Whirlpool AWG 327/5 Service Manual

Whirlpool Europe Customer Servi ces
Model AW G 327/5 Version 8537 327 10510 Page
Technical data 2
Spare part list 3 - 4
Wiri ng diagram 8
Circuit diagram 9
Program diagram 10 - 11
Service Manual
Washer dryer Frontloader AW G 327/5
AW G 327/5
Thi s docu m ent atio n is only int end e d for qualifi ed t echnici an s w ho are a ware of the r esp e c­tiv e safety reg ul ations . Da t e: 31.03. 20 04 (Mod .01
Subj ect to modification
Do cum ent-N o.: 4 812 7 13 11871
02.11.1999 / Page 2 AW G 327/5 Whi rlpool Europe Do c. No: 4812 713 1187 1 8537 327 105 10 Customer Service
Technical data
Heig ht 85 cm Width 59. 5 cm Depth 53 cm
Weight net 82 kg withou t packing 79 kg
Main connection
Volt ag e 230 V Fre que ncy 50 H z Pow er Cons u m ption 2.2 kW Fuse rating 10 A
Drum data
Volu m e 42. 5 l Washing 45 rpm Washing w ool 35 rpm Rinsin g wool 55 rpm Pre-s pinning 100 rp m Spinning lo w 50 0 rpm Spinning high 100 0 rpm
Loading - w ashing max. 5. 0 kg
dry laundry
Loading - drying max. 2. 5 kg
dry laundry
Type Tubular radiator Rated pow er draft:
- w ashing 1.95 kW
- drying R A 1 1.15 k W
Pow er consu mption 34 W Capacity 20 - 2 5 l/m in. Rotatio n spe e d ~ 2800 rpm Heig ht of drain g hose max. 0. 90 m
min.0 . 60 m
2/16 p oles w ith spe ed m otor
Capacity wash motor 22 µ F
Timer washing
Type 1837/1 Basic cycles 3
- normal w ashing
- d e licate washing
- w ool
A - a fixed therm ostat 90 ˚ C B - a drying fi xed therm ostat 107 ˚ C C - a safe t y th ermostat 142 ˚ C D - a safe t y th ermostat 170 ˚ C E - an adjust able thermost at 10 - 9 0 ˚ C
Lo w lev e l 7 l High level 12. 5 l Ver y high level 15 l Overflo w le vel 35 l
Push button s witch unit
Version w ith 5 butto ns having s w itch for
- Rins e hold
- Low/High speed
- O n/off
- No spin
- Half load
Timer drying
Type Eaton 8314/08 drying ti m e 2 to 104 min coolin g time 12 m in
Drying motor
Type Plas e t 45982-SIC O
Whi rlpool Europ e A WG 327/5 31.03 . 20 04 (Mod .01) / Pag e 3 Customer Service 8537 327 105 10 Doc. No: 48 12 713 11871
Spare part list
Model AWG 327 /5 Service No. 853732710510 Version 853732710510
Pos. No. 12NC Code Description
001 0 4819 440 19816 Ca bi net 00 3 0 4819 404 43391 Bearer h oo k cro sspie c e 011 0 4819 462 47014 Foot adju sta bl e 024 0 4819 903 03649 Pan el, re ar 030 0 4819 440 19904 Lid
041 0 4819 417 19534 Hi ng e 054 0 4819 462 79958 Cove r 061 0 4819 466 88802 Co unt er w eight 061 1 4819 466 89461 Co unt er w eight bottom 061 2 4819 404 79294 Bra cket
065 0 4812 325 18002 Insu la ti on 083 0 4819 466 47003 Friction pl at e 086 0 4819 492 68576 Spri ng 086 1 4819 310 39574 Kit fi xa ti on 086 2 4819 310 39573 Kit fixation
086 3 4819 310 39575 Kit fixation 110 0 4819 498 78431 Ha ndle 110 1 4819 498 78432 Ha ndle cp l 131 0 4819 903 10159 Lock P la te 133 0 4819 903 10175 Door la tch
133 1 4819 903 10174 Pin h an dl e 133 2 4819 903 10176 Door catch le ver 141 0 4819 450 58178 Do or glas s 141 1 4819 466 98878 Prot e ct or 143 0 4819 903 02494 Stra p
144 0 4819 903 10179 Fra m e , door gla s 144 1 4819 532 28291 Gl as sd oor fram e 144 2 4819 532 88054 Co llarrin g 190 0 4819 468 18285 Do or bello w fro m 10/9 7 20 0 0 4812 418 18233 Tub
201 0 4819 440 19867 Botto m Kit botto m + b e aring 210 3 4819 404 49869 Cro sspie c e,drum 220 0 4819 418 18246 Dru m 220 1 4819 418 18302 Dru m with crosspi ece 271 0 4819 358 18129 Belt
272 0 4819 528 88098 Pull ey 278 0 4819 535 98468 Sha ft 291 0 4819 903 03668 Ga ske t tub 301 0 4819 460 78798 Co ntrol p an el 303 0 4819 460 78805 Insert
303 1 4819 498 78429 Ha ndle, dra w er 320 0 4812 452 19964 Insert p ane l 331 0 4812 413 79252 Cove r, k nob 331 1 4819 412 58801 Kno b,tim er 332 0 4819 410 29136 Bu tton,p us h
335 0 4812 412 58843 Kno b th ermostat 338 0 4819 412 58803 Kno b,tim es w itch drying 351 0 4819 134 48496 Pilo t la m p 351 1 4819 134 48503 Pilo t la m p 401 0 4819 361 58165 M otor
