Designed for trouble-free
make-up or process air heating.
Eclipse AH-MA burners produce a uniform, odorless, and smokeless flame
ideal for heating fresh air in make-up
and process air heating applications.
The AH-MA design provides stable
operation over a wide range of velocities, inputs and fuels.
AH-MA easily passes all global standards for indoor air quality through a
wide operational range. It is ETL listed,
complying with ANSI Z21.20 design
standards, and is used in systems
which meet ANSI Z83.4 / CGA 3.7
emissions standards for NOx and CO.
Bulletin 160C
Air Make-Up Burners
The new aluminum burner body creates a lightweight, corrosion resistant
burner. Cast iron and corrosion resistant
cast iron bodies are also available.
Divergent air wings are made of stainless steel. The burner bodies supply
fuel to the center of the air wings to
control the air and fuel mixture inside
the burner and to optimize emissions
and efficiency.
Low pressure models require only a
6.0" w.c. ∆P natural gas at 800,000
Btu/hr/LF, making them ideal for use
with the Maxitrol Selectra control valve.
Ready for the world
AH-MA burners combine advanced
engineering with installation and operational features that are truly
world class.
• Assembled from straight sections,
tees and crosses to produce nearly
any configuration required.
• Inputs up to 1,200,000 Btu/hr/LF
• Up to 30:1 turndown
• Up to 450°F upstream air temperature.
• Up to 850°F downstream
air temperature.
• Multi-fuel capability
(natural gas, propane and butane)
In addition to the many user-preferred
features of AH-MA, Eclipse offers you a
comprehensive, global network of service
with more years of air-heating experience
than any other burner manufacturer.

AH-MA Burners
Ideal for make-up air heating applications
Profile Plate
Air Flow
Burner Body
Gas Feed Pipe
Air Flow
Air WIng
Profile Plate
Bulletin 160C 8/00
Litho in USA