Copyright protection claimed includes all forms and matters of
copyrightable materials and information now allowed by
statutory or judicial law or hereinafter granted, including without
limitation, material generated from the software programs which
are displayed on the screen such as styles, templates, icons, screen
displays, looks, etc.
Printed in the United States of America.
XEROX® and all Xerox product names and product numbers
mentioned in this publication are registered trademarks of the
Xerox Corporation. Other company trademarks are also
acknowledged. PCL is a trademark of the Hewlett-Packard
Company. MS, MS-DOS, Windows NT, Microsoft LAN Manager,
Windows 95 and Windows 98 are trademarks of Microsoft
Corporation. Adobe, Adobe Type Manager, Adobe PageMaker, and
PostScript are trademarks of the Adobe Systems, Inc. TrueType
and Apple ColorSync are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. OS/
2 is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.
SunOS and Solaris are trademarks of Sun Corporation.
MacroMedia FreeHand is a trademark of MacroMedia
Corporation. QuarkXpress is a trademark of Quark Corporation.
This printer contains an emulation of the Hewlett Packard
PCL 5C command language (recognized HP PCL 5C commands)
and processes these commands in a manner compatible with
Hewlett Packard LaserJet printer products.
Changes are periodically made to this document. Technical
updates will be included in subsequent editions.
Control Panel Features ....................................................... 1-2
Navigating the Menu System ........................................... 1-10
Main Menu ..................................................................... 1-17
Job Menu ........................................................................ 1-19
Password Menu ............................................................... 1-22
Tray Menu ...................................................................... 1-25
PCL Menu ....................................................................... 1-29
System Menu .................................................................. 1-34
Color Adjust Menu ........................................................... 1-42
Imaging Menu ................................................................ 1-46
Parallel Menu .................................................................. 1-50
Serial Menu ..................................................................... 1-53
Ethernet Menu ................................................................ 1-57
Token Ring Menu ............................................................ 1-69
Novell Menu .................................................................... 1-83
Print Menu ...................................................................... 1-91
Media Server Menu ......................................................... 1-96
Service Menu ................................................................... 1-99
Reset Menu ................................................................... 1-109
Chapter 1: Configuring the Printer
Control Panel Features
Control Panel Features
The DocuPrint NC60 Control Panel (Figure 1.1) serves
two purposes:
1. It displays information about the status of the printer
(or the job in process) and
2. It provides the means for changing printer settings to
control how the DocuPrint NC60 operates.
Figure 1.1 DocuPrint NC60 Control Panel
On Line LED
Press Enter LED
Two line, user interface
Color Process LEDs
On Line/Off Line key
Password #0
Enter key
Password #1
Menu Up key
Password #2
Menu Down key
Password #3
Item Up key
Password #4
Item Down key
Password #5
Value Up key
Password #6
Value D o wn key
Password #7
DocuPrint NC60 System Administrator Guide
Control Panel Features
The Display
The Control Panel's display performs two functions.
• It informs you of printer status conditions, such as
when toner is low, when a paper tray is empty, when a
job is in process, and so on. For example, when you
turn on the printer, you see the following message on
the display:
This message appears whenever the printer is on-line
and ready to accept print jobs. The display will also
when processing data, and:
when waiting for more data.
• It presents a hierarchy of menu options and settings to
configure and control the printer.
For example, when you press Menu Up or Menu Down, you will see the following two-line message on
the display:
(such as System Menu or Job Me nu)
See the section “Menu Symbols” (page 1-12) for more
information on indicators.
See the section “Main Menu” (page 1-17) for
information on the Menu system hierarchy.
Chapter 1: Configuring the Printer
Control Panel Features
The Indicator Lights
The Control Panel contains six indicator lights. Table 1.1
describes the function of each light.
Table 1.1Control Panel indicator lights and their
Press Enter
When the printer is On-line the light is On.
When the printer is Off-line, it is OFF. When
transitioning from On-line to Off-line, it flashes
at a rate of 2 times per second. It also flashes to
indicate that data are being processed by
Postscript, PCL or PJL, or are being spooled to
the disk (e.g. secure or proof job).
