Whirlpool AWM 295/3 Service Manual

Whirlpool Europe Customer Services
Model AWM 295/3 Version 8570 295 53011 Page
Technical data 2 - 3
Spare part list 4 - 5
Exploded view 6 - 7
Wiring diagram 8
Circuit diagram 9
Text/Legend 14 - 15
Family 2A
Service Manual
Washing machine Frontloader AWM 295/3
AWM 295/3
This documentation is only intended for qualified technicians who are aware of the respec­tive safety regulations. Date: 22.11.1999 Subject to modification Document-No.: 4812 712 14728
22.11.1999 / Page 2 AWM 295/3 Whirlpool Europe Doc. No: 4812 712 14728 8570 295 53011 Customer Service
Technical data
Height 85 cm Width 59.5 cm Depth 55 cm
Without packing 75 kg
Main connection
Voltage 230 V Frequency 50 Hz Power consumption 2.3 kW Fuse rating 10 A
Volume 48 l Wash spin 54 rpm Ramp spin 110 rpm Speed spinning max. 1000 rpm
Capacity of dry laundry
Cotton/coloured laundry 5 kg Cotton rapid 3 kg Easy care 2.5 kg Easy care rapid 1.5 kg Delicate 1.5 kg Wool 1 kg
Quantity of water washing
Cotton/coloured laundry 9.5 l Easy care 9.5 l Delicate 14 l Wool 16.5 l Overflow 30 l
Quantity of water rinse
Cotton/coloured laundry 12 l Easy care 11.5 l Delicate 15 l Wool 17 l Overflow 30 l
Nominal current
11 - 12 4 (4) A 11 - 14 16 (4) A 11 - 16 1 (1) A
11-12-14 jump contacts 11 - 16 slow action contacts
Door lock
Lock time 3“ - 6“ ( 20˚C ) Unlock time 60“ - 90“ Nominal voltage 230 V Nominal current:
contact 4 - 5 16 (4) A
Heating element
Kind of heating Tubular heating element with
NTC-sensor Nominal voltage 230 V Nominal power 2050 W Heat conductor
resistance 24.1
Resistance NTC:
0˚C 35.9 k 30˚C 9.8 k 40˚C 6.6 k 50˚C 4.6 k 60˚C 3.2 k 70˚C 2.3 k 95˚C 1.1 k
Inlet valve (cold)
Water temperature max. 60 ˚C Rated flow < 1 bar 8 l/min Pressure range 0.5-10 bar Nominal voltage 220-240 V Frequency 50 Hz Starting voltage < 6 bar 160 V
6-10 bar 170 V Nominal current 35 mA Nominal power 6 VA Nominal resistor (20˚C) 4060
Inlet valve (hot)
Water temperature max. 90 ˚C Rated flow < 1 bar 4 l/min Pressure range 0.5-10 bar Nominal voltage 220-240 V Frequency 50 Hz Starting voltage < 6 bar 160 V
6-10 bar 170 V Nominal current 35 mA Nominal power 6 VA Nominal resistor (20˚C) 4060
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Technical data
Drain pump (synchronus)
Nominal voltage 230 V Nominal current 0.3 A Nominal consumption 34 W Frequency 50 Hz Resistor (coil) 155 ± 7% Motor protection no Capacity (1.25m height) 15 ± 2 l/min
Program timer
Type Hybridtimer with integreated
electronic Fab. EC 4477 (Timer 2a) Nominal voltage 230 V Frequency 50 Hz Total positions 60
Cotton/coloured laundry
Pre wash pos. 01 - 02 Main wash pos. 03 - 12 Rinse pos. 13 - 19 Spin pos. 20 - 22 Stop pos. 23
Easy care
Pre wash pos. 24 - 26 Main wash pos. 27 - 34 Rinse pos. 35 - 39 Spin pos. 40 - 41 Stop pos. 42
Pre wash pos. 43 - 44 Main wash pos. 45 - 51 Rinse pos. 52 - 56 Spin pos. 57 - 59 Stop pos. 60
Pre wash pos. ­Main wash pos. 47 - 51 Rinse pos. 52 - 56 Spin pos. 57 - 59 Stop pos. 60
Pre wash pos. ­Main wash pos. 49 - 51 Rinse pos. 52 - 56 Spin pos. 57 - 59 Stop pos. 60
Type MCA 52/64 - 148/WHE0
i = 1 : 13.1
Resistance contacts
6 - 7 68.7 ± 7% 4 - 5 2.15 ± 7% 2 - 3 1.46 ± 7% 1- 3 0.65 ± 7%
Radio interference supression
Nominal voltage 230 V Nominal capacity 470nFX1+2x22nFY Nominal inductance 2 x 1 mH Nominal resistance 680 k
Spin selector switch
Positions 7 Nominal voltage 5 V Value of resistors:
1 - 2 - 3 internal shunt 4 - 6 internal shunt 5 - 6 pos.1 0
pos.2 0.68 ± 5% k pos.3 1.10 ± 5% k pos.4 1.80 ± 5% k pos.5 2.70 ± 5% k pos.6 3.60 ± 5% k pos.7 4.70 ± 5% k
Push button switch
Start stop SM Energy save SEC Hlaf load SHL Rapid wash SR Rinse hold SRS
22.11.1999 / Page 4 AWM295/3 Whirlpool Europe Doc. No: 4812 712 14728 8570 295 53011 Customer Service
Spare part list
Model AWM 295/3 Service No. 857029553011 Version 857029553011
Pos. No. 12NC Code Description
001 0 4819 440 19716 Cabinet 011 0 4819 462 48472 Foot 021 0 4819 440 19715 Front 021 1 4812 440 19343 Flap 024 0 4812 440 18998 Panel, rear
