Operator’s Manual
Operator’s Manual
22 Cherry Hill Drive
Danvers, MA 01923 USA
978-777-8411 (fax)
clinical@abiomed.com (email)
24-Hour Emergency Hotline: N. America 1-800-422-8666
September 2006 DRAFT
Document No. x Rev. 2
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Read this entire manual before using the RECOVER BP IABP/VAD System. The RECOVER BP IABP/VAD System is to be used only in accordance with this manual and in conjunction with the RECOVER BP Intra-Aortic Balloon Catheter Instructions for Use ****[document number].
Information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.
© 2006 ABIOMED, Inc. All rights reserved. ABIOMED is a trademark of ABIOMED, Inc. and is registered in the U.S.A.
Introduction ........................................................................ ix
1 Warnings and Cautions ................................................ 1.1
Warnings...................................................................................................................... 1.2
Cautions....................................................................................................................... 1.5
2 Indications, Contraindications, and Potential
Adverse Events .................................................................. 2.1
Indications.................................................................................................................... 2.2
IABP...................................................................................................................... 2.2
VAD ...................................................................................................................... 2.2
Contraindications......................................................................................................... 2.4
IABP...................................................................................................................... 2.4
VAD ...................................................................................................................... 2.4
Potential Adverse Events............................................................................................. 2.4
IABP...................................................................................................................... 2.4
VAD ...................................................................................................................... 2.4
3 The RECOVER BP IABP/VAD System ............................ 3.1
Overview...................................................................................................................... 3.2
Disposables and Accessories...................................................................................... 3.3
IABP...................................................................................................................... 3.3
VAD ...................................................................................................................... 3.4
4 Using the RECOVER BP Console .................................. 4.1
Overview...................................................................................................................... 4.2
Key Features ............................................................................................................... 4.3
Console Electrical Connections ................................................................................... 4.6
Keypad Layout............................................................................................................. 4.7
Display Layout ............................................................................................................. 4.8
Menus................................................................................................................... 4.8
Sample Screens ................................................................................................. 4.11
5 System Status and Settings ........................................ 5.1
Using the Interface....................................................................................................... 5.2
RECOVER BP IABP/VAD System – Operator’s Manual iii
System Menu............................................................................................................... 5.3
Checking Console Power Status..................................................................................5.4
6 IABP Support ................................................................6.1
Using the Interface.......................................................................................................6.2
IABP Keypad ......................................................................................................... 6.2
IABP Screen .........................................................................................................6.4
Initial Setup ..................................................................................................................6.6
Acquiring an Electrocardiograph (ECG) Waveform ............................................... 6.7
Acquiring an Arterial Pressure (AP) Waveform.....................................................6.8
Connecting the IAB to the Console....................................................................... 6.9
Initiating Support........................................................................................................6.10
To Initiate Support in Auto
To Initiate Support in Manual Mode: ................................................................... 6.11
IABP Alarms...............................................................................................................6.19
Levels of Severity................................................................................................6.19
Alarm Messages ................................................................................................. 6.20
Alarm Tone Characteristics................................................................................. 6.24
Alarm Silence Key...............................................................................................6.24
Using the Doppler ......................................................................................................6.25
Using the Printer ........................................................................................................ 6.26
Replacing the Helium Cylinder...................................................................................6.27
7 VAD Support ................................................................. 7.1
Using the Interface.......................................................................................................7.2
VAD Keypad .........................................................................................................7.2
VAD Screen..........................................................................................................7.3
Using the AB5000™ Ventricle.......................................................................................7.4
