© 2012 Abstract Data Ltd. http://www.abstractdata.biz info@abstractdata.biz Version 1.1 December 2012
2 Pole, 12dB, Multi-Mode, Voltage Controlled Filter with
Simultaneous Low, High, Band and All-Pass Outputs
and complete CV control
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AUDIO INPUT: Pre-effect gain/attenuation up to +/- 50% at AUDIO INPUT
FEEDBACK INPUT: Pre-effect gain/attenuation up to +/- 50% at FEEDBACK AUDIO INPUT
CUTOFF FREQUENCY: Sets the Cutoff/Band-Pass Frequency for all filter types
RESONANCE LEVEL: Sets the Resonance Level for all filter types - right up to self-oscillation
FREQUENCY CV: Sets the external CV input level for CUTOFF FREQUENCY from 0% to 100%
RESONANCE CV: Sets the external CV input level for RESONANCE LEVEL from 0% to 100%
AUDIO IN: AC-coupled input for main audio. Accepts up to +/-10V AC signals
FEEDBACK AUDIO IN: AC-coupled input for feedback insert. Accepts up to +/-10V AC signals
FREQUENCY CV IN: DC-coupled CUTOFF FREQUENCY CV input. Accepts up to +/-10V AC/DC signals
RESONANCE CV IN: DC-coupled RESONANCE CV input. Accepts up to +/-10V AC/DC signals
FREQUENCY 1V OCT IN: DC-coupled CUTOFF FREQUENCY CV input. Scaled to 1 Volt per Octave
LOW-PASS OUT: AC-coupled Low-Pass filter Output
HIGH-PASS OUT: AC-coupled High-Pass filter Output
BAND-PASS OUT: AC-coupled Band-Pass filter Output
ALL-PASS OUT: AC-coupled All-Pass filter Output
MOUNTING HOLES: Accepts M2.5 or M3 screws in Doepfer or Analogue Systems spacing width
© 2012 Abstract Data Ltd. http://www.abstractdata.biz info@abstractdata.biz Version 1.1 December 2012
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