025 0 4812 440 19346 Holder Control Device 030 0 4812 310 18396 Cover plate 040 0 4812 417 18787 Hinge 053 0 4819 440 19791 Plinth 061 0 4812 466 88458 Counter weight upper
061 1 4812 466 88459 Counter weight front 080 0 4812 529 18038 Shock absorber 800-1000 084 0 4812 466 58001 Silent bloc 086 2 4812 401 18412 Stopper 110 0 4812 498 18139 Handle,door white
130 0 4812 417 28046 Lock Door 130 1 4812 417 28045 Pin Door Lock 131 0 4812 417 28047 Plate Door lock 131 1 4812 417 28048 Plate Doorlock Lower 141 0 4812 450 68219 Door glass
143 0 4819 532 28286 Glassdoor frame 144 0 4812 459 28043 Frame,door glas 144 1 4812 498 18137 Knob Door safety 144 2 4812 492 58023 Spring Door Safety 144 3 4812 290 68153 Holder,adjust. Door Safety
190 0 4812 460 68527 Door bellow 190 1 4812 492 18017 Strap 190 2 4819 530 58059 Ring 200 1 4812 418 18226 Tub 200 2 4812 418 18228 Tub 48l, 600/1000
200 4 4812 290 88054 Clamp for tub WH 220 0 4819 418 18339 Drum 271 0 4812 358 18056 V-ribbed belt WH 1250 J5 272 0 4812 528 58027 Pulley DIAM.298 292 0 4812 530 58101 Gasket Tub
301 0 4812 452 19246 Control panel 303 0 4812 498 18147 Handle, drawer WH-HIGH 322 0 4812 452 19912 Insert panel 331 0 4812 413 48273 Knob,timer WH-REFRESH 331 1 4812 413 18198 Adapter Button
332 0 4812 410 28562 Push button 335 0 4819 412 58742 Knob thermostat 337 0 4819 412 58755 Knob,potentiom. 341 0 4819 413 79239 Indication disc 354 1 4812 134 48221 Lamp On/Off
401 0 4812 361 58094 Motor 1200-MCA52/WHE0 421 0 4812 121 18142 Interf.filter 1,00 uF 430 0 4812 360 18384 Pump 451 0 4812 259 28672 Heating element 240 V 490 0 4819 321 18161 Cable,mains
490 1 4812 321 28367 Strain relief 504 0 4819 310 39725 Timer KIT 4477-MASK.5 511 0 4819 273 28435 Switch,rotary 511 1 4812 413 48279 Selector,switch Temp./Spin 571 0 4812 281 28382 Valve,magnet cold
Pos. No. 12NC Code Description
571 1 4812 281 28383 Valve,magnet hot 581 0 4812 271 28381 Pressostat EATON 620 1 4819 410 28998 Switch options 621 0 4812 276 18252 Switch On / Off 630 0 4812 280 58019 Door lock
701 0 4819 530 28848 Hose, inlet 701 1 4819 466 69704 Gasket and filter 701 2 4812 530 28869 Hose inlet hot 702 0 4819 530 29019 Hose intern 707 0 4812 526 48031 Nozzle Distribution
707 1 4812 526 48028 Nozzle 708 0 4819 530 28971 Hose, inlet intern 708 1 4812 530 48143 Bend 711 0 4819 418 79434 Dispenser 712 0 4812 418 88029 Drawer Detergent
713 0 4812 418 88019 Flap Detergent Container 717 0 4819 321 28092 Bowden cable 717 1 4812 321 38013 Lever , Nozzle 717 2 4812 321 38012 Holder,adjust. 717 3 4812 278 88007 Slide
717 5 4812 282 18459 Cam BK,WH,BI,PL 2A,3CH 718 0 4812 526 48027 Siphon 3 - Chamber 718 1 4812 418 88018 Accessory 753 1 4819 418 68234 Chamber,air 754 0 4812 530 28826 Drainhose
754 1 4812 530 28832 Lock eco 754 2 4812 530 28829 Flange eco 760 0 4819 480 58136 Filter 760 1 4812 418 68138 Gasket Sieve / Rough 781 0 4819 530 28847 Hose,draining
783 0 4812 530 28827 Hose Pressostat 787 0 4812 530 28813 Hose 794 5 4812 530 58095 Gasket Air trap 900 1 4812 401 18444 Support Heatingelement 901 0 4812 401 18415 Clamp,hose Tub
901 2 4819 401 18868 Clamp,hose 901 3 4812 401 18414 Clamp,hose 902 0 4812 290 88049 Bracket 902 1 4812 255 18204 Holder Hose outlet 903 0 4812 255 18205 Holder Pressostat
903 5 4812 290 88048 Cable clamp 903 7 4819 401 18823 Clamp 903 8 4819 404 78449 Support 903 9 4812 290 88046 Cable clamp 910 1 4812 505 18368 Nut M10
911 7 4812 903 08014 Screw M5x12 923 0 4812 532 18024 Washer 931 0 4819 492 38139 Spring Suspension 932 3 4812 492 58022 Spring Door Lock 932 5 4812 492 38359 Spring , Nozzle
941 0 4812 520 28001 Bearing,ball 6205 2Z C3 941 1 4812 520 28002 Bearing,ball 6203 2Z C3 953 0 4812 530 58097 Shaft seal 800-1000 961 0 4812 321 48004 Cover 990 0 4819 310 39227 Mounting kit Weight top
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Spare part list
Model AWM 295/3 Service No. 857029553011 Version 857029553011
Pos. No. 12NC Code Description
990 1 4819 310 39228 Mounting kit Weight bottom 993 0 4812 530 48017 Bow 993 2 4812 268 18015 Lever,security 993 3 4812 395 58004 Tool
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