Console Preparation ............................................................................................. 7.4
AB5000 Ventricle Preparation............................................................................... 7.4
Recommended Cannulation Method.....................................................................7.5
Pump Type Verification.........................................................................................7.5
Initiating Support................................................................................................... 7.5
iv RECOVER BP IABP/VAD System – Operator’s Manual
Optimizing AB5000 Ventricle Filling...................................................................... 7.5
Adjusting Vacuum Level ....................................................................................... 7.6
To Stop Pumping.................................................................................................. 7.8
Weaning................................................................................................................ 7.8
Adjusting the Low Flow Alarm Level..................................................................... 7.8
Remote Alarm Output........................................................................................... 7.9
Preparing the Console for Intrahospital Transport................................................ 7.9
Using the BVS® Blood Pump ..................................................................................... 7.10
Console Preparation........................................................................................... 7.10
BVS Pump Preparation....................................................................................... 7.10
Recommended Cannulation Method .................................................................. 7.10
Pump Type Verification....................................................................................... 7.10
Initiating Support................................................................................................. 7.10
Optimizing BVS Pump Filling.............................................................................. 7.11
Mounting the BVS Pump to the Accessory Mounts ............................................ 7.11
Adjusting the Low Flow Alarm Level................................................................... 7.14
To Stop Pumping................................................................................................ 7.14
Weaning.............................................................................................................. 7.14
Remote Alarm Output......................................................................................... 7.14
Preparing the Console for Intrahospital Transport.............................................. 7.15
VAD Alarms............................................................................................................... 7.16
Levels of Severity ............................................................................................... 7.16
VAD Alarm Messages and Help Text ................................................................. 7.17
Using the Hand Pump................................................................................................ 7.19
Transferring to the Hand Pump........................................................................... 7.19
Transferring from the Hand Pump to a Backup Console .................................... 7.19
8 Emergency System Operation (ESO) ........................... 8.1
ESO Enabled During IABP Support............................................................................. 8.2
ESO Enabled During VAD Support.............................................................................. 8.2
9 Clinical Considerations ............................................... 9.1
Effects of Electrosurgical Equipment ........................................................................... 9.2
Effects of Defibrillation Equipment............................................................................... 9.2
RECOVER BP IABP/VAD System – Operator’s Manual v
10 Installation and Maintenance ................................... 10.1
Checking the Console Before Each Use.................................................................... 10.2
Periodic Testing of Backup Systems.......................................................................... 10.3
Testing the Hand Pump ...................................................................................... 10.3
Testing ESO ........................................................................................................ 10.3
Console............................................................................................................... 10.4
Patient ECG Cable..............................................................................................10.4
Preventive Maintenance............................................................................................. 10.5
Ordering Information..................................................................................................10.6
11 Symbol Descriptions ................................................. 11.1
12 System Specifications .............................................. 12.1
Console Mechanical................................................................................................... 12.2
Console Electrical ...................................................................................................... 12.4
Equipment Design...................................................................................................... 12.5
Equipment Classifications.......................................................................................... 12.6
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Notice................................................. 12.7
Electromagnetic Compatibility....................................................................................12.7
Patient Environment................................................................................................. 12.12
List of Figures
Figure 1 RECOVER BP Console.......................................................................... 3.2
Figure 2 IAB Catheter Kit...................................................................................... 3.3
Figure 3 IAB Insertion Kit...................................................................................... 3.4
Figure 4 AB5000™ Ventricle.................................................................................. 3.5
Figure 5 BVS
Blood Pump.................................................................................. 3.5
Figure 6 Console Features: Front View ................................................................ 4.3
Figure 7 Console Features: Right-Side View........................................................ 4.4
Figure 8 Console Features: Left-Side View .......................................................... 4.5
