Technical Manual
P/n: RAA022AA

1. Revisions

Table 1: Table of Revisions
Index P/N revision Software revision Section Date
RAA022AA RAH912AA < V1.01 All 31/03/02
This document applies to the latest higher software version. When a subsequent software version changes the information in this document, a new issue will be
The information in this manual is distributed on an ’’as is’’ basis, without warranty. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of the manual, ABX DIAGNOSTICS shall have any liability to any person or entity with respect to liability, loss, or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the instructions contained in this manual or by the computer software and hardware products described herein.

1.2. Trademarks

Other product names mentioned within this publication may be trademarks or registered trademarks of other companies.

1.3. Copyright ® 2002 by ABX DIAGNOSTICS

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of ABX DIAGNOSTIC S.
Parc Euromédecine
Rue du caducée
B.P. 7290
Tel: (33) (0)4 67 14 15 16
Fax: (33) (0)4 67 14 15 17

2. Working conditions

2.1. Environment

The Pentra 80 should be operated in an indoor location only. Operation at an altitude over 3000 meters (9800 feet) is not recommended. Instrument is designed to be safe for transient voltages according to INSTALLATION CATEGORY II and POLLUTION DEGREE 2.
Please ask your ABX Diagnostics representative service center for any information about the operating location when it does not comply with the recommended specifications.

2.2. Location

The Pentra 80 should be placed on a clean and leveled table or work station. Please note that the Pentra 80, printer and reagents weigh approximately 40 kilograms (88 lbs). Avoid exposure to sunlight. Proper ventilation requires that a space of at least 20 cm (8 inches) must be left behind the instrument.

2.3. Grounding

Proper grounding is required. Check that the wall ground (earth) plug is correctly connected to the laboratory grounding electricity installation.
If there is no ground then use a ground stake. Current electricity Standards must be applied.

2.4. Humidity and temperature conditions

The Pentra 80 must function between 16 to 34°C (61 to 93°F). Maximum relative humidity 80% for temperatures up to 31°C (88°F) decreasing linearly to 50% relative humidity at 40°C (104°F). If it is kept at a temperature of less than 10°C (50°F), the instrument should be allowed to sit for an hour at the correct room temperature before use.

2.5. Electromagnetic environment check

The Pentra 80 as been designed to produce less than the required level of electromagnetic interferences in order to operate in conformity with its destination. The electromagnetic interferences caused by the Pentra 80 are limited to a level allowing the correct operation of other instruments in conformity with their destination.
In case of problems, check that the instrument is not placed in proximity of electromagnetic fields, or short wave emissions (radars, X-rays, scanner, etc...).

2.6. Environment protection

Used accessories and consumables must be collected by a laboratory specialized in elimination and recycling of this kind of material according to the legislation.
1. Technical specifications ..........................................1-2
1.1. Parameters...................................................................1-2
1.2. Throughput Analyses ...................................................1-2
1.3. Tube identification ......................................................1-2
1.4. Reagents......................................................................1-3
1.5. Internal Computer .......................................................1-3
1.6. Measurements and computation.................................. 1-3
2. Physical specifications.............................................1-3
2.1. Power requirements..................................................... 1-3
2.2. Operating temperature and humidity...........................1-3
2.3. Dimension and weight ................................................1-3
2.4. Minimum specimen volume ........................................1-4
2.5. dilution ratios ..............................................................1-4
2.6. Hgb measurement ....................................................... 1-4
2.7. Counting aperture diameters........................................1-4
2.8. Reagent consumption (ml)...........................................1-4
3. Summary of performance data.................................1-5
3.1. Repeatability ...............................................................1-5
3.2. Linearity ......................................................................1-5
3.3. Carryover ....................................................................1-5
4. Reagents specification .............................................1-6
4.1. ABX DILUENT.............................................................1-6
4.2. ABX ALPHALYSE.........................................................1-6
4.3. ABX BIOLYSE .............................................................. 1-6
4.4. ABX CLEANER.............................................................1-7
4.5. ABX EOSINOFIX..........................................................1-7
4.6. ABX BASOLYSE II........................................................1-7
4.7. Waste handling precautions ........................................1-8
5. Limitations ..............................................................1-8
5.1. Maintenance ...............................................................1-8
5.2. Blood specimens ......................................................... 1-8
5.3. Known interfering substances ......................................1-8

1. Technical specifications

1.1. Parameters

Table 1: CBC Mode
WBC White Blood Cell
RBC Red Blood Cell
Hgb Hemoglobin Concentration
Hct Hematocrit
MCV Mean Corpuscular Volume
MCH Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin
MCHC Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration
RDW Red Distribution Width
PLT Platelets
PDW Platelets Distribution Width
MPV Mean Platelet Volume
PCT Plateletcrit
Table 2: CBC + 5DIFF Mode
WBC White Blood Cell
LY M Lymphocytes % and #
MON Monocytes % and #
NEU Neutrophils % and #
EOS Eosinophils % and #
BAS Basophils % and #
LIC Large Immature Cell % and #
ALY Atypical Lymphocytes % and #
RBC Red Blood Cell
Hgb Hemoglobin Concentration
Hct Hematocrit
MCV Mean Corpuscular Volume
MCH Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin
MCHC Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration
RDW Red Distribution Width
PLT Platelets
PDW Platelets Distribution Width
MPV Mean Platelet Volume
PCT Plateletcrit

1.2. Throughput Analyses

80 samples per hour.

