Laplink LAPLINK FOR WINDOWS 3.1 User Manual

Installation and
User’s Guide
16-bit, for Windows 3.1
Copyright Notice
No partof this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, tran­scribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any human or computer language, in any form or by any means, without the express written permission of Traveling Software,Inc.,18702 North Creek Park­way, Bothell, Washington, 98011, U.S.A.
T rademarks
Traveling Software, the Traveling Software logo, LapLink, SpeedSync and SmartXchange are trademarks or registered trademarks of Traveling Software, Inc.
AirShare is a registered trademark of National Semiconductor Corporation.
Other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.
SpeedSync®U.S. Patent Number 5,446,888
for Windows
© 1995-96 by Traveling Software,Inc. All rightsreserved 18702North Creek Parkway Bothell, WA 98011 U.S.A.
for Windows®Installation and User’s Guide
© 1996Traveling Software, Inc. Printed in U.S.A.


Chapter 1 Introducing LapLink for Windows
WhatisLapLinkforWindows?...2 WhatyoucandoinLapLinkforWindows...4 RequirementsforusingLapLinkforWindows...6 SettingupLapLinkforWindows...8
Post installation: Customizing and uninstalling ...12
Chapter 2 Making connections and opening services
Creatingdialingprefixesandsuffixes...18 Connectingoveranetwork...20 Connectingoveracable...22
AttachingtheLapLinkcable...24 Connectingoverwireless...26 RemoteInstalltoacomputerwithoutLapLink...28
Chapter 3 Using the Services: Remote Control, File Transfer, and Chat
Opening and managing File T ransfer windows...36
Copyingormovingusingcommands...44 SynchronizingdirectorieswithSmartXchange...46 Replacingonedirectorywithanother:CloneDirectory...48 Speeding file transfers with SpeedSync ...50 Controlling a host computer ...52
Customizingkeyboardcontrol...56 HostingaRemoteControlsession...58 UsingDOSRemoteControl...60
PreparingahostforDOSRemoteControl...62 Chattingwitharemoteuser...64 CopyingtexttoandfromaChatwindow...66
Chapter 4 Securing your computer and using the Address Book
SecurityandtheAddressBook—Overview...70 Usingthesecuritysystem...72
Settinguppasswordprotection...74 Settingupcallbackprotection...76
Chapter 5 Working with ports and troubleshooting
Enabling and disabling ports ...82
Advanced modem configuration ...89
Creatingorcustomizingamodem’ssettings...91 Troubleshootingmodemconnections...95 Troubleshootingcableconnections...100 Troubleshootingnetworkconnections...102 TroubleshootingAirSharewirelessconnections...105 TroubleshootingRemoteInstall...107 Troubleshootingscreendisplays...109 UsingXircomadapters...110
Index . . . 111
Introducing LapLink
for Windows
WhatisLapLinkforWindows?................... 2
WhatyoucandoinLapLinkforWindows ............. 4
RequirementsforusingLapLinkforWindows ........... 6
SettingupLapLinkforWindows.................. 8
AnsweringtheSetupquestions .................10
Post installation: Customizing and uninstalling . . . . . . . . . . 12
2 Chapter 1

What is LapLink for Windows?

