Samsung VC240, Scopia Series Reference Manual

RADVISION Port Security
Reference Guide
Version 7.6
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Reference Guide for RADVISION Port Security Version 7.6, March 2011
| 3RADVISION |Reference Guide forRADVISION Port Security Versio n 7 .6
Port Security Reference Guide
This document details the use of TCP/IP/UDP ports throughout the SCOPIA Solution, organized by product name.
Each port entry includes a description of the protocol used by the specific port, the role that the port serves, the direction of traffic through the port (in, out or both), and the results of blocking the port on the firewall.
The following SCOPIA Solution products are described in this document:
SCOPIA Elite MCU ............................................................................... page 4
SCOPIA Video Gateway for Microsoft Lync .................................................. page 8
SCOPIA ECS Gatekeeper........................................................................ page 9
SCOPIA iVIEW Management Suite............................................................ page 12
SCOPIA PathFinder............................................................................. page 15
SCOPIA Desktop ................................................................................ page 21
SCOPIA XT Desktop Server.................................................................... page 26
SCOPIA XT1000 ................................................................................. page 28
SCOPIA VC240................................................................................... page 30
SCOPIA Gateway................................................................................ page 32
3G Gateway..................................................................................... page 34
SCOPIA MCU..................................................................................... page 36
This document does not include details of ports required by additional servers such as LDAP, SQL, or Oracle servers. Always check which ports your back-end servers require and open only these ports.
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RADVISION | RADVISION Port Security Reference Guide
SCOPIA Elite MCU 5000 Series
Table 1-1 lists the ports supported by all the models in the SCOPIA Elite MCU 5000 Series, including
SCOPIA Elite 5100 Series MCU and SCOPIA Elite 5200 Series MCU.
Table 1-1 Ports Supported by SCOPIA Elite MCU 5000 Series
Port Range Protocol Functionality Direction Result of Blocking Port
on Firewall
21 FTP (TCP) Audio stream recording In Cannot record audio
FTP Server
22 SSH (TCP) MCU In Cannot view logs in real
time (logs are collected on the compact flash card)
SSH Client
80 (configurable)
HTTP (TCP) MCU Administrator and
Conference Control web user interfaces
In Cannot administer MCU Web client
Used for software upgrade
161 SNMP (UDP) Configuration and
In Cannot configure or
check the status of the MCU via SNMP
iVIEW Network Manager, iVIEW Management Suite or any other SNMP manager station
162 SNMP (UDP) SNMP Trap events Out Cannot receive Traps iVIEW Network Manager,
iVIEW Management Suite or any other SNMP
manager station 443 HTTPS (TCP) Secure web interface In Cannot administer MCU 1024-1324
(configure within this range)
H.245 (TCP) H.245 signaling Both Cannot connect H.323
Any H.323 entity.
The SCOPIA Elite 5100
Series MCU uses 90 ports
for H.245, while the
SCOPIA Elite 5200 Series
MCU uses 180 ports.
To configure, use the
MCU Advanced
Commands section.
Enter the command
h245baseport to set the
lower port value, and
h245portrange to specify
the number of ports
above the base port to be
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RADVISION | RADVISION Port Security Reference Guide
In addition to the ports listed in Table 1-1, the SCOPIA Elite MCU offers configurable security access levels enabling and disabling Telnet, FTP, SNMP and ICMP (ping) services. The security settings are accessed in the MCU from Configuration > Setup > Security and entering the Security Mode. Table 1-2 details the implications of each security mode on each communication type.
1719 (configurable)
RAS (UDP) RAS signaling Out Cannot communicate
with H.323 gatekeeper
H.323 gatekeeper
1720 (configurable)
Q.931 (TCP) Q.931 signaling Both Cannot connect H.323
Any H.323 entity
3336 XML (TCP) MCU version 3 XML API Both Cannot use MCU
Conference Control web user interface. Cannot use version 3 XML API to control MCU
Conference Control web
client terminal, iVIEW
Management Suite or
third-party controlling
applications 3337 XML (TCP) MCU version 3
Cascading XML API
Both Cannot cascade
between two MCUs
Other MCUs
3338 XML (TCP) Administration XML API Both Cannot be blocked 5060
SIP signaling Both Cannot connect SIP calls Any SIP entities
Table 1-1 Ports Supported by SCOPIA Elite MCU 5000 Series
Port Range Protocol Functionality Direction Result of Blocking Port
on Firewall
Table 1-2 MCU Security Mode
Security Mode Telnet FTP SNMP ICMP (ping)
Standard Active Active Active Active High Inactive Inactive Active Active Maximum Inactive Inactive Inactive Inactive
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RADVISION | RADVISION Port Security Reference Guide
Ports specific to the SCOPIA Elite 5100 Series MCU
Table 1-3 lists the ports specific to th e SCO PIA Elite 5100 Series MCU.
