Accolade Software Star Control II User Manual

Role Playing Resource Guide
Written by
Paul Reiche III and Fred Ford
Alien illustrations by
George Barr
Ship illustrations by
Jeff Rianda
Technical Support
Star System Details................................................................................3
The 20 Overall Richest Star Systems............................................3
The 20 Most Mineral Rich Star Systems.......................................4
The 20 Most Life Rich Star Systems.............................................5
A Complete List of all Star Systems and their Contents ................6
Rainbow World Locations........................................................20
Alien Homeworld Locations.....................................................21
New Alien Races Biographies..............................................................22
Druuge ...................................................................................25
Gg ..........................................................................................27
Mael-Num ...............................................................................28
Taalo .......................................................................................31
Zoq-Fot-Pik ..............................................................................33
Alien Lifeform Details ..........................................................................34
Puzzles and Mysteries Explained..........................................................37
Ariloulaleelay: The Location of their Secret Homeworld ............37
Aqua Helix: From Whom and Where to Steal It ........................37
Burvixese ‘Caster: Where to Find It...........................................38
‘Casters: What to Do with Them...............................................38
Chmmr: Speeding the Process..................................................38
Clear Spindle: Where to Get It..................................................38
Deep Child Egg Case Fragments: Where to Find Them.............39
Druuge: How to Trade in Good Conscience.............................39
Fwiffo: Making Friends with the Spathi Captain on Pluto..........40
Kohr-Ah: Slowing their Death March ........................................41
Ilwrath: How to Get Rid of the Pesky Monsters.........................41
Orz: Hosting an *Alliance Party*..............................................42
Pkunk: Becoming Friends.........................................................42
Pkunk: Stopping their Migration to Yehat Space .......................42
Portal Spawner: A Map of QuasiSpace-HyperSpace Shortcuts....43
Rosy Sphere: Where to Buy It...................................................44
Sa-Matra: How to Destroy It.....................................................44
Shofixti: Resurrecting the Species .............................................44
Slylandro Probes: How to Stop Them .......................................45
Spathi: Forming an Alliance .....................................................46
Starbase Commander: Convincing Him to Help You .................48
Sun Device: How to Acquire It .................................................49
Syreen: Forming an Alliance.....................................................49
Syreen: Locating the Ship Vault................................................50
Talking Pet: Enlisting its Assistance ...........................................50
Taalo Shield: How to Acquire It ................................................51
Thraddash: Forming an Alliance...............................................51
Ultron (Broken): How to Effect Repairs.....................................51
Umgah: Forming an Alliance ...................................................52
Utwig Bomb: Amplifying its Destructive Power ........................52
VUX: Apologies, Apologies ......................................................52
Winning the Game: In a Nutshell.............................................53
Words: Getting the Ur-Quan and Kohr-Ah to Reveal their Past ..53
Yehat: Triggering the Revolution..............................................54
ZEX: Dealing with the Eccentric Admiral ..................................54
Zoq-Fot-Pik: Forming an Alliance..............................................55
Giveaway Clues ..................................................................................56
This document ontains everything you need to know to win Star Control II —The Ur-Quan Masters, plus a whole lot more. Secret histories will be revealed and dark motives hauled into the light of day. We’ll also pro­vide you with more details about the stars, planets, ships, and alien races than you can absorb in a light year (all right, maybe a light week).
There is only one rule about this book; it’s not meant to be read. That’s right, it’s strictly to build your confidence. Having it handy assures that you can always find the answer to a perplexing problem. But to actually read it, well now, that’s quite another matter. After all, you don’t want to spoil the fun, do you? I mean, if you know all the secrets, the game won’t be any challenge! Star Control II was hard to make, so it should be hard to play. Right? What’s that? We may be crazier than a loboto­mized mooncalf, but you’re not! You have a point. Here, read all you want! The answer to every mystery is in your hands at a mere flip of a page. Now, if you’ll excuse us, we’re due for some serious couch time.
Enjoy! Enjoy!
