDSD principle that takes the DSD
signal straight from the digital to the analog domain.
Latest digital signal processing technology is in evidence
throughout. Extensive series of listening tests were
conducted to shape the DP-700 into the world’s foremost
integrated SA-CD/CD player. As with all other Accuphase
players so far, a conscious decision was made not
to support multi-channel formats but rather focus on
extracting the ultimate in musical fi delity from two-channel
SA-CD music sources.
In the transport section, a dedicated DSP chip controls
the digital servo to assure accurate readout of the signal
recorded on the SA-CD. Another vital aspect is the
single-lens/twin laser diode pickup mounted to a highspeed positioning mechanism, providing a signifi cant
improvement in read access times and accuracy. The
processor section features the innovative MDSD principle
forming a sophisticated moving average filter circuit,
together with the MDS++ D/A system that keeps conversion
errors to an absolute minimum and at the same time acts
as high-cut fi lter effi ciently removing noise components
in the high frequency domain. The Direct Balanced Filter
provides separate low-pass fi ltering for the balanced and
unbalanced signal paths, and the analog balanced output
circuitry eliminates interference during signal transmission.
The overall result is simply outstanding sonic performance
that removes the last veil from the music and beautifully
demonstrates what the SA-CD format is all about.
Internally, the transport and processor sections of the
DP-700 are kept entirely separate. Digital inputs allow
independent use of the processor section for external
sources to enjoy music reproduction with the same superb
Features and Functions of Transport Section
n High-rigidity, high-precision SA-CD/CD drive
Highly rigid and precise construction with sturdy, heavyweight chassis to absorb external
“Traverse Mechanism” with fl oating design
Massive aluminum alloy bridge
Low center of gravity to further reduce vibrations
High-quality disc tray extruded from an aluminum block, plus super-quiet smooth disc
loading mechanism
n SA-CD/CD transport outputs ultra pure digital signal
n Single-lens/twin pickup high-speed access mechanism
n Support for text data display
n Accuphase’s proprietary digital audio interface HS-Link (carries both SA-CD
and CD signal)
Aluminum alloy bridge
Traverse Mechanism
Disc tray
Mechanism base
High-rigidity, high-precision SA-CD/CD drive
Viscous dampers
Accuphase Exclusive Digital Interface
HS-Link : High Speed Link
HS-Link is an ultra high-quality digital audio
interface developed by Accuphase using the latest
digital signal transmission technology. It supports
send/receive verifi cation for copyright protection.
The LVDS (Low Voltage Differential Signaling)
principle allows a single dedicated HS-Link cable to
transmit all audio data with utmost fi delity, including
2.8224 MHz/1-bit and 192 kHz/24-bit signals.
DP-700 Block Diagram HS-Link Block Diagram