or several computers at the same time. Whether you’re using a modem, network, wireless device, or cables, you can connect with other computers that are also using LapLink. You can transferfilesbetweenPCs, when you’rein the officeor when you’re on theroad. Youcan use files and programs on your office PC while you’re on the road. You can even “chat”with someoneat your office PC while you transfer or work on office files from a remotelocation.
Go to illustration
In this manual, “Wire­less” refersto AirShare Radio Modules. The use of these modules is restricted in some coun­tries. Wireless connec­tions can also be made with other devices.To connect with a cellular modem, use Connect over Modem. To con­nect with a wireless LAN adapter, use Con­nect over Network.
LapLink for Windows is Traveling Software’snew integrated software packagefor communicating with other computers.
Connect as you want
Using a modem, network,wireless device,or cable,you can connect with other computers using the same device. In one session,you can connectwith several PCs, using a variety of these devices,limited mainly by the number of devices you can put on your PC.
Different situations call for specific devices.Cablesare better for short distances. Wireless devices work well when “docking”your laptop to your desktop PC. Networks make it easier to connect with many differ­ent PCs in your company. Modems work wellat any time whenyou can use a phone line to connect—when you’re at home, on the road, or you’re communicating with someone in another company.
Using LapLink’s services
LapLink’s services—File Transfer, Remote Control,and Chat—offer three ways to communicate with other PCs, no matter what device you use. You can selectone or more services as you connect, and add other services as you need them. In one session, you can use different services simultaneously or at different times,on one or more PCs.
With File Transfer, you can moveor copyfiles between PCs. Trans-
ferring files becomes easier to manage, since you can synchronize directories on the two PCs.
Traveling Software’s new SpeedSync™ technology makes updating filesfasterbecausefiles are compared, and only changes—not en­tire files—are transferred. A comprehensive security system protects your valuabledata at all times.
Introducing LapLink for Windows 3
Welcometo LapLinkfor Windows
This Remote Control win-
dow displays the screen
of one of the remote
trol as a window within
the LapLink workplace (as
shown here) or as a full-
screen display.
With Remote Control, you control another PC as though you were
sitting at that PC, using its keyboard, mouse and programs while looking at its screen. Whether your PC is controlling or being con­trolled, you have the same setupand startup procedures.
With Chat, you can “talk” with someone at the other PC, exchang-
ing messages in a written conversation. When you have only one phone line, you can use your modem to connect to the remote PC for File Transfer or Remote Control, using Chat to talk to the person at the other end. Chat is especiallyhelpfulfor collaborative writing and exchanging ideas while working on the same PC from a dis­tance.
This computer has simul­taneous connections to two computers. File Transfer and Remote Control services are in use.
Go to topic summary
4 Chapter 1

What you can do in LapLink for Windows

apLink for Windows gives you three services for working with other PCs. Use File Transfer to
transfer filesbetween computers.UseRemoteControl toworkonanothercomputer.UseChat to talk with someone using another computer. In one session, you can change from one service to another, making LapLink for Windows idealfor troubleshooting PCs at remote locations or for working on your office computer while you’re on the road. Features like SpeedSync and the Address Book save you time and simplify your work.
Go to illustration
Choosing the right service for the job you need to do is simple when you’reusing LapLink for Windows.You have three services to choose from: File Transfer , Remote Control and Chat. Being familiar with their distinctions makes choosing the right serviceeasier.
LapLinkfor Windowsis versatile,designedspecifically so you can use services when you want, as you want. Use one serviceat a time, or all services at once. Use one service when connecting to the firstremote PC; use a different servicewhen connecting to anotherPC.
T ransferring files between PCs?
Whetheryou’rehundredsof miles away or in the same room, use the File T ransfer service to transfer files between PCs. You can even transfer filesbetweentwo other PCs,using your PC as an intermediary.
Streamline file transfersby taking advantage of LapLink’s wide variety of SyncTools. Using SmartXchange, you can synchronize files and di­rectories on two PCs.
Working on a remote PC?
Using the Remote Control service,you can operate a remote PC, driv­ing it from your PC’ skeyboard and mouse. Y oucan use the remote PC’s applications and network connections.
Since all the work you do is actually performed on the remote PC, Remote Control is especially helpful to laptop owners who can’t use their office PC’sprograms on their laptop. Remote Control is also helpful when you’re providing technical support from a distance or telecommuting.
Sending and receiving messages?
Use the Chat service to hold a two-way conversation with someone at another PC. You can simply “talk,” or combine this service with Re­mote Control or File T ransfer to exchange messages and files, and run programs. Combining Chat with Remote Control makes customer sup­port and training easier.
Introducing LapLink for Windows 5
Choosing services for different tasks
Transferring files from one computer to an­other is easy with LapLink for Windows. You can copy, move, delete, and even synchronize your files and directories.
Chatting with a remote user is like talking
over the telephone, except you can use one
phone line to transfer files and remote control,
Controlling another computer helps you work on your own PC or someone else’s com­puterfroma distance.Combine withChatto collaborate or instruct.
Saving time and protecting your PC
Connecting to another PC becomes easier with the AddressBook.
Just select the name of a PC you’ve added to your Address Book, and you automatically connect.
You can set up your security system to protect your files by naming
thosewho you allow to connectwith your PC. You can also set which servicesthese people can use on your PC.
One of the greatest timesaversin LapLink for Windows is Speed-
Sync,especially if you’re using slower devices like modems. Speed­Sync updates changes to files, rather than copying entire files. Overalltimesfor transferring files can be drastically cut.
Go to topic summary
6 Chapter 1

