Andover ContinuumTM
xP Expansion I/O Family
The Andover Continuum xP Expansion I/O Family provides a
convenient and cost-effective means to add additional inputs,
outputs, or a local display to the Andover Continuum Infinet
and BACnet
family of distributed controllers.

Andover Continuum xP Expansion I/O Family
Up to two modules plus a local display
can be powered directly from any of
the following controllers in the Andover
Continuum Infinet II (i2) or BACnet (b3)
families: i2/b3 920, i2/b3 810, i2/b3 814, i2/
b3 850, i2/b3 851, or i2/b3 853.
The bCX1 Controller/Router models can also
be used to connect xP Expansion Modules (and
Display) and are the only controllers that support the
xPBA4 and xPBD4 module types. No external power
supply is required to power the Module(s). Consult
the xP Modules and Local Display Modules User
Guide for valid configurations.
• Powerfu l, Flexi ble Sy stem Allows f or Simp le
Addi tion of a Few I/ O Points
• Individual Overrides of All Digital Outputs
• U niversa l Input s Provide the Most Flexi bility,
Including a Single High Speed Counter Input
• Indi vidual Overrid es and Potentio meters for
All Analog Outputs
• Full Functio n Manua l Overr ides Pr ovide
Status Feedback
• 4-Li ne, 16- charact er Disp lay wit h Keypad
Provi des Simple and C onvenien t Operat or
• Local ly Mou nted or Remote Mount o f
Modules and Display
• Modu le Powe r Suppl ied by the Controlle r,
Reducing Installation Time and Cost
• xPDI8 – The xPDI8 module allows the addition
of 8 Digital Inputs in a small enclosure.
• xPUI4 – The xPUI4 module allows the addition
of 4 Universal Inputs. Each can be configured
independently based on your needs for Digital,
Temperature, Motion Sensor, or Pulse Counter
Inputs, etc., providing built-in flexibility for your
different application requirements.
• xPAO2/xPAO4 – Both the xPAO2 (2 Analog
Outputs) and the xPAO4 (4 Analog Outputs)
allow the addition of Analog Outputs. Each
output has individual manual override switches to
select Manual, Off, or Auto for program control.
When in Manual mode, each output also has a
potentiometer to allow control of the override point.
• xPDO2/xPDO4 – Both the xPDO2 (2 Digital
Outputs) and the xPDO4 (4 Digital Outputs) allow
the addition of Digital Outputs. Each output has
individual manual override switches to select On,
Off, or Auto for program control.
• xPBA4/xPBD4 – Both the xPBA4 and the xPBD4
combine the functions of two xP Expansion
modules. Similar to the xPUI4, both allow the
addition of 4 Universal Inputs. The xPBA4 allows
the addition of 4 Analog Outputs (like the xPAO4),
and the xPBD4 allows for the addition of 4 Digital
Outputs (like the xPDO4). (Note: The xPBA4 and
xPBD4 Expansion Modules can only be connected
to the bCX1 Controller/Routers and ACX Series
Access Controllers.)
Schneider Electric