Before installation of PC tools remove previous version by CONTROL PANEL of your PC
Read more details in Quick Guide 3ADW000191
This CD ROM provides
information about DCS550 and
contains PC tools:
DWL 2.93 for DC drives
+Commissioning Wizard 1.0
+DWL AP 2.2
FDT 2.2 Firmware
download kit
+ workspace
Firmware 1.1
Ver.: 1.10
System confirmation
Win7, Win2000, WinXP
Before installation of PC tools
remove previous version by
Flexibly geared to all the requirements of modern-day machinery
Startup and
maintenance software
Used from drive startup
and configuration to daily
use and process tuning
UR fusesThree phase line chokes
Assistant control panel
The assistant control panel
features a multilingual alphanumeric display for easy drive
programming. The control
panel has various assistants
and a built-in help function to
guide the user.
Adaptive Programming
Adaptive Programming
is easy and fast because
there is a graphical support.
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Fieldbus adapter
The pluggable fieldbus
options allow connection to most automation
A single cable replaces
complex conventional
With its compact dimensions and robust
technology, the DCS550 is an ideal drive
solution for machinery manufacturers – both in
new installations or as a replacement for older
analog devices.
Integrated “winder”, high-performance
field supply and various interfaces provide
machinery manufacturers with a maximum of
flexibility in terms of machine integration.
DC motor
Interface extension modules
The pluggable I/O modules
extend the basic I/Os.
On-board field exciter
Integrated on-board field
exciter reduces hardware and installation
Integrated macros
Most frequent parameter settings covered
by macros for easy
Overview 2
Contents 3
Designed for essential requirements 4
Flexibility for different applications 5
Smart human-drive interface 6
Standard firmware 7
PC tool for easy start-up and maintenance 8
Winder function required? 9
How to select a drive 10
Standard interface and extensions 11
How to select the motor voltage 12
Technical data, dimensions and weights 13
Line reactors L1 14
Fuse connections 15
Environmental conditions 16
Service 17
DCS family - the range for all demands 18
Notes 19
DCS550 Technical catalog e a | 3ADW000378R0101 3
Designed to meet the essential requirements of machinery
DCS550 – The highlights
– Compact dimensions
For installations with limited space
– Integrated high performance three phase field exciter up to 35 A
Fits all available motors without additional installations
– “Winder” with commissioning assistant
For easy and fast adaptation to different applications
– Different fieldbus interfaces (incl. EtherCAT, Profinet…)
For easy integration into automation
– Additional PID-controller
For overriding control functions (e. g. pressure or
level control)
– Adaptive programming with Drive AP, ABB’s graphical PC-tool
For easy implementation of additional functions
– Various start-up assistants and auto-tune functions
For fast commissioning
– Large control panel
For straight forward and self-explanatory operation
– Rugged design
For rough environments, high reliability
– Worldwide service
Local service in more than 60 countries
Easy to use
The basic version of the DCS550 is already equipped with a
large number of standard hardware interfaces like an encoder,
an analog tachogenerator and four analog input devices.
Since the basic unit includes all important functions almost all
applications are covered – options are not necessary.
The single-volume documentation provides comprehensive
information on the unit, firmware and hardware. The guided
start-up and complementary support functions reduce startup times to a minimum. The grouped structure of the parameters provides easy and clearly arranged navigation within the
various features and functions. Error messages and help texts
are displayed in plaintext in the user’s native language. The reduced need for training is an additional advantage created by
the synergies and similarities with ABB’s DCS800 converter
and ABB AC-drives.
Fieldexciter connection
DCS550 Control panel
Analog output, 2 x AO
Analog input, 4 x AI
Tacho input /10 ... 270 V
Armature Connection
4 3ADW000378R0101 | DCS550 Technical catalog e a
R-Fieldbus module
R-IO extension module
R-IO extension module
Encoder interface
Digital input, 8 x DI
Digital output, 4 x D0
Digital output, Relay
AC Connection
DCS550 converter module
Flexibility for different applications
DCS550 – Extensive applications
– Extruders
– Sugar centrifuges
– Wire drawing machines
– Coating lines
– Printing machines
– Presses
– Tools machines main drives
– Food processing machines
– Woodworking (wooden products and MDF industry)
– Retrofit of analog DC-technology
Modern DC-drives – More up-to-date than ever
Today, DC-drive technology is more up-to-date than ever.
Their attractive cost-performance ratio and functional advantages such as high torque at low speed, light weight and low
power loss, turn DC-drives into the preferred solution for many
applications. As far as innovation is concerned ABB’s DCdrives match the same high standards as ABB’s AC-drives.
Easy upgrade of installed older converters
The machines are frequently still in very good condition, but
spare parts and know-how for the installed power electronics
are no longer available.
With the DCS550, existing machines can be kept in operation
by replacing the old drive.
Short downtimes and low costs for the retrofit are additional
advantages of an upgrade of existing machinery.
DCS550 Technical catalog e a | 3ADW000378R0101 5
Smart human-drive interface
All units are equipped with the DCS550 Control Panel. It can
be snapped into place on the power converter module or
installed in the switchgear cubicle door by means of a mounting kit.
Control panel: high level of convenience included
The assistant control panel is part of the basic unit. It offers
a multi-language alphanumeric display (EN, DE, ES, FR, IT)
with a multilingual help function. The large graphic display
allows the user to freely select actual and set values. Another
additional advantage: the user can call up a list of all changed
parameters. The control panel can also store parameters as a
security backup or copy them for use in other converters.
Panel mounting kits
To attach the control panel to the outside of a larger enclosure, two panel mounting kits are available. A simple and
cost-efficient installation is possible with the ACS/H-CP-EXT
kit, while the JPMP-01 kit provides a more user-friendly solution, including a panel platform that enables the panel to be
removed in the same way as a drive-mounted panel. The
panel mounting kits include all hardware required, including
3 m extension cables and installation instructions.
– Startup Assistant
– Fault logger function
– Plain text for fault logger, faults and alarms
– Shows actual values in physical units
– Backup and Copy function for parameter
– Compare function for parameters
– Real time clock
- Help function
- Multilingual
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+ 14 hidden pages
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