The light is flashing when the Enter key should
be pressed to:
• Release a print job sent as a Hold Job.
• Release a PCL job where no End of Job has
been received (PCL Form Feed).
Each light is on while the engine is processing
the corresponding toner color. When an out of
toner condition is encountered, the LED
corresponding to the low toner flashes.
DocuPrint NC60 System Administrator Guide
Control Panel Features
The Keys
The Control Panel keypad consists of eight keys,
identified with international symbols and/or labeled in
English. The keys are also numbered 0 - 7. (Control Panel
overlays are available in some languages and are supplied
with the printer where applicable.)
Table 1.2 describes the function of each key.
Table 1.2Control Panel keys and their functions
• If the Printer is On-line and not in the Menu system, pressing this key causes a
transition to Off-line. All pages currently in the paper path are printed and then
printing pauses until the printer is placed On-line. Status information via SNMP is
provided while in the Off-line state. Data are still accepted over all network
interfaces, and page formatting continues as long as memory is available. The
exception is the Parallel port running in the Compatibility mode, or the Serial port.
In Parallel, Off-line forces the “Select” line false and forces the “Fault” line true. In
Serial, Off-line sends an XOFF if this handshaking mode is selected, and forces the
DTR line false.
• If the printer is On-line and in the Menu system, pressing this key exits the menu
system. The printer remains On-line.
• If the printer is Off-line and not in the Menu system, pressing this key causes the
printer to change to the On-line state, provided no operator intervention condition
exists. This key is ignored if an operator intervention condition exists.
• If the printer is Off-line and in the Menu system, pressing this key exits the Menu
system. The printer state changes to On-line, provided no operator intervention
condition exists.
• If in the Password menu, and the display indicates “Enter Password”, pressing this
key causes a password digit “0” to be entered.
Table 1.2 Page 1 of 5
Chapter 1: Configuring the Printer
Control Panel Features
Table 1.2Control Panel keys and their functions
Menu Up ( )
• If the current display is a value for an item, pressing this key causes the value to be
entered as the default value for this item. The currently displayed value is
immediately loaded in NVRAM. The display then returns to indicate the current
menu on the top line and the current item on the bottom line.
• Some values require a power cycle before taking effect.
• If the current display is an action to be invoked (e. g. “PCL Font List”, “Restart
Printer”), pressing this key causes the action to take place. Following the action, the
display returns to indicate “Ready” on the top line.
• If not in the Menu system, and the “Press Enter” LED indicates that a partial page
exists, pressing this key causes an implied PCL reset and the partial page is printed.
• If a paper mismatch condition exists, and a request to load paper is displayed,
pressing this key causes printing on the media currently loaded in the selected tray
(Print Anyway). See Value Up or Value Down for more information.
• If in the Password menu, and the display indicates “Enter Password”, pressing this
key causes a password digit “1” to be entered.
• If in the menu system, pressing this key causes the Control Panel to scroll through
the menus in order bottom to top unless a higher priority message is displayed,
which preempts menu navigation. Menu scrolling is available without going to the
Off-line state. Scrolling wraps, such that if the displayed menu is the top menu,
pressing this key scrolls to the bottom menu.
• If an item, value or action is displayed, pressing this key returns to the top of the
current menu and removes the display of the item, value or action.
• If not in the menu system, pressing this key enters the menu system and displays
the first menu, Job Menu.
• If in the Password menu, and the display indicates “Enter Password”, pressing this
key causes a password digit “2” to be entered.
DocuPrint NC60 System Administrator Guide
Table 1.2 Page 2 of 5
Control Panel Features
Table 1.2Control Panel keys and their functions
Menu Down ( )
Item Up ( )
• If in the menu system, pressing this key causes the Control Panel to scroll through
the menus in order top to bottom unless a higher priority message is displayed,
which preempts menu navigation. Menu scrolling is available without going to the
Off-line state. Scrolling wraps, such that if the displayed menu is the bottom
menu, pressing this key scrolls to the top menu. If an item, value or action is
displayed, pressing this key returns to the top of the current menu and removes the
display of the item, value or action.
