m Revolutionary AAVA volume control m Printed circuit boards using
Teflon base with low dielectric constant and low loss m Separate
R-toroidal transformers for left and right channels m Fully modular
construction with individual amplifier units for each stage m LogicÂcontrolled relays for shortest signal paths m Optional analog record
playback capability m Massive cabinet of natural persimmons wood

The analog preamplifier has just been redefined Revolutionary AAVA
type volume control. Fully modular construction with T eflon-based printed
circuit boards. Dual mono configuration with separate R-toroidal
transformers for left and right channels. Optional dedicated phono equalizer
unit allows analog record repr oduction with superb fidelity.
The two most basic tasks of a preamplifier are
selecting the input source and adjusting the volume.
How the volume adjustment is achieved has a
significant bearing on sound quality. The C-2800
introduces a novel concept called AAVA (Accuphase
Analog Vari-gain Amplifier). This circuit differs radically
from conventional variable-resistor type volume
controls. Amplification and volume control are fully
unified, eliminating all mechanical contact points. Pure
analog processing ensures optimum performance and
superb sound. Doing away with the variable resistor
in the signal path has numerous advantages and
brings the amplifier a significant step closer to
absolute purity in signal transmission.
The power transformer, filtering capacitors and all
other parts of the power supply are duplicated for the
left and right channel. What's more, all unit amplifiers
such as for line input, balanced output, and AAVA are
also entirely separate for the two channels, arr anged
on a high-quality motherboard. This fully monaural
construction prevents unwanted crosstalk and
interaction both on the electrical and the physical
plane. The result is utterly stable playback sound of
impeccable quality. Logic relay control is used for
source switching to implement the shortest possible
signal paths. The printed circuit boards are an
important element of a preamplifier both regarding
electrical performance as well as sound quality. In the
C-2800, these are made from a T eflon material (glass
fluorocarbon resin) with low dielectric constant and
minimum loss. Each and e v ery part used in this topÂnotch analog preamplifier has been carefully selected
on the basis of sonic performance. The ov erall result
is a flagship product that represents the best that
Accuphase has to offer.
* Teflon is a registered trademark of DuPont USA.
AAVA (Accuphase Analog Vari-gain Amplifier) volume control
The newly developed volume control called AAV A (Accuphase Analog Vari-gain Amplifier) is totally different from conventional controls using resistors . It allows
precise listening level adjustment while maintaining top-notch performance and sound quality over the entire range. Because the music signal does not pass
through variable resistors, it is not affected by changes in impedance. This means that high signal-to-noise r atio and low distortion of the signal are maintained.
Internally, a dedicated CPU selects the current s witches that determine the gain of the amplifier. With regard to the music signal, the AA V A circuit is a fully analog
volume control.
n AAV A operation principle
AAV A operates b y feeding the music signal to a V-I (v oltage - current) conv erter
where it is weighted in 16 steps [1/2, 1/2
are turned on or off by 16 current switches, and the combination of switch
settings determines the overall volume. The s witching operation is controlled
by a CPU according to the position of the volume control knob. The combined
signal current forms a variable gain circuit that adjusts volume. Finally, the
combined current is converted back into a voltage by an I-V (current - voltage)
n AAV A resolution
AAVA adjusts the listening volume by means of 16 current switches. The
number of possible volume steps set by the combination of these switches is
2 to the power of 16 = 65,536. When maximum output voltage is 5 V, resolution
is an amazing 0.07 mV .
n Minimal distortion and no thermal noise
Because AAV A is an electronic circuit, the music signal does not pass through
any variable resistors. Thermal noise caused by resistors is totally absent.
Because there is no impedance that affects the signal, S/N ratio remains at
the logical optimum. The circuit configuration also assures ultr a-low distortion.
, ... 1/215, 1/216]. The 16 current steps
n Simple circuit configuration
AAVA unifies the amplifier and volume control functions, resulting in a circuit
that is electrically very simple. Right and left channels are fully independent,
and frequency response does not change regardless of the volume control
knob position. Channel separation is e xcellent, and sonic performance remains
totally uniform over the entire range.
n AAVA means analog processing
The AAV A circuit con verts the music signal from a voltage into a current, alters
gain by means of current switches, and then reconverts the current into a
n Same operation feel as a conventional high-quality volume control
The actual volume control knob is linked to a variable resistor. However, this
resistor is only used to detect the absolute position of the knob. Operating the
control therefore feels exactly the same as with a conventional control, and
operation via the remote commander is also possible.
n Attenuator and balance control also realized via AA V A
The functions of the attenuator and the left/right balance control are covered
by the AAV A circuit as well, eliminating the need f or additional stages. K eeping
the configuration simple helps to maintain high performance and sonic purity.
Input music
Conversion into current
with 16 weighting stages
(1/2 - 1/216)
Fig. 1 AAVA Principle
16 current switches
(65,536 possible combinations)
CPU controls current
switches according to knob
values are
Reconversion of
current into voltage
Position detection of
volume control knob
AAVA unit amplifier (one channel). PCB emplo y s
T eflon and gold-plated copper