1.3. Tube identification

By mean of Keyboard, internal and external Barcode.

1.4. Reagents

ABX DILUENT (20 Litres).
ABX CLEANER (1 Litre, Integrated).
ABX EOSINOFIX (1 Litre, Integrated).
ABX BASOLYSE (1 Litre, Integrate d).
ABX ALPHALYSE (0.4 Litre, Integrated).

1.5. Internal Computer

Color LCD touch screen: 12 inches.
Industrial PC board Windows NT 4.0.
Processor frequency ..... Celeron 433 MHz.
Memory capacity ........................... 128 Mo.
Hard drive ........................................ 10 Go.
Floppy disck.
CD ROM drive.
RS 232C.

1.6. Measurements and computation

Impedance for Wbc, Plt, Rbc, Baso.
Photometry for Hgb.
Impedance and light scattering for Lym, Mon; Neu, Eos, Aly and Lic.
Computation from stored data that was directly measured for Hct, Mcv, Mch, Mchc, Rdw, Mpv,
Pct and Pdw.

2. Physical specifications

2.1. Power requirements

Power supply...... from 100 Vac to 240 Vac.
......................50 Hz to 60 Hz.
Power consumption ..... Maximum 230 VA.
Printer ........................... Depends of printer.
................................... (See printer’s manual).

2.2. Operating temperature and humidity

16 - 34°C (61-93°F) room temperature.
Maximum relative humidity 80% for temperature up to 31°C (88°F) decreasing linearly to 50%
relative humidity at 40°C (104°F).

2.3. Dimension and weight

Dimensions ....................... 82 x 57 x 54 cm.
................ 34.1 x 23.3 x 22 in.
Weight............................................... 55 Kg.
..................................122 lbs.

2.4. Minimum specimen volume

CBC Mode (CBC) ............................... 30µl.
CBC + 5DIFF Mode (DIF).................... 53µl.

2.5. dilution ratios

LMNE .................................................. 1/80.
RBC/PLT .......................................1/10000.
HGB .................................................. 1/250.

2.6. Hgb measurement

Hgb chamber, LED 555 nm.
Modified Drabkin method (cyanmethemoglobin).
Light source .......Electroluminescent diode.
Wavelenght ..................... 550nm +/- 10nm.

2.7. Counting aperture diameters

WBC/BASO....................................... 80µm.
LMNE ................................................ 60µm.
RBC/PLT ........................................... 50µm.

2.8. Reagent consumption (ml)

Table 3: Reagents consumption
CBC/DIFF 0’45’’ 27.4 1.0 2.0 1.0 0.45
CBC 0’45’’ 24.4 - 2.0 1.0 0.45
Prime DILUENT 3’00’’ 44 - - - -
Prime CLEA-
Prime LYSE 1’31’’ 2.7 - - - 8.4
Prime ALL 7’13’’ 50.7 24.0 24.0 25.0 8.4
(1 blank cycle)
SHUT DOWN 2’56’’ 32.2 1.0 1.0 14.2 0.49
AUTOCLEAN 1’33’’ 27.6 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.50
MINICLEAN 0’21’’ 10.3 1.0 2.0 1.0 0.33
TED cleaning
BACKFLUSH 0’24’’ - - - - -
duration (s)
1’34’’ 1.6 23.7 - - -
1’25’’ 1.7 - 23.7 1.0 -
1’24’’ 1.7 - - 24.7 -
2’28’’ 55.2 2.0 3.0 2.0 0.95
1’14’’ 5.0 - - - -
4’00’’ 29.6 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.50
Basolyse II
Lyse (ml)
STARTUP cycle estimated duration and consumptions are given for one blank cycle control. It could be a maximum of three cycles.

3. Summary of performance data

3.1. Repeatability

Based on 10 consecutive samples of the same fresh whole blood sample without alarm:
Table 4: Repeatibility

3.2. Linearity

Table 5: Linearity
PARAMETERS Linearity Range
PLT Concentrated mode (103/µL) 1500 to 5000 x 103/µL
WBC < 2%
RBC < 2%
Hgb < 1% at 15 g/dL
Hct < 2% at 45%
Plt < 5%
at 10 x 103/µL
at 5 x 106/µL
at 300 x 103/µL
(Which ever is greater)
WBC (103/µL) 0 to 120 x 103/µL
RBC (106/µL) 0 to 8 x 106/µL
RBC (106/µL) 8 to 18 x 106/µL
PLT (103/µL) 0 to 1 900 x 103/µL
HGB (g/dl) 1.3 to 24 g/dl +/- 0.3 or +/- 2%
HCT (%) 2 to 67 % +/- 2 or +/- 3%
+/- 0.3 or +/- 7%
+/- 0.07 or +/- 2%
Reportable range
+/- 10 or +/- 7%
+/- 10 or +/- 7 %

3.3. Carryover

Carry-over was tested by analyzing samples with hight concentration of WBCs, RBCs, Hgb and
PLTs. Each sample was run in triplicate, followed by three background cycles. The % carryover is calculated using the following formula:
Background1 Background3
---------- ---------- ----------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------x100= Sample3 Background3
Table 6: Carryover
Level 43.64 8.56 25.94 739
% Carryover (Actual) 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.28
% Carryover (Claimed) <0.5% <0.5% <0.5% <0.5%