• If not in the menu system, pressing this key enters the menu system and displays
the last menu.
• If in the Password menu, and the display indicates “Enter Password”, pressing this
key causes a password digit “3” to be entered.
• If in the menu system, pressing this key causes the Control Panel to scroll through
the items in the current menu in order bottom to top unless a higher priority
message is displayed, which preempts menu navigation. Scrolling wraps, such that
if the displayed item is the top item, pressing this key scrolls to the bottom item. If a
value is displayed, pressing this key returns to the current item in the current menu
and removes the value from the display.
• If not in the menu system, this key is ignored.
• If in the Password menu, and the display indicates “Enter Password”, pressing this
key causes a password digit “4” to be entered.
Table 1.2 Page 3 of 5
Chapter 1: Configuring the Printer
Control Panel Features
Table 1.2Control Panel keys and their functions
Item Down ( )
Value Up (+)
• If in the menu system, pressing this key causes the Control Panel to scroll through
the items in the current menu in order top to bottom unless a higher priority
message is displayed, which preempts menu navigation. Scrolling wraps, such that
if the displayed item is the bottom item, pressing this key scrolls to the top item. If a
value is displayed, pressing this key returns to the current item in the current menu
and removes the value from the display.
• If not in the menu system, this key is ignored.
• If in the Password menu, and the display indicates “Enter Password”, pressing this
key causes a password digit of “5” to be entered.
• If in the menu system, and an item is displayed, pressing this key causes the Control
Panel to scroll through the values for the current item in order bottom to top unless
a higher priority message is displayed, which preempts menu navigation. Scrolling
wraps, such that if the displayed value is the top value, pressing this key scrolls to
the bottom value. If no value for the current item is displayed (Item key was pressed
but Value key not yet pressed for this item), pressing this key displays the default
value for the current item. When setting a numeric value, pressing this key increases
the value by the step amount. It is subject to auto-repeat if held down for more
than 1 second, after which the value scrolls repeatedly until the key is released. The
increment for each step may be greater than that for a single key press.
• If not in the menu system, and a paper mismatch condition does not exist, this key
is ignored.
• If a Paper Mismatch condition exists, pressing this key scrolls through the alternate
media that may be used instead of the requested media.
• If in the Password menu, and the display indicates “Enter Password”, pressing this
key causes a password digit “6” to be entered.
DocuPrint NC60 System Administrator Guide
Table 1.2 Page 4 of 5
Control Panel Features
Table 1.2Control Panel keys and their functions
Value Down (-)
• If in the menu system, and an item is displayed, pressing this key causes the Control
Panel to scroll through the values for the current item in order top to bottom unless
a higher priority message is displayed (e.g. operator intervention required, etc.),
which preempts menu navigation. Scrolling wraps, such that if the displayed value
is the bottom value, pressing this key scrolls to the top value. If no value for the
current item is displayed (Item key was pressed but Value key not yet pressed for
this item), pressing this key displays the default value for the current item. When
setting a numeric value, this key decreases the value by the step amount. It is
subject to auto-repeat if held down by more than 1 second, after which the value
scrolls repeatedly until the key is released. The decrement for each step may be
greater than that for a single key press.
• If not in the menu system, and a paper mismatch condition does not exist, this key
is ignored.
• If a Paper Mismatch condition exists, pressing this key scrolls through the alternate
media that may be used instead of the requested media.
• If in the Password menu, and the display indicates “Enter Password”, pressing this
key causes a password digit “7” to be entered.
Table 1.2 Page 5 of 5
Chapter 1: Configuring the Printer
Navigating the Menu System
Navigating the Menu System
The Control Panel contains two menu structures.
