3D Innovations H-182 User Manual

Safe Handling, Storage, and Destruction of Nitrate-Based Motion Picture Films
H-182 (ENG) $1.00
This publication will help you understand
Photographic films on cellulose nitrate base (nitrocellulose) were introduced by Eastman Kodak Company in 1889. This film base had excellent physical properties, but it suffered from poor chemical stability and high flammability. In 1948, cellulose triacetate support was introduced; it met the performance requirements of motion picture films and provided added safety. After 1951, no cellulose nitrate motion picture film was manufactured by Kodak.
Actual use of cellulose nitrate films in theaters has virtually ceased. However, large quantities of cellulose nitrate film for archival or other purposes still exist in storage. These films are typically kept in vaults and removed for limited projection, reprinting and restoration on safety films, or destruction.
This publication will help you recognize and avoid the hazards associated with cellulose nitrate motion picture films. To safely handle, store, transport, and destroy these films, you must understand these hazards. The information in this publication is based on requirements in the United States; requirements may differ in other countries.
The storage and handling requirements presented are primarily from the National Fire Protection
Association (NFPA), Standard for the
Storage and Handling of Cellulose Nitrate Motion Picture Film, 1994
Edition (NFPA 40). The NFPA standards are not laws; however, states or local authorities, such as a government agency, local fire department, or a building/ electrical inspector may require compliance with the NFPA standard.
Depending on the age of cellulose nitrate films, the edge of the film may be marked as nitrate film (“NITRATE FILM” or “ N ”).
The words “SAFETY FILM” may appear in the non-image area of a motion picture film. This usually indicates that the base is made of a material, such as cellulose triacetate, that passes the ISO 435 test for burning and ignition. However, early motion picture films marked “SAFETY FILM” may have been printed on cellulose nitrate film, which would also carry the “SAFETY FILM” markings from print through. If a film cannot be clearly identified by markings, testing may be required to determine the composition of the film base.
the requirements to safely handle, store, transport, and destroy cellulose nitrate-based films.
©Eastman Kodak Company, 2003
There are several methods to identify
a film base.
You can prepare and analyze a sample of a film base by infrared absorption through an analytical laboratory using the procedure outlined in ISO 10682. Another test to distinguish nitrate film from safety film is to punch or cut a 1/4­inch diameter sample from the film and place it in a test tube or small bottle containing trichlorethylene. You will need to shake the liquid to ensure that the sample is completely immersed. Cellulose nitrate films will sink in the liquid and safety films will float to the surface. Cellulose nitrate films that have started to deteriorate may change density and may not sink in the trichlorethylene. Always perform this test in a well ventilated area to minimize exposure to trichlorethylene. Dispose of used trichlorethylene as a hazardous waste.
Deteriorated films in the first two stages are photographically reproducible. Unless you have expertise in determining the characteristics of nitrate films in various stages of decomposition, do not unroll the films.
For help determining the historical value of any material on nitrate base, contact a local historical film association, or one of the following:
Library of Congress Motion Picture, Broadcasting and Recorded Sound Division Washington, D.C. 20540-4800 Phone (202) 707-5840 Fax (202) 707-2371
National Archives and Records Adminstration at College Park 8601 Adelphi Road College Park, MD 20740 Phone (301) 713-6700 Fax (301) 713-2371
Federation of International Film
In addition to the inherent hazards associated with the flammability of cellulose nitrate film, decomposition of the film also can present safety concerns during its storage, handling, transportation, and destruction. The deterioration of cellulose nitrate films can be divided in to five distinct stages:
Stage 1 Film has an amber discoloration with fading of the image. Faint nox-
ious odor. Rust ring may form on inside of metal film cans.
Stage 2 Emulsion becomes adhesive and the film tends to stick together dur-
ing unrolling. Faint noxious odor.
Stage 3 Portions of the film are soft, contain gas bubbles, and emit a noxious
Archives (FIFA) FIFA Secretariat rue Franz Merjay 190 1180 Bruxelles/Brussels Phone 32-2-343-06-91 Fax 32-2-343-76-22
As cellulose nitrate film decomposes, it can release nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide, and other gases. These vapors will accelerate the decomposition of the remaining film base. Depending on the airborne concentration, vapors from decomposing film may be irritating to your eyes, nose, and throat. Providing adequate ventilation reduces the airborne concentration of the vapors and ensures that exposure limits established by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) or the American Conference of Government Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) will not be exceeded.
