ABB CVQ Instruction Leaflet

ABB Automation Inc.
Substation Automation and Protection Division
Effective: October 1999 Supersedes I.L. 41-223L, dated January 1996
( ) Denotes Change Since Previous Issue
Before putting protective relays into service, remove all blocking inserted for the purpose of securing the parts during shipment. Make sure that all moving parts operate freely. Inspect the contacts to see that they are clean and close properly, and operate the relay to check the set­tings and electrical connections.
Coral Springs, FL 33065


The type CVQ relay prov ide s instan tan eous an d ti me delay detection of negativ e sequence ove rvoltage as well as responding with tim e del ay to pha se-to-phase undervoltage.
Used in motor protecti on, the relay protects against system undervoltage, single phasing of the supply and reversal of phase rotation of the supply.
Instruction Leaflet
Type CVQ Relay
If static (i.e., non motor) load i s single-phase d with a motor or group of motors, the negative sequence volt­age will be greater than the v alue calculated above. Single phasing of a predominately static load pro­duces 50% negative sequence voltage on the load side of the open circuit.
When the relay i s used for overvol tage pr otec tion t he back contacts are made at normal voltage and the negative sequence element is committed to an instantaneous function. The normally open E2 con­tact may be used for alarm purposes.


The type CVQ relay consis ts of a polar unit (E) oper ­ating on negative sequence quantities, a negative sequence voltage filter, full wave bridge, a time undervoltage relay (CV), an indicating contactor switch (ICS) and a telep hone relay when used. The principal componen t parts of the rel ay and their lo ca­tion are shown in Figure 1 (page 2).
The volt-time ch aracteristic of the re lay is that of the CV-7 relay, and t he negative sequence overvolt age pickup is adjustable from 5 to 10 percent of rated
to neutral
When one of the thre e supply circuits to a motor is opened, a negative se quence voltage will appear on the motor side of the open which is approximately equal to I current flowing pr ior to opening the phase and I the motor starting cur rent. For mo st induc tion motor s this will produce approximately 6% negative sequence voltag e ev en if s in gle pha si ng o ccur s at no load because of the effect of the magnetizing require­ment of the motor.
All possible contingencies which may arise during installation, operation or maintenance, and all details and variations of this equ ipment do not purport to be covered by these in structions. If further information is desired by purchase r re gardi ng thi s p artic ul ar in st all ati on, ope ra tio n or maintenance of thi s equ ipment, the local ABB Power T&D Company Inc. representative should be contacted.
in per unit where IL is positive seque nc e


The polar unit consists of a recta ngular shap ed mag­netic frame, an electrom agnet, a permanent m agnet, and an armature. The pol es of the crescent shaped permanent magnet bridge the magnetic frame. The magnetic frame consi sts of three piece s joined in the rear with two brass rods and silver solder. These non­magnetic joints repres ent ai r gaps, which are br idged by two adjustable magnetic shunts. The winding or
windings are wound around a magnetic core. The armature is fastened to this core and is free to move in the front air gap. The m oving contact is connected to the free end of a leaf spring, which in turn, is fas­tened to the armature.
41-223N CVQ Relay
*Sub 2
*Sub 4
Figure 1. Internal Schematic of the Type CVQ Relay Figure 2. Internal Schematic of Type CVQ Relay with Telephone Relay
CVQ Relay 41-223N


The voltage filter consists of an auto-transformer, reactor, and resistors connected as shown in the internal schematic Figure 1 (page 2).


The voltage unit operates on the induction-d isc prin­cipal. A main tapp ed coil l ocate d on the center l eg of an “E” type laminated structure produces a flux which divides and returns t hrough the right le g (front view) to lag the main pole flux. The out-of-phase fluxes thus produced in the air gap causes a contact closing torque.


