3M Health Information Systems
3M™ Ambulatory Revenue Management Software
Discover hidden outpatient revenue by:
• Improving throughput of accurate claims data
• Decreasing back-end correction times, write-os, and A/R days
• Integrating medical necessity into edits to improve outpatient revenue assurance
What you can’t see,
can hurt you
Transform and improve your
outpatient revenue cycle
performance with the 3M
Ambulatory Revenue Management
Software (ARMS), a comprehensive
solution that moves coding edits
and charge detail from the backend up to the point of coding.
3M ARMS can help you submit
accurate outpatient claims the rst
time and reduce payment denials,
compliance risk and rework. The
3M software comes with tools to
measure and analyze data
accuracy, validate medical
necessity claims, and audit for
compliance purposes throughout
your APC revenue cycle.
The challenge
Are you receiving accurate payment for your outpatient services? How many of
your claims are being denied because of medical necessity or other reasons? Do
you worry that your outpatient claims are not compliant?
Directing today’s outpatient revenue cycle is challenging because processing
a claim involves coordinating people, processes, and systems across multiple
ancillary departments, HIM, and billing services. The process also requires
that you manage dierent codes and coding processes in the HIM and billing
departments. Too often the typical outpatient revenue cycle results in signicant
rework, lost revenue, and inaccurate billing.
The 3M solution
The 3M Ambulatory Revenue Management Software (ARMS), also referred
to as ARMS Comprehensive is a single outpatient database that consolidates
the information you need to manage and improve ambulatory reimbursement,
performance, and compliance, as well as evaluate and continuously improve
your organization’s revenue cycle process. When your organization selects 3M
ARMS and all the software and services that comprise this solution, you are
purchasing a comprehensive outpatient revenue cycle solution that combines
workow mapping, robust software, and coder education.
Unlike many revenue cycle solutions, 3M ARMS provides a central repository for
viewing the major data sources that impact outpatient revenue:
HIM, chargemaster, and billing department for the billing codes. More
importantly, 3M ARMS moves edits from the back-end of the revenue cycle
process to the point of coding, which helps you improve cash flow and
compliance while also reducing re-work and denials.
* HFMA sta and volunteers determined that this
product has met specic criteria developed under
the HFMA Peer Review Process. HFMA does not
endorse or guaranty the use of this product.
Coding Billing / PFS
Edit at the point of coding

3M™ Ambulatory Revenue Management Software
3M ARMS helps you simplify the outpatient revenue cycle process by providing
you with:
• The ability to manage medical necessity, OCE, and NCCI edits that support
accurate reimbursement
• Eective electronic communication with ancillary departments to help
improve billing times
• Workow engineering and edit education to help reduce rework
• Standard and custom reports that enable continuous improvement of your
revenue cycle
Step 1: 3M™ Workow Engineering Program
To analyze and improve your current processes, 3M consultants conduct the
3M Workow Engineering (WFE) Program, a process analysis and improvement
program that identies your redundant processes, data ow gaps, problem root
causes, and other issues.
This comprehensive program culminates in a “should” map of the ideal
ambulatory revenue management workow from registration to billing.
Step 2: Implementation and education
With key areas for improvement identied, 3M ARMS can be installed and
implemented. Your organization now receives focused training on using the
software to meet the top priority objectives.
Experienced project managers and product and process experts, the 3M
implementation team works closely with you and your IT sta to help implement
3M ARMS smoothly and successfully into your facility.
3M ARMS provides standard reports to help identify problem areas; monitor
and trend edit corrections by responsible department; and, ultimately, help
reduce claim denials. In addition, you can create custom reports that let you
pinpoint issues specic to your facility.
Call today
For more information on how 3M solutions can assist your
organization, contact your 3M sales representative, call us toll-free
at 800-367-2447,or visit us online at www.3m.com/his.
Add value
3M ARMS integrates with and
enhances your existing systems:
360 Encompass™ System
• 3M
combines computer-assisted
coding, documentation
improvement and quality metrics
into a single application
• HIS vendors and EHR systems
available in the market today that
have a software interface license
agreement with 3M
Standard reports include:
• Prot/loss reports with charges
• Physician proling reports
• Claims analysis
• Error or unpaid services report
• Type-of-visit summaries
• Most and least protable APCs
Optional module
The Charge Update module allows HIM
department coders to perform charge
corrections in 3M ARMS, thus eliminating
the need to send and wait for changes
from ancillary departments. This module
enables the coder to:
• Add charges
• Flag charges to be deleted
• Add modiers and date-of-service
• Keep a separate audit trail of
the transactions
Health Information Systems
575 West Murray Boulevard
Salt Lake City, UT 84123 U.S.A.
800 367 2447
3M and 360 Encompass are trademarks
of 3M Company.
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© 3M 2021. All rights reserved.
Published 03/21