Figure 9 Console Electrical Connections..............................................................4.6
Figure 10 Console Keypad ................................................................................... 4.7
Figure 11 MENU Key............................................................................................ 4.8
Figure 12 Sample IABP Screen.......................................................................... 4.11
Figure 13 Sample VAD Screen........................................................................... 4.12
Figure 14 System Keypad..................................................................................... 5.2
vi RECOVER BP IABP/VAD System – Operator’s Manual
Figure 15 System Menu ........................................................................................5.3
Figure 16 IABP Keypad.........................................................................................6.2
Figure 17 IABP Screen..........................................................................................6.4
Figure 18 Electrode Locations (AHA)....................................................................6.7
Figure 19 Electrode Locations (IEC)......................................................................6.7
Figure 20 Selecting the ECG Source...................................................................6.12
Figure 21 Selecting the ECG Gain ......................................................................6.13
Figure 22 Selecting the AP Source for a Transducer ..........................................6.14
Figure 23 Selecting the AP Source for an External Monitor ................................6.15
Figure 24 Selecting Apace as the Trigger Source...............................................6.16
Figure 25 Alarm Messages on the IABP Screen .................................................6.19
Figure 26 Alarm Silence Key...............................................................................6.24
Figure 27 Helium Cylinder Compartment ............................................................6.27
Figure 28 Helium Cylinder Components..............................................................6.28
Figure 29 Tilting the Helium Cylinder...................................................................6.28
Figure 30 VAD Keypad.......................................................................................... 7.2
Figure 31 VAD Screen...........................................................................................7.3
Figure 32 VAD Alarm Messages and Help Text..................................................7.16
Figure 33 Emergency System Operation (ESO) Indicator.....................................8.2
List of Tables
Table 1 Console Feature Descriptions: Front View ...............................................4.3
Table 2 Console Feature Descriptions: Right-Side View.......................................4.4
Table 3 Console Feature Descriptions: Left-Side View .........................................4.5
Table 4 Electrical Connection Descriptions ...........................................................4.6
Table 5 Menu Structure.........................................................................................4.9
Table 6 System Keypad Functions........................................................................5.2
Table 7 System Menu Structure............................................................................5.3
Table 8 Power Status Indicated by the IABP and VAD Screens............................5.5
Table 9 Power Status Shown by the Power Status Indicators...............................5.5
Table 10 IABP Keypad Functions..........................................................................6.3
Table 11 IABP Screen Descriptions ......................................................................6.5
Table 12 IABP Red Alarm Messages..................................................................6.20
Table 13 IABP Yellow Alarm Messages ..............................................................6.22
Table 14 IABP White Alarm Messages................................................................6.23
Table 15 Alarm Tone Characteristics ..................................................................6.24
Table 16 VAD Keypad Functions...........................................................................7.2
Table 17 VAD Screen Descriptions.......................................................................7.3
Table 18 VAD Red Alarm Messages and Help Text............................................7.17
Table 19 VAD Yellow Alarm Messages and Help Text........................................7.18
Table 20 Preventive Maintenance Intervals.........................................................10.5
Table 21 Ordering Information for RECOVER BP Console.................................10.6
Table 22 Ordering Information for Parts..............................................................10.6
RECOVER BP IABP/VAD System – Operator’s Manual vii
This manual provides instructions for operating the RECOVER BP IABP/VAD System (RECOVER BP System or System). It is intended
to be used in conjunction with the RECOVER BP Intra-Aortic Balloon Catheter Instructions for Use ****[add document number].
The following information summarizes the contents of each section:
Section 1 (Warnings and Cautions) lists the warnings and
cautions pertaining to the use of the RECOVER BP System.
Section 2 (Indications, Contraindications, and Potential
Adverse Events) discusses indications for use of the System
and potential adverse events that may be associated with it.
Section 3 (The RECOVER BP IABP/VAD System)
provides an overview of the System and associated products.
Section 4 (Using the RECOVER BP Console) describes
the features, connections, and layout of the RECOVER BP Console (Console).
Section 5 (System Status and Settings) describes the
handling of tasks common to both IABP and VAD support.
Section 6 (IABP Support) describes the procedures for
providing IABP support.
Section 7 (VAD Support) describes the procedures for
providing VAD support.
Section 8 (Emergency System Operation [ESO])
describes Emergency System Operation for both IABP and VAD support.
Section 9 (Installation and Maintenance) provides
information on installation, cleaning, and preventive maintenance.
Section 10 (Abbreviations and Symbols) explains the
symbols and abbreviations used on the System.
Section 11 (System Specifications) provides technical
information pertaining to the System.
1 Warnings and Cautions
1 Warnings and Cautions
NOTE: A warning indicates a situation that could result in injury or
The RECOVER BP System is not suitable for use in the presence
of a flammable anesthetic mixture with air or with oxygen or nitrous oxide. It is also not suitable for use in an oxygen-enriched atmosphere.
The RECOVER BP Console does not contain any
user-serviceable parts. To reduce the risk of electric shock, do
NOT attempt to remove the Console housing or to replace the
Console Battery.