The indicating contactor switch is a small dc oper­ated clapper type device. A magnetic armature to which leaf-spring mounted contacts are attached is attracted to the magneti c core upon energization of the switch. When th e switch closes , the mov ing con­tacts bridge two stati onary contacts, completing the trip circuit. Also d uring this operation two fi ngers on the armature deflect a spring located on the front of the switch, which al lows the operation indicator tar ­get to drop. The target is reset from the outside of the case by a push-rod located at the bottom of the case.
The front spring, in addition to holding the target, pro­vides restraint for th e armature and thu s controls th e pickup value of the switch.


and 10 percent of the rated line to neutral voltage.
Voltage Unit
which the overvoltage front contact (left-hand, front view) closes. The undervoltage back contact (right­hand, front view) will close within 5% of this value.
When used as an overvoltage relay, the movin g c on­tact is initially at rest ag ai ns t the back contact for val­ues of voltage less than tap value. With application of overvoltage greater th an tap value, the moving con­tact moves to close the front contact in a time as shown by the right-hand cur ves of F igure 3 (page 8).
When energize d and used as an under voltage relay, the moving contact is initially at rest against the front contact for values of voltage greater than tap value. With the reduc tion of voltage to less than t ap value, the moving contact m ove s to clo se the ba ck co nta ct i n a time as shown by the left-hand curves of Figure 3.


Operation of the E2 unit wil l occur at approximately 54 Hz with rated positiv e sequence voltage applied when set for 5% negative- se quen ce pic kup a t 60 Hz . With a 10% setting, operation occurs at approxi­mately 48 Hz.


The main contacts will safely close 30 amperes at 250 volts dc and the seal-in contacts of the indicating contactor switch will safely carry this current long enough to trip a circuit breaker.
— Tap value voltage is the value at
The full wave bridge consists of four diodes con­nected to the output o f the negative sequence f ilter. The output is rectified, filtered and fed to the polar unit through an adjus table resistor, which i s used to set the sensitivity of the relay.


This slugged telephone type unit in series with a resistor, provides a 6 to 7 cycle delay on pick-up. The resistor is to be shorted for 48 Vdc operation as shown in the Internal Schematic of Figure 2 (page 2).


Polar Unit
sequence portion of the relay is adjustable between 5
— The sensitivity of the negative
The indicating contactor switch has two taps that pro­vide a pickup setting of 0 .2 o r 2 am peres . To ch ange taps requires conne cting the lead located in front of the tap block to the desired setting by means of a screw connection.


Indicating contactor switch – 0.2 amp tap 6.5
ohms dc resistance.
2.0 amp tap 0.15 ohms dc resistance.


The burden of the undervoltage CV unit at rated volt­age are as follows:
41-223N CVQ Relay
120 Volts
These relays will continuously withstand either 110% of
rated voltage or tap value voltage, whichever is higher
120 Vol t
55 64 70 82
93 105 120 140
Power Factor Watts
.38 .35 .34 .33 .31 .29 .28 .26
1.0 .7 .5 .3
The burden of the negative sequ ence filter at rated voltage is as follows:
Volt Amperes
Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3



The relay will be shipped adjusted for 5% negative sequence sensitivity. Other settings may be made as indicated under Section 8, “
The nylon screw o n the terminal plat e holds the tap plate in position when taps are being changed. To use the position on the terminal plate in which the nylon screw is used, remove the nylon screw and place it in one of the unus ed ho les . Then remove the tap screw and insert it in the terminal plate hole.


For motor protection a tap setting of 75 to 85% of normal line to line volt ages and a time dial setting of 6 or more should be satisfactory for protecting the motor and overriding voltage variations for which trip­ping is not desired.


No setting required.


The only setting required on the ICS unit is the selection of the 0.2 or 2.0 ampere tap se tting. This selection is made by connecting the lead located in the front of the tap block to the desired setting by means of the connecting screw. The 0.2 ampere setting is recommended where an au xiliary relay is to be opera ted and the 2.0 ampere settin g is recom­mended where direct tripping of a circuit breaker is to be accomplished.


The setting of the CV uni t can be defined either by tap setting and time dial position; or by tap setting and a specific time of op eration at some pe rcentage of tap value voltage (e.g. on CV-7 120 volt tap setting and 2 time dial position; or 120 vo lt tap setting and
1.8 seconds at 140% of tap value volta ge). See fig­ure 3 on page 8.
To provide selective circuit breaker operation, a mini­mum coordinating time of 0.3 seconds plus circuit breaker time is recommended between the relay being set and the relays with wh ic h c oordi nat ion is to be effected.
The connector screw on the term inal plate abo ve the time dial connects vari ous turns of the operati ng coil . By placing this screw in the various terminal plate holes, the relay will just clos e its front c ontact s at the corresponding tap va lue of 55-64-7 0-82-93- 105-120­140 volts or as marked on the terminal plate.