1. Main Menu and its submenus.
—Job Menu
— Password Menu (when the Hard Disk Drive is
—Tray Menu
—PCL Menu
—System Menu
— Color Adjust Menu
— Imaging Menu
— Parallel Menu
— Serial Menu
—Ethernet Menu
— Token Ring Menu (when the Token Ring Card is
— Novell Menu
— Print Menu
— Media Server Menu (when the optional Media
Server is installed)
—Service Menu
Press Menu Up or Menu Down to access the Main
Menu. Each of the submenus may have other
submenus, settings, actions or functions.
DocuPrint NC60 System Administrator Guide
Navigating the Menu System
2. Reset Menu and its functions.
— Factory Defaults
—Network Defaults
— CRU Resets
—Restart Printer
— Delete All Jobs (requires Hard Disk Drive option)
— Disk Initialize (requires Hard Disk Drive option)
— Disk Format (requires Hard Disk Drive option)
The Reset Menu is included in the menu list by simultaneously
holding down Online and Enter when the printer is being
powered up. See the section “Reset Menu” (page 1-109) for
more information.
Chapter 1: Configuring the Printer
Navigating the Menu System
Menu Symbols
Two menu symbols (= and *) are used to furnish
information about menus and settings. The purpose of
each symbol is described in Table 1.3 below.
Table 1.3Symbols found in the Control Panel Menu systems
When at a point where a value may be changed, the item
name is displayed on the top line with the
character position, and the selected value is displayed on the
bottom line.
The example at the right tells you that Language is an option
that takes a specific setting. One setting for the Language
option is Français. Another setting is English. (The list of
available settings is displayed one setting at a time on the
bottom line of the display as you press
When first arriving at a point where a setting may be changed,
the current value is displayed on the bottom line and a
symbol appears next to it in the last character position. Pressing
Up Value or Down Value scrolls through the possible values.
Whenever the current value is displayed, the
the last character position. Pressing Enter causes the
display in the last character position for the new value. Since
pressing Enter causes the display to indicate the current menu
and current item, the asterisk may not be seen until the item
and current value is displayed again by pressing a Value key.
The example at the right tells you that Language is currently set
to English.
symbol in the last
Val u e Up
is displayed in
Val ue
DocuPrint NC60 System Administrator Guide
Navigating the Menu System
Setting a
Menu Option
To set an option or to invoke a function, follow the steps
Press Menu Up or Menu Down to scroll through the
available submenus until you locate the one you want.
You will see:
Menu Name
Press Item Up or Item Down to scroll through the items
of the submenu (all submenus except the Password
You will see:
Menu Name
Menu Name
is the current submenu displayed.
Item Name
Job, Print, Service and Reset (with the exception of the
Language option) Menus, the bottom line of the display
indicates the action to be taken (e.g., Config. Sheet or PCL
Font List).
Item Name
is the current item displayed. For the
Chapter 1: Configuring the Printer
Navigating the Menu System
Press Value Up or Va l ue Do w n to select the appropriate
value for this item.
You will see:
Item Name =
Current Value
If a list of many values exists (e.g., 1 through 99 for
number of copies), you can scroll quickly by holding
down Va l ue U p or Va l u e D o w n .
When you see the value you want, press Enter to accept it.
If necessary, repeat Step 2 and Step 3 to go through other
menus, options, actions, functions and values.
After you press Enter to accept a value, the menu will
Menu Name
Item Name
You may either continue to work in the Menu system by
repeating the steps above, or exit and return to normal
operation by pressing Online.
If you press Online at any time prior to pressing
Enter the new value will not be saved and the
Menu system is exited.
The printer automatically exits the Menu system
after 60 seconds of inactivity (i.e., no key has been
DocuPrint NC60 System Administrator Guide
Navigating the Menu System
Access to Special
Operating Modes
The printer may be placed in special diagnostic or other
operating modes by turning on power while holding
down two keys on the Control Panel. The following are
the key combinations for each mode:
Table 1.4Access to special operating modes
Key CombinationsMode
On-line and Enter
(Keys numbered 0 and 1)
Menu Up and Menu Down
(Keys numbered 2 and 3)
Sets a flag in RAM so that the
Control Panel enables the
“Reset” menu.
