PACKAGE CONTENTS.................................... 3
SYSTEM SETUP............................................
PHOTO MODE ..................................................
SYSTEM FUNCTION ......................................
MUSIC MODE ................................................
VIDEO MODE ................................................
CHOOSE FILE SOURCE ................................
CAMERA MODE ............................................
10. Pow er supp ly cord shou ld be routed so that th ey are not likely to be w alked
on walk ed on or pi nched by ite ms placed upon or aga inst them, paying
parti cular a ttention t o cords at plugs, or ot her source s, refe r to the opera ting
instr uctio ns.
11. For added protec tion for thi s produ ct during a li ghtning storm, or i t is left
unatt ended a nd unused fo r long periods of tim e, unplug it from the w all
outle t and dis connect ca ble system. This will pr event damage to the
produ ct due to l ightning a nd powerline surg es.
12. Nev er push o bjects of an y kind into this prod uct through openi ngs as they
may tou ch dang erous volt age points or short -out parts t hat cou ld result in
a fire or e lectr onic shock . Never spill liqui d of any kind on the prod uct.
13. Do no t overl oad wall out lets, extension c ords, or integral c onvenien ce
recep tacle s as this can re sult in a risk of fire or e lectric sh ock.
14. Unp lug thi s product fr om the wall outlet an d refer servicing t o qualifie d
servi ce pers onnel unde r the following con ditions.
When th e power - supply cor d or plug is damaged.
If liqu id have b een spille d, or objects have fa llen into th e produ cts
If the pr oduct does not oper ate normally by fol lowing the o perat ing
instr uctio ns, adjust o nly those control s that are cov ered by t he operati ng
instr uctio ns as an impro per adjustment of o ther contr ol may
resul t in dama ge and will of ten require exten sive work by a q ualif ied
techn ician t o restore th is product to its nor mal operat ion.
When th e produ ct exhibit s a distinct change i n performa nce - thi s
indic ates a ne ed for servi ce.
If the pr oducts has been dro pped or damaged in an y way.
15. Whe n repla cement par ts are required, be s ure the service tec hnician ha s
used re place ment parts s pecified by the man ufacture r or that h ave the
same ch aract eristics a s the original part .
Unaut horiz ed substit utions may result i n fire, elec tric sh ock, or othe r hazards.
16. Upo n compl etion of any s ervice or repair to t his product ask the s ervice
techn ician t o perform sa fety checks to dete rmine that t he prod uct is in
prope r opera ting condi tion.
17. The product sho uld be situa ted awa y from heat so urces such as radia tors,
heat re giste rs, stoves , or other products i ncluding a mplif iers that pr oduce
Check all of the components sh own as below
are included in box before usi ng.
1. Digital Photo Frame X1
2. Wireless Camera X1
3. Power Adaptor X2
4. Remote Controller X1
5. Users Manual X1
6. Wall-Mount X1
Digit al
Camer a
Remot e contr oller
Power Ad aptor
Users M anual