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You are now th e proud o wner of a S EIKO KIN ETIC® Diver ’s Watch C al. 5M85. Fo r best r esult s,
pleas e read t he inst ruct ions in t his boo klet c arefu lly bef ore usi ng your S EIKO KINE TIC® Div er’s
Watch . Pleas e keep th is manua l handy f or read y refe renc e.
Sie sind j etzt stol zer Besitz er einer S EIKO KINETI C® Tauche ruhr Kal .
5M85. Bit te lesen Sie di ese
Bedie nungs anlei tung vor d er Verw endun g Ihrer S EIKO KINE TIC ® Taucheru hr sorg fälti g durch ,
um die op timale N utzun g dies er Uhr zu ge währle isten . Hebe n Sie die se Bedi enung sanle itung
gut auf, u m jeder zeit wieder n achl esen zu kö nnen.
Vous voic i l’heu reux pr oprié taire d’une mon tre de pl ongé e SEIKO KIN ETIC® Cal.
5M85. Pour en
obten ir de bonne s perf ormanc es, veuill ez lire at tentive ment le s explica tions de c e mode d’emp loi
avant d ’utilis er votr e montr e de plon gée SEI KO KINE TIC®. C onse rvez c e mode d ’emploi p our
toute référence ultérieure.
Grazi e di aver ac quis tato qu esto o rolog io SEIKO KI NETI C® ad us o subac queo, C al. 5M85. Pe r
otte nerne i m iglior i risul tati le gger e atte ntame nte le is truz ioni di qu esto li bret to prim a di pass are
all'us o dell'orol ogio stes so. Tenere po i il manuale a po rtata d i mano, per og ni eventua le futura ,
ulteriore consultazione.
Puede s entirse aho ra orgu lloso d e pose er un relo j de buc eo SEIKO K INETI C® Cal .
. Para
obten er de él lo s mejor es res ultad os, lea l as ins truc cione s del pre sent e folle to con cu idado
antes d el uso de su rel oj de buceo SEI KO KINETIC ®. Guarde est e manual para f ácil refere ncia.
pode s entir- se orgu lhoso d e poss uir um Rel ógio do M ergulh ador SE IKO KINE TIC®
5M85. Para o bter de le os mel hores r esul tados , leia at enta mente a s instr uçõe s cont idas
nest e opús culo ant es de us ar o seu Re lógio d o Mergu lhador S EIKO KIN ETIC ®. Cons erve e ste
manual para referéncias f uturas.
Теперь вы являете сь обладателем дл я дайвинга смотрет ь SEIKO KINETIC® Кал. 5M85. Пере д их
использ ованием и для дос тижения лучших рез ультатов, пожа луйста, вниматель но ознакомьтесь
с данной ин струкцией и обяз ательно сохранит е ее.
迎你 購買精 工 5 M8 5 機型動 力潛 水手 錶®。 為了更好地使用精工動力手錶®,請 您在使用前詳細閱讀本說明
Do not attempt to dive using this watch unless you have been properly
trained in diving. For your safety, please abide by the rules of diving.
Do not use the watch for saturation diving using helium gas.
Before diving, make sure that the watch operates normally.
When diving, never carry out operations other than those specified in the
accompanying booklet. Misuse of the product and misunderstanding of
the displayed content may lead to a fatal or serious accident.
This watch is an auxiliary instrument which is intended to be used as
a timepiece. Use this watch with proper diving equipment, such as a
residual pressure gauge, water depth meter, etc., which is required for
safe diving.
Please read and observe the instructions described in this booklet to ensure
the proper functioning of your diver's watch.
Do not operate the crown when the watch is wet or in water.
Avoid hitting the watch against hard objects such as rocks.