Absocold Corp ARD241A User Manual

Owner’s Instructions



It wi I I te I I you how to operate and care for your refrigerator. It a I so offers tips on how to get the best as we I I as I owest cost performance.
If you prefer ordering your own parts, use the enc I osed I ist to find the part number. Do not use the i I I ustration number. For parts or service information, ca I I Absoco I d Corporation: (800) 843-3714 or (765) 935-7501.

Record in the space provided be I owthe séria I number and mode I number of this app I iance.

They are I ocated on the séria I p I ate affixed to the backside of the refrigerator or inside the refrigerator affixed to the inner
I iner surface on the right hand side.
Mode I # Séria I #


Absoco I d Corporation guarantees to the original purchaser that this app I iance wil I be free from defects in material and workmanship for
a period of one year from the date of insta I I ation, or eighteen (18) months after receipt at destination, whichever is ear I ier, when this
refrigerator is operated and maintained according to instructions attached to or furnished with this product.
Absoco I d Corporation additionaI Iy guarantees, to the originaI purchaser onIy, the hermetic motor (compressor) furnished as a part of
this refrigerator for a period of five (5) years from the date of instaI I ation, or sixty-six (66) months after receipt at destination, whichever
is ear I ier, when this refrigerator is operated and maintained according to instructions attached to or furnished with this product.
During the above warranty periods, Absoco I d Corporation and its authorized deaI ers or its representatives retain the option to repair or
rep I ace the product, free of charge, if instaI I ation is within the fifty (50) states and the District of Co I umbia. If insta I I ation is outside the
fifty (50) states, the cost of instaI I ation is borne by the purchaser, and Absoco I d’s warranty ob I igations hereunder shaI I be I imited to
furnishing a I I rep I acement parts and materiaI s, freight prepaid, to the continenta I United States port designated by the purchaser. In an effort to proper Iy administer its warranty po I icy, Absoco I d Corporation or its representatives may require a proof-of-purchase
document before authorizing service or repair to the app I iance under this warranty.
Warranty service information is avaiI ab I e by simp Iy contacting Absoco I d Corporation at 1 (800) 843-3714 or by contacting the deaI er
from whom you purchased this product.
It shaI I be the responsibiI ity of the purchaser to de I iver any compact refrigerator or freezer of I ess than 4.0 cubic feet in capacity to the
nearest authorized service station, as designated by Absoco I d Corporation or its representatives, to obtain service under this warranty.
Except as provided herein, Absoco I d Corporation makes no other warranties, expressed or imp I ied, incI uding warranties of
This warranty gives you specific rights, and you may aI so have other rights which vary from state to state.
Part No. 8336460116500B
merchantabiI ity and fitness for a particuI ar purpose.
Absoco I d Corporation
P. O. Box 1545
Richmond, IN 47375
Printed in Mexico




Inspect for shipping damage. If unit is damaged or parts are missing, notify your Absocold dea ler at once.


Remove a l l packing material and tape. Insta l l on a l eve l fl oor or we l l -supported counter. Avoid any direct sun l ight, heat source, or moisture. This refrigerator is designed to be freestandmg- that is, the app l iance is to be insta l l ed at l east 4” from the wa l l and the cabinet bottom is at l east I” to 1” above the fl oor or carpet, in order to l et the air circu l ate free l y around the refrigerator. If this app l iance is recessed, buit-inor otherwise enc l osed to restrict airfl ow, then a l l warranties stated herein are nu l l and void.


120 vo lts, 60 Hz.


(for 120-vo l t mode l s onl y) Must be grounded. Uses 110-120 volts, 60 Hz. (60 cyc l es A.C.) Do not use extension cord. Use three-prong p l ug, with three-prong grounded wa l l out l et.
Un l ess the above grounding method is fo l l owed, you are not protected against severe or l etha l shock, in the event of a short circuit of an e l ectrical component or wiring of refrigerator.


Shou l d you unp l ug refrigerator, a l l ow at l east three minutes before restarting in order to al l ow the start re l ay to function properl y.


TIPS ON EVERYDAY USE AND CARE DEFROST. For the most efficient operation of your refrigerator, defrost it whenever a %”-thick I ayer of ice/frost forms (except for frost-free mode I s). When defrosting. Turn off contro I . Remove a I I food from the refrigerator. Do not use heater devices to speed defrosting. Do not scrape or use sharp objects in the ice storage compartment. Let frost me I t. Pan of warm water in ice storage compartments speeds defrosting. Empty defrost tray. Reset co I d contro I . Rep I ace food.
FOR ALL OLEANING. Mix 2 tab I espoons baking soda or mi I d soap with 1 quart warm water. No strong c I eaners, scouring powder or pads shou I d be used. For persistent odors, Absoco I d’s Service Department has odor remova I products. Vacuum the tubing on the outside back when dusty.
1. A I I ow 24 hours for your refrigerator to reach a new temperature setting.
2. The motor wi I I start and stop often. It must do so in order to maintain the temperature you se I ect.
3. Keep your refrigerator reasonabIy Ieve I .
4. Unp I ug refrigerator before doing anything with its eIectricaI system (even changing a I ight buI b).
BEFORE CALLING FOR SERVICE Check p I ug and outIet. Test outIet with Iamp or other device. Be sure controI is on. Read aI I Use & Care Information. Your questions may be answered. If not, find your mode I number (on upper back of refrigerator or inside the refrigerator affixed to the inner I iner surface on the right-hand side). Refer your modeI number and the prob Iem to Absoco Id Corporation at (800) 843-3714 or (765) 935-7501.
DANGER-ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD. Disconnect power before servicing.
ENERGY SAVING TIPS - ways to save power, save money, and still enjoy your refrigerator
Reduce door openings.
C l ose the door as soon as you can.
Keep coi l s on back of the refrigerator c l ean.


Your refrigerator shou l d be connected directly to a grounded electrica l wal l outlet. No extension cords, multi-connection bars, etc. shou ld be used.
In case of pro l onged power outage or an e lectrical disconnect of any type, p l ease check your refrigerator for spoi l ed food.
Don’t put hot foods in refrigerator. Keep your refrigerator away from stoves and other heat sources.