(developers of Star Control II)
Technical Support
You can find us online on the Internet, on CompuServe, and on America Online. On the Internet, email us at, or come visit us at
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On CompuServe, email us at 76004,2132 or post a message for us in Game Publisher’s Forum A (GO GAMAPUB).
Our technical support representatives can be reached at 1-408-296-8400 between the hours of 8:00am and 5:00pm, Pacific time, Monday through Friday.
STAR SYSTEM DETAILS The 20 Overall Richest Star Systems
Mineral Totals Biological Totals
Star System and Best Worlds and Best Worlds
Delta Aurigae 11005 (7,2a,1b) 256 (2,1b,1a) Beta Carinae 7982 (2,9d,9b) 304 (4,3b,7a) Beta Scorpii 12680 (5,7,3) 178 (8b,6,3) Beta Circini 6897 (7,8,3) 248 (3a,1,2a) Delta Sextantis 5901 (9,3,6) 322 (5a,1,2b) Beta Tauri 5747 (5a,7,5b) 277 (1,5b,5a) Alpha Olber 6940 (3,6b,1) 241 (3,7,6a) Epsilon Draconis 7298 (1,9,2a) 230 (8a,2a,7) Zeta Scorpii 4134 (9,9a,5) 309 (9a,8,3) Gamma Tauri 7307 (1c,5b,4d) 219 (2b,1a,3b) Gamma Geminorum 2388 (4a,4c,4b) 341 (3,1,4c) Epsilon Scuti 8365 (5b,4,3a) 175 (5b,3b,5d) Lambda Hyades 1949 (6,4,3) 329 (7,1,4a) Beta Vulpeculae 6208 (5d,5a,3) 214 (2d,6,2a) Gamma Circini 4903 (6,3,1) 247 (6,2,5) Delta Chandrasekhar 4299 (4,1,8) 259 (3,6,7d) Aldebaran 6488 (5c,2,4) 201(2a,2,5a) Kappa Hyades 4736 (6,1,2) 186 (2,9a) Fomalhaut 4158 (1,5a,2) 191 (5a,5b,4) Alpha Chandrasekhar 4799 (1,9b,7c) 175 (2,5a,9b)
The 20 Most Mineral Rich Star Systems
Mineral Totals
Star System and Best Worlds
Beta Scorpii 12680 (5,7,3) Delta Tauri 12080 (2,1,7) Alpha Ceti 11739 (2,6b,5a) Alpha Centauri 11476 (3,8,1) Delta Aurigae 11005 (7,2a,1b) Beta Cephei 10447 (6,9b,4) Zeeman 10421 (5a,4a,6b) Zeta Vulpeculae 9404 (3a,7,1) Beta Normae 9153 (3,7,2) Delta Brahe 9100 (1,3,9a) Alpha Antliae 8734 (8c,5,3) Alpha Columbae 8370 (5,4a,4b) Epsilon Scuti 8365 (5b,4,3a) Alpha Ptolemae 8055 (7a,7d,6c) Beta Persei 8037 (6,3c,5a) Beta Carinae 7982 (2,9d,9b) Zeta Volantis 7912 (7,6,3) Epsilon Normae 7718 (4,6,3b) Alpha Crucis 7702 (2a,5,4a) Iota Hyades 7379 (2,1,7a)
The 20 Most Life Rich Star Systems
Biological Totals
Star System and Best Worlds