4. Reagents specification

In order for the instrument to operate correctly, hight-quality reagents must be used. ABX DIAGNOSTICS provides all the necessary reagents. All these reagents have been registered by the A.F.S.S.A.P.S. «Agence Française de Sécurité Sanitaire des Produits de Santé» according to the procedure relative to laboratory reagents used for biological analyses. These reagents are used for in vitro diagnostics. All these reagents are manufactured by:
Rue du caducée - Parc Euromédecine 34184 MONTPELLIER CEDEX - FRANCE Tel: (33) 4 67 14 15 16 - Fax: (33) 4 67 14 15 17


Function: This diluent is necessary for the process involved in counting (and differentiating) the
blood cells. This reagent is used also to rinse the hydraulic parts of the instrument.
Composition: Stabilized saline solution which contains an organic buffer, an antiseptic and
Sodium Azide < 0.1%.
Description: Limpid and odourless aqueous solution.
Physico-chemical properties: Boiling point: About 100°C, pH: neutral.
Mesuring Principles: See user manual.
Performances: See user manual.
Results: See user manual.
Directions for use: See user manual.
Handling Precautions: Avoid skin and eye contact. Use laboratory gloves when handling the
reagents. If a large quantity of reagent is ingested a mucous irritation can result.
Emergency First aid: If the eyes or skin come into contact with the reagent, rinse thoroughly with
water. If a large quantity is ingested, drink water immediately, and induce vomiting.
Storage conditions: Stored at 18°C (65°F) to 25°C (77°F) away from light.
ABX DIAGNOSTICS Part number: 0901020


Function: This reagent is used to lyse blood cells and determine hemoglobin concentration.
Composition:The reagent contains potassium cyanide at 0.03%, a quarternary ammonium salt
and a saline phosphate buffer containing sodium azide < 0.1%.
Description: Aqueous solution, limpid.
Physico-chemical properties: Boiling point: approximately 100°C. pH: basic, smells of cyanide.
Mesuring Principles: See user manual.
Performances: See user manual.
Results: See user manual.
Directions for use: See user manual.
Handling Precautions: May be dangerous. Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing. Wear
laboratory gloves when handling the product. The product may be harmful if ingested. The product can be absorbed through an open wound, or inhalation.
Emergency First aid: If the eyes or skin come into contact with the reagent, rinse with water. If
the reagent is inhaled, breathe fresh air immediately. If a large quantity is ingested, drink water immediately, and induce vomiting. Call anti-poison center, or contact doctor.
Storage conditions: Stored at 18°C (65°F) to 25°C (77°F) away from light. Product will degrade if
exposed to air, keep cap / probe assembly securely tightened.
ABX DIAGNOSTICS Part number: 0906004


Function: This reagent is used to lyse blood cells and determine hemoglobin concentration.
Composition:Quarternary ammonium chloride.
Description: Colorless, odorless.
Physico-chemical properties: pH: 6.65
Handling Precautions: May be dangerous. Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing. Wear
laboratory gloves when handling the product. The product may be harmful if ingested.
Mesuring Principles: See user manual.
Performances: See user manual.
Results: See user manual.
Directions for use: See user manual.
Emergency First aid: If the eyes or skin come into contact with the reagent, rinse with water. If
the product is ingested, call immediately a doctor.
Storage conditions: Stored at 18°C (65°F) to 25°C (77°F) away from light..
ABX DIAGNOSTICS Part number: 0906005


Function: Washing agent.
Composition: Enzymatic solution with proteolytic action.
Description: Transparent liquid.
Physico-chemical properties: Boiling point: around 100°C. pH: 9.6
Handling Precautions: May be harmful. Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing.
Mesuring Principles: See user manual.
Performances: See user manual.
Results: See user manual.
Directions for use: See user manual.
Emergency First Aid: In case the product comes into contact with the eyes, rinse with water. If
the product is ingested, call a doctor immediately.
Storage conditions: Stored at 18°C (65°F) to 25°C (77°F).
ABX DIAGNOSTICS Part number: 0903010


Function: This reagent lyses RBCs, fixes leukocytes and gives a specific coloration to
Composition: Alcoholic solution containing propylene-glycol, a formic dye, buffers, alkaline salts,
wetting agents and an aldehyde preservative.
Description: Deep blue aqueous solution, smells of alcohol.
Physico-chemical properties: pH: 6.9
Handling precautions: Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing. Wear laboratory gloves when
handling the product. The product may be harmful if ingested or inhalted. Keep the bottle closed when not in use.
Mesuring Principles: See user manual.
Performances: See user manual.
Results: See user manual.
Directions for use: See user manual.
Emergency First Aid: If the eyes or skin come into contact with the reagent, rinse with water. If
the reagent is inhaled or ingested, call local anti-poison center or contact doctor.
Storage conditions: Room temperature between 18°C (65°F) to 25°C (77°F).
ABX DIAGNOSTICS Part number: 0206010


Function: This reagent lyses RBCs for the leukocytes and differential count of the polynuclear
Composition: Acidic solution containing a lytic agent.
Description: Colorless aqueous solution.
Physico-chemical properties: pH: 2.4
Handling precautions: Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing. Wear laboratory gloves when
handling the product. The product may be harmful if ingested or inhalated. Keep the bottle closed when not in use.
Mesuring Principles: See user manual.
Performances: See user manual.
Results: See user manual.
Directions for use: See user manual.
Emergency First Aid: If the eyes or skin come into contact with the reagent, rinse with water. If
the reagent is inhaled, breath fresh air immediately. If a large quantity is ingested, drink water immediately. Do not induce vomiting. Call local anti-poison center or contact doctor.
Storage conditions: Room temperature between 18°C (65°F) to 25°C (77°F).
ABX DIAGNOSTICS Part number: 0906003

4.7. Waste handling precautions

If required, waste can be neutralized before being discarded. Follow your laboratory’s protocol
when neutralizing and disposing of waste.