To avoid contact with your skin and eyes, and to reduce the possibility of injury, always wear impervious gloves, such as rubber or neoprene, and eye protection when handling decomposing cellulose nitrate film.
Because cellulose nitrate films are flammable and there are decomposition concerns, you need to store and manage them in a safe manner that limits decomposition. You can preserve or duplicate cellulose nitrate films until the third stage of decomposition. Cellulose nitrate films that have reached the third stage of decomposition, or that have no historical value, should be destroyed at an authorized facility.
Stage 4 Entire film is soft and welded into a single mass, the surface may be
covered with viscous froth, and a strong noxious odor is given off.
Stage 5 Film mass degenerates partially or entirely into a shock sensitive
brownish acrid powder.
Safe Handling, Storage, and Destruction of Nitrate-Based Motion Picture Films H-182 (ENG) 2
Choosing a storage facility for cellulose nitrate films depends on the amount of film to be stored.
For short-term storage, you can use approved film cabinets for storing up to 750 pounds of film (equal to 150 1000­foot rolls). Use vaults for longer-term storage of amounts up to 750 pounds. Always store amounts over 750 pounds in vaults. Be sure to segregate cellulose nitrate films from other film storage areas.
For extended-term storage (for preservation of material having permanent value), store in archival cabinets or vaults that contain individual compartments and allow for decomposition gas venting.
Do not exceed 70°F inside the storage vault, and maintain the relative humidity below 50 percent. For long-term storage requirements, store the film at 35°F at 20- to 30-percent relative humidity.
Refer to the design specifications for film cabinets and vaults, including materials of construction, maximum capacity, venting, and sprinkler requirements found in NFPA 40, Chapter 4. You should also check your local fire code for additional film storage requirements.
In addition to cool and dry storage, Molecular Sieves are recommended for storage of all cellulose nitrate films. You can promote extended keeping and preservation of cellulose nitrate films with the placement of Molecular Sieves inside the film storage container. These sieves scavenge and catalytically decompose the gases that are generated during the storage of cellulose nitrate films and retard the degradation reactions. Molecular Sieves are available from FPC, 6677 Santa Monica Boulevard, Los Angeles, California 90038, (800) 814-1333 or (213) 468-1574.
Exposure to temperatures in excess of 185°F accelerates decomposition of these films. While they deteriorate, nitrate-based films can develop pressure and heat in the film can, especially when the can is taped closed. Contained gases and heat can lead to spontaneous combustion. Therefore, it is recommended that you store cellulose nitrate films in painted or tin-plated metal cans with loose lids. Do not tape the lids or use tight-fitting lids unless you are using Molecular Sieves.
Decomposition gases (powerful oxidizing agents) can also react with nearby acetate and polyester base films, so you will need to store cellulose nitrate films in a separate area. The decomposition gases can also promote decomposition of nearby cellulose nitrate films. If your cellulose nitrate films need to be stored, but have started to deteriorate, you must store them in an area that is separate from other cellulose nitrate film storage areas.
Store cellulose nitrate films in vaults in single or double roll containers or in approved shipping containers. You will need to examine the entire length of nitrate films prior to vault storage. If they are stored with temperature and humidity controls, you should inspect nitrate films on a hand rewind machine annually. Where storage conditions are not controlled, you should examine films every six months, or more frequently in warm climates. Any nitrate films you find in good condition can be returned to the storage vault. Any films that have progressed to the third stage of decomposition need to be destroyed at an approved facility.
You need to exercise care when attempting to project cellulose nitrate films. Cellulose nitrate motion picture films may be brittle and shrunken. Do not attempt to unroll or project a cellulose nitrate film unless you are thoroughly familiar with its physical characteristics. Improper projection can damage or destroy the film.
Because of the potential fire hazards, the projection of cellulose nitrate films is not a common practice. You should project cellulose nitrate films only in specially designed enclosures using projectors with air cooling systems. (Refer to design specifications in NFPA 40, Chapter 6.) Projection booths in older theaters were typically constructed with thick concrete walls, large steel doors mounted on rolling tracks, and explosion relief panels. Specialized projectors with fire prevention rollers were also used.
Since decomposition is accelerated with high temperatures, projecting cellulose nitrate film without air cooling systems will advance the decomposition stage. Therefore, do not return film that was exposed to high temperatures to your storage vault for long-term storage. You can reprint your film onto safety film and then send the cellulose nitrate film to an authorized facility to be destroyed.
Safe Handling, Storage, and Destruction of Nitrate-Based Motion Picture Films • H-182 (ENG)
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