Gamma Geminorum 341 (3,1,4c) Lambda Hyades 329 (7,1,4a) Delta Sextantis 322 (5a,1,2b) Zeta Scorpii 309 (9a,8,3) Beta Carinae 304 (4,3b,7a) Beta Tauri 277 (1,5b,5a) Gamma Sextantis 271 (3b,3a,1) Delta Chandrasekhar 259 (3,6,7d) Alpha Sextantis 257 (3,1b,1a) Zeta Orionis 257 (5,4) Delta Aurigae 256 (2,1b,1a) Beta Corvi 255 (1,6,3) Epsilon Sextantis 253 (2,3,6a) Alpha Trianguli 252 (1,5,8b) Beta Circini 248 (3a,1,2a) Gamma Circini 247 (6,2,5) Alpha Olber 241 (3,7,6a) Gamma Mensae 234 (4,4a,7b) Alpha Giclas 231 (4,7c,7a) Epsilon Draconis 230 (8a,2a,7)
A Complete List of all Star Systems and their Contents
Mineral Totals Biological Totals
Star System and Best Worlds and Best Worlds
Achernar 389(2,1) 0 Alcor 2906(6a,1,2a) 42 (2c) Aldebaran 6488 (5c,2,4) 201 (2a,2,5a) Algol 330 (5,6,4) 0 Almagest 1959 (2,3,1) 62 (2) Altair 5107 (3,5,4) 146 (2,3a) Andromedae Alpha 4317 (3,1,4) 46 (5a,6) Andromedae Beta 180 (1) 0 Antares 1942 (6b,5,6c) 5 (6a) Antliae Alpha 8734 (8c,5,3) 38 (3) Antliae Beta 356 (1,2) 0 Antliae Gamma 2764 (2,1) 0 Antliae Delta 2049 (4,1,3c) 43 (1,2) Antliae Epsilon 4270 (2,6,8a) 75 (4a,3,2) Antliae Zeta 3409 (4,3b,1a) 104 (1b) Apodis Alpha 3444 (1,2,3a) 0 Apodis Beta 5292 (2,6b,3) 75 (9b,9a,6b) Apodis Gamma 3061 (6a,8b,6c) 81 (9b,1) Apodis Delta 544 (1) 0 Aquarii Alpha 56 (1) 107 (1) Aquarii Beta 6089 (5c,6d,8) 90 (1a,1,2) Aquarii Gamma 3022 (1,3,7) 68 (5) Aquarii Delta 1175 (2,1,3) 0 Aquarii Epsilon 944 (4b,5,1) 0 Aquarii Zeta 1075 (2,1) 0 Aquarii Eta 3526 (3,5,7) 151 (4,3) Aquilae Alpha 1351 (3,2) 0 Aquilae Beta 826 (1) 0 Aquilae Gamma 2326 (8,4d,5a) 207 (1,8,2) Aquilae Delta 3993 (3,1,2a) 76 (1,5) Aquilae Epsilon 388 (3a,6,5) 9 (1) Arae Alpha 2895 (1,1a) 12 (1a) Arae Beta 2422 (3,2,4) 0 Arae Gamma 184 (1) 0 Arae Delta 1311 (2,6,7) 96 (6)
Mineral Totals Biological Totals
Star System and Best Worlds and Best Worlds
Arae Epsilon 364 (1,2) 0 Arcturus 1420 (1,4,5) 176 (1a,1) Arianni Alpha 193 (1) 0 Arianni Beta 1493 (2,1a,1b) 0 Arianni Gamma 1127 (4a,1,2c) 138 (4a,1,2b) Arietis Alpha 135 (1) 0 Arietis Beta 1086 (1) 58 (1) Arietis Gamma 1401 (1,2b,2) 0 Arietis Delta 270 (2,1) 49 (2) Arietis Epsilon 567 (2,3,1) 0 Aurigae Alpha 5230 (6b,2,6a) 104 (3,5a,2a) Aurigae Beta 952 (1,4a,2) 0 Aurigae Gamma 7343 (7,3b,2a) 141 (2a,3d,2c) Aurigae Delta 11005 (7,2a,1b) 256 (2,1b,1a)
