VER:1.1 │ │ 10.09.2015
Outdoor station
Pos: 2 /DinA4 - Anleitungen Online/Inhalt/KN X/DoorEntry/83220-AP-xxx/Titelblatt - 83220-AP-xxx - A BB @ 19\mod_1323249806476_15.docx @ 111084 @ @ 1

Round pushbutton
2 button
Round pushbutton
1 button
Round pushbutton
3 button
Round pushbutton
1 button, with NFC/IC
Display with ID
Display with IC
Round pushbutton
2 button, with NFC/IC
Round pushbutton
3 button, with NFC/IC
Keypad (3 versions)
Stainless steel
Module family
=== Ende der Liste für Textmarke Cover ===

Pos: 4 /Busch-Jaeger (Neustruktur)/M odul-Struktur/Online-Dokumentation/Inhaltsverzeichnis (--> Für alle Do kumente <--)/Inhaltsverzeichnis @ 19\mod_1320649044386_1 5.docx @ 109653 @ @ 1
1 Safety ............................................................................................................ 5
2 Intended use .................................................................................................. 5
3 Environment .................................................................................................. 5
3.1 ABB devices ................................................................................. 5
4 Terminal description ...................................................................................... 7
4.1 Audio module ................................ ................................ ................ 7
4.1.1 Lock connected with terminals 3 and 4 ....................................... 13
4.2 Camera module .......................................................................... 14
4.2.1 Analog camera connected with terminal 1 .................................. 15
4.2.2 Detached camera connection ..................................................... 16
4.3 Round pushbutton module .......................................................... 17
4.4 Pushbutton module ..................................................................... 19
4.5 Keypad module ........................................................................... 21
4.6 Display and card reader module ................................................. 23
4.7 Nameplate module ..................................................................... 25
5 Operation ..................................................................................................... 27
5.1 Pushbutton outdoor station ......................................................... 27
5.1.1 Addressing .................................................................................. 27
5.1.2 Setting the language for the voice messages (if the audio module
has a speech synthesis function) ................................................ 31
5.2 Pushbutton outdoor station with display module ......................... 34
5.3 Pushbutton outdoor station with keypad module ........................ 36
5.4 Round pushbutton outdoor station with IC/NFC ......................... 38
5.5 Keypad outdoor station ............................................................... 42
5.5.1 Call a resident (3 types) .............................................................. 42
5.5.2 Call the guard unit ...................................................................... 44
5.5.3 If an indoor station is in “leave home mode” ............................... 44
5.5.4 If a guard unit is in "intercept mode" ........................................... 45
5.5.5 System settings .......................................................................... 46
5.6 Keypad outdoor station without display (camera + audio +
keypad) ....................................................................................... 56
5.6.1 Calling a resident by inputting physical address ......................... 56
5.6.2 Call guard unit ............................................................................ 56
5.6.3 System settings .......................................................................... 56
6 Advanced configuration ............................................................................... 58
7 Technical data ............................................................................................. 59
8 Mounting/installation .................................................................................... 60

8.1 Requirements for the electrician ................................................. 60
8.2 General installation instructions .................................................. 61
8.3 Mounting ..................................................................................... 62
=== Ende der Liste für Textmarke TOC ===