The relay is shipped with resistor in series with tele­phone relay for 125 Vdc ope ration. For 48 V dc oper­ation this resistor is to be shorted.


The relays should be mounted on switchboard p an­els or their equivalent in a location free from dirt, moisture, excessive vibration and heat. Mount the relay vertically by means of the rear mounting stud or studs for the type FT p rojection cas e or by m eans of the four mounting holes on the flange for the semi­flush type FT case. Eith er the stud or the mounting screws may be ut iliz ed fo r gr oundi ng t he rel ay. Exter ­nal toothed washers are p r ovi de d fo r us e i n t he l oca­tions shown on the outline and drilling plan to facilitate making a good electrical connection between the relay case, its mounting screws or studs, and the relay panel. Gr ound Wires are affixe d to the mounting screws or studs as required for poorly grounded or insulating pan el s. Ot her elec tric al
CVQ Relay 41-223N
connections may be made directly to the terminals by means of screws for steel panel mounting or to the terminal stud furnished with the relay for thick panel mounting. The termin al stud may be easily remo ved or inserted by locking two n uts on the stud and the n turning the proper nut with a wrench.
For detail information on the FT ca se refer to I.L. 41-


The proper adjustments to insure correct operation of this relay have been made at the factory. Upon receipt of the relay, no adj ust men ts, othe r than th os e covered under Section 5, “ should be required.


The following tests are recommended when the relay is received from the factory. If the relay does not per­form as specified below, t he relay either is not prop­erly calibrated or it contains a defect.
Connect relay per test circuit Figure 6 (page 11). Electrical checks should be made with the relay mounted in its case.
” (page 4),
left of stationary contact block, the index o n the movement frame will coincide with the “0” mark on the time dial when the stationary contact has moved through a ppr oxi mate ly o ne- ha lf of it s nor ­mal deflection. Therefore, with the stationary contact resting against the backstop, the index mark is offset to the right of the “0” mark by approximately .020”. (For the CV-7 ele ment, the follow on the back contact should be approxi­mately 1/64”.) The pla cement of th e var ious tim e dial positions in line with the index ma rk will give operating times as shown on the time voltage curves of Figure 3 (page 8). For double trip relays, the follow on the stationary contacts should be approximately 1/32”.
(For relay without an identifying “T”)
b) By turning the tim e dial, move the moving con-
tacts until they deflect the stationar y contact to a position where the stationary contact is resting against its backsto p. The index mark lo cated on the movement frame should coincide with the “0” mark on the time dia l. For double trip relays , the follow on the stationary contacts should be approximately 1/64”. Minimum Trip Voltage
7.1.1 Negative Sequence Filter
The filter is adjusted for balance in the factory and no further adjustments or maintenances should be required. The nominal v oltage out put of the fi lters on positive sequence is appro ximately zero. This serves as a convenient check on the balan ce of the filter. If any two input leads to the potential filter should be interchanged, a high v oltage occurs across the out­put terminals of the filter.
7.1.2 Polar Unit
Adjust variable auto-transformer (figure 6, page 11) so that an increasing voltage can be seen on the volt­meter. Note at what v oltage the polar unit ope rates. This voltage should be 10.4 volts ± 0.3 volts.
This corresponds to the 5% sensitivity adjustment. For other sensitivities see Table 1 under calibration.
7.1.3 CV Unit Contact
a) For relays identified with a “T”, located at lower
Set the time dial to position # 6. Alternately appl y tap value voltage plu s 3% and tap value voltage minus 3%. The moving contact should leave the backstop at tap value voltage plus 3% an d sh oul d retur n to th e backstop at tap value voltage minus 3%. Time Curve
Set time dial at #6 dial pos ition. Energiz e termina ls 7 and 8 of relay with 140% of tap value vol tage. The operating time of relay should be 5.9 seconds. The reset time of relay should be 5.7 seconds.
7.1.4 Indicating Contactor Switch (ICS)
Close the main rel ay contacts a nd pass suffi cient dc current through the trip circuit to close the contacts of the ICS. This value of c urrent should not be grea ter than the particular ICS se tting being used. The indi­cator target should drop freely.
The bridging moving co ntact should touch both sta­tionary contacts simultaneously.
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