Forces the “Software Update”
mode on the Parallel port.
Chapter 1: Configuring the Printer
Navigating the Menu System
Control Panel Locks
Some of the menus in the Control Panel may be “locked”
to prevent unauthorized access and changes to system
parameters. This is accomplished with the PJL “CPLOCK”
command. If the user scrolls to a locked menu, pushing
either “Item” key will cause the menu name to appear on
the top line, and “Menu Locked” to appear on the second
line. Menus are unlocked only with the corresponding PJL
“CPLOCK” command. Only the following menus are
available from the Control Panel when locked:
•Job Menu
• Password Menu (if optional Hard Disk is installed)
•Tray Menu
• Print Menu
• Media Server Menu (if Media Server is installed)
•Reset Menu
If you do not want users to have access to the Reset Menu,
power OFF and power ON the printer.
DocuPrint NC60 System Administrator Guide
Main Menu
Main Menu
The Main Menu is a system of submenus, each containing
options designed to configure the printer for your
environment. The Main Menu hierarchy is depicted in
Table 1.5 on page 1-18.
In this chapter, a boldfaced value followed by an asterisk (*)
indicates the factory default for that value. See the section
“Reset Menu” (page 1-109) for information on how to revert to
factory settings.
Items and values in italics are available only when the
applicable option is installed and operational.
Chapter 1: Configuring the Printer
Main Menu
Table 1.5Main Menu hierarchy
Main Menu
Job Menu
Password Menu
Tra y Menu
PCL Menu
System Menu
Color Adjust Menu
Imaging Menu
Parallel Menu
Serial Menu
Ethernet Menu
Token Ring Menu
Novell Menu
Print Menu
Media Server Menu
Service Menu
Reset Menu
Appears only when the Hard Disk Drive is installed.
Appears only when the option is present.
Appears only when
Hierarchy and Factory Settings
“Job Menu”
“Password Menu”
“Tray Menu”
“PCL Menu”
“System Menu”
“Color Adjust Menu”
“Imaging Menu”
“Parallel Menu”
“Serial Menu”
“Ethernet Menu”
“Token Ring Menu”
“Novell Menu”
“Print Menu”
“Media Server Menu”
“Service Menu”
“Reset Menu”
are simultaneously held down at power
(page 1-19).
(page 1-22).
(page 1-25).
(page 1-29).
(page 1-34).
(page 1-42)
(page 1-46)
(page 1-50).
(page 1-53)
(page 1-57).
(page 1-69)
(page 1-83).
(page 1-91)
(page 1-96)
(page 1-99)
(page 1-109).
DocuPrint NC60 System Administrator Guide
Job Menu
Figure 1.2 Job Menu hierarchy
Job Menu
Use the Job Menu to cancel the job currently being
processed, force a form feed on a partially formatted job
in PCL, or restart the printer. The menu hierarchy is
shown in Figure 1.2.
Job Menu
Password Menu
Tray Men u
PCL Menu
System Menu
Color Adjust Menu
Imaging Menu
Parallel Menu
Serial Menu
Ethernet Menu
Token Ring Menu
Novell Menu
Print Menu
Media Server Menu
Service Menu
Reset Menu
Cancel Job
Restart Printer
Refer to Table 1.6 on page 1-20 for step-by-step
Chapter 1: Configuring the Printer
Job Menu
Table 1.6Job Menu functions
Menu Item and FunctionKeystrokesDisplay Reads
Cancel Job
Cancel the job currently printing
(Postscript or PCL).
The available values are:
Form Feed
Eject a partial PCL page when the
“Press Enter” LED is ON.