Do NOT connect items to the RECOVER BP System that are not
specified as part of the System. All equipment intended for connection to signal input, signal output, or other connectors must comply with the relevant IEC standard (IEC 60950 for IT equipment and IEC 60601 series for medical electrical equipment).
In addition, all such combinations (systems) must comply with
IEC 60601-1-1, Safety requirements for medical electrical systems. Equipment not complying with IEC 60601-1 must be
kept at least 1.5 m outside the patient environment, which is defined in the standard and in the System Specifications section of this manual.
Do NOT simultaneously touch the patient and any part of the
RECOVER BP System exposed by removal, without the use of a
tool, of a connector or cover. In addition, do NOT simultaneously
touch the patient and any other equipment.
Power the Console using its internal battery if the integrity of the
protective earth conductor is questionable.
Per IEC 60601-1-1: Enclosure leakage current measured from or
between parts of the RECOVER BP System within the patient
environment must NOT exceed 0.1 mA. Enclosure leakage
current in the event of interruption of any non-permanently
installed protective earth conductor must NOT exceed 0.5 mA.
1.2 RECOVER BP IABP/VAD System – Operator’s Manual
Warnings and Cautions 1
Per IEC 60601-1-1: Patient leakage current must NOT exceed
0.01 mA.
Medical Electrical Equipment needs special precautions
regarding EMC and needs to be installed and put into service according to the Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) information provided in the accompanying documents.
Portable and Mobile RF Communications Equipment can affect
Medical Electrical Equipment.
The Equipment or System should not be used adjacent to or
stacked with other equipment. If adjacent or stacked use is necessary, the Equipment or System should be observed to verify normal operation in the configuration in which it will be used.
A patient monitor must be provided and used to continuously
monitor patient physiological parameters. Do NOT rely solely on
the System alarms to notify you of life-threatening conditions.
Be sure to follow the warnings and cautions on the high-pressure
gas (helium) cylinder. Observe all DOT and IATA regulations for Dangerous Goods/Hazardous Materials when transporting a Console containing a helium cylinder. Only personnel trained in the handling of high-pressure gas cylinders should install or replace the helium cylinder.
Use only original accessories and replacement parts supplied by
ABIOMED. Use of any other accessories or parts can endanger the patient.
Do NOT reuse single-use devices.
The RECOVER BP System is intended for use only by personnel
trained in accordance with the ABIOMED
Training Program.
Do NOT operate the RECOVER BP System near a Magnetic
Resonance Imaging (MRI) machine.
If the pressure trigger threshold is changed, evaluate inflation and
deflation timing and make adjustments if necessary.
Do NOT use Internal trigger source while the patient is producing
cardiac output.
RECOVER BP IABP/VAD System – Operator’s Manual 1.3
1 Warnings and Cautions
If the heart rate varies by more than 10 beats per minute (bpm)
within X seconds, evaluate inflation and deflation timing and make adjustments if necessary.
Pumping an IAB that has a leak can result in: (1) a blood clot in
the IAB that may require surgical removal of the IAB, and (2) air embolism.
Due to the potential for thrombus formation, an IAB must NOT
remain dormant.
Do NOT place an IAB patient in a hyperbaric chamber.
Do NOT use Auto timing when the patient's heart rate is greater
than 200 bpm.
Be extremely careful when a defibrillator is used on a patient.
Dangerous high voltage is present during defibrillation. Do NOT
touch the Console, patient, table, accessories, cables, or any connected equipment.
Do NOT use pressure triggering while arrhythmia is present.
When pressure triggering is used, adjust deflation to be complete
at the upstroke of systole.
Do NOT leave an IABP patient unattended.
1.4 RECOVER BP IABP/VAD System – Operator’s Manual
Warnings and Cautions 1
NOTE: A caution indicates a situation in which equipment may
malfunction, be damaged, or cease to operate.
The RECOVER BP Console must be plugged into AC power to
maintain a charged battery.
To remove all AC power from the Console, unplug the power
cord from the AC outlet.