5. Limitations

5.1. Maintenance

In Chapter 8. Maintenance, specific maintenance procedures are listed. The maintenance
procedures identified are mandatory for proper use and operation of the ABX PENTRA 80.
Failure to execute any of these recommended procedures may result in poor reliability of the system.

5.2. Blood specimens

Verification of any abnormal test result (including flagged results or results outside of the normal range) should be performed using reference methods or other standard laboratory procedures for conclusive verification of the results. The sections below list known limitations of automated blood cell counters which use the principles of impedance and light absorbance as principles of measurement.

5.3. Known interfering substances

White Blood Cells (Leukocytes):WBC results that exceed the linearity limits of the system will
require dilution of the blood sample (Leukemia sample followed by a leukopenia). Re-assaying the
diluted sample will help to obtain the correct assay value.
Unlysed Red Cells - In some rare instances, the erythrocytes in the blood sample may not be
completely lysed. These non-lysed red blood cells may be detected on the WBC histogram with an
L1 alarm or as an elevated baseline on the side (leading edge) of the lymphocytes population. Non-
lysed erythrocytes will cause a falsely elevated WBC count.
Multiple myeloma - The precipitation of proteins in multiple myeloma patients may give high
WBC counts.
Leukemia - A very low WBC count may result from this disease because of possible increased
fragility of the leukocytes leading to destruction of some of these cells during counting. These white
cell fragments will also interfere with the white cell differential parameters.
Chemotherapy - Cytotoxic and immunosuppressive drugs may increase the fragility of the
leukocytes which may cause low WBC counts.
Cryoglobulins - Increased levels of cryoglobulin that may be associated with myeloma,
carcinoma, leukemia, macroglobulinemia, lymphoproliferative disorders, metastic tumors,
autoimmune disorders, infections, aneurism, pregnancy, thromboembolic phenomena, diabetes,
etc, which can increase the WBC, RBC or Plt counts and the Hgb concentration. The specimen
must be warmed up to 37°C (99°F) in a bain marie for 30 minutes and analyzed again immediately
after (analyzer or manual method).
Macrothrombocytes - in excessive numbers may affect and increase Leukocyte numeration.
Red Blood Cells (Erythrocytes): The red blood cell dilution contains all the formed elements in
the blood: erythrocytes, leukocytes and platelets. During erythrocytes counting (red blood cells), platelets are not counted as their size falls below the minimum threshold.
Agglutinated erythrocytes - May cause a low incorrect RBC count. Blood samples containing
the agglutinated red blood cells may be suspected by elevated MCH and MCHC values and shown by examination of the stained blood film.
Cold agglutinins - IgM immunoglobulins which are high in cold agglutinin disease may cause
lower RBC and Plt counts and increase MCV.
Hgb (Hemoglobin):
Turbidity of the blood sample - Any number of physiological and/or therapeutic factors may
produce high incorrect Hgb results. To obtain accurate hemoglobin results when increased turbidity of the blood sample occurs, determine the cause of the turbidity and follow the appropriate method below:
High WBC: An extremely high WBC will cause excessive light scatter. In these cases use
reference (manual) methods.The diluted sample should be centrifuged, and the supernatant fluid measured with a spectrophotometer.
High lipid concentration: A high concentration of lipids in the blood sample will give the plasma
a «milky» appearance. This condition can occur with hyperlipidemia, hyperproteinemia (as in gammapathies) and hyperbilirubinemia. Accurate hemoglobin determinations can be achieved by using reference (manual) methods and a plasma blank.
Increased turbidity may also be seen in cases where the red blood cells are resistant to lysing.
This condition will cause an incorrect high Hgb result, but may be detected by observing the abnormal MCH, MCHC values, and the increased baseline on the leading edge of the WBC histogram. Erroneous hemoglobin results will cause the results of the MCH and MCHC to be incorrect as well.
Fetal bloods - The mixing of fetal and maternal bloods may produce a high inaccurate Hgb value.
Hct (Hematocrit):
Red blood cells agglutination - May produce an inaccurate Hct and MCV values. Red blood cell
agglutination may be detected by observing abnormal MCH and MCHC values, as well as by examination of the stained blood film In such cases, manual methods may be required to obtain an accurate Hct value
MCV (Mean Corpuscular Volume):
Red blood cell agglutination - May produce an inaccurate MCV value. Red blood cell
agglutination may be detected by observing abnormal MCH and MCHC values, as well as by examination of the stained blood film. In such cases, manual methods may be required to obtain an accurate MCV value.
Excessive numbers of large platelets and/or the presence of an excessively high WBC count