Bellatrix 2231 (1,2,3) 0 Betelgeuse 2816 (3a,3b,3) 184 (1,3) Bootis Alpha 2868 (5,2,1) 228 (4a,2,4c) Bootis Beta 835 (1,3,2) 0 Bootis Gamma 1842 (5,2,3) 0 Bootis Delta 435 (2a,2,1) 0 Bootis Epsilon 676 (1a,2,5a) 0 Bootis Zeta 228 (2,1a) 0 Bootis Eta 3125 (4,3a,7) 0 Brahe Alpha 831 (3,1,5) 126 (2,6) Brahe Beta 4752 (1,3a,3b) 0 Brahe Gamma 3619 (1,2) 0 Brahe Delta 9100 (1,3,9a) 91 (8b,4) Brahe Epsilon 270 (4a,1,3) 60 (1) Brahe Zeta 772 (1,2b,2a) 0
Caeli Alpha 612 (1b,1a,1d) 0 Caeli Beta 909 (1,4,3) 22 (2) Caeli Gamma 2180 (2a,1c,2) 66 (2a) Caeli Delta 595 (1a,2b,1b) 0 Caeli Epsilon 2347 (1b,1c,1a) 0 Camelopardalis Alpha 1631 (1,3,4b) 38 (4a) Camelopardalis Beta 3033 (1b,3,1c) 65 (7,1a) Camelopardalis Gamma 3824 (5b,2,1) 92 (4)
Mineral Totals Biological Totals
Star System and Best Worlds and Best Worlds
Camelopardalis Delta 1743 (1,4,7) 0 Camelopardalis Epsilon 862 (1a,1,2) 0 Camelopardalis Zeta 897 (2,1c,1a) 23 (2) Camelopardalis Eta 607 (4,3,2a) 126 (3,1) Camelopardalis Theta 1315 (5b,3,4b) 0 Camelopardalis Iota 1131 (3,2,1a) 0 Cancri Alpha 2082 (3,1,2) 79 (3,1) Cancri Beta 970 (1a,1,1b) 104 (1b) Cancri Gamma 854 (3,1,2) 0 Cancri Delta 681 (1a,1c,1d) 0 Canopus 260 (1) 0 Capella 1248 (1,2) 0 Capricorni Alpha 114 (1) 24 (1) Capricorni Beta 2042 (2b,2a,2c) 89 (2a) Capricorni Gamma 120 (1) 0 Carinae Alpha 2080 (1) 0 Carinae Beta 7982 (2,9d,9b) 304 (4,3b,7a) Carinae Gamma 176 (1a,1b) 0 Cassiopeiae Alpha 645 (1a,1d,1b) 0 Cassiopeiae Beta 1401 (5,4,5a) 45 (3) Cassiopeiae Gamma 2993 (4b,3,2b) 102 (1,3) Cassiopeiae Delta 1503 (1,4,3a) 0 Cassiopeiae Epsilon 3323 (1,2) 0 Centauri Alpha 11476 (3,8,1) 0 Centauri Beta 3377 (3c,1c,1b) 92 (3b,5) Centauri Gamma 1461 (1,2,1a) 0 Centauri Delta 3921 (2a,6,4) 186 (2a) Centauri Epsilon 572 (1) 0 Centauri Zeta 2193 (1c,4,2a) 56 (1a) Cephei Alpha 4687 (3,1,7) 0 Cephei Beta 10447 (6,9b,4) 75 (1a,2a,4) Cerenkov Alpha 5720 (5,2b,7b) 155 (1,9) Cerenkov Beta 1123 (6a,7a,6) 10 (7a) Ceti Alpha 11739 (2,6b,5a) 0 Ceti Beta 4334 (3,2b,6) 105 (2a) Ceti Gamma 1900 (5,3a,2) 47 (2,1) Ceti Delta 4872 (9a,5a,5c) 55 (5d,4) Ceti Epsilon 2508 (2a,1,4) 0 Ceti Zeta 2199 (6,5,3) 86 (3)
Mineral Totals Biological Totals
Star System and Best Worlds and Best Worlds