Risk of death and fire due to electrical voltage of 100-240 V.
– Work on the 100-240V supply system may only be performed by
authorized electricians!
– Disconnect the mains power supply prior to installation and/or
Consider the protection of the environment!
Used electric and electronic devices must not be disposed of with
household waste.
– The device contains valuable raw materials that can be recycled.
Therefore, dispose of the device at the appropriate collecting
Pos: 6 /Busch-Jaeger (Neustruktur)/M odul-Struktur/Online-Dokumentation/Überschriften (--> Für alle Dokumente <--)/1. Ebene/S - T/Sicherheit @ 18\mod_1302612791790 _15.docx @ 103357 @ 1 @ 1
1 Safety
Pos: 7 /Busch-Jaeger (Neustruktur)/M odul-Struktur/Online-Dokumentation/Sicherheit (--> Für alle Dokumente <--)/W arnhinweise/Sicherheit - 230 V @ 18\mod_1302606816 750_15.docx @ 103308 @ @ 1
Pos: 8 /Busch-Jaeger (Neustruktur)/M odul-Struktur/Online-Dokumentation/Überschriften (--> Für alle Dokumente <--)/1. Ebene/A - F/Bestimmungsgemäßer Gebrauch @ 18\mod_130276332 1316_15.docx @ 103483 @ 1 @ 1
2 Intended use
Pos: 9 /DinA4 - Anleitungen Online/Inhalt /KNX/DoorEntry/83220-AP-xxx/Bestimmungsgema esser Gebrauch - 83220-AP-xxx-500 @ 20\mod_132456116869 9_15.docx @ 112728 @ @ 1
The outdoor station is an integral part of the ABB-Welcome door entry system and
operates exclusively with components from this system. The device must only be used
with suitable ABB flush-mounted installation sockets and rain hood.
Pos: 10 /Busch-Jaeger (Neustruktur)/Mo dul-Struktur/Online-Dokumentation/Überschriften (--> Für alle Dokument e <--)/1. Ebene/U - Z/Umwelt @ 18\mod_1302614158967_1 5.docx @ 103383 @ 1 @ 1
3 Environment
Pos: 11 /Busch-Jaeger (Neustruktur)/Mo dul-Struktur/Online-Dokumentation/Umwelt (--> Für alle Dokumente <--)/Hin weise/Hinweis - Umwelt - Hinweis Elektrogeräte @ 18\mod_1302 763973434_15.docx @ 103500 @ @ 1
Pos: 12 /DinA4 - Anleitungen Online/Ueb erschriften/2./ABB Geraete @ 19\mod_1323162843832 _15.docx @ 110875 @ 2 @ 1
3.1 ABB devices
Pos: 13 /Busch-Jaeger (Neustruktur)/Mo dul-Struktur/Online-Dokumentation/Umwelt (--> Für alle Dokumente <--)/Hin weise/Hinweis - Umwelt - ABB Elektrogeräte @ 19\mod_13231627 45839_15.docx @ 110867 @ @ 1
All packaging materials and devices from ABB bear the markings and test seals for
proper disposal. Always dispose of the packing materials and electric devices and their
components via an authorized collection facility or disposal company.

ABB products meet the legal requirements, in particular the laws governing electronic
and electrical devices and the REACH ordinance.
(EU-Directive 2002/96/EG WEEE and 2002/95/EG RoHS)
(EU-REACH ordinance and law for the implementation of the ordinance (EG)

LED flashes slowly, indicating a call has been established
LED flashes fast, indicating that the system is busy
LED illuminates, indicating possible communication.
LED illuminates, indicating the door is unlocked
4 Terminal description
4.1 Audio module

Connector for camera module
Connector for device software update
Plug-in clamps (COM-NC-NO) for floating output, door opener (30VAC/DC
Plug-in clamps (Lock-GND) for door opener (18V 4A impulsive, 250 mA
Plug-in clamps (DC-GND) for additional power supply
Plug-in clamps (a-b) for bus connection
Connector for induction loop module
Connector for next module
Connector for exit push button
Connector for sensor for checking the door status
Rotary switch for setting the address of OS (1-9)
Set feedback tones for push buttons and for outdoor station when making a
call: ON/OFF
Configure push buttons in a single column or double column mode (ON=
double column; OFF= single column)
It only affects the bar pushbutton, not the round pushbutton.
Configure functions of the 1st/2nd pushbuttons.
3->OFF, 4->OFF=call indoor station/call indoor station
3->ON, 4->OFF=switch on lighting/call indoor station

3->OFF, 4->ON=call guard unit/call indoor station
3->ON, 4->ON=switch on lighting/call guard unit
Adjust the loudspeaker volume.
*Adjust the door lock release time, 1-10s (available for the
lock connected with the default lock)

*Default lock (1st lock): Released by “Unlock” button of the indoor station. Factory setting is
2nd lock: Released by programmable button “1” of the indoor station. Factory setting is COMNC-NO.

