Getting Started
D!SCTypesand C°ntents YOUrP!ayercanp!ay...................................................................................................................................
Suray Disc BD-ROM or BD RE/R recorded in the BD-REformat
eve-R Pd+Rthat have been recorded and finalized, or a USB
DVD+RW storage media containing MKV or MP4 contents
DVD+R Btu_ray
CDoRW/oR, Music recorded on CDop,WioR, DVDoRWi R, BDoREioR Disc
MUSIC DVDoRWi R, or a USB storage media containing MP3 or WMA
BDoREi R contents
CD_RWi_R' Photos recorded on CD RWi_R, DVD_RWi R, BD_REi R
BD_REi R OFa USB storage media containing JPEG contents
• The player may not pby certain CD-RW/R and DVD-Rbecause of the disc type or
recording conditions,
• If a DVD_RW/R has not been recorded properly inDVD video format, it will not be pbyaUe,
• Your player will not pby content that has been recorded on a DVD_Rat a bit€ate that
exceeds 10 Mbps,
• Your player will not play content that has been recorded on a BDR or USBdevice at a
bitrate that exceeds25 Mbps,
• Playback may not work for some types of discs,or when you usespecific functions, such
asangle change and aspect ratio adjustment, Information about the discs is wdtten in
detail on the disc box, Pleaserefer to this if necessapy,
• When you play a BD-Jtitle, loading may take longer than a norrrla title or somefunctions
may perform slowly,
Disc types your piayer cannot piay
He DVD _ DVD_RAM • DVDRW (VRmode) _ 39 GB DVD_Rfor
DVD_ROMiPDi _ Super Audio CD • CVD/CD ROM/CDV/ Authoring
M\{ etc (except CD ayer) CD G/CD I!LD
(CD_Gs play audio
ony, not graphics)
Both playersanddiscsare coded by region These
regionalcodes must match for a discto pby Ifthe codesdo not match, the discwill not pby .... _, _;_
The Region Codefor this player isdisplayedon
the rear panel of the pbyer
North America, Centrai
America, South America,
Korea, Japan, Taiwan,
Hong Kong and South
East Asia
Europe, Greeniand,
French territories, Middie
East, Africa, Austraiia and
New Zeaiand
India, China, Russia,
Centrai and South Asia
The U,S, U,S territories
and Canada
Europe, Japan, the
Middie East, Egypt, South
Africa, Greeniand
]:aiwan, Korea, the
Phiiippines, Indonesia,
Hong Kong
Mexico, SouthAmerica,
Central America, Australia,
New Zealand,Pacific
Russia, Eastern Europe,
India, most of Africa,
North Korea, Mongoiia
Supported FiteFormats
Notes on the USB connection
• Your pbyer suppo£s USBstorage media
MP3 players,digital cameras,and USBcard
• The pbyerdoes notsuppo£folderorfile
nameslonger than 128 characters
• Some U%/Extemal HDD/digitai camera
devices may not becompatible with the
• Your player-supports the FAT16,FAT32,and
NTFSfile systems
• Connect USBdevicesdirectly to the piayeCs
USBport Connecting tMough a USBcabie
maycausecompatibility psoblems
• Inserting more than one memory device into
a multi-card reader may cause the reader to
operate improperly
• The pbyer doesnot support the PTPpr_otocol
• Do not disconnect a USBdevice while it is
transferring, playing, or recording files
• The bigger the image resolution, the longer
the image takes to display
• This pbyer cannot play MP3files with DRM
(Digital RightsManagement) downloaded
from commer_U sites