The available values are:
1. Press
2. Press
3. Press
4. Press
5. When done, you will see:
1. Press
2. Press
3. Press
4. Press
5. Press
Menu Up
until you see:
Item Up
you see:
Value Up
you see:
Menu Up
until you see:
Item Up
you see:
Value Up
you see:
Menu Down
Item Down
Val u e Down
. You will see:
Menu Down
Item Down
Val u e Down
. You will see:
. You will see:
Job Menu
Job Menu
Cancel Job
Cancel Job
Cancelling Job
Job Menu
Job Menu
Form Feed
Form Feed
Job Menu
Form Feed
DocuPrint NC60 System Administrator Guide
Table 1.6 Page 1 of 2
Job Menu
Table 1.6Job Menu functions
Menu Item and FunctionKeystrokesDisplay Reads
Restart Printer
Reinitialize the printer as if the
power was cycled, but bypassing
power on diagnostics.
The available values are:
1. Press
2. Press
3. Press
4. Press
5. When the action is complete, you
Menu Up
until you see:
Item Up
you see:
Value Up
you see:
will see:
Menu Down
Item Down
Val u e Down
. You will see:
Job Menu
Job Menu
Restart Printer
Restart Printer
[Startup Messages]
Table 1.6 Page 2 of 2
Chapter 1: Configuring the Printer
Password Menu
Password Menu
Use the Password Menu (available only when the optional
Hard Drive is installed) to print or delete secure or proof
jobs. Secure and proof jobs are enabled by drivers.
The menu hierarchy is shown in Figure 1.3.
Figure 1.3 Password Menu hierarchy
Job Menu
Password Menu
Tray M e n u
PCL Menu
System Menu
Color Adjust Menu
Imaging Menu
Parallel Menu
Serial Menu
Ethernet Menu
Token Ring Menu
Novell Menu
Print Menu
Media Server Menu
Service Menu
Reset Menu
Enter Password
Refer to Table 1.7 on page 1-23 for step-by-step
No Jobs
All Jobs
Press Menu
DocuPrint NC60 System Administrator Guide
Table 1.7Password Menu functions
Menu Item and FunctionKeystrokesDisplay Reads
Password Menu
All Jobs
Print all jobs sent with a specific
Filename n
Print one or more jobs out of
several sent with a specific
A job with a name assigned to it
will replace the “Job n” with that
1. Press
2. Press
3. Enter four-digit password using the
4. Press
1. Press
2. Press
3. Enter four-digit password using the
4. Press
5. Press
Menu Up
until you see:
Item Up
will see:
numbers on the Control Panel keys.
You will see:
completed you will see:
Menu Up
until you see:
Item Up
will see:
numbers on the Control Panel keys.
You will see:
Item Up
you see:
Menu Down
Item Down
. When print is
Menu Down
Item Down
Item Down
. You will see:
. You
. You
Password Menu
Enter Password
All Jobs
Password Menu
Enter Password
All Jobs
Filename n
Filename n
6. Repeat Steps 4 and 5 until you have
identified all the jobs you wish to
print. When done, press
You will see:
Chapter 1: Configuring the Printer
Table 1.7 Page 1 of 2
Password Menu
Table 1.7Password Menu functions
Menu Item and FunctionKeystrokesDisplay Reads
All Jobs
Delete all jobs sent with a specific
Filename n
Delete one or more jobs out of
several sent with a specific
1. Press
2. Press
3. Enter four-digit password using the
4. Press
5. Press
1. Press
2. Press
3. Enter four-digit password using the
Menu Up
until you see:
Item Up
will see:
numbers on the Control Panel keys.
You will see:
Value Up
you see:
Menu Up
until you see:
Item Up
will see:
numbers on the Control Panel keys.
You will see:
Menu Down
Item Down
Val u e Down
. You will see:
Menu Down
Item Down
. You
. You
Password Menu
Enter Password
All Jobs
All Jobs
Password Menu
Enter Password
All Jobs
4. Press
5. Press
6. Press
7. Repeat Steps 4 to 6 until you have
DocuPrint NC60 System Administrator Guide
Item Up
you see:
Value Up
you see:
deleted all the jobs you wish to
print. When done, press
You will see:
Item Down
Val u e Down
. You will see:
Filename n
Filename n
All Jobs
Table 1.7 Page 2 of 2
+ 156 hidden pages
You need points to download manuals.
1 point = 1 manual.
You can buy points or you can get point for every manual you upload.