Ports Specific to the SCOPIA Elite 5200 Series MCU
Table 1-4 lists the ports supported by the SCOP IA Elite 5200 Series MCU.
Table 1-3 Ports supported by SCOPIA Elite 5100 Series MCU
Port Range Protocol Functionality Direction Results of
blocking port on firewall
12000-13200 16384-16984 (configure within these ranges)
RTP video and audio media
Both Cannot
transmit/recei ve video media streams
Any H.323 or SIP media enabled entity. Every call uses two audio ports and six
video ports. For highly utilized systems (above 90%), we recommend multiplying by a factor of 1.5. Using its full capacity, the SCOPIA Elite 5100 Series MCU uses 180 ports for audio and 540 ports for video.
To configure the video base port, use the MCU Advanced Commands section. Enter the command advcmdmpcsetval with the parameter mf.BasePort to set the lower port value.
To configure the audio base port, use the MCU Advanced Commands section. Enter the command setmprtpbaseport to set the lower port value.
Table 1-4 Ports supported by SCOPIA Elite 5200 Series MCU
Port Range Protocol Functionality Direction Result of
Blocking Port on Firewall
22 SSH (TCP) MCU In Cannot view
logs in real time (logs are collected on the compact flash card)
SSH Client
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RADVISION | RADVISION Port Security Reference Guide
12000-13200 (configure within this range)
media - lower blade only
Both Cannot
transmit / receive video media streams
Any RTP/RTCP media enabled entity. Every call uses two audio ports and six
video ports. For highly utilized systems (above 90%), we recommend multiplying the number of ports required by a factor of 1.5.
At full capacity , the SCOPIA Elite 5200 Series MCU uses 1180 ports for video.
To configure the video base port, use the MCU Advanced Commands section. Enter the command advcmdmpcsetval with the parameter mf.BasePort to set the lower port value.
16384-16984 (configure within this range)
media - upper blade only
Both Cannot
transmit / receive audio media streams
Any H.323 or SIP media-enabled entity.
Every call uses two audio ports and six video ports. For highly utilized systems (above 90%), we recommend multiplying the number of ports required by a factor of 1.5.
At full capacity , the SCOPIA Elite 5200 Series MCU uses 360 ports for video.
To configure the audio base port, use the MCU Advanced Commands section. Enter the command setmprtpbaseport to set the lower port value.
Table 1-4 Ports supported by SCOPIA Elite 5200 Series MCU
Port Range Protocol Functionality Direction Result of
Blocking Port on Firewall
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RADVISION | RADVISION Port Security Reference Guide
SCOPIA Video Gateway for Microsoft Lync
Table 1-5 lists the ports supported by SCOPIA Video Gateway for Microsoft Lync.
Table 1-5 Ports supported by SCOPIA Video Gateway for Microsoft Lync
Port Protocol/Use Functionality Direction Result of Blocking
Port on Firewall
21 FTP (TCP) Audio stream recording In Cannot record
audio streams
FTP Server. Note that this feature is disabled by default.
22 SSH (TCP) Logs for the SCOPIA
Video Gateway for Microsoft Lync
In Cannot view logs in
real time (logs are collected on the compact flash card)
SSH Client
80 (configurable)
HTTP (TCP) Application upgrade
and upload customer support information
In Cannot upgrade
the SCOPIA Video Gateway for Microsoft Lync
Web client
162 SNMP (UDP) SNMP Trap events Out Cannot receive
iVIEW Network Manager, iVIEW Management Suite or any other SNMP
manager station 1024-1174 (configurable)
H.245 (TCP) H.245 signaling Both Cannot connect
H.323 calls
Any H.323 entity
1719 (configurable)
RAS (UDP) RAS signaling Both Cannot
communicate with H.323 gatekeeper
H.323 gatekeeper
1720 (configurable)
Q.931 (TCP) Q.931 signaling Both Cannot connect
H.323 calls
Any H.323 entity
3336 XML (TCP) Management XML API Both Cannot be blocked iVIEW Management Suite 3338 XML (TCP) Administration XML API Both Cannot be blocked 5060, 5061
SIP (TCP/UDP) SIP signaling Both Cannot connect SIP
Any SIP entities
12000-13200 (configurable)
RTP/RTCP RTP video media Both Cannot
transmit/receive video media streams
Any H.323 or SIP media
enabled entity
16384-16984 (configurable)
RTP audio media Both Cannot
transmit/receive audio media streams
Any H.323 or SIP media
enabled entity
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RADVISION | RADVISION Port Security Reference Guide
SCOPIA ECS Gatekeeper
Table 1-6 and Table 1-7 list the ports supported by the ECS.
