Many thanks for your purchase of the SECVEST 2Way wireless alarm centre. This
device is built according to state-of-the-art technology.
It complies with current domestic and European regulations.
Conformity has been proven, and all related certifications are available from the
manufacturer on request (
To ensure safe operation, it is your obligation to observe these installation instructions!
In the event of questions, please contact your local specialist dealer.
Everything possible has been done to ensure that the contents of these instructions
are correct.
However, neither the author nor ABUS Security-Center GmbH & Co. KG can be held
liable for loss or damages caused directly or indirectly by these instructions, whether
real or alleged.
We reserve the right to make changes to these instructions without prior notice.
This wireless alarm centre is used to secure your property in combination with
detectors and transmitters. Among others, it can be used to protect your company
premises, house, garage, summer house or weekend cottage.
The alarm centre registers unauthorised break-ins by switching outputs that can be
connected to visual, acoustic or silent alarm transmitters.
The alarm centre contacts and connected components must be kept free of moisture
(bathrooms and similar surroundings must be strictly avoided).
Use of this product for other than the described purpose may lead to damage of the
Other hazards such as short-circuits, fire, electric shock etc. are also possible. The
PSU is designed for operation with a 230 V AC / 50 Hz mains power supply.
No part of the product may be changed or modified in any way.
Connection to the public power network is subject to country-specific regulations.
Please be aware of applicable regulations in advance.
19. ERR OR DISP LAYS .................................................................................................. 44
19.1.ERRORS, MEANINGS, CAUSES AND SUGGESTED SOLUTIONS ........................................... 45
20. NEW OPE RATING MODE F OR SOCIA L CARE ME SSAGES ..................................... 47
21. DEC LARATION O F CONF ORMITY.......................................................................... 47
3. Safety information
To avoid fire and injury, please note the following:
x Securely fasten the device in a dry location in the
x Ensure sufficient ventilation for the alarm centre.
x Do not expose the alarm centre to temperatures
under 0 °C or above 50 °C.
x The alarm centre is designed for indoor use only.
x Humidity must not exceed 90% (non-condensed).
x Ensure that no metal objects can be inserted into the
equipment from outside.
x Ensure that the power supply is disconnected before
carrying out any work on the alarm centre.
Please observe the following precautionary measures
to ensure trouble-free operation of your system.
x The alarm centre is supplied with power from the
built-in PSU.
x The PSU is connected to the 230 V AC domestic
mains network over a separate, electrically protected
x Connection work to the domestic mains network is
subject to country-specific regulations.
x Emergency standby power is supplied by an internal
rechargeable battery.
x The maximum power consumption of the connected
components must not exceed 1 A at any time.
x Always replace fuses with ones of the same rating,
never higher.
On burglar alarm centres in general:
Improper or careless installation work may lead to
misinterpretation of signals and false alarms. The
costs resulting from the deployment of emergency
services (e.g. fire or police) are borne by the operator
of the equipment. Therefore, please read the
instructions very carefully and follow the installation
instructions for lines and components precisely.
4. System and keypad overview
1 – Chip key reader
2 – Graphic display Multiple-line display
3 – Integ rated si ren
4 – Activation button
5 – Deactivation button
6 – Control butt ons
7 – Keypad alarm keys for panic, fire,
medical and social call em ergencies
8 – Keypad for programming and
operating the alarm centre
9 – Integ rated loudspeaker
10 – Integ rated microphone
11 – Service flap
5. Graphic display
The graphic display informs you about all events concerning the wireless alarm system. The following is an overview of the different display messages and their
meanin g:
zn 1
This symb ol appears if a voic e message
exists that should be listened to. An acoustic
messag e is issu ed every tim e the wirel ess
alarm system is d eactivated . This is as
follows: “You have a message”
This symbol appears when activity
monit oring is activated. Remember to define
the monitoring time period. Activity
monit oring also works when the wireless
alarm system is d eactivated .
The four b lack bars stand for the four
individual partition s of the wireless
alarm system. A letter in the black
bar represents the state of the
partition (1–4). The letters and their
meanin g:
U: Unset (deacti vated)
S: Set (activated)
P: Part Set (intern ally acti vated)
Note: A letter is only displayed in the
partition (bar) when at least one
detector is present in this partition.
Press the button under the menu display.
The wireless alarm system then prompts you
to enter your access code (user code). If the
code is acce pted , the user menu is
accessed. All user fun ctions that were
authorised by the installer can be accessed
here. Note that some functions in the user
menu req uire a user code with administrator
right s (master cod e).
Displays the current t ime and date.
This symb ol indicates an error in the
wireless alarm syst em that must be
resolved immed iately. For a
summary of the different error
displays and their meaning, see the
table at the end of these in structions.
To display the error, press the button
under the display.
You are then promp ted t o enter a
valid user code.