Short circuit the "Exit" two terminals for 3s to enter the setting mode
(3 LED flashes green to show the setting mode for aluminum outdoor station)
(prompt tone “di” for stainless outdoor station)
Tones for indication:
Lock 1 (LOCK-GND) = default lock
Lock 2 (NC-NO-COM) = default lock
Set outdoor station address ="0"
30s overtime to save the setting and exit the programming mode
Short-circuit “Exit” terminal on outdoor station to switch the default lock
Change default lock
Default lock can be set at either "Lock-GND" or "NO-NC-COM"

Short circuit the “DS” two terminals for 3s to enter the setting mode
(3 LED flashes green to show the setting mode for aluminum outdoor station)
(Prompt tone “di” for stainless outdoor station)
Set outdoor station address ="0"
Record the time for 1st lock
Then set the time for 2nd-Lock from 1-10s
30s overtime to save the setting and exit the programming mode
At last set the time back for 1st-Lock
Recover the time to the original time for 1st lock
Set the lock time of the default lock
Set the time by th e potentiometer, from 1-10s
Set the lock time of the 2nd lock

4.1.1 Lock connected with terminals 3 and 4

Connector for additional analog camera
Connector for audio module
Jumper for setting the video format: PAL /NTSC
Adjust the camera view area
4.2 Camera module

4.2.1 Analog camera connected with terminal 1
All the cameras with the video output of 1Vp -p 75Ω ,CVBS (composite video broadcast signal)
can be connected with the camera module.
Generally, the transmission distance from the analog camera to the outdoor station can reach
up to 50 meters by coax cables or about 10 meters by other types of cables.
Two types of connections:
Option 1: The analog camera is powered on all the time
Option 2: The analog camera is powered on only during working hours

3 pairs 2-wire bus
Max:10 metres
4.2.2 Detached camera connection
Camera module can be used as a detached camera. W iring is shown below.

Connector for previous module
Connector for device software update
Connector for Wiegand output.
Default format is 26 bits, it can also be extended to 34 bits.
Connector for next module
4.3 Round pushbutton module

Regardless of the structure of the pushbutton module, button numbers
are listed from top to bottom.
Lighting switch/call guard unit function is always assigned to the 1st/2nd
button, which is set by audio module.
User names can be printed by using the labellling tool of the ABB-Welcome
configuration software.
The round pushbutton module with NFC/IC card reader supports the
NFC/IC card. A mobile phone with NFC function is acceptable. (“Door
Open” APP required.)

Connector for previous module
Connector for next module
Regardless of the structure of the pushbutton module, the button numbers
are listed from top to bottom and from left to right (in the double column
4.4 Pushbutton module

Lighting switch / call guard unit function is always assigned to the 1st/2nd
User names can be printed by the using the labelling tool of the ABB-
Welcome configuration software.

Connector for previous module
Connector for device software update
USB connector for connection to the PC: Download/upload the
Connector for next module
4.5 Keypad module

Call resident
A visitor inputs an indoor station number (001) or apartment number (e.g.
0101, programmed in advance) to call a resident.
*Also, the visitor can select a resident name with the button or the
button of the accompanying display module to make a call.
Meanwhile, pressing the button can cancel the call.
*This function is only available in Fig. 1.
Calling the guard unit
A visitor can call a guard unit by pressing the button if the guard unit is
available in the system.
Unlocking by password
Press" + password+ “to release the default lock to the audio
Press " +2 + + password + " to release the 2nd lock connected
to the audio module.
The initial password is 123456. Residents can set their own customized
password with indoor stations.
System engineering configuration
Press " + + system password + " to enter the system
engineering configuration menu.
The initial system password is 345678, and it can be modified by the

Connector for previous module
Connector for device software update
Connector for Wiegand output
USB connector for connecting to the PC: Download/upload the
Connector for the next module
4.6 Display and card reader module