ABEEWAY U002 User Manual

Micro Tracker user guide
Micro Tracker
Firmware V1.6
Micro Tracker User Guide FW1.6 V1.1
Page 2 of 17
11 October 2018
Company Confidential – restricted distribution
Table of contents
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 3
1.1 General Description .......................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Applications ...................................................................................................................... 3
2 Features .................................................................................................................................. 3
3 Installation .............................................................................................................................. 4
3.1 Getting started .................................................................................................................. 4
3.2 Fixation ............................................................................................................................. 4
4 Functioning ............................................................................................................................. 5
4.1 Main operating modes ...................................................................................................... 5
4.2 Side operations ................................................................................................................. 6
4.3 User interface ................................................................................................................... 6
4.4 Geolocation strategies ...................................................................................................... 8
5 Uplink messages ...................................................................................................................... 9
6 Remote configuration using ADA ........................................................................................... 10
6.1 Operating Mode Configuration ....................................................................................... 10
6.2 Position on demand ........................................................................................................ 10
6.3 Parameters configuration ................................................................................................ 10
7 Downlink messages ............................................................................................................... 11
7.1 Ack Token ........................................................................................................................ 11
7.2 Mode Configuration ........................................................................................................ 12
7.3 Position on demand ........................................................................................................ 12
7.4 Parameters configuration ................................................................................................ 12
8 Specifications ........................................................................................................................ 15
8.1 Physical configuration ..................................................................................................... 15
8.2 Estimated lifetime ........................................................................................................... 15
8.3 Data communication support .......................................................................................... 15
8.4 Position accuracy ............................................................................................................ 16
8.5 Power management ........................................................................................................ 16
9 Products References .............................................................................................................. 16
Micro Tracker User Guide FW1.6 V1.1
Page 3 of 17
11 October 2018
Company Confidential – restricted distribution
1 Introduction
1.1 General Description
The Abeeway Micro Tracker is a multi-mode tracker combining GPS/Low power GPS, Wi-Fi, LoRa, BLE radios with embedded sensors to support accurate outdoor and indoor geolocation. A button, a buzzer and 3 LEDs are available to interface with the user. The Micro Tracker, with its small size and long battery lifetime, is the ideal product for many tracking applications.
1.2 Applications
Asset tracking at fixed frequency updates or on demand. Personal tracking with help button. Safety monitoring for isolated workers inside facilities or in outdoor. Anti-theft; Notification and location when device is moving. Geofencing applications.
2 Features
Multiple operating modes
Motion tracking: Get the tracker position at a given cycle when motion is detected.
Permanent tracking: Get permanently a position of the tracker.
Start/End motion tracking: Get position messages during motion start and end
Activity tracking: Monitor activity rate with embedded sensors.
OFF: device stopped
Position on demand: Receive the tracker position only when needed (very low power
operating mode).
Used geolocation technologies
GPS: Precise outdoor position.
Low power GPS: get quick position outdoors and daylight indoor conditions.
WI-FI: Position indoors and urban area.
Buzzer and LEDs Temperature monitoring Embedded antennas LoRa™ Class A radio
Water-spray resistant enclosure (IP64)
Commenté [AD1]: Need to be aligned with dataheet
Micro Tracker User Guide FW1.6 V1.1
Page 4 of 17
11 October 2018
Company Confidential – restricted distribution
3 Installation
3.1 Getting started
Charge your device using a micro USB cable. While charging the white led is ON. When the
battery is fully charged the white LED goes OFF.
A long press is needed to turn ON the device (starting in motion tracking mode in standard
Your network can use two activation modes:
o OTAA (Over The Air Activation) that requires the following keys to make the join: DEVEUI,
APPEUI and APPKEY for each device. (the most used)
o ABP (Activation by personalization) that requires the following keys to make the join:
DEVEUI, DEVADDR and NWKSKEY for each device
Depending on your operator, some actions need to be done to activate the transfer of the
data through Abeeway servers. Please refer to your vendor for more information.
3.2 Fixation
The device can be attached with the provided lanyard or placed in bag, or inside an asset. Note: the environment and orientation of the tracker can influence the radio performance. For optimum results keep the zone around the antenna area clear from any conducting material or magnetic field.
Blue LED
White Charge LED
Micro USB
Antennas area
Micro Tracker User Guide FW1.6 V1.1
Page 5 of 17
11 October 2018
Company Confidential – restricted distribution
4 Functioning
4.1 Main operating modes
This section describes the different operational modes supported by the trackers.
OFF mode: The tracker is in deep low power mode. No uplinks are sent in this mode. A long button press is required to wake it up. Three possibilities to set the tracker in OFF mode:
User action (long button press) Low battery Downlink request
Standby mode: The tracker is sending periodically short LoRa messages, called heartbeat at the chosen period (lora_period). Device position can be obtained in this mode by using the side operations features (see next section).
Motion tracking mode: The tracker provides positions when the device is moving. The reporting is done at the chosen period (ul_period). The positions are acquired based on the geoloc_sensor geolocation technology. If the device is not moving, heartbeat messages are sent regularly at the lora_period frequency. Additional positions can be obtained by using the on-demand side operations features.
Note: Whatever the chosen geolocation policy, the first position is always established via WI-FIWi­Fi sent immediately after the beginning of the motion.
Permanent tracking mode: The device reports its positions at ul_period frequency regardless the
motion. It uses the geoloc_sensor geolocation technology. Heartbeat messages are sent if there are no uplink message during lora_period seconds.
Motion Start/End tracking mode: In this mode, position messages are sent twice, at the start and at the end of a motion (one Wi-Fi and one using the geoloc_sensor geolocation technology). The end of the motion is detected when there is no movement detection for a period of 120 seconds. Heartbeat messages are sent if there are no uplink message during lora_period seconds. Additional positions can be obtained by using the on-demand side operation feature.
Activity mode: This mode sends activity reports instead of positions. The tracker focuses on detecting movements. Each shake detection increases a counter (after applying an integration period). The value of the counter is reported up the LoRa link at the ul_period frequency. Heartbeat messages are sent if there are no uplink messages during lora_period seconds. Additional positions can be obtained by using the on-demand side operations features.
Note: The accuracy of the different frequencies is not guaranteed as extra delay may be introduced by the LoRa network duty cycle.
Micro Tracker User Guide FW1.6 V1.1
Page 6 of 17
11 October 2018
Company Confidential – restricted distribution
4.2 Side operations
Whatever the mode, optional messages can be sent according to the configuration. The side operations can be: Periodic position message: The device sends periodically its position at periodic_pos_period frequency. Usually, this reporting frequency is very long. The position is sent three times (six if the device is moving).
Position on Demand: Position requests are done via LORA downlink message. The device answers with its current position.
Alert position: A double press on the button generates a LORA uplink message containing the position.
The geolocation strategy used in these cases is geoloc_method one. The side operations can be cumulated.
4.3 User interface
4.3.1 Button management
One short press
Show current mode and state
Led state pattern (see next section)
Two short presses
Trigger an alert position
Other Led pattern (see next section)
Any press when battery low (short or long press)
Go to OFF mode
Buzzer melody other Led pattern (see next section)
One long press when device OFF and good battery
Wake up
Other Led pattern (see next section) only for the first wake up after reset
One very long press (5 s) when device ON.
Go to the OFF mode
Buzzer melody
Button down when device is ON
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