401 1 4812 361 78006 M otor 420 0 4819 121 18143 Interf.filt er 421 0 4819 121 18221 Ca pacitor 2 5 µ F 422 0 4819 214 78563 Tacho m e ter 430 0 4812 360 18458 Pump
Pos. No. 12NC Code Description
432 0 4812 480 58086 Filt er body 443 0 4812 515 48011 Fan whe el 451 0 4819 259 28799 Heating el e ment 451 1 4812 418 38048 Heating ch a mber 451 3 4812 259 28712 Heating el e ment dr ying
490 0 4819 321 18155 Co nne ct.c able 491 0 4819 290 68271 Co nne ct.b lo ck 501 0 4812 282 18663 Tim er 18 37/1 501 1 4819 282 18792 Tim er dr ying 521 0 4812 214 78344 Un it e l ectrical
551 0 4819 282 28627 Thermosta t MRT L 170 ˚ C 551 1 4812 282 28214 Thermosta t 100 ˚ C 551 2 4812 282 28215 Thermosta t 47 ˚ C 551 3 4819 903 08236 Cu t ou t 551 9 4819 282 27009 Thermosta t Maximu m Tempe ra tur e
554 0 4819 903 08226 Potentio m eter 572 0 4812 281 18048 Valve, ma gne t cold wat er 573 0 4819 281 28194 Valve, ma gne t hot Wa ter 583 0 4812 271 28421 Press ostat 620 0 4819 276 18368 Sw itch
620 0 4819 410 28985 Sw itch 630 0 4819 280 48009 Do or lock 701 0 4819 530 28932 Ho s e, i nl e t 1.5 m cold wa ter 708 4 4819 530 28545 Dra in ho s e in ner up to 19/0 3 711 0 4812 418 88034 Di sp e nse r
711 1 4819 462 88119 Cover 712 0 4819 418 79845 Dra wer 713 0 4819 418 79858 Sipho n Set 714 0 4819 418 79846 Co ntain er ble aching 718 0 4819 360 69849 No zzle
742 0 4812 360 78054 Cove r 743 0 4819 466 69941 Ho s e 743 1 4812 310 38436 Air guid e 743 2 4812 526 48046 Air guid e 743 3 4812 526 48045 Air guid e up p er
743 5 4812 526 48047 Spri ng 754 0 4819 530 28862 Dra in ho s e 760 0 4819 480 58082 Filt er 760 1 4819 462 78861 Gri p filt er 781 0 4819 530 28847 Ho s e,draining
781 1 4819 903 02515 Ho s e 781 2 4812 903 08205 Co ntain er N on-O verfl o w 781 3 4812 903 08206 Tube No n- O verflo w- Fil t er cas. 783 0 4819 530 28861 Ho s e pressos tat 783 1 4819 526 48213 Air guid e
783 2 4812 530 28926 Ho s e 783 3 4812 530 28927 Ho s e 783 4 4812 530 28928 Ho s e 792 0 4812 466 68593 Se al for blo w er 794 0 4819 468 18359 Ga ske t
794 1 4819 310 38054 Se t of noz zl e s 794 2 4819 532 68309 Cove r filt er 90 0 0 4819 535 38151 Ho ok 90 0 1 4819 466 98528 Cl amp in g pi ece 90 0 3 4819 404 78867 Bra cket
31.03 . 20 04 (Mod .01) / Pag e 4 AW G 327/ 5 Whi rlpool Europe Do c. No: 4812 713 1187 1 8537 327 105 10 Customer Service
Spare part l ist
Model AWG 327 /5 Service No. 853732710510 Version 853732710510
Pos. No. 12NC Code Description
90 0 4 4819 401 13349 Ho ok 901 0 4822 401 10258 Cla mp, ho se 10-18 mm 901 3 4819 401 18351 Cla mp, ho s e 901 4 4819 401 18174 Cla mp, ho s e 25-45 m m 901 5 4819 492 68475 Stra p
901 6 4819 401 18817 Cla mp, ho s e 902 0 4819 535 98469 Leve r 902 1 4812 418 79639 Ho ld er u nit ele ctrical 902 2 4812 404 48664 Ho ld er 902 3 4812 600 18004 Cove r f. c ontrolunit
903 0 4819 492 68392 Cl amp 903 1 4819 903 02535 Sil ent bl oc 903 2 4819 401 18348 Holde r,hos e 903 3 4819 903 02466 Leve r 903 4 4819 903 10167 Door glass in sert
903 5 4819 903 02469 Rock er 903 6 4819 492 68488 Clip 903 7 4819 401 18429 Cla mp 910 0 4819 502 18347 Scre w 910 6 4812 502 18415 Scre w
910 7 4812 502 18414 Scre w 912 2 4819 440 19616 Scre w 914 0 4819 505 13084 Nu t 921 0 4819 532 13433 Washer pull ey 921 1 4819 532 38083 Washer
923 0 4819 532 38088 Ring kit 931 0 4819 903 10172 Spring, re t. 931 2 4819 903 02471 Spri ng 931 3 4819 492 68872 Spri ng , te nsion 932 0 4812 492 68142 Spri ng The rmo st at
933 0 4819 903 03659 Spri ng , te nsion 941 1 4819 530 78046 Sha ft seal 941 2 4812 520 88108 Bearing, k it 951 1 4819 530 57019 Gas ket 952 0 4819 466 69816 Ga ske t
952 1 4819 903 02447 Ga ske t th ermos tat 952 3 4812 530 18006 Ga ske t 993 0 4819 401 18345 Bow
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