may interfere with the accurate determination of the MCV value. In such cases, careful examination of the stained blood film may reveal the error.
MCH (Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin):
The MCH is determined according to Hgb value and the RBC count. The limitations listed for the
Hgb and RBC will have an effect on the MCH and may cause inaccurate values. MCHC (Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration):
The MCHC is determined according to the Hgb and Hct values. The limitations listed for the Hgb
and Hct will have an effect on the MCHC and may cause inaccurate values.
RDW (Red blood cell Distribution Width):
The red blood cell distribution width is determined according to the RBC count.
Nutritional deficiency or blood transfusion - May cause high RDW results due to iron and/or
cobalamin and /or folate deficiency.
Plt (Platelets):
Very small erythrocytes (microcytes), erythrocyte fragments (schizocytes) and WBC fragments
may interfere with the proper counting of platelets and cause elevated Plt counts.
Agglutinated erythrocytes - May trap platelets, causing an erroneously low platelet count. The
presence of agglutinated erythrocytes may be detected by observation of abnormal MCH and MCHC values and by careful examination of the stained blood film.
Giant platelets in excessive numbers - may cause a low inaccurate platelet count as these large
platelets may exceed the upper threshold for the platelet parameter and are not counted.
Chemotherapy - Cytotoxic and immunosuppressive drugs may increase the fragility of these
cells which may cause low Plt counts. Reference (manual) methods may be necessary to obtain an
accurate platelet count.
Hemolysis - Hemolysed specimens contain red cell stroma which may increase platelet counts.
A.C.D. blood - Blood anticoagulated with acid-citrate-dextrose may contain clumped platelet
which could decrease the platelet count.
Platelet agglutination - Clumped platelets may cause a decreased platelet count and/or a high
WBC count. The specimen should be recollected in sodium citrate anticoagulant to ensure the
anticoagulated character depending on agglutination and reanalyzed only for the platelet count.
The final Plt result must be corrected for the sodium citrate dilution effect. However, these platelet
clumps do trigger flags L1, LL and LL1.
MPV (Mean Platelet Volume):
Giant platelets that exceed the upper threshold of the Platelet parameter may not be counted as
platelets. Consequently, these larger platelets will not be included in the instrument’s calculation of
Mean Platelet Volume.
Very small erythrocytes (microcytes), erythrocytic fragments (Schizocytes) and white blood cell
fragments may interfere with the proper counting and sizing of Platelets.
Agglutinated erythrocytes - May trap Platelets, causing an incorrect MPV result. The presence
of agglutinated erythrocytes may be detected by observation of abnormal MCH and MCHC values
and by careful examination of the stained blood film.
Chemotherapy - May also affect the sizing of Plts.
Blood samples collected in EDTA will not maintain a stable Mean Platelet Volume. Platelets collected in EDTA swell depending on the time post-collection and storage temperature.
LYM# (Lymphocyte count absolute value), LYM% (Lymphocyte percentage):
The Lymphocyte count is derived from the WBC count. The presence of erythroblasts, certain
parasites and erythrocytes that are resistant to lysis may interfere with an accurate LYM count.
Limitations listed for the WBC count pertain to the LYM # and % counts as well.
MON# (mononuclear cell count absolute), MON% (Mononuclear percentage):
The mononuclear cell count absolute is derived from the WBC count. The presence of large
lymphocytes, atypical lymphocytes, blasts and an excessive number of basophils may interfere
with an accurate monocyte count.
Limitations listed for the WBC count pertain to the MON # and % counts as well.
NEU# (neutrophil count absolute), NEU% (Neutrophil percentage):
The neutrophils cell count is derived from the WBC cell count. The excessive presence of
eosinophils, metamyelocytes, myelocytes, promyelocytes, blasts and plasma cells may interfere
with an accurate neutrophils count.
EOS# (Eosinophil cell count absolute), EOS% (Eosinophil percentage):
The eosinophil cell count is derived from the WBC cell count. The presence of abnormal granules
(degranulated areas, toxic granules...) may interfere with the eosinophil counting.
BAS# (Basophil cell count absolute), BAS% (Basophil percentage):
The Basophil cell count is derived from the WBC cell count.
Hydraulic & Pneumatic principles
1. Hydropneumatic connections..................................2-2
2. Instrument tubing ....................................................2-5
2.1. Tube list ......................................................................2-5
2.2. Connectors and integrated tubings list .........................2-7
3. Function of valves ...................................................2-7
4. Pneumatic diagram..................................................2-8