Requirements for using LapLink for Windows

efore you begin setting up LapLink for Windows, make sure you have the hardware and
softwareyouneedtousetheprogram.DependingonhowyouwillconnecttootherPCs—over modem, Novell network, wireless or cable—you will need specific components. If LapLink for Windows is already installed on your computer, skip to Chapter 2 “Making connections and opening services.”
Go to illustration
In this manual, “Wire­less” refersto AirShare Radio Modules. The use of these modules is restricted in some coun­tries. Wireless connec­tions can also be made with other devices.To connect with a cellular modem, use Connect over Modem. To con­nect with a wireless LAN adapter, use Con­nect over Network.
General Requirements for each PC
MS-DOS or PC-DOS3.3 or later (5.0 or later recommended)
Microsoft Windows 3.1 or Microsoft Windows for Workgroups
(386 enhanced mode required)
Intel or compatible 386 or better
4MB RAM (8MB recommended)
6MB hard diskspace for complete installation
VGA monitor (or betterrecommended)
Requirements for modem communication
Hayes-compatible 2400 bps (9600 bps or higher recommended)
One RS-232 serial port on eachPC (external modems)
Requirements for network communication
Novell NetWare shell version 3.26 or higher, or
NovellPersonalNetWare 1.0 or higher, or
Microsoft Windows for Workgroups 3.xwith IPX
Requirements for wireless communication
AirShare modules
One RS-232 serial port on eachPC
Requirements for cable communication
LapLink cable
One RS-232 serial port or parallel (printer) port on each PC
Requirements for Remote Control DOS host (optional)
60K DOS conventional RAM free for minimum (modem only)
Introducing LapLink for Windows 7
Choosing your connection type
Connect by network
Connect by cable
Connect by modem
Tips for checking requirements
To determine the freememory availablein Windows, choose About
ProgramManagerfrom the Windows Help menu. To determine the mode you’re running in Windows, choose About
ProgramManagerfrom the Windows Help menu. Youshould be running Windows in 386 Enhanced Mode.
Go to topic summary
Set up your version of Windows for network communications if
you’regoing to connect using the network. If LapLink “locks up” after you start Microsoft Windows for Workgroups, ask your net­work administrator to update yourworkstation’sdrivers as LapLink requires the mostcurrentdrivers.
8 Chapter 1

Setting up LapLink for Windows

efore you can connect to other computers, you need to install the LapLink for Windows
software. To install the software, choose Run from the File menu. Insert the Setup disk and type A:\SETUP. You will be asked to make some choices as the Setup program runs. After you’re doneinstalling,startLapLinkforWindowsbydouble-clickingtheprogram’s iconfoundinLapLink’s program group. To quit, choose Exit from the File menu.
Go to illustration
Installing the software
Beforeyou install, make sure you can answer these questions:
What communication type or device—modem, cable,network, or
wireless—will you use most often to connect to other computers?
What port—LPT1,COM2—will you be using for this main device?
If you’re using a modem, what is the manufacturer’s name and
To install the software:
1 Start Windows. The Program Manager window appears.
Insertthe Setup diskin the appropriate floppy disk drive.
2 Choose Run fromthe File menu.The Run dialogbox appears. 3 Type A:SETUP. 4 Choose OK. 5 Follow the instructions on your screen. If you have questions about
any of the instructions, chooseHelp. Or, refer to “Answering the Setup questions,” page 10.
6 Quitand restart Windowsbefore startingLapLinkfor Windows.
Registering your copy
Online Registration quickly registers your copy of LapLink for Win­dows. All you need is a modemso you can dialTraveling Software’s reg­istration line.
Introducing LapLink for Windows 9
Setting up and starting LapLink for Windows
Type A:\SETUP .
To begininstalling, choose Run from the File menu.
The Setup program createsa program group for LapLink for Windows.
T o start LapLink for Windows, double-click the LapLinkfor Windows icon.
To register your copy of LapLink for Windows:
1 Double-click the Online Registration icon in the LapLink for Win-
dows program group.
2 Follow the instructions on your screen. If you have questions,
Choose OK.
Go to topic summary
If you didn’t choose modem during Setup, set up your modem and port when you use Online Registration.
Starting the program
The Setup program creates a new program group for LapLink for Win­dows. The icons in this program group include the main program icon, LapLink for Windows, which you use to launch the program.
To start LapLink for Windows:
1 Openthe LapLink for Windows program group. 2 Double-click the LapLink for Windows icon.
You are now in LapLink for Windows, and can connect to other computers that are also running LapLink for Windows.
To quit LapLink for Windows:
Choose Exit from the File menu.
10 Chapter 1
Setting up LapLink for Windows

