Enter Advanced Service Mode
1. To enter the "service" mode start with the scale turned off.
2. Note the small "ST" logo ("ST") located directly above the "RE CALL" pushbutton, and below the “ZERO”
pushbutton on the front panel of the readout.
3. This "ST" actually contains a small hidden pushbutton.
4. Next; press and hold this "ZERO" pushbutton on the front panel while turning the power on with the "ON"
5. As soon as the scale turns on release the "ZERO" pushbutton, then quickly press and release "ST" logo
pushbutton 5 times.
6. The scale will display "SERVICE" and produce a series of four long beeps.
7. "Service" mode has now been entered.
8. Pressing the "ST" pushbutton will advance the display to the next item.
9. The scale will exit the service mode automatically after 3 minutes, or can be shut-off by pressing and
holding the "ON" pushbutton for 3 or 4 seconds.
10. When the scale is turned back on, normal scale operation will resume.
Menu List for Advanced Service Mode
1. “A/D”, and next window on display will show the raw A/D reading. As you press on the Platform the A/D
reading will change. The weight change reading should be positive proportionally with the applied weight
in pounds.
2. “Test”, and the next window will start displaying the display test, Number will show across from 0 to 9
and repeat w/ DP, from right side to left side.
3. “Pr-OnS” = Power on start-up, next display will show the number of times the “ON” pushbutton has been
4. “Pr-rcl” = Powered by Recall, next display will show the number of times the “RECALL” pushbutton has
powered-up the scale (from an off state).
5. “COUntS” = Weighing Counts, next display will show the number of times a weight reading has been
6. “rEcntS” = Reweigh counts, next display will show the number of times “REWEIGH” pushbutton has been
7. “rECLLS” = recalls, next display will show the number of times the “RECALL” pushbutton has been
8. “OFFS” = Turned Off, next display will show the number of times the scale has been turned off by holding
the “ON” pushbutton down.
9. “PrintS” = Prints, next display will show the number of times the “PRINT” pushbutton has been depressed.
10. “SEtUPS” = set-up mode, next display will show the number of times the unit has entered into the set-up
11. “SEruES” = service mode, next display will show the number of times the unit has entered into the service
12. “CALS” = Cal mode, next display will show the number of times the unit has entered into the Cal mode.