1. Hydropneumatic connections

Read this table as follow: LV3_2 means connection to port 2 of valve 3.
Table 1: Hydropneumatic connection
Circuit From F.S . Diameter Length T.S. To
AIR Atmosphere 2.05 140 LV14_2
LV14_1 1.52 70 Count syringe_1
Rinse chamber_1 -
LV17_1 1.52 30 T8_1
Atmosphere 2.05 80 LV19_1
LV19_3 1.52 500 Diluent reservoir_2
LV19_2 1.52 60 T8_3
T8_2 1.52 230 Drain syringe # 2_1
Atmosphere 2.05 70 LV21_2
LV21_1 1.30 185 Isolator_2
Rinse chamber_2 -
LV24_1 1.52 90 Drain syringe # 1_1
ABX Diluent contai-
Diluent input 2.54 190 S LV29_2
LV29_1 S 2.54 180 S Diluent reservoir_4
Diluent reservoir_1 2.05 370 LV 2_ 1
LV2_3 S 2.05 120 LMNE syringe_2
LV3_2 S 1.52 50 S LV3_3
LV3_1 S 1.52 60 S LV1_3
LV1_1 S 1.52 200 S Isolator_1
Isolator_2 S 1.52 100 T1_1
T1_2 1.14 35 LMNE flow cell_4
T1_2 Xba403a LMNE flow cell_4
T1_3 1.14 35 LMNE flow cell_2
T1_3 Xba403a LMNE flow cell_2
LV1_2 1.52 300 T6_3
LV2_2 1.02 175 LMNE syringe_4
LMNE syringe_1 1.02 205 LMNE flow cell_5
LMNE flow cell_7 1.02 10 (Cap)
Diluent reservoir_3 2.05 610 LV10_1
LV10_3 2.05 160 Reagent syringe_4
LV10_2 1.52 50 LV11_3
LV11_1 1.52 15 T5_2
T5_1 1.52 760 LV22_3
LV22_1 1.52 50 LV23_3
LV23_1 1.52 190 T3_1
T3_3 1.52 75 Probe rinse block_1
T3_2 1.30 15 Isolator_1
Isolator_3 1.52 215 LV20_1
2.05 550 LV17_2
2.05 300 LV24_2
C 3x6 maxi. 2000 Diluent input
2.05 65 Diluent reservoir_1
2.05 65 Diluent reservoir_3
Table 1: Hydropneumatic connection
Circuit From F.S . Diameter Length T. S . To
LV20_2 1.52 760 T7_1
LV23_2 1.52 300 Probe rinse block_2
LV22_2 1.02 115 Sample syringe_2
LV11_2 1.52 440 LV25_3
LV25_1 1.52 65 LV27_3
LV27_1 1.52 50 LV26_3
LV26_1 1.52 200 S Reagent heater_7
Reagent heater_8 S 1.52 160 RBC chamber_1
LV26_2 1.52 260 S Reagent heater_1
Reagent heater_2 S 1.52 160 DIL1/HGB chamber_1
LV27_2 1.52 50 T10_2
LV25_2 1.52 170 WBC/Baso chamber_4
SAMPLING Probe_1 1.02 205 Sample syringe_1
Abx Cleaner bottle 2.05 800 LV8 _1
LV 8_ 3 2.05 160 Reagent syringe_2
LV 8_ 2 1.52 70 LV 6_3
LV 6_ 1 1.52 300 T10_3
T10_1 1.52 180 WBC/Baso chamber_1
LV 6_ 2 1.52 120 T5_3
Abx Eosinofix bottle 2.05 800 LV 9 _1
LV 9_ 3 2.05 160 Reagent syringe_3
LV 9_ 2 1.52 550 S Reagent heater_3
Reagent heater_4 S 1.52 160 LMNE chamber_3
Abx Basolyse II
LV12_3 2.05 160 Reagent syringe_5
LV12_2 1.52 575 S Reagent heater_10
Reagent heater_9 S 1.52 60 S Reagent heater_11
Reagent heater_12 S 1.52 160 WBC/Baso chamber_2
Abx Alphalyse bottle 1.52 800 LV 7 _1
LV 7_ 3 1.52 160 Reagent syringe_1
LV 7_ 2 1.52 480 DIL1/HGB chamber_2
Probe_1 S Sample syringe_1
LMNE chamber_4 1.30 20 M4_2 photocell
M4_1 photocell 1.30 320 LV4 _1
LV 4_ 2 1.02 130 T2_2
T2_3 1.02 240 LMNE syringe_5
LMNE syringe_3 1.02 85 T4_1
T4_2 1.02 15 LV 5_1
LV 5_ 2 1.52 280 T7_2
T2_1 S 1.85 10 LMNE flow cell_6
2.05 800 LV12_1
0.19 4 LMNE flow cell_6
Table 1: Hydropneumatic connection
Circuit From F.S . Diameter Length T.S. To
LMNE flow cell_output
E1_2 anode fitting 1.52 70 Isolator_1
Isolator_2 1.52 80 E2_1 ground fitting
E2_2 ground fitting 1.52 335 LV28_2
LV28_1 1.52 120 T6_2
T6_1 1.52 160 S Reagent heater_5
Reagent heater_6 S 1.52 160 LMNE chamber_2
WASTE Rinse chamber_3 2.05 20 Filter_1
RBC chamber_2 1.52 480 LV15_2
LV15_1 1.52 70 Count syringe_2
Filter_2 2.05 100 LV31_2
LV31_1 1.52 30 T12_3
LV32_1 1.52 15 T12_2
T12_1 1.52 35 T13_3
RBC chamber_4 1.52 65 LV34_2
LV34_1 1.52 15 T13_2
T13_1 1.52 180 M2_1 photocell
M2_2 photocell 1.52 15 Isolator # 2_1
Isolator # 2_2 2.05 280 LV30_1
LV30_3 S 2.54 160 S Drain syringe # 1_2
LV30_2 S 2.54 150 T14_3
LMNE chamber_5 1.52 65 LV33_2
LV33_1 1.52 60 E3_1
E3_2 1.52 60 T11_1
T7_3 1.52 100 T11_3
T11_2 1.52 15 M1_1 photocell
M1_2 photocell 1.52 15 Isolator # 1_1
Isolator # 1_2 2.05 500 LV18_1
LV18_3 2.05 210 Drain syringe # 2_2
LV18_2 S 2.54 150 T9_2
WBC/Baso chamber_5
LV35_1 1.52 130 M3_1 photocell
M3_2 photocell 1.52 15 Isolator # 3_1
Isolator # 3_2 2.05 460 Count syringe_3
T4_3 1.02 150 LV13_1
LV13_2 2.05 140 Count syringe_4
Count syringe_5 2.05 120 LV16_1
LV16_2 S 2.54 150 T9_3
T9_1 2.54 225 T14_2
T14_1 2.54 20 Waste output
Waste ou tput C 4x6 maxi. 2000 Waste container
1.52 20 E1_1 anode fitting
1.52 200 RBC chamber_3
1.52 65 LV32_2
1.52 50 LV35_2