Answering the Setup questions

hen you install LapLink for Windows, the Setup program changes your directory structure
and system files, customizing LapLink for your needs. These changes are based on your answersto some basic questions:where you wantLapLinkinstalled,whatname you want to give yourcomputer, and whatconnectiontypeyouprimarilyuse.Setuprecords thesecustomsettings in your system files.
Go to illustration
Where do you want LapLink installed?
When you install LapLink for Windows, the Setup program will install the main LapLink program files in C:\LLW, or the directory you spec­ify. Other program files are put in the C:\WINDOWS directoryand TSI subdirectories.
Three main initialization files are modified by Setup, and used by Laplink for Windows: WIN.INI, SYSTEM.INI, and LLW.INI. The LapLink initialization file, LL W.INI, records information like port con­figuration. For example, when you tell LapLink that you’re going to use a modem on your COM2 port, this information is recorded in LLW.INI.
What is your computer name?
The name you give your computerwill be seen by others when you connectto other PCs or when others try to connect to your PC. This name is stored in your LLW.INI file.
What is your primary connection type?
You can select one of the options given: modem, network, cable, or wireless (AirShare). If you have more than one connection type,you can need to add these after you’ve installedLapLinkfor Windows. Thesesettingsare stored in LLW.INI.
After you choose the connection type, tell Setup which port it is using. If you chose modem, you will also need to specify the manufacturer’s name, model and speed (baud, or bps).
A port is “unavailable” if Windows is using this port for your
mouse, if another application is using the port, or if the port is physically unavailable on your PC.
Introducing LapLink for Windows 11
Directory structure created by Setup
Program files are in this directory,
or the directory you specifyasthe location duringSetup.
Changesaremadeto WIN.INI and SYSTEM.INI.
A limited number of files are placedin the System directory.
Initialization and log files for LapLink for Windows and other TravelingSoftware products are placedin thesedirectories.
Use this tableas a quick reference to the communication types, or de­vices, used on various ports:
Communication Type Port Considerations
Serial cable (blue) COM Port often used for modem, mouse Parallel cable (yellow) LPT Faster than serial; port often used for
printer Modem COM Port often used for cable, mouse Network IPX Must use Novell network or
compatible Wireless COM Up to 30 feet between computers
Go to topic summary
In this manual, “Wire­less”referstoAirShare Radio Modules. The use of these modules is restrictedinsomecoun­tries.Wireless connec­tions can also be made with other devices. To connect with a cellular modem, use Connect over Modem. To con­nect with a wireless LAN adapter, use Con­nect over Network.
12 Chapter 1

