Packet Filter
Network Adapter Address Filter: filter according to local computer’s network adapter
MAC address (also known as the adapter card’s Physical Address).
Filter: Drop the packets.
Forward: Pass the packets.
Adapter Address: Enter the computer’s network adapter MAC address.
ADD: Add the entry in the Filter List.
RESET: Clear the entries.
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IP Address Filter: Filter with computer’s IP address. You can filter a single IP, or a range of
the IP addresses.
• Local IP: Filtering IP address of a local computer.
• Remote IP: Filtering IP address of a remote server (this remote server is a web server
on the Internet).
Note: Use “Remote IP Filter” function to prohibit all local stations from accessing certain
web sites on the Internet (requires web site’s IP address).
Single/Range: For selecting between a specific IP Address or a range of IP Addresses.
ADD: Add the entry in the Filter List.
RESET: Clear the entries.
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