Ceti Eta 1466 (3,5,8a) 0 Chamaeleonis Alpha 6653 (4,5b,6) 148 (5b,5d,3) Chamaeleonis Beta 1298 (1,5,2) 216 (5,8,7) Chamaeleonis Gamma 2472 (1b,2,3) 85 (1b) Chamaeleonis Delta 136 (1) 0 Chamaeleonis Epsilon 2011 (7a,4,5) 101 (7a,7b) Chamaeleonis Zeta 808 (1a) 0 Chamaeleonis Eta 4752 (5b,1,2a) 103 (5b,5d) Chamaeleonis Theta 534 (1) 0 Chamaeleonis Iota 5668 (4,1,7b) 84 (1) Chamaeleonis Kappa 4356 (1a,1c,1b) 47 (1c,1a) Chandrasekhar Alpha 4799 (1,9b,7c) 175 (2,5a,9b) Chandrasekhar Beta 4350 (2,1) 0 Chandrasekhar Gamma 1613 (4a,6,5) 12 (3a,5) Chandrasekhar Delta 4299 (4,1,8) 259 (3,6,7d) Chandrasekhar Epsilon 144 (1) 0 Circini Alpha 6053 (4d,1c,6c) 122 (2b,5) Circini Beta 6897 (7,8,3) 248 (3a,1,2a) Circini Gamma 4903 (6,3,1) 247 (6,2,5) Circini Delta 2283 (2,6d,4) 28 (4,2,7a) Circini Epsilon 1543 (2,7,1) 35 (1) Circini Zeta 3129 (4,7a,3a) 86 (1,7a,3a) Columbae Alpha 8370 (5,4a,4b) 0 Columbae Beta 64 (1) 0 Columbae Gamma 1116 (1) 11 (1) Copernicus Alpha 54 (1) 0 Copernicus Beta 5770 (1,3,2a) 0 Copernicus Gamma 1610 (8c,4,7) 0 Corvi Alpha (Victim of interdimensional fatigue) Corvi Beta 1766 (7,6,2) 255 (1,6,3) Corvi Gamma 1566 (2,4,1) 0 Corvi Delta 129 (1) 0 Corvi Epsilon 898 (1a,5,1b) 219 (1a,1c,7) Corvi Zeta 1520 (5d,5a,6b) 195 (4a,4b) Corvi Eta 709 (5b,4b,4a) 100 (5b,4b) Crateris Alpha 2533 (5a,4,5b) 0 Crateris Beta 1773 (3,7,5) 18 (1) Crateris Gamma 4309 (5a,1a,2) 30 (2) Crateris Delta 3726 (4a,9a,6b) 172 (9,4a,1)
Mineral Totals Biological Totals
Star System and Best Worlds and Best World
Crateris Epsilon 1245 (2,4,4a) 109 (1,4) Crateris Zeta 403 (2b,2a,1a) 0 Crateris Eta 598 (1,2a,2c) 6 (2b) Crateris Theta 1769 (3,1,4c) 0 Crucis Alpha 7702 (2a,5,4a) 7 (1a,3) Crucis Beta 2492 (2a,2,3) 164 (2,1) Crucis Gamma 999 (4a,3b,1a) 0 Crucis Delta 1007 (1a,1c,1d) 106 (1d,1a) Cygnus Alpha 3492 (2,5,6) 28 (4) Cygnus Beta 4019 (5a,2a,4) 114 (4,3) Cygnus Gamma 103 (1) 0 Cygnus Delta 1561 (2,1,3a) 182 (1,3b) Cygnus Epsilon 181 (3,2,1) 0
Delphini Alpha 942 (1,3,5c) 0 Delphini Beta 350 (1) 0 Deneb 352 (3,2,1) 0 Doradus Alpha 189 (1) 0 Doradus Beta 2109 (4,5,1) 208 (3b,4,2b) Draconis Alpha 554 (2b,1,2a) 0 Draconis Beta 3008 (6a,3b,7b) 60 (6a,7c,5c) Draconis Gamma 5590 (3c,7,3a) 155 (3b,3a,3c) Draconis Delta 2720 (4,8,2b) 122 (2a,1,3) Draconis Epsilon 7298 (1,9,2a) 230 (8a,2a,7) Draconis Zeta 1695 (1,7b,8a) 30 (4) Draconis Eta 683 (1c,1d,1b) 50 (1a) Draconis Theta 3131 (1,3,4) 0 Draconis Iota 2581 (1,5,2) 123 (1) Draconis Kappa 3783 (2,4,5) 16 (5) Draconis Lambda 2525 (3,2,2a) 49 (2,6) Draconis Mu 801 (4,2b,2a) 0 Draconis Nu 616 (2a,1,2c) 55 (2a) Draconis Xi 493 (2a,2b,1) 0