Post installation: Customizing and uninstalling

fteryou installLapLinkfor Windows,youmay want tofinetune your LapLink system. Youcan
add more connection types or devices, if you use more than one. You may want to change your computer name. If you need to remove LapLink for Windows from your computer, double-click the Uninstall icon to remove the program filesand changes made to system files.
Go to illustration
If you need to give more detailedinforma­tion, chooseConfigure. You must do this if you’re settingup a mo­dem.
Setting up additional connection types
LapLink for Windows initially uses the settings you supplied during Setup for your primary connection type. With LapLink, you can use any combinationof four typesof devices: cables, modems, network, and wireless.If you need to add moredevices, or change the informa­tion you gaveduring Setup, you can change your port setup at any time directlyin LapLink for Windows.
To add or change devices:
1 Choose Port Setup from the Options menu in LapLinkfor Win-
dows.The Port Setup dialog box appears.
2 In the Port Settings box, select the port’s name.
In the Type box, select the type from the pulldown list.
To make the port active, select Enable Port.
3 ClickCloseto save the settings.These settingsare recorded in
LLW.INI, the initialization file for LapLink for Windows.
Changing your computer’sname
The name you gave yourcomputerduringSetup will be seen by others when you connect to otherPCs or when others connect to your PC.
To change your computer name:
1 Choose ComputerName from the Options menu. The Computer
Name dialog box appears.
2 Type the new name. 3 ClickOK.
Introducing LapLink for Windows 13
Setting up ports and uninstalling LapLink for Windows
T o change your port settings, choose Port Setup from the Options menu.
Selectthe port your primary device is connectedto.
Select to make the port active.
To remove LapLink for Windows, double-click the Uninstall icon.
Choose Close to savethesesettings.
Uninstalling LapLink for Windows
If you need to removeLapLinkfor Windowsfrom your computer, the Uninstall program simplifies this process for you. Not only does it removeprogramfiles for LapLink for Windows,it alsoremoves references to LapLink for Windows in your system files. Use Uninstall insteadof deleting files using the Windows File Manager or DOS.
To remove LapLink for Windows from your PC:
Double-click the Uninstall icon, located in your LapLink for Win-
dows program group. Follow the instructions on the screen.
Go to topic summary
14 Chapter 1
Making connections
and opening services
Connectingovermodems .....................16
Creating dialing prefixes and suffixes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Connectingoveranetwork ....................20
Connectingoveracable ......................22
AttachingtheLapLinkcable ...................24
Remote Install to a computer without LapLink . . . . . . . . . . 28
RemoteInstalloveraserialcable ................30
16 Chapter 2

Connecting over modems

o open a modem connection with another computer running LapLink, click the Modem
button on the LinkBar or choose Connect over Modem from the Connect menu. Type a number to dial or select one of your Address Book entries as it appears in the dialog; then select one or more of the services you want to open. To allow other users to connect to your computer by
modem, you must grant them permissionwith the LapLink security system.
Go to illustration
If you attempt to con­nect by modem with­out having enabled a modem port, you are asked if you want to go directly to the Port Setup dialog. In that dia­log you can enable the port to which the mo­dem is attached.
When you dial a mo­dem using an Address Book entry, you pro­vide not only the number to dial but pre­set requests for services and security informa­tion requiredby the computeryou are dial­ing. If you do not use an Address Book entry, you will be prompted to provide any security information required by the remote com­puter.
To connect to another computer by modem:
1 Clickthe Modem button on the LinkBar or choose Connect over
Modem from the Connectmenu.
2 In the Connection list, leave the highlight over Manual Dial unless
you have created an Address Book entry for the computeryou are calling. In the Phone Number box,type the number to dial.
If you have an Address Book entry for the computer, select it. The settings in the entry now appear in the dialog box. Unless you want to change settings, choose Dial to begin dialing.
3 Ifyouwanttoaddaprefixorasuffixtothetelephonenumber,se-
lect Prefix or Suffixand choose fromentriesin the corresponding drop-down box.
If you want to create a suffix or prefixentry, choose Prefixes or Suf­fixes.For more information, see page 18.
4 Select Redial if no answer to dial thenumber again if the attempt
fails. The number of attemptsand the delay between them are deter-
mined by settings for the modemport. You can changethoseset­tings after choosing Port Setup in this dialog. For more information, see page 90.
5 UnderServices, select the windows you want to appear when the
connection is made.
6 Under Security ,select Send Log-In Name and Password to use an
Address Book entry that includes security information you want to send to the other computer.
7 Choose Dial to begin dialing.
Allowing incoming connections
When you start LapLink the first time, you can open connections to other computers, but other computers cannot open connections to your
Making connections and openingservices 17
Connecting over modems
To connect to another computer by mo­dem, clickthe Modem buttonor choose Connect over Modem from the connect menu.
Once you have created entries for mo­dem connections in the Address Book, the entriesappear in this box. Highlight an entry to select it.
To typea telephonenumber, leave the highlight over Manual Dial, and type the numberin the Phone Number box.
Before dialing, be sure that you have se­lectedthe services you intendto use and set the other options as you want them.
computer except by cable or wireless. To give other computers access by modem or network, change the default security settings.
The proceduredescribednext disablesthe security system entirely,
giving other LapLink users complete access to the files on your com­puter—and to any network resources availableto it. To set up pass­word protection and prevent unauthorized access, see page 74.
To change the default security settings and allow unrestricted ac­cess to your computer:
1 Choose Security from the Options menu or click the corresponding
button on the LinkBar.
2 Under Allow Connections From, select Anybody (Public System). 3 Thenselectany or all of the services you wantto makeavailable:
File Transfer, Remote Control, or Chat.
4 Choose OK.
Your computer is now accessible to any computer running LapLink for Windows.
Go to topic summary
18 Chapter 2
Connecting over modems