6. Activating the wireless alarm system
The wireless alarm system can be act ivated in a variet y of ways. The system emits an acoust ic message. Dep ending on whether a partition or the complete system
is activated, th e message is: “Partition activated” or “Alarm syst em act ivated”.
6.1. Fast activation
Please note that this
function can also be
deactivated to prevent
unauthorised operation of
the system. This function is
located in the installer
menu under System
Options -> User access ->
Quick set.
To activate the complete
wireless alarm system,
simply press the active key
as shown.
6.2. User code
If the fast activation
function is deact ivated, a
user cod e is also needed to
activate the system. If the
system h as only one
partition, then simply enter
your user code. The
partition for which this user
code is valid is then
activated. If your user code
is valid for two or more
partitions, then a selection
of areas th at can be
activated is displayed. For
more information, see
chapt ers 11 and 12
(“Activating partitions” an d
“Activating internally”).
6.3. Remote control
You can act ivate th e
complete wireless alarm
system b y pressing the
“Fully active” button on the
remote control. The other
buttons on the remote
control can be used for
activating a partition or
activating the wireless
alarm system internally. For
more information, see
chapt ers 11 and 12
(“Activating partitions” an d
“Activating internally”).
6.4. Chip key
The chip key can be used
to fully activate/deactivate
the wireless alarm centre or
a partition. The chip key is
used in place of th e user
code. If a user is authorised
to activat e two or m ore
partitions with a chip key,
then they m ust decide
which partition to activate
after holding the chip key
against the system. For
more information, see
chapt ers 11 and 12
(“Activating partitions” an d
“Activating internally”).
6.5. Wireless cylinder
The wireless cylinder can
also be used to fully
activate the system or a
partition. To activate the
wireless alarm syst em, first
press the button on the
cylinder and then lock the
door. The al arm syst em is
activated after the door is
7. During the delay time
Provided no errors that prevent activation have occu rred (zone open ), th e wireless alarm system starts th e configured exit delay tim e. The system emits an acoustic
messag e. Depend ing on whether a p artition or the complete system is activated, the message is:
“Partition activated” or
“Alarm system activated”
During this period, you must leave the premises.
A continuous tone sounds during the delay time. This tone is also emitted by the info module (if fitted).
Some zones may be left open during activation and the exit dela y time (Final Exit, Entry Route). However, these zones mu st be closed before the delay time expires
– otherwise, a local alarm is triggered.
When “Final Exit” or “Entry Route” zones are op en, a pulse tone is emitted during the exit d elay time until all zones are clos ed.
8. Unsuccessful activation
There are t wo different situations here:
a) The delay time was not started.
b) The delay time was started.
8.1. Delay time was not started
The system does not start the delay time due to a system error.
If you have at temp ted to activate the system using:
x Fast activation
x Arming station
x Remote control
x Wireless cylinder
then the following display is shown:
An acoustic warning is also issued.
This is as follows:
“The alarm system cannot be activated”
Enter a valid user code in the system and proceed as sh own here.
If you have at temp ted to activate the system using:
x User code
x Chip key
then the display shows the current error.
Select Omit All, to stop monitoring of the zon e(s). The delay time starts when
the error is omitted. An acoustic message is played.
“The alarm system is activated with omitted zones”
Using the control button , select the item under View to disp lay the error.
The following graphic display is shown:
The wirel ess alarm s ystem now shows all zones th at are open or have an
error. The entry following the zone numb er direc tly in fron t of the zone nam e is
important here. These ent ries have the foll owing meanings:
A: Alarm
Close the zones until the display shows 0Faults, or omit the zones an d
remove them from surveillance.
8.2. Notes on system activation with compulsory hidden
(omitted) zones
In order to facilitate system operation, it is p ossible to hide open zones
automatically when the system is activated. It is then possi ble to leave the
premises for a short time without needing to close all doors and windows.
Omitted zones remain hidden for the entire activation period and do not trigger
any alarm s.
Only importan t entry and exit zones shou ld be automatically omitted (e.g . front
door, cellar door, back door etc).
Automatic omission of zones can be made in two ways:
a) Automatic omission with confirmation
b) Automatic omission without confirmation
Automatic omission with confirmation
System is activated by:
x Fast activation
x Remote control
x Arming station
x Chip key
x Wireless cylinder
The following display is shown:
An acoustic warning is also issued. This is as follows:
“The alarm system cannot be activated”
When this message is heard , all opened zones with the “FS” (Force Set) zone
attribute can be automatically omitted in the following ways:
x By pressing the active key on the rem ote con trol again
x By entering your user code and pressi ng the active key on the rem ote
The alarm system is then activated.
Automatic omission without confirmation
System is activated by:
x Fast activation
x Remote control
x Arming station
x Wireless cylinder
All open ed zones with the “FS” (Force Set) zone attribute are au tomatically
omitted and the alarm system is act ivated.