Equulei Alpha 4832 (1,3b,3a) 0 Equulei Beta 532 (4,2,1) 92 (1) Eridani Alpha 2022 (1b,1a,1c) 0 Eridani Beta 3938 (4,1a,3c) 41 (3d,3c) Eridani Gamma 5541 (1,2b,2a) 0
Mineral Totals Biological Totals
Star System and Best Worlds and Best Worlds
Fomalhaut 4158 (1,5a,2) 191 (5a,5b,4) Fornacis Alpha 4221 (5,2,1) 4 (1) Fornacis Beta 2445 (5b,3,6a) 114 (3,6a) Fornacis Gamma 1651 (1,2c,2a) 47 (2c,1) Fornacis Delta 1317 (3,4,5) 0 Fornacis Epsilon 1438 (4,2a,1) 0 Fornacis Zeta 1751 (5,2,3c) 49 (3b,3c,3a) Fornacis Eta 513 (1,3,2a) 0
Geminorum Alpha 4257 (4b,2,5) 0 Geminorum Beta 4245 (1a,1c,3b) 105 (1b,4,1a) Geminorum Gamma 2388 (4a,4c,4b) 341 (3,1,4c) Geminorum Delta 257 (1) 3 (1) Giclas Alpha 3663 (7b,7a,4) 231 (4,7c,7a) Giclas Beta 1850 (4a,3,2) 0 Giclas Gamma 323 (2,3) 0 Giclas Delta 3346 (8,2,1) 16 (8) Giclas Epsilon 904 (1) 0 Giclas Zeta 2225 (1a,3b,3c) 0 Giclas Eta 4236 (4,2,3a) 37 (5) Giclas Theta 1548 (6,7,2a) 80 (4,2c) Gorno Alpha 4051 (2,8,3) 203 (1,6a) Gorno Beta 664 (2,3b,3a) 172 (2,3a) Gorno Gamma 1748 (3,5,4) 0 Gorno Delta 3479 (4,6,5) 75 (4,5) Gorno Epsilon 311 (1) 0 Groombridge 1056 (1) 0 Gruis Alpha 112 (1) 0 Gruis Beta 1949 (2,1) 103 (1) Gruis Gamma 3006 (1,3a,3b) 10 (3b) Gruis Delta 1060 (3a,1a,4d) 104 (1a) Gruis Epsilon 281 (1a,1) 32 (1) Gruis Zeta 1768 (1b,1a) 105 (1a) Gruis Eta 1623 (3c,1,3a) 0
Herculis Alpha 6846 (2,3,2a) 99 (3,2,1a) Herculis Beta 213 (2,1) 0 Horologii Alpha 1584 (6,1a,5) 154 (2,5) Horologii Beta 2438 (1,6d,5) 150 (6a,2)
Mineral Totals Biological Totals
Star System and Best Worlds and Best Worlds
Horologii Gamma 575 (2,3,1) 23 (3) Horologii Delta 159 (2,1) 0 Horologii Epsilon 1032 (2,1) 0 Horologii Zeta 1796 (3,4,7) 0 Horologii Eta 1284 (4,2a,1a) 0 Horologii Theta 201 (1) 0 Horologii Iota 1854 (7,4,6) 0 Horologii Kappa 5371 (4,6d,7) 79 (6d,5b,6a) Horologii Lambda 1638 (1,2,3) 0 Hyades Alpha 6015 (1,3b,7) 11 (8) Hyades Beta 2710 (5,2,1) 192 (4,2) Hyades Gamma 1386 (3,1,4) 124 (3,2c) Hyades Delta 2436 (3,6,9a) 0 Hyades Epsilon 1133 (2c,6,7) 77 (4,3,2a) Hyades Zeta 3756 (9,1,2) 86 (3,8,5) Hyades Eta 2840 (2,3b,5a) 80 (3a,5a) Hyades Theta 2493 (1,2c,2a) 0 Hyades Iota 7379 (2,1,7a) 72 (2,7b) Hyades Kappa 4736 (6,1,2) 186 (2,9a) Hyades Lambda 1949 (6,4,3) 329 (7,1,4a) Hydrae Alpha 3869 (3a,5,6) 201 (2,1,5) Hydrae Beta 239 (1a,1b) 0 Hydrae Gamma 575 (4c,3,4d) 10 (4c) Hyginus Alpha 705 (2,4a,1) 0 Hyginus Beta 1515 (4,1,5) 0 Hyperion 826 (2a,2b,3) 0