2. Instrument tubing

2.1. Tube list

Table 2: Tube list
Designation Part Numb er Diameter Length Quantity Comment
Y Connector EAB021A 3 2
Y Connector EAB026A 2.5 2
T410-6 Connector EAB033A 1.6 2
T220-6 Connector EAB035A 2.3 8
0.040 TYGON tubing
0.051 TYGON tubing
0.060 TYGON tubing
EAE005A 1.02 10 1
1.02 15 1
1.02 85 1
1.02 115 1
1.02 130 1
1.02 150 1
1.02 175 1
1.02 205 2
1.02 240 1
EAE006A 1.30 15 1
1.30 20 1
1.30 185 1
1.30 320 1
EAE007A 1.52 15 7
1.52 20 1
1.52 30 2
1.52 35 1
1.52 50 6
1.52 60 5
1.52 65 4
1.52 70 4
1.52 75 1
1.52 80 1
1.52 90 1
1.52 100 2
1.52 120 2
1.52 130 1
1.52 160 7
1.52 170 1
1.52 180 2
1.52 190 1
1.52 200 3
1.52 215 1
1.52 230 1
1.52 260 1
Table 2: Tube list
Designation Part Num ber Diameter Length Quantity Comment
1.52 280 1
1.52 300 3
1.52 335 1
1.52 440 1
1.52 480 1
1.52 500 1
1.52 550 1
1.52 575 1
1.52 760 2
1.52 800 1
0.081 TYGON tubing
CRISTAL tubing EAE011A 3x6
CRISTAL tubing EAE028A 4x6
0.045 TYGON tubing
0.100 TYGON tubing
0.0075 TYGON tubing
0.073 TYGON tubing
Sleevings GAL098A 30
Tube shielding XBA403A 2
EAE008A 2.05 20 1
2.05 65 2 Notched tubing
2.05 70 1 Notched tubing
2.05 80 1 Notched tubing
2.05 100 1
2.05 120 2
2.05 140 1
2.05 140 1 Notched tubing
2.05 160 4
2.05 210 1
2.05 280 1
2.05 300 1
2.05 370 1
2.05 460 1
2.05 500 1
2.05 550 1
2.05 610 1
2.05 800 3
maxi 2000
maxi 2000
EAE033A 1.14 35 2
EAE034A 2.54 20 1
2.54 150 3
2.54 160 1
2.54 180 1
2.54 190 1
2.54 225 1
EAE047A 0.19 4 1
EAE048A 1.85 10 1
S2x4 Lg=6 tubing EAE026A

2.2. Connectors and integrated tubings list

The following table shows the connectors and integrated tubings list: Length x Quantity per
Table 3: Connectors and integrated tubings list
Designation Part Num b e r Diameter Length Qty Comment
Y Connector EAB021A 3 2
Y Connector EAB026A 2.5 2
T410-6 Connector EAB033A 1.6 2
T220-6 Connector EAB035A 2.3 8
0.040 TYGON tubing
0.051 TYGON tubing
0.060 TYGON tubing
0.081 TYGON tubing
CRISTAL tubing EAE011A 3x6
CRISTAL tubing EAE028A 4x6
0.045 TYGON tubing
0.100 TYGON tubing
0.0075 TYGON tubing
0.073 TYGON tubing
Sleevings GAL098A 30
Tube shielding XBA403A 2
EAE005A 1.02 1330 1
EAE006A 1.30 540 1
EAE007A 1.52 11700 1
EAE008A 2.05 7240 1
EAE033A 1.14 70 1
EAE034A 2.54 1225 1
EAE047A 0.19 4 1
EAE048A 1.85 10 1
S2x4 Lg=6 tubing EAE026A