Table 1-6 ECS incoming port connections
Port Range Protocol Functionality Direction Result of
Blocking Port on Firewall
21 FTP (TCP) File Transfer
Protocol for offline viewing of ECS logs and CDRs
Both Cannot view
logs or retrieve CDR files
FTP client/CDR server
80 (configure via webs.ini file)
HTTP (TCP) Web interface Both Cannot view
ECS web user interface
Web client terminal
161 SNMP (UDP) Configuration
and status
Both Cannot
configure or check the status of the ECS
iVIEW Network Manager, or any other SNMP manager station
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RADVISION | RADVISION Port Security Reference Guide
1024-5000 (configure within that range in the Windows registry)
H.245 (TCP) H.245 routed
Both No H.245
(except in Q.931 routed and direct mode)
Any H.323 entity H.245 port The number of ports ECS needs for this
purpose is the maximum calls allowed by your license multiplied by four.
To limit ECS’s use of ports within the range of 1024-5000:
1. Close ECS.
2. Open the registry.
3. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\
SOFTWARE\RADVISION\ Enhanced Communication Server\ Storage\Config\Stack
4. Create a new key of type REG_SZ called
PortMin. Give it the value of the minimum port number ECS should use.
5. Create a new key of type REG_SZ called
PortMax. Give it the value of the highest port number ECS should use.
6. Restart ECS.
There may be other applications on the same computer which altered the global maximum port for all processes running on that Windows PC. Verify this global maximum is unchanged in the
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ Tcpip\Parameters\MaxUserPort registry
key. If this key is not defined, its default value is 5000.
1719 RAS (UDP) RAS Both No RAS
Any H.323 entity using RAS sign aling
1720 Q.931 (TCP) Q.931 routed
Both No signaling
capabilities (except in direct mode)
Any H.323 entity using Q.931 signaling
3271 ECS XML Incoming XML
Both No incoming
XML connection
XML server
Table 1-6 ECS incoming port connections
Port Range Protocol Functionality Direction Result of
Blocking Port on Firewall
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RADVISION | RADVISION Port Security Reference Guide
12378 (configurable)
Alternate Gatekeeper protocol
Synchronizatio n and negotiation between Alternate Gatekeepers
Both No Alternate
Gatekeeper functionality
Alternate Gatekeeper
Table 1-6 ECS incoming port connections
Port Range Protocol Functionality Direction Result of
Blocking Port on Firewall
Table 1-7 ECS outgoing ports connections
Port Range Protocol Functionality Direction Result of Blocking
Port on Firewall
23 Telnet (TCP) Control of Sony
Out No control over
Sony endpoint
53 DNS (TCP) Query DNS for domains
per call
Out DNS disabled DNS server
162 (configurable)
SNMP (UDP) SNMP T rap events Out No traps are sent To iVIEW Network Manager,
or to any other SNMP manager station
1719 RAS (UDP) Sending LRQ messages to
Neighbor Gatekeepers
Both No RAS Neighbor Gatekeepers
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RADVISION | RADVISION Port Security Reference Guide
SCOPIA iVIEW Management Suite
Table 1-8 lists the ports su pported by iVIEW Managemen t Suite.
Table 1-8 Ports supported by iVIEW Management Suite
Port Range Protocol Functionality Direction Result of Blocking Port on Firewall
7 TCP Detects online status of video
network devices. Mandatory.
21 TCP Downloading logs from ECS or
from other devices which allow logs to be downloaded via FTP
Importing and Exporting TANDBERG Local Address Book
Upgrading software
22 TCP Detecting LifeSize endpoints
Downloading PathFinder Server logs
Detecting and managing SCOPIA VC240
23 Telnet (TCP) Sony PCS address book,
element logs, MCM control and endpoint control.
Both iVIEW Management Suite cannot use Sony
PCS address book feature. Cannot retrieve logs from some devices such as MCM.
24 Telnet (TCP) P olycom endpoint control.
Out Disables Polycom endpoint control.
25 TCP Connect SMTP server for
sending email notifications
Out iVIEW Management Suite cannot send
email notifications. 53 UDP DNS query Out Cannot parse domain name 80
HTTP (TCP) In: iVIEW Management Suite
web interface. When installing the Bundle version with the gatekeeper, this port defaults to 8080.
Out: iVIEW Management Suite web interface and T ANDBERG MXP management (XML API via HTTP)
Both Cannot view iVIEW Management Suite web
161 SNMP SNMP configuration to any
managed element
Both iVIEW Management Suite cannot operate
the SNMP service with devices, and
forward trap events do not function. 162 SNMP SNMP Trap events: from any
managed element to any third-party SNMP manager
Both iVIEW Management Suite cannot operate
the SNMP service with devices, and
forward trap events do not function.
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