Illuminati Alpha 4694 (1,4,5) 64 (6) Illuminati Beta 715 (1,2a,2b) 0 Illuminati Gamma 4401 (9a,6,4a) 101 (6,2) Illuminati Delta 2064 (5a,2d,2a) 6 (5a) Illuminati Epsilon 612 (4,1) 0 Illuminati Zeta 1270 (6,3,9) 50 (3) Illuminati Eta 3786 (2c,6b,8) 43 (1a,6b) Illuminati Theta 1668 (1c,4,2) 0 Indi Alpha 639 (1,1a,2a) 0 Indi Beta 208 (1,2) 0
Mineral Totals Biological Totals
Star System and Best Worlds and Best Worlds
Kepler Alpha 5881 (5b,5d,3) 96 (6a,1,8d) Kepler Beta 1274 (2a,2b,3) 0 IKepler Gamma 1011 (1) 144 (1) Klystron Alpha 392 (3,2,4) 0 Klystron Beta 1193 (5c,1,4) 0 Krueger Alpha 1638 (3,2a,2) 0 Krueger Beta 538 (3,2,1) 0 Krueger Gamma 2152 (3,1a,2) 30 (2) Krueger Delta 1150 (1c,1b,1a) 42 (4) Krueger Epsilon 935 (4a,4b,3) 6 (4b) Krueger Zeta 2850 (2,3,1) 19 (3)
Lacaille Alpha 2640 (7d,2,1) 42 (8,4a) Lacaille Beta 45 (1) 30 (1) Lacaille Gamma 5594 (3b,6,5b) 91 (3b,3a,5a) Lacertae Alpha 2019 (1,2a,2) 6 (2) Lacertae Beta 1169 (2,3a,4) 86 (3a,3c) Lalande Alpha 1000 (1,2) 0 Lalande Beta 1604 (2,1) 72 (2) Lalande Gamma 225 (1) 0 Lalande Delta 1071 (4,3,1a) 100 (4) Lentilis Alpha 982 (1,2) 57 (2,1) Lentilis Beta 4881 (3a,5,3b) 114 (2,1) Lentilis Gamma 887 (6b,3,4b) 26 (4b,6a) Lentilis Delta 1028 (3,1c,1a) 55 (2) Leonis Alpha 4363 (5,4,1) 123 (1,2b) Leonis Beta 2746 (2,3,4b) 0 Leonis Gamma 7138 (2,4,6) 71 (8,2,2a) Leporis Alpha 1674 (2b,5,3) 0 Leporis Beta 3084 (1,5,8) 155 (8,7a,1) Leporis Gamma 3023 (1,2,4) 0 Librae Alpha 4737 (1b,1d,1c) 55 (2,5) Librae Beta 986 (1b,1,1a) 48 (1b,1) Librae Gamma 138 (1b,1a) 31 (1a) Librae Delta 53 (2a) 20 (2a) Librae Epsilon 635 (1) 0 Librae Zeta 1133 (1) 65 (1) Librae Eta 2027 (2,1,2b) 6 (2b) Lipi Alpha 3290 (2a,6b,2b) 56 (8,3c)
Mineral Totals Biological Totals
Star System and Best Worlds and Best Worlds