Creating dialing prefixes and suffixes

refixes and suffixes are useful for such purposes as reaching an outside line, inserting pauses
in the dialing process, and charging calls to credit cards. After choosing Dialing Prefixes or Dialing Suffixes from the Options menu, you can create your own prefixes or suffixes. They will then be available when you connect over modems.
Go to illustration
A prefix is sent beforea telephone number. Prefixes are usedmost often to make an outside line available from an office or a hotel. If your tele­phone is equipped with call waiting, you can use a prefix to disablethe feature for the duration of your modem connection. (With call waiting enabled, your modem connection will be broken whenever someone triesto callyou.)
Asuffixissentaftera telephone number. Suffixesare usedmost often to charge callsto credit cards.
With LapLink, you can create your own prefixes and suffixes. You can choose among them when you dial using Connect over Modem.
You can also create prefixes and suffixes after choosing Connect
over Modem: choose Prefixes or Suffixes in the Connect over Mo­dem dialog.
To create a prefix or suffix:
1 From the Options menu, choose Dialing Prefixes or Dialing Suffixes.
If you have set up password protection for your securitysystem, you are now asked to type the password.
2 Choose Add. 3 In the Description box,type a brief description of the prefix or suf-
fix you are creating. When you attempt to dial, you will see this de­scription rather than the suffix or prefix.
4 In the Dialing String box, type the prefix or suffix.When you are
through, choose OK.
5 You now see the description you just created. If you want to create
anotherentry, choose Add and repeat the previous two steps. Other­wise, choose Close to exit.
Tips for creating prefixes and suffixes
At a point where you want the dialing to pause, type one or more
commas,depending on the length of the pause. (Each commapro-
Making connections and openingservices 19
Creating a dialing prefix or suffix
T ocreate a prefix, choose Dialing Prefixes fromthe Optionsmenu. T ocreate a suffix, choose Dialing Suffixes instead.
Then choose Add.
Type a description of the suffix or prefix.Thisdescription will ap­pear in the Connect over Mo­dem dialog.
Type the characters you want to useasyourprefixorsuffix.
Go to topic summary
ducesa pause of two seconds.) Insert a pause, for example, before a creditcard number.
If your officetelephone systemrequiresthat you dial9 for an out-
side line, you might create a prefix named “Outside line” and enter thesetwo characters: 9,
To disablecall waiting,type *70 or whatever code is required by
your telephone system. (Consult your telephone directory if in doubt.)
Managing your list of prefixes or suffixes
To change entries in your list of prefixes or suffixes:
1 From the Options menu, choose Dialing Prefixes or Dialing Suffixes. 2 Select an entry and choose any of the following:
Edit to revisethe entry.
Copy to duplicate the entry,which you can then revise for a
new entry.
Deleteto remove the entry.
20 Chapter 2

