DCS800-EP1 and DCS800-EP2 Panel Drive
10 – 300 HP, 230/480 Vac
The DCS800 Panel Drive is a preengineered solution for quick and easy
design and installation. All required
peripheral components are included
on a space-efficient back panel,
ready to be mounted into an industrial
enclosure, saving time of procuring,
mounting and wiring individual system
components. The drive is an excellent
replacement for the Reliance Electric
FlexPak 3000®. It has the same bolt
pattern, similar features, and fits within
the FlexPak 3000 clearance area.
The drive includes the same
DCS800-S01/S02 module customers
have become familiar with. It also
includes AC and DC fusing, contactor,
and control transformer. Optional
features include circuit breaker, internal
line reactor, and blower motor contactor
and overload.
The drive meets UL 508A with a 65 kA
short circuit current rating (SCCR). It
is pre-wired and pre-tested to make
installation and start up go quickly. Its
has a dry auxiliary contact for the main
contactor accessible from the terminal
strip and allows tool access to individual
components within.
− Space efficient multilevel panel
− Easy to maintain
− Pre-wired, pre-tested solution for
smooth start ups
− Greatly simplifies the procurement
− Module can be replaced without
replacing the entire panel
− Integral ABB AC contactor
− UL Listed with 65 kA SCCR
Voltage and Power Range
− 460 Vac, factory or field convertible to
230 Vac
− 10 to 500 HP with heavy duty overload
ratings (150 pct for 60 sec.)
− 600 HP with normal duty ratings (110
pct for 60 sec.)
− Extruders
− Steel mills
− Pipe mills
− Retrofits
− Integral line reactor up to 150 HP
− Circuit breaker, ABB Tmax MCP
− Blower motor contactor and
overload, ABB A-line, for blowers
from ½ to 15 HP
− Without AC contactor
− 230 Vac supply

Optional Blower Motor
Contactor with Overload
Easy Access to Control Fuses
Top Access to AC Power and DC
Motor Terminals, and Fuses
Optional Circuit Breaker
AC Fuses Below Starter
Optional Line Reactor
(10-150 hp)
Control Transformer
Non-Regenerative (2Q) Regenerative (4Q)
DCS800-EP1-0020-05 DCS800-EP2-0025-05 17 10 20 5 18.8 12.2 14.4
DCS800-EP1-0045-05 DCS800-EP2-0050-05 35 20 37 10 18.8 12.2 14.4
DCS800-EP1-0065-05 DCS800-EP2-0075-05 53 30 54 15 18.8 12.2 14.4
DCS800-EP1-0090-05 DCS800-EP2-0100-05 68 40 71 20 18.8 12.2 14.4
DCS800-EP1-0125-05 DCS800-EP2-0140-05 104 60 104 30 18.8 12.2 14.4
DCS800-EP1-0180-05 125 75 125 30 19.3 20.0 13.8*
DCS800-EP2-0200-05 164 100 175 50 19.3 20.0 13.8*
DCS800-EP1-0230-05 DCS800-EP2-0260-05 205 125 206 60 19.3 20.0 13.8*
DCS800-EP1-0315-05 DCS800-EP2-0350-05 245 150 255 75 19.3 20.0 13.8*
DCS800-EP1-0405-05 DCS800-EP2-0450-05 325 200 341 100 35.3 25.4 16.2
DCS800-EP1-0470-05 DCS800-EP2-0520-05 405 250 425 125 35.3 25.4 16.2
DCS800-EP1-0610-05 DCS800-EP2-0680-05 480 300 506 150 35.3 25.4 16.2
DCS800-EP1-0740-05 DCS800-EP2-0820-05 640 400 45.7 26.7 16/19.7**
DCS800-EP1-0900-05 DCS800-EP2-1000-05 795 500 45.7 26.7 16/19.7**
DCS800-EP2-1010-05 950 600 45.7 26.7 16/19.7**
Overload rating: 150% for 60 seconds except 600 hp (110% for 60 seconds).
*19.3 inch depth when internal reactor option is included.
**Depth without circuit breaker option / with circuit breaker option
460Vac / 500Vdc 230Vac / 240Vdc
PHD HPOutput
Height Width Depth
DC Fuses (regen) Below
Circuit Breaker
Standard DCS800 Drive Module
Optional 230V supply
For more information please
ABB Inc.
Low Voltage Drives
New Berlin, WI 53151
Ph: (800) 752-0696
Fx: (262) 785-0397
For additional replacement
information and video
© Copyright 2012 ABB. All rights reserved. Specifications subject to change
without notice
Reliance Electric
are registered trademarks of Rockwell
Automation, Inc.
and FlexPak 3000
DCS800-PHPB02U-EN REVD Effective: 07/09/2012