Be sure to route the power cord and all cables, including the
keypad/display extension cable, in a manner which prevents tripping hazards and equipment damage.
Do NOT lean or place any objects on the Console keypad or on
the screen.
Do NOT pour liquid, including cleaning solution, directly on any
part of the Console. Doing so can cause electrical malfunction.
If liquid is accidentally spilled on the Console, be sure to thoroughly dry the affected area. Wait at least 15 minutes, after drying, before turning the Console ON. Verify that the Self-Test runs and indicates that the unit is operating properly.
Minimize exposure of RECOVER BP
System components to sources of electromagnetic interference (EMI). Exposure to sources of EMI, such as cell phones and two-way radios, may cause operational interference. To clear interference, either increase the distance between RECOVER BP System components and the EMI source or turn off the EMI source.
Operation of RECOVER BP System components may interfere
with the operation of other devices. If interference occurs, increase the distance between the device and RECOVER BP System components.
Avoid activities that may build up static charges on the Console
or on personnel contacting the Console. Avoid brushing bed sheets across the Console or touching the Console immediately after performing activities likely to build static charge. If electrostatic discharge interrupts operation of the Console, cycle the Power ON/OFF switch.
RECOVER BP IABP/VAD System – Operator’s Manual 1.5
1 Warnings and Cautions
Do NOT power the RECOVER BP System using Multiple
Portable Socket Outlets (MPSO) or an extension cord.
Do NOT allow the conductive parts of electrodes and associated
connectors to contact any conductive parts and/or earth ground.
Do NOT use a RECOVER BP System if any part of the System
is damaged.
Do NOT use damaged or contaminated connector cables.
To prevent overheating and improper operation, do NOT block
the RECOVER BP Console cooling vents while the Console is operating.
The Console and cables should be disposed of according to all
local, state, federal, and country regulations. The Console battery is a sealed lead-acid unit and should be reclaimed.
Close the helium cylinder supply valve when the Console is not
in use.
1.6 RECOVER BP IABP/VAD System – Operator’s Manual
2 Indications, Contraindications, and
Potential Adverse Events
VAD ................................................................................................................2.2
VAD ................................................................................................................2.4
Potential Adverse Events.......................................................................................2.4
VAD ................................................................................................................2.4
2 Indications, Contraindications, and Potential Adverse Events
Cardiogenic shock
Unstable angina
Acute myocardial infarction (AMI)
Complications following MI
Adjunct to **** (PTCA)
Adjunct to cardiac catheterization
Bridge to transplant
Hemodynamic support pre-, intra-, and post-operatively
Bridge to other therapies
Intractable arrhythmias
ABIOMED® RECOVER BP Circulatory Support System (CSS) therapy is intended to treat patients suffering from reversible ventricular dysfunction. Typical patients have undergone successful cardiac surgery and subsequently developed low cardiac output, or have suffered from acute cardiac disorders leading to hemodynamic instability.
The intent of the RECOVER BP System therapy is to provide circulatory support, restore normal hemodynamics, reduce ventricular work, and allow the heart time to recover adequate mechanical function.
2.2 RECOVER BP IABP/VAD System – Operator’s Manual
Indications, Contraindications, and Potential Adverse Events 2
Appropriate patient groups include those that are likely to recover cardiac function after the myocardium is permitted to rest on ventricular support. Examples include, but are not limited to:
Patients who fail to wean from cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB)
following heart surgery.
Failed transplant patients who require ventricular assist following
heart transplantation.
Patients who require right ventricular assist device (RVAD)
support while on implantable left ventricular assist device (LVAD) support.
Patients suffering from acute cardiac disorders such as viral
A patient is a candidate for mechanical assistance with the RECOVER BP System if she/he meets all of the following criteria:
Patient has a body surface area > 1.3 m² and is 75 years of age.
Patient is in relatively good health other than the cardiovascular
problem for which surgery was undertaken.
All appropriate measures have been attempted to correct low
arterial pH, arterial blood gas abnormalities, electrolytes, hypovolemia, hypervolemia, inadequate cardiac rate, dysrhythmias, and residual hypothermia.
