Important precautions
Use dry, oil-free instrument air only
Caution: This instrument will be damaged if used with in-
strument air that is not completely dry and oilfree. Ensure instrument air has −40 °C dew point
and has been filtered to remove all oil and particulates.
Safety notice
This instrument operates from potentially lethal line voltage. In addition,
some internal components operate at high temperature and can cause serious burns. Observe all precautions when using this device, and particularly
be sure that all devices connected to the instrument are safely wired and
properly grounded. Always disconnect power to the instrument before
opening the enclosure or servicing.
Caution: The analyzer should not be operated without the
cover in place and the cooling fan fully operational.
The exterior surface of the converter furnace and
tubes will rise to nearly 80 °C if operated without
the cover in place. Serious burns can result if the
proper precautions are not taken.
Model CL3020 specifications
Performance specifications
NOx O2
Measurement technology Chemiluminescence using
all solid-state detection
Measurement range 0 to 1000 ppm 0 to 25 % O2
Full scale range Continuously adjustable
from 5 to 1000 ppm
Zero noise < 0.04 PPM < 0.02 % O2
Zero calibration drift Better than ± 0.1 PPM Better than ± 0.1 % O2
Span noise < 0.25% of reading < 0.02 %O2
Span calibration drift Better than ± 1% of reading Better than ± 0.1 % O2
Linearity error < 2% of high calibration
value across range from
zero to full scale
Response time T95 < 10 seconds T95 < 10 seconds
NO2 converter efficiency > 95%
Amperometric Zirconium
oxide cell
Continuously adjustable
from 5 to 25 % O
< 1% of high calibration gas
value across range from
zero to full scale1
•Touch-screen interface: All diagnostics and controls are accessible
through an advanced, full-color 5” touch screen interface.
•One-touch calibration: Once target gas values (e.g. bottle concentra-
tions) have been entered, span and zero responses may be captured,
and hence the analyzer calibrated, at the touch of the screen.
•Trend-screen: Gas concentrations are plotted in a chart-recorder style
trend with user settable scales for in-depth data analysis at a glance.
•Diagnostics and alarms: Critical component temperatures and gas flows
are measured within the analyzer and reported on the diagnostic screen.
Target values and alarmable deviations are user-settable. These alarms
are displayed on the home screen, as well as warning messages for internal communication errors or if the converter or ozonator has been disabled.
•Analog outputs: Each measurement, including dual ranges for NO
output as either 4-20mA or 0-10V (user selectable). Analog outputs can
be forced to low (4mA/0V) or high (20mA/10V) for troubleshooting. Further, the gain and offset of these analog outputs may be trimmed within
, is
Provided the calibration value is 80 to 100% of the full scale.
approximately +/-5% of full scale to compensate for offsets or other issues with an external the data acquisition system, independent of analyzer calibration.
•QR code (2D barcode): Analyzer configuration and operating parame-
ters, including calibration settings, can be sent via any mobile device
that has a QR code / barcode scanning app for ease in remote troubleshooting and support.
•Digital communications: MODBUS over TCP/IP included, allowing access
to gas concentrations, diagnostics, alarms, and other instrument parameters. The analyzer is also equipped with a VNC server that allows full remote operation from any device with a VNC viewer connected to the network. Using a locally connected PC or mobile device, factory personnel
may remotely inspect and diagnose analyzer problems as if they were
standing in front of the analyzer.
Mechanical specifications
• EIA 19-inch rack mount enclosure, 11 in. deep, 3 rack units tall
(5.25 inches).
• Weight: 24 lbs.
• Power: 120VAC, 4 Amps max.
• Sample flow rate: Requires approximately 0.1 SLPM at atmospheric pres-
sure (e.g. from a vented sample manifold) per NO
measurement channel
• Instrument air: Requires approximately 0.2 SLPM dry, instrument-quality,
oil-free air at atmospheric pressure (e.g. from a vented manifold), per
NOx measurement channel
The Model CL3020 CLD NOx analyzer is designed specifically for use in low-
CEMS applications. NOx and NO (if dual-channel) are measured using
chemiluminescence and a molybdenum-based NO
converter for total NOx.
The Model CL3020 meets or exceeds 40CFR60 and 40CFR75 demands for
relative accuracy, linearity, and calibration drift in low and ultra-low NO
gas-fired turbine applications.
Caution: The CL3020 is designed to analyze a clean, dry
sample, as is typical of a conventional extractive
CEMS. The sample dew point should be less than 5
C, and without any appreciable particulates or
other condensable or reactive gases. As with all
NOx analyzers, care should be taken in SCR applications to scrub any residual ammonia from the
sample to avoid contamination of internal components.
Measurement configurations
The Model CL3020 has several different configurations:
1. Dual-ranging NO
measured using a molybdenum-based converter to convert any NO
the gas stream to NO
able, e.g full scales of. 100 PPM and 25 PPM, in addition to a single range
output for O
2. Dual NO
(speciating), with or without O2. In this configuration, two inde-
pendent chemiluminescence cells are used to simultaneously measure
one converted stream (total NO
difference of these two is reported as NO
be used with an external NH
one channel, total NO
. A variety of analog output options are available in this configura-
3. Enhanced performance for low range NO
scales less than 200 PPM, greater sensitivity may be achieved with modified flows. Flows given in this manual are for standard configuration;
consult factory for more information about flows in this configuration.
