3.1 Check to be sure cable size fits within the kit range as shown in Table 1, page 3.
• Remove cable jacket for 81⁄4" (210 mm).
3.2 Remove metallic tape shield, leaving 11⁄4" (32 mm) exposed beyond cable jacket. (If necessary to prevent the tape
shield from unwinding, temporarily hold down end of shield with a wrap of vinyl electrical tape.)
• Remove semi-con (insulation shield), leaving 23⁄8" (60 mm) beyond cable jacket.
• Remove cable insulation for 21⁄8" (54 mm).
• Place a 1⁄8" (3 mm) bevel on end of cable insulation, to ease installation.
3.3 Remove white liners from one mastic strip and apply one wrap around cable jacket 1⁄2" (13 mm) from edge. Apply
with light tension. Cut off excess mastic.
• Position preformed ground braid with long leg along cable jacket as shown, with braid solder block centered on
previously applied mastic strip.
• Wrap short leg of ground braid around cable metallic tape shield for one complete wrap. Trim excess to eliminate
overlap. (Remove temporary wrap of vinyl tape if applicable.)
3.4 Secure ground braid to metallic tape shield with constant force spring. Wrap spring in same direction as ground braid,
as shown. Cinch (tighten) the last wrap of spring.
• Remove liners from second mastic strip and apply one wrap over solder block and previously applied mastic strip.
Cut off excess mastic.
• Apply two half-lapped layers of vinyl tape over mastic, constant force spring and exposed tape shield.
3.0 Preparation of Tape Shield Cable
3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4