Technical data
Enclosed heavy duty fusible safety switches
Technical data according to UL98, UL50, UL4248-1, NEMA KS1 and CSA standards
Catalog number
UL file: E314773, CSA: LR58077 A 30 60 100 200 400 600 800 1200
General purpose current rating A 30 60 10 0 200 400 600 800 1200
Max. horse power rating Single phase 240 V HP 3 10 15 15
480 V HP 7.5 20 30 50
600 V HP 10 25 40 50
Max. horse power rating Three phase 240 V HP 7.5 15 30 60 125 200 250 250
480 V HP 15 30 60 12 5 250 400 500 500
600 V HP 20 50 75 150 350 500 500 500
Standard horse power rating Single phase 240 V HP 1.5 3 7.5 15
480 V HP 3 5 10 25
600 V HP 3 10 15 30
Standard horse power rating Three phase 240 V HP 3 7. 5 15 25 50 75 100 100
480 V HP 5 15 25 50 100 150 200 200
600 V HP 7.5 15 30 60 125 200 250 250
Max. motor FLA current Single phase 240 V A 17 50 68 68
480 V A 21 44 68 108
600 V A 20 44 70 86
Max. motor FLA current Three phase 240 V A 22 42 80 164 312 480 600 600
480 V A 21 40 77 156 302 477 590 590
600 V A 22 52 77 14 4 336 472 472 472
Short circuit rating Class R fuses 480 V kA 200 200 200 200 200 200
Class J fuses 480 V kA 200 200 200 200 200 200
Class T fuses 4 80 V kA 200 200 200 200 200 200
Class L fuses 480 V kA 200 200
Short circuit rating Class R fuses 600 V kA 200 200 200 200 100
Class J fuses 600 V kA 200 200 200 200 200 200
Class T fuses 6 00 V kA 200 200 200 200 200 200
Class L fuses 600 V kA 200 200
Maximum fuse size A 30 60 10 0 200 400 600 800 1200
Standard fuse clips R, H, K R, H, K R, H, K R, H, K R, H, K R, H, K L L
Fuse conversion kits J J, T J, T J, T J, T J
Electrical endurance Power factor 0.75..0.8 op. cycles 8 000 8 000 7 000 6 000 1500 120 0 600 600
Mechanical endurance operations 15000 15000 14000 12000 7500 6000 3500 2500
Terminal lug Line terminals OZ XA -10 0 OZ XA -10 0
Torque: wire tightening Line terminals For Cu and Al cables Ibs.in. 35 (#14 - 10) 45 (#6 - 4) 50 (#3 - 2 /0) 375 500 500 500 620
Torque: wire tightening Line terminals For Cu and Al cables Ibs.in. 40 (#8), 45 (#6) 50 (#2) 50 (#3 - 2 /0) 375 500 500 500 620
Lug mounting torque Line terminals Ibs.in. 132 132 132 228 480 480 443 319
Wire range Line terminals #14 - 6 #14 - 2 #14 - 2/0 #2 - 250 kcmil (2) #2 - 500 kcmil (2) #2 - 600 kcmil (4) #2 - 500 kcmil (6) #2 - 500 kcmil
Terminal lug Load terminals OZ XA -10 0 OZ XA -10 0 OZ XA -10 0 OZXA-400 OZXA-800E OZXA-800 OZX A-1200 OZ XA -1200
Torque: wire tightening Load terminals For Cu and Al cables Ibs.in. 35 (#14 - 10) 45 (#6 - 4) 50 (#3 - 2/0) 375 500 500 500 500
Torque: wire tightening Load terminals For Cu and Al cables Ibs.in. 40 (#8), 45 (# 6) 50 (#2) 50 (#3 - 2/0) 375 500 500 500 500
Lug mounting torque Load terminals Ibs.in. 132 132 132 72 480 480 443 319
Wire range Load terminals #14 - 6 #14 - 2 #14 - 2/0 #2 - 250 kcmil (2) #2 - 500 kcmil (2) #2 - 600 kcmil (4) #2 - 500 kcmil (4) #2 - 500 kcmil
600V 200kA rating available. See page 16 for additional information.
EOH_61 EOH_62

EOH_63 EOH_64 EOH_65 EOH_66 EOH_67 EOH_68
OZ XA -10 0 OZXA-400 OZXA-800 OZXA-800 OZ XA -1200 OZXA-1200E