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The information provided in this document is intended as a guide only. For the latest detailed engineering specifications, please
contact your 3M Touch Systems, Inc. Application Engineer. 3M Touch Systems, Inc. is committed to continually improving
product designs. As a result, product specifications may be subject to change without notification.
"RoHS compliant 2005/95/EC" means that the product or part does not contain any of the following substances in excess of the
following maximum concentration values in any homogeneous material, unless the substance is in an application that is exempt
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NOTICE: Given the variety of factors that can affect the use and performance of a 3M Touch Systems, Inc. product (the
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specifically designed for use in medical devices as defined by United States federal law. 3M Touch Systems, Inc. products and
software should not be used in such applications without 3M Touch Systems, Inc. express written consent. User should contact
its sales representative if User’s opportunity involves a medical device application.
IMPORTANT NOTICE TO PURCHASER: Specifications are subject to change without notice. These 3M Touch Systems,
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whether the 3M Touch Systems, Inc. Products and software are fit for User’s particular purpose and suitable for its method of
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not to have met 3M Touch Systems, Inc. warranty, then 3M Touch Systems, Inc. sole obligation and User’s and Purchaser’s
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refund its purchase price. 3M Touch Systems, Inc. has no obligation under 3M Touch Systems, Inc. warranty for any Product,
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Document Number: 19-271, Version 03
3M, the 3M logo, MicroTouch, and the MicroTouch logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of 3M in the United
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All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
3M Touch Systems offers several advanced controllers designed for reliability and easy
installation. Each controller provides superior performance and delivers excellent
stability, sensitivity, accuracy, and fast response.
This reference guide, designed for developers of touch systems, provides installation and
configuration information for the 3M™ MicroTouch™ RX141 controller. This document
includes information on integrating the RX141 controller into your design,
communicating with the controller, installing the MT 7 software user interface, and
troubleshooting setup problems. It also includes a complete description of the firmware
commands and controller specifications.
3M Touch Systems is committed to being a premier supplier in touch systems throughout
the world. As a 3M Touch Systems customer, you are aware that we have strong internal
programs that meet or exceed environmental regulations of our customers and the regions
in which we conduct business.
What You Need to Know
This document assumes you are familiar with firmware commands and how to use them.
Executing some commands may alter the performance of your touch product. You should
be aware of the results of using these commands before executing them.
Important Safety Information
Read, understand and follow all safety information before using this product. Follow all
instructions marked on the product and described in this document. Pay close attention to
the following installation warnings and safety precautions.
Intended Use
The RX141 controller was designed to enable touch in conjunction with other 3M™
MicroTouch™ products. This controller is intended for internal mounting only and is
not suitable for use in hazardous locations.
WARNING: Indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which, if not avoided,
could result in death or serious injury and/or property damage.
CAUTION: Indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which, if not avoided,
may result in minor or moderate injury and/or property damage.
CAUTION: Indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which, if not avoided, may
result in property damage.
To reduce the risk of fire and/or explosion which could result in serious injury or
Do not install or use this product in a hazardous location.
To reduce the risk of fire and/or explosion which could result in serious injury or
property damage:
Do not use this product in any outdoor environment unless NEMA standards (or
similar standards such as IP rating) are followed.
To avoid the risk of electric shock which could result in serious injury or death:
• Do not use a damaged power supply.
• Do not use a power cord that is frayed or otherwise damaged.
To reduce the risks associated with improper disposal, which if not avoided may
result in minor or moderate injury from ground water contamination:
Dispose of components in accordance with federal, state and local regulations.
To reduce the risk of possible environmental contamination which may result in
minor or moderate injury:
Dispose of the display in accordance with federal, state and local regulations.
To reduce the risk of the potentially hazardous situations associated with the use
of isopropyl alcohol which may result in minor or moderate injury or property
Follow all instructions and recommendations in the manufacturer's Material Safety
Data Sheet and product label.
3M Touch Systems Support Services
3M Touch Systems provides extensive support services through our website and
technical support organization. Visit the 3M Touch Systems website at\touch
regularly updated technical documentation on 3M™ MicroTouch™ products, and learn
more about our company.
3M Touch Systems, Inc. Proprietary Information
, where you can download touch software and drivers, obtain
Whenever you contact Technical Support, please provide the following information:
• Display size, part number and serial number
• Current driver version
• Operating system used
• Information on additional peripherals
Technical Support is available Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. with
limited call back service after 5:30 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. US Eastern Standard Time – 9
a.m. to 5 p.m. throughout Europe.
You can contact 3M Touch Systems Technical Support (US only -- Eastern Standard
Time) by calling the hot line, sending email or a fax.
• Technical Support Hot Line: 978-659-9200
• Technical Support Fax: 978-659-9400
• Toll Free: 1-866-407-6666 (Option 3)
• Email:
Contact 3M Touch Systems
Contact information for all offices can be found on our website at:
The 3MTM MicroTouch™ RX141 controller is an accurate, small outline, low cost,
temperature stable controller capable of supporting a wide range of resistive sensors. It is
designed for internal mounting in OEM applications.
This chapter covers the following RX141 controller specifications:
• Cable connections
• Mounting requirements
• Power requirements and options
• Status LED codes
Overview of the RX141 Controller
The RX141 controller is an uncased device using a USB interface.
To integrate and test the RX141 controller, you need the following items:
• A 4-wire resistive sensor.
• A method of establishing the USB communication between the controller and your
system. The standard 3M™ MicroTouch™ USB communications cable
(P/N7319420) is recommended.
• A software utility or driver with a calibration routine.
Note: You can use MicroTouch™ Software, which includes the touch driver and
utilities software.
The controller measures 1.3 x 2.4 inches, or 1.3 x 2.7 inches total profile over the
connectors. Allow additional clearance for the mating connectors. The total height profile
is 0.40 inches from the thru hole pins on the trace side of the board to the top of the
highest component on the opposite side. The RX141 has a 4-pin sensor connector (JP6),
and a 5-pin USB cable connector (JP7).
When mounting the sensor and controller, use normal precautions for handling
electrostatic sensitive devices. The RX141 has internal protection to ±20 kV for ESD air
discharges to the sensor (not to the controller directly) that may occur during normal
operation of the sensor. Refer to Appendix A for further specifications.
Establishing the Data Connection
The RX141 controller requires a 3M™ MicroTouch™ USB communication cable (P/N
7319420) PC 99 compatible or an equivalent interconnect. One end of this cable plugs
into the USB connector (JP7) on the RX141 controller. The other end, which has a TypeA connector, plugs into a USB port on your PC.
When creating a custom cable, use the Molex 51004-0500 mating connector. Table 1
describes the interconnections of the 3M™ MicroTouch™ USB cable.
Table 1. USB Cable for RX141 Controllers
PC Side (USB Type A) Wire Controller Side (5-Pin Molex)
Pin USB Assigned Color Pin Description
1 +5Vdc Red 1 +5Vdc Input Power
2 Data (DN) Gray 2 Data (DN) Differential Pair
3 Data (DP) Green 3 Data (DP) Differential Pair
4 0V Black 4 Power Return
5 Cable Shield Shell Charcoal
5 Outer Cable Shield around signal and
power lines. Chassis (earth) ground
3M Touch Systems, Inc. Proprietary Information
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