3. Function of valves

Table 4: Function of valves
Subject Functions
1 Differencial diluent Selects flowcell sheath 2 or LMNE chamber
2 Differencial diluent
3 Differencial diluent Selects flowcell sheath 1 or sheath 2
Flowcell sample
Flowcell sample
Rinse output con-
7 Alphalyse Control alphalyse entry\exit reagent syringe
Opens pathway from LMNE chamber to flowcell
Opens waste path for sample LMNE syringe
Selects rinse for probe rinse block or WBC\Baso chamber
Table 4: Function of valves
Subject Functions
8 Cleaner Control cleaner entry\exit reagent syringe
9 Eosinofix Control eosinofix entry\exit reagent syringe
10 Diluent Control alphalyse entry\exit reagent syringe
Diluent ouput con-
12 Basolyse II Control basolyse II entry\exit reagent syringe
13 Flowcell rinse Routes diluent from flowcell and LMNE syringe to counting syringe
14 Counting syringe Set counting syringe to atmosphere
WBC and RBC\Plt
16 Counting syringe Drain for counting syringe
17 Draining syringe #2 Set draining syringe #2 to atmosphere (through Rinse chamber)
18 Draining syringe #2 Drain for draining syringe #2
19 Diluent reservoir Fill diluent tank or set diluent tank to atmosphere
20 Probe Probe cleaning
21 Probe Flushing out of probe rinsing block
22 Probe Direct diluent into interior or exterior of probe
23 Probe Probe cleaning
24 Draining syringe #1 Set draining syringe #1 to atmosphere (through Rinse chamber)
WBC\Baso Coun-
ting head
Diluent chamber
27 Diluent circuit Fill WBC\Baso chamber with diluent
28 Flowcell drain Opens path from flowcell output to LMNE chamber for drain
29 Diluent circuit Entry of diluent
30 Counting syringe Flushing\Draining of the counting syringe
31 Chambers Drain for rinse chamber
32 Chambers Drain for first dilution chamber
33 Chambers Drain for LMNE chamber
34 Chambers Drain for RBC chamber
35 Chambers Drain for WBC\Baso chamber
Routes diluent to probe rinse block or heating coil
Opens vacuum count line for WBC and RBC chambers
Routes diluent to heating coil or sweep flow for counting head
Routes diluent (via heating coil) to Hgb or RBC chamber
4. Pneumatic diagram
See pneumatic diagram on next page.
Electric & Electronic principles
1. Main board .............................................................3-3
1.1. Main board general view .............................................3-3
2. Motor board ............................................................3-4
2.1. Motor board general view............................................3-4
3. Connectors and other boards...................................3-4
3.1. CBC008A Barcode reader............................................3-5
3.2. DAD075AS Flat cable 350mm. 14pts ..........................3-6
3.3. DAD075AS Flat cable 480mm. 14pts ..........................3-7
3.4. DAD109A Flat cable 560mm. 14pts............................3-8
3.5. DAD112AS Flat cable 930mm. 26pts (Main board\Car-
riage board)........................................................................3-9
3.6. DAD119AS Flat cable 950mm. 8pts ..........................3-10
3.7. DAD120A Flat cable 800mm. 14pts..........................3-11
3.8. DAD121A Flat cable 700mm. 44pts..........................3-12
3.9. DAD122A Flat cable 650mm. 14pts..........................3-13
3.10. DAD123A DSUB 25pts Flat cable 1000mm. ........... 3-14
3.11. DAD124A DSUB 9pts Flat cable 1000mm. ............. 3-15
3.12. XAA428C Carriage board ........................................3-16
3.13. XAA429A LEDs board .............................................3-17
3.14. XAA456A Main board ............................................. 3-18
3.15. XAA458A LMNE amplifier board............................. 3-19
3.16. XAA459A Motor board............................................ 3-20
3.17. XAA478A Solenoid board........................................ 3-21
3.18. XBA322B External waste level detection.................. 3-22
3.19. XBA342A Infrared sensor......................................... 3-23
3.20. XBA387A Reagent heating coil ................................ 3-24
3.21. XBA389A Hemoglobin photometer ......................... 3-25
3.22. XBA393A Upper fan ................................................3-26
3.23. XBA396A Infrared 260mm.......................................3-27
3.24. XBA398B RBC&WBC electrode coaxial cable .........3-28
3.25. XBA399B LMNE flowcell coaxial cable ...................3-29
3.26. XBA425A Chamber heating ..................................... 3-30
3.27. XBA427A Emergency position assy.......................... 3-31
3.28. XBA431A Infrared photocell 600mm. (No tab) ........ 3-32
3.29. XBA432A Infrared photocell 600mm. (2 tabs).......... 3-33
3.30. XBA433A Infrared photocell 600mm. (1 tab) ........... 3-34
3.31. XBA458A Switch JST 300mm. .................................3-35
3.32. XBA459A Switch JST 400mm. .................................3-36
3.33. XBA460A Switch Jst 500mm....................................3-37
3.34. XBA461A Switch Jst 700mm....................................3-38
3.35. XBA462A Motor Jst 300mm..................................... 3-39
3.36. XBA463A Motor Jst 400mm..................................... 3-40
3.37. XBA464A Motor Jst 500mm..................................... 3-41
3.38. XBA465A Motor Jst 700mm..................................... 3-42
3.39. XBA469A Horizontal carriage cell extension........... 3-43
3.40. XBA470A Solenoid JST 700mm. ..............................3-44
3.41. XBA471A Solenoid Molex 230mm. ......................... 3-45
3.42. XBA478A Horizontal carriage motor ....................... 3-46
3.43. XBA486A LEDs extension JST 1000mm. ..................3-47
3.44. XBA487A LED JST 200mm. ..................................... 3-48
3.45. XBA488A Waste level detection .............................. 3-49
3.46. XDA605A Diluent reservoir with level detection ..... 3-50
3.47. XDA751C 12 valves assy (LV1-6 & LV7-12)............. 3-51
3.48. XDA752C 7 valves assy (LV13-19)........................... 3-52
3.49. XDA753C Carriage valves assy (LV20-23)................3-53
3.50. XDA754C 7 valves assy (LV24-30)........................... 3-54
3.51. XDA755C 5 valves assy (LV31-35)........................... 3-55
4. Pentra 80 synoptic.................................................3-55

1. Main board

1.1. Main board general view

Diag.1:Main board general view

2. Motor board

2.1. Motor board general view

Diag.2:Motor board general view

3. Connectors and other boards


3.1. CBC008A Barcode reader

Diag.3:CBC008A Barcode reader

3.2. DAD075AS Flat cable 350mm. 14pts

Diag.4:DAD075AS Flat cable 350mm. 14pts

3.3. DAD075AS Flat cable 480mm. 14pts

Diag.5:DAD075AS Flat cable 480mm. 14pts
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