ASB Series
ASB 1001
ASB 2001
ASB 3001
> Solid state microprocessor with easy access front
panel settings
> 3 pre-programmed backwash cycles
> 12-volt output adapter
> Efficient reduction of both Arsenic III and V*
Safe for Landfill
* Also known as Arsenite (AS III) and Arsenate (AS V)
The ASB system is associated with one or more of the following patents: 5584411, 5699930, 5890750.
> High quality components specifically designed to provide
long life of your filtration system under most
environmental conditions
> Unique plug and play control system provides one button
setup for the consumer
> Provides safe and easy installation
> Long life media consistently reduces influent water to
below the federally regulated limit of 10ppb
> Media tested to HMRG** toxicity characteristic leaching
procedures showing spent media did not detect any
contaminates above regulatory limits
- Tests provided by independent lab. Contact CUNO
Incorporated for a copy of results
** HMRG (Heavy Metal Removal Granules)