, with or without O2. In this configuration, total NOx is
. Two separately calibratable NOx ranges are avail-
) and one unconverted stream (NO). The
. This configuration may also
converter to measure total NOx plus NH3 on
on the other channel, with the difference being
, with or without O2. For full
Theory of operation
The Model CL3020 CLD NOx analyzer uses chemiluminescence as the fundamental detection mechanism for NO
metric) zirconium oxide cell for the O
these mechanisms and their implementation in the analyzer are given below.
Chemiluminescence measurement of NOx
Chemiluminescence is defined as a chemical reaction that gives off light. Nitric oxide (NO) emits infrared light when it reacts with ozone (O
. By introducing a sample containing NO into a reaction cell and mixing
it with ozone, one can measure the amount of light emitted by the ensuing
reaction and can infer the amount of nitric oxide present in the original
It is important to note that only NO is the only species directly measured.
, defined as the sum of NO and NO2 in a sample, is measured by first
converting any NO
lybdenum-based converter. If so equipped, NO only is measured in a second
chemiluminescence cell from a sample that does not visit the converter.
measurement and a pumped (ampero-
measurement. A brief description of
) to form
to NO before it enters the measurement cell using a mo-
Zirconium oxide measurement of O2
The oxygen measurement makes use of the fact that zirconium oxide conducts oxygen ions when heated above approximately 600 °C. Platinum electrodes on the interior and exterior of a zirconium oxide tube provide a catalytic surface for the exchange of oxygen molecules and oxygen ions. As molecules encounter the platinum electrodes, they become ionized and are
transported through the body of the zirconium oxide. This charge transport
ultimately establishes an electric potential across the electrodes that is proportional to the log of the ratio of oxygen concentrations on each side of
the oxide (The Nernst Equation). Thus, if a reference gas (usually instrument
air at 20.9 % O
ple gas flowing across the outer electrode can be determined. In a conventional zirconium-oxide oxygen analyzer, this voltage is exponentiated to determine the concentration.
In the Model CL3020, a second zirconium-oxide cell is ganged together to
pump oxygen into the first cell, which is maintained at a constant voltage.
The amount of oxygen needed to maintain the primary cell at the operating
point is a more sensitive measurement of sample concentration, and allows
for measurement at zero oxygen. This pump signal is carefully measured
and related back to the sample concentration.
) flows across the inner electrode, the concentration of sam-
Pneumatic design
Although the chemiluminescence technique is extraordinarily sensitive, specific to NO
pressures, flows, cell geometry, etc. that must be carefully engineered to
produce a properly functioning analyzer. The pneumatic design of the Model
CL3020 is shown in figure 1; the flow scheme is substantially different than
other gas analyzers. To properly operate and service the analyzer, it is important that the flow scheme be well-understood.
Starting on the upper left side of the diagram, instrument air is drawn into
the analyzer from a manifold vented to atmospheric pressure. Excess air
flow should be available at this manifold to ensure integrity of instrument
air to the analyzer. It is important that the air be free of oil and particulates.
Ozone for the chemiluminescence reaction is produced in the ozonator, and
is drawn into the cell where it mixes with the sample stream as described
earlier. A flow-control orifice is embedded in the fitting on the ozone inlet(s)
of the reaction cell(s), and the instrument vacuum pulls the proper flow
through the ozonator.
Two sample channels, if so equipped, may be present on the analyzer. Excess sample flow should be available to each to ensure good sample integrity to the analyzer. A sample pump configured to deliver 1 SLPM under
slight positive pressure to a 1/4" Swagelok
with a vent tube at least three feet long on each branch is an ideal connection.
, and inherently linear, there are many subtle effects involving
tee connected to the analyzer,
Note: Under no circumstances should the sample inputs or ozone
feed air be pressurized.
For the total NO
where any NO
channel, the sample first flows through the converter
is converted to NO, while any NO present is unaltered. The
furnace temperature is displayed on the front panel of the analyzer. Next,
this sample flows though the oxygen sensor (if so equipped), and then
through the sample flow meter. This flow rate should approximately
70 SCCM. The sample then flows on to the reaction cell where it mixes with
the ozone stream and the NO
measurement is performed. The reaction cell
is kept at 40 °C.
The exhaust port of the reaction cell contains a critical flow orifice, which
when backed by a sufficiently strong vacuum, controls the
total flow
through the analyzer. Exhaust from the cell is routed through the high temperature furnace to destroy all the ozone in the exhaust stream to preserve
the integrity of downstream components. Unlike carbon filters or other de-
signs, this ozone destruction technique is very safe and effective. No measurable ozone is left in the exhaust. The analyzer is normally configured for an
external pump to provide critical vacuum to pull the exhaust from the reaction cell. The flow through the analyzer is independent of this vacuum, provided it is low enough to meet the conditions for critical flow. The pressure
on the downstream side of the critical flow orifice (measured under conditions of full analyzer flow) should be no more than 30% of atmospheric
If equipped, a second sample channel is present which does not flow
through the converter, therefore measuring only NO. The difference between these two channels represents the NO
sample, or any such other speciation (e.g. NH
concentration in the original
) depending upon external
system configuration.
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