8.3. Delay time started
The alarm system starts the delay time, but with a pu lsed tone instead of a
continuous tone. This indicates that one or more zones are still open.
Close these zones within the delay time so t hat a continuous tone is em itted
If these zones are n ot closed within the delay time, a local alarm is triggered
after th e time expires.
Acknowledge th is alarm by either en tering a valid user code or sending a
deactivation si gnal using the remote control (wireless cylinder).
The system acknowledges t he alarm confirm ation with an acoustic message.
This is as follows:
“Warning! An alarm has been triggered. A system reset is
The reason for the alarm is shown on the graphic display of the s ystem. For
example, the following graphic display is shown:
Note: The graphic display disappears after 30 seconds.
The alarm can only be reset on the system itself. The alarm cannot be reset
over the remote control, wireless cylinder or arming station.
If the graphic display has already disappeared, press the control button
under the exclamation m ark (
code. After entering th e user code, an acou stic message is played.
This is as follows:
“ Warning! An alarm has been triggered. A system reset is required.”
). You are prompted to ent er your user
The following graphic display is shown after entry of the correct user code or
immediately after the alarm is ackn owledg ed:
To reset the alarm, press the control button
The system can carry out the reset when the cause of the alarm has been
cleared. The system ackn owledges the alarm reset with an acoustic message.
This is as follows:
“The alarm system has made the reset”.
The exclamation m ark (
If the cause of the alarm is not cleared (e.g. the tamper contact of th e detector
is still open or the technical zone is still triggered), then the alarm cannot be
reset. No acoustic acknowledgement of the reset is received. The excl amation
mark (
and then reset the alarm again.
After th e alarm is reset and confirmed acoustically by the system, the
exclamation mark (
case, then a system fault has occurred. For more inform ation, see section 19 .
Reactivate the syst em and close t he zones within the delay tim e for
successful activation.
) in the display remains in place. Remedy the cause of the alarm
) in the display disappears.
) in the display should disappear. If this is not the
under Reset.
9. Following successful activation
When the alarm cen tre is su ccessfully activated (also with autom atically omitted zones) , an ackn owledgement is received after the delay time has expired. This
acknowledgement can h ave differen t form s:
x Acknowledgement tone on the wireless alarm system
x Acknowledgement tone on the info module
x An SMS from the wireless alarm system
x Acknowledgement disp lay on the external wireless siren
x Activation of a switch output on the accesso ry module
9.1. Acknowledgement
tone on system
The wireless alarm system is
activated after the delay time
has expired. Act ivation is
acknowledged on the system
by an acoustic si gnal.
Beep beep
After ackn owledg ement is received, the system is activated and intrusi on into a monitored area resu lts in an alarm. Activated areas are marked with an “S” on the
The wireless alarm system must be deactivated before entering the m onitored area again. Deact ivation can be carried out in several different wa ys.
9.2. Acknowledgement
tone on info module
After the delay time has
expired and the system has
been su ccessfully activated,
the info module ackn owledg es
activation with an acoustic
signal. At the same time, it
shows an act ive state via the
red LED.
Beep beep
9.3. SMS message
The alarm centre sends an
SMS after the delay time has
expired. This messa ge shows
who activated the system and
when. In certain
circumstances, transmission
of the SMS can be slightly
9.4. Acknowledgement
on siren
The alarm system sends a
messag e to the extern al siren
after the delay time has
expired. This activates the
strobe for ab out 5 seconds.
This flashes 3 to 5 times in
9.5. Accessory module
All types of ackno wledgem ent
displays can be triggered
using the accessory module.
These include LEDs, exterior
lights or additional buzzers.
The output can be triggered
continuously (for the entire
activation period) or in pulses.
10. Deactivating the wireless alarm system
The wireless alarm system can be deactivated in a variety of wa ys:
x Deactivation of the entire system or a partition with a user code
then locked for 90 seconds.)
x Deactivation of the entire system or a partition via r emote control
x Deactivation of the entire system or a partition via a ch ip key
x Deactivation of the entire system or a partition via the wirel ess cylinder
Note: When operating the alarm system with an arming station, please consult the relevant prod uct instructions.
10.1. User code
Enter your user code. If the user code
is authorised for deactivating one
partition only, then this partition is
deactivated immediately. If th e user
code is au thorised to deact ivate m ore
than one partition, all partitions are
displayed that can be deactivated with
this user code. Select the partition to
be deact ivated.
If the wireless alarm system is n ot deactivated before you enter a protected area (e.g. system operated with a user code or chip key), the delay time usually starts
after th e entrance door is opened . Approach the syst em as sp ecified by the installer and then deactivate the areas concerned. Note that an acoustic signal is emitted
by the wirel ess alarm system during the entry delay tim e. This signal indicates that surveillance is still active and that you must not deviate from the prescribed route,
otherwise an alarm is triggered.