Cardiac resuscitation employing pharmacologic agents has been
attempted. While the use of an Intra-Aortic Balloon Pump (IABP) is recommended prior to RECOVER BP System assistance, its use may not always be appropriate (e.g., fibrillating heart, peripheral atherosclerosis).
Patient is unable to be weaned from CPB or is unable to maintain
acceptable hemodynamics in the immediate postoperative period
(< 6 hours after the first attempt to wean from CPB), or patient is
unable to maintain acceptable hemodynamics following a significant cardiac event despite the measures cited above.
RECOVER BP IABP/VAD System – Operator’s Manual 2.3
2 Indications, Contraindications, and Potential Adverse Events
Significant aortic valve insufficiency
Thoracic or abdominal aortic aneurysm
Severe **** (PVD)
Occluded aorta
Major cardiac or extracardiac catastrophes occurring during
operation or in the postoperative period that preclude survival such as uncontrolled hemorrhage, massive air embolization, interstitial pulmonary hemorrhage with inability to maintain adequate ventilation, pump oxygenator or perfusion difficulties, or massive transfusion reaction, hemolysis during bypass, or inadequate cannulation.
Central nervous system damage resulting in fixed and dilated
Potential Adverse Events
2.4 RECOVER BP IABP/VAD System – Operator’s Manual
Limb ischemia
Aortic dissection
Vascular injury
Balloon rupture
Disposables and Accessories................................................................................3.3
VAD ................................................................................................................3.4
The RECOVER BP IABP/VAD System (RECOVER BP System) is a versatile cardiac assist device that combines IABP and VAD support capability within one Console (described in Section 4). This mobile System uses a laptop-style interface.
Laptop-style Interface
Figure 1 RECOVER BP Console
3.2 RECOVER BP IABP/VAD System – Operator’s Manual
Disposables and Accessories
Disposables and Accessories
WARNING: Do NOT reuse single-use devices.
For IABP support (described in Section 6), the following items are used with the RECOVER BP System:
8F 40 cc IAB Catheter Kit (see Figure 2)
Figure 2 IAB Catheter Kit
RECOVER BP IABP/VAD System – Operator’s Manual 3.3
Disposables and Accessories
IAB Insertion Kit (see Figure 3)
Figure 3 IAB Insertion Kit
Patient Cable Set
Helium Cylinder
Chart Recorder Paper
Adapter for Datascope
8F (40 cc) IAB Catheter
For VAD support (described in Section 7), the following items are used with the RECOVER BP System:
Ventricle (Ventricle) – a pneumatically driven device that provides pulsatile, hemodynamic support (see Figure 4). The single-chamber Ventricle provides circulatory support in the presence of left-, right-, or both-sided heart failure. It uses vacuum assist technology to operate either horizontally or vertically.
3.4 RECOVER BP IABP/VAD System – Operator’s Manual
Disposables and Accessories
Figure 4 AB5000™ Ventricle
Blood Pump (BVS Pump) – a pneumatically driven device that provides pulsatile, hemodynamic support (see Figure 5). The dual-chamber BVS Pump provides circulatory support in the presence of left-, right-, or both-sided heart failure. It can operate either vertically or horizontally and its atrial chamber fills passively.
Figure 5 BVS® Blood Pump
5000 Atrial Cannula (32F, 36F, and 42F)
5000 Arterial Cannula (42F)
Pump Mount Set (includes BVS® IV Pole Mount and BVS® Bed Mount)
Aircraft Mounting Plate
RECOVER BP IABP/VAD System – Operator’s Manual 3.5
4 Using the RECOVER BP Console
Key Features .........................................................................................................4.3
Console Electrical Connections .............................................................................4.6
Keypad Layout.......................................................................................................4.7
Display Layout .......................................................................................................4.8
Sample Screens ...........................................................................................4.11
4 Using the RECOVER BP Console
The following pages present a general overview of Console features, electrical connections, and interface layout.
For operating instructions, refer to IABP Support (Section 6) and VAD Support (Section 7). These sections contain detailed instructions and task-specific information.
4.2 RECOVER BP IABP/VAD System – Operator’s Manual
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