Transportation Safety Division
3M™ All Weather Paint
Product Bulletin AWP
April 2020
Replaces Product Bulletin All Weather Paint Dated January 2010
1 Description
3M™ All Weather Paint (“AWP”) is a traffic paint system consisting of high-build waterborne paint, 3M Connected
Roads All Weather Elements (“Elements”) and second drop glass beads. AWP incorporates an optical technology
intended for use on high-build waterborne traffic marking paint and utilizes second drop glass beads to produce
pavement markings. Designed for use as maintenance markings on secondary highways, AWP provides the highest
level of wet reflective performance for a drop-on bead system.
1.1 3M Connected Roads All Weather Elements
Elements consist of an outer layer of microcrystalline ceramic beads partially embedded into composite cores
to provide optimal performance under dry and/or wet conditions. Elements are specifically treated for
application onto the high-build paint, as the first drop of a double-drop system. Elements are visible when dry,
during rainfall, and after rainfall, providing marking visibility for motorists under all weather conditions.
1.2 Paint
The paint component of AWP is manufactured with a high build polymer emulsion. All weather visibility, ease
of clean-up, enhanced worker safety, and reduced disposal costs are inherent features of AWP.
AWP is an ideal pavement marking system for situations where waterborne paint equipment is already
1.3 Second Drop Glass Beads
A second drop of glass beads is used to improve the durability of the finished marking and provide increased
visibility during dry conditions. Improved dry reflectivity can be expected as the size and quality of the second
drop bead is increased.

2 3M™ All Weather Paint April 2020
2 Specifications
2.1 Retroreflectivity
Average initial coefficient of retroreflected luminance values are shown in Table 1. Some variance should be
expected across applications, and all values represent initial properties unless otherwise noted.
Table 1. Typical average initial coefficients of retroreflected luminance
Property/test method
Retroreflectivity, Dry Average
ASTM E1710
Retroreflectivity, Wet Recovery Average
ASTM E2177
Retroreflectivity, Wet Continuous Average
ASTM E2832
a. Typical retroreflectivity results represent average performance for smooth pavement surfaces. Results may vary
due to differences in pavement type and surface roughness. Increased Elements drop rate may be necessary to
compensate for increased surface area characteristic of rough pavement surfaces. Wet retroreflectivity testing of
markings applied in grooved or recessed surfaces is difficult since water pools in recesses. In such cases, consider
installing sections of pavement markings for testing on either a smooth section of the pavement surface, or on rigid
panels (50 mil aluminum). If markings are applied to panels, allow them to cure, then move them carefully for
retroreflectivity testing - make sure to protect the optics when transporting.
Series Dry, Dry
E, Dry M
White: 1250
Yellow: 900
Series 50, 50E,
White: 700
Yellow: 525
White: 275
Yellow: 225
White: 200
Yellow: 150
Series 90, 70E,
White: 500
Yellow: 375
White: 375
Yellow: 300
White: 275
Yellow: 225
Series Wet,
Wet E, Wet M
White: 400
Yellow: 325
White: 300
Yellow: 250
Initial retroreflective performance of AWP pavement markings shall be measured within 7 days of application.
3 Installation
The installer of the markings is required to comply with the following installation conditions and procedures.
3.1 Weather and Pavement Conditions
AWP should be applied within guidelines and application criteria established in 3M Information Folder 5.22. For
smooth dense pavement surfaces optimal performance is achieved when the paint is applied at a wet thickness
of 25 mils (635 micron).
3.2 Equipment
AWP must be installed using a double-drop bead system. Elements are installed as the first drop of the twodrop system. Elements must be installed at a truck speed of 8 mph or less to prevent rolling and paint pick-up
by the Element. Contact your 3M Application Engineer for additional information regarding equipment
3.3 Paint Application Rates
Paint should be applied at a wet thickness of 25 mils (635 micron) and one gallon of paint will cover a distance
of 190 feet (58 meters) with a four inch (100 mm) line on a smooth surface. It may be necessary to increase
paint usage rate for rough or open pavement surfaces.
3.4 Marking Dimensions
Marking dimensions shall conform to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices and project
3.5 Placement of Elements and Beads
Elements and beads must be dropped into waterborne paint such that the Elements and beads do not roll, thus
ensuring that their exposed portions are free of paint material.