Lipi Beta 3033 (5,4c,1) 60 (1) Lipi Gamma 954 (2a,2b,1) 0 Lipi Delta 525 (1,2a,2b) 0 Lipi Epsilon 2385 (1,2a,2c) 0 Luyten Alpha 223 (2,1) 0 Luyten Beta 2062 (4,2,7) 189 (8b,9a,8d) Luyten Gamma 6059 (2,3,4) 124 (6b,8b,5a) Lyncis Alpha 1150 (3,4,2) 30 (3) Lyncis Beta 1773 (7,4,6) 8 (5) Lyncis Gamma 671 (3a,1,2) 0 Lyncis Delta 153 (1) 55 (1) Lyncis Epsilon 2908 (6,3c,1) 198 (3a,1,2) Lyncis Zeta 801 (2,4a,5) 0 Lyncis Eta 563 (1,3,2) 0 Lyncis Theta 3789 (1,5a,4) 62 (3) Lyrae Alpha 507 (1,2) 0 Lyrae Beta 2431 (5,3c,3a) 0
Maksutov Alpha 6240 (4,2a,1) 104 (5,2a,7a) Maksutov Beta 360 (1,1a) 44 (1a) Menkar 1412 (2,7,5) 72 (1,2) Mensae Alpha 485 (1c,1d,1b) 0 Mensae Beta 2329 (5c,4a,6) 20 (3d) Mensae Gamma 1255 (4,7c,4a) 234 (4,4a,7b) Mersenne Alpha 1327 (1,2) 0 Mersenne Beta 1328 (4,8,2) 115 (3,1,7) Metis 2131 (5,1a,6) 0 Microscopii 192 (1a,1b) 27 (1a) Mira Alpha 360 (1,2) 82 (1) Mira Beta 2341 (1c,1b,1d) 90 (1d) Mira Gamma 309 (2,1) 0 Mira Delta 1395 (1d,2a,1a) 190 (1a,3,1d) Mizar 147 (1) 0 Monocerotis Alpha 205 (1,2) 0 Monocerotis Beta 1777 (3,4,1) 0 Muscae Alpha 2910 (2,1) 0 Muscae Beta 1253 (1,5b,6) 0 Muscae Gamma 219 (3,2,1) 0 Muscae Delta 606 (3b,3a,1) 0
Mineral Totals Biological Totals
Star System and Best Worlds and Best Worlds
Muscae Epsilon 162 (1) 0 Muscae Zeta 1258 (2,4,6a) 7 (4)
Normae Alpha 5835 (2c,1c,2a) 140 (2a,2d,1c) Normae Beta 9153 (3,7,2) 0 Normae Gamma 987 (6c,3,5a) 18 (5a) Normae Delta 792 (3,4,2) 123 (1,2) Normae Epsilon 7718 (4,6,3b) 121 (3a,4) Normae Zeta 180 (1) 0
Octantis Alpha 3798 (4a,2,4b) 0 Octantis Beta 5147 (1,2b,5c) 168 (2d,1,3) Olber Alpha 6940 (3,6b,1) 241 (3,7,6a) Olber Beta 152 (1) 0 Olber Gamma 1095 (1,3,2) 0 Ophiuchi Alpha 495 (2,3a,2a) 50 (2a) Ophiuchi Beta 4310 (2,1,6) 0 Ophiuchi Gamma 1271 (2,1,1a) 33 (1a,1) Organon 1766 (2,4,5) 39 (1a) Orionis Alpha 14 (1) 0 Orionis Beta 5081 (1,2b,3a) 28 (4b) Orionis Gamma 2371 (5a,6,3) 0 Orionis Delta 2765 (6,1,2a) 71 (2,1,5) Orionis Epsilon 163 (1) 0 Orionis Zeta 1508 (2b,4,6) 257 (5,4) Orionis Eta 2417 (2,3,5a) 24 (1a) Orionis Theta 2048 (6,1,3b) 167 (9) Orionis Iota 1430 (1b,2,1a) 110 (1b,2) Orionis Kappa 2890 (1,2d,2c) 98 (3a,4,5) Orionis Lambda 99 (1) 0 Orionis Mu 2615 (2,3a,1) 0 Pavonis Alpha 2983 (4,7,5) 96 (7) Pavonis Beta 1395 (5b,3,5a) 197 (5a,3) Pegasi Alpha 4981 (5,9b,2) 100 (1,6) Pegasi Beta 3711 (3,1,2) 0 Persei Alpha 455 (1,2) 64 (1) Persei Beta 8037 (6,3c,5a) 0 Persei Gamma 1462 (2,5,1) 0 Persei Delta 2755 (1,3d,3c) 28 (3b)
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