Following successful deactivation, the deact ivated are as are now marked with an “U” on the d isplay. At the sam e time, the alarm centre em its an acoustic
message. This is as follows:
“The alarm system is deactivated”
10.2. Remote control
Using a remote control, the complete
wireless alarm syst em can be
deactivated by pressing the
“Deactivate” button. All areas which
can be op erated with the remote
control are deacti vated .
(If the code is entered incorrectly four times in succession, the keypad (except for the alarm buttons) is
10.3. Chip key
Hold th e chip key over the read er on
the alarm system. If the ch ip key is
authorised for deactivating one
partition only, this partition is now
deactivated. If the chip key is
authorised to deactivate more th an
one partition, all partitions are
displayed that can be deactivated with
this chip key. Select the partition to be
10.4. Wireless cylinder
Using the wireless cylinder, a
deactivation si gnal can be sent easily
to the wirel ess ala rm system by
unlocki ng the front door or
withdrawing a trap. All areas whic h
can be op erated with the remote
control are deacti vated .
11. Activating partitions
If the alarm system is set up so that two or more part itions can be monitored independen tly of each other, these partition s can now be individually activated or
deactivated. A user can now activate/deactivate one or more partitions, depending on the user authorisation. If the entire alarm system is act ivated, each partition is
also acti vated. If the u ser is authorised to activate one partition only, then th is partition can b e activated by entering the user code. If the user is authorised to
activate two or more partitions, then they must now select th e partition to be activated. Partitions can also be activated/deactivated using the remote control or th e
arming station . The remote control has the same au thorisation as it s assig ned user.
11.1. On the system
Enter your user code or hold your chip key over
the system reader. If you are authorised to
activate more th an one p artition, the following
graphic display is shown:
Select “Partitions”.
Select t he partition to be activated.
When act ivation is confirm ed, the system starts the delay time for the correspondin g partition. At the same time,
the system emits an acoustic message. This is as follows:
“Partition activated”
If the u ser activates all partitions for which they have authorisation, the message is as follows:
“Alarm system activated”
Change the sett ings for this partition.
The displayed codes next to the partition have
the following meanings:
Display Meaning
UThis partition remains deactivated.
U>PThis partition is activated internally.
U>SThis partition is activated.
S>UThis partition is deactivated.
P>UThis partition is deactivated
To activate one or more partitions, select U>S
next to the corresp onding partition.
Confirm your entry by pressing Done.
The system then carries out the entered actions
(activation/d eactivation).
11.2. Using the wireless remote
Using the remote control unit, partitions can be
activated in two ways:
a) The remote cont rol activates all p artitions
within the user’s authorisation.
b) The keys of the rem ote control un it are
program med in the user menu to activate
partitions individually.
Example of key settings:
Complete activation (partition s 1 and 3
Complete deact ivation
See also “System Config”.
partition 3
12. Internal activation
In addition to monitoring one or m ore partitions (i.e. ob jects or company departments) separately, the system also h as an internal act ivation option. This type of
activation is often used to monitor the exterior of the object when it is still occupied. In this case, sp ecific detectors within the object such as motion sensors are
removed from surveillance. The sam e auth orisations app ly for internal activation as for an y other act ivation. That means that only users who ar e auth orised to
activate the entire system can internally activate an area. This also applies to remote controls.
12.1. On the system
Enter your user code or hold your chip key over
the system reader. If you are authorised to
activate more th an one p artition, the following
graphic display is shown:
Select Part Set All and confirm by pressing
All areas o f the alarm system for which the user
code is au thorised are now internally acti vated.
The system emits the follo wing acoustic
messag e:
“Alarm system activated internally”
To activate separat e part itions internally, select
“Partitions” until the following graphic display is
Select t he partition to be activated.
Change the settings for this partition.
The displayed codes next to the partition have
the following meanings:
Display Meaning
UThis partition remains deactivated.
U>PThis partition is activated internally.
U>SThis partition is activated.
S>UThis partition is deactivated.
P>UThis partition is deactivated
To activate one or more partitions internally,
select U>P next to the corresponding partition.
Confirm your entry by pressing Done.
The system then carries out the ent ered actions
(activation/d eactivation). If only one partition is
internally acti vated, the syst em issu es the
following messa ge:
“One partition activated internally”
12.2. Using the wireless remote
Partitions can be activated internally using t he
wireless remote control in two ways:
a) The remote cont rol internally activates all
partitions within the user’s authorisation.
b) The keys of the rem ote control un it are
program med in the user menu to activate
individual partitions internally.
Example of key settings:
1) Complete activation
2) Complete deactivation
3) System status
4) Complete internal
5) Activate partition
3 internally
See also “System Config”.
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