Connecting over a network

o connect to another network computer running LapLink, click the Network button on the
LinkBaror choose Connect overNetworkfrom the Connectmenu.Selectone of the available network connections; then choose the services you want to open: File Transfer, Remote Control, and Chat. To allow other users to connect to your computer over a network, you must grant them
permissionwith the LapLink security system.
Go to illustration
If you attempt to con­nect over a network without havingen­abled the network port, you are asked if you want to go directly to the Port Setup dia­log. In that dialog, you can enable the port to which the network is at­tached.
To connect to another computer over a Novell network:
1 Click the Network button on the LinkBar or choose Connect over
Network from the Connect menu.
2 In the Connection list,selectthe name of the computerto connect
to. The list shows the names of all the computers that are on the network running LapLink.
3 UnderServices, select the services you wantto appearwhen the
connection is made.
4 Under Security ,select Send Log-In Name and Password if you have
createdan Address Book entry for thecomputer. Selectingthis op­tion ensures that the password and other information in the entry is passed automatically to the remote computer.
5 Choose OK to open the connection.
Allowing incoming connections
When you start LapLink the first time, you can open connections to other computers, but other computers cannot open connections to your computer except by cable or wireless. To give other computers ac­cess over a network, you mustchange the default securitysettings.
The proceduredescribednext disablesthe security system entirely,
giving other LapLink users complete access to the files on your com­puter—and to any network resources availableto it. To set up pass­word protection and prevent unauthorized access, see page 74.
To change the default security settings and allow unrestricted ac­cess to your computer:
1 Choose Security from the Options menu. 2 Under Allow Connections From, select Anybody (Public System). 3 Thenselectany or all of the services you wantto makeavailable:
File Transfer, Remote Control, or Chat.
Making connections and openingservices 21
Connecting over a network
To connectto anothercomputer over a network, clickthe Networkbutton or choose Connect over Network from the Connect menu.
The names of other network comput­ers runningLapLink appear in this box. Highlight an entry to select it.
Before choosing OK, select the services you intendto use.
If you have created an Address Book en­try for the selected computer, select this option to ensure that the password and other information in the entry is passed automatically to the remote computer .
Go to topic summary
4 Choose OK.
Your computer is now accessible to any computer running LapLink.
Using the Address Book to automate network connections
You can simplify the process of making connections over a network by addingentriesto the AddressBook for the computersyou connect to regularly.
In each entry you can record the log-inname and passwordrequired by the remotecomputer. You can alsorequestthe kinds of servicesyou want to use when you connect.
When you connectto a network computerusing the Connect over Net­work command, the security information you have entered in the Ad­dressBook is passed along automatically.Your requests for services appear as defaults in the Connect over Network dialog.
For detailed information about the Address Book, see page 78.
22 Chapter 2

Connecting over a cable

hen you run LapLink for Windows on computers connected by a LapLink cable, two File
Transferwindows are openedautomaticallyoneachcomputer.Youcanuse eithercomputer to exchange files. You can also open a Remote Control window on either computer and Chat windows on both.
Go to illustration
If you attempt to con­nect over a cable with­out having enableda serial or parallelport, you are asked if you want to go directly to the Port Setup dialog. In that dialog, you can enable the port to which the cable is at­tached.
On installation, LapLink for Windows is set up so that you can open a connection with another computer over a LapLink cable simply by running LapLink for Windows on both computers. (For instructions on attaching a parallelor serial cable, see the next section.)
When LapLink starts, the computers are connected automatically, and two File T ransfer windows appear on both. The left window shows di­rectories and files on the local computer (the one you are sitting in front of). The right window shows directories and files on the remote computer.You can transfer files from either computer. You can also open Remote Control and Chat windows on eithercomputer.
To open a Remote Control or Chat window once you have estab­lished a cable connection:
Click the Remote Control or Chat button on the LinkBar or choose
Open Remote Control or Open Chat from the Window menu.
Changing Autoconnect
The way in which LapLink reacts to a cable connection is determined by the Autoconnect option. You can use this option to instruct LapLinknot to make automatic cable connections. Or you can change the service windows that appear automatically.
To disable Autoconnect:
1 Choose Connect Options from the Options menu. 2 UnderAutoconnect, clearEnable Cable and Wireless Autoconnect. 3 Choose OK.
When you want to connectby cable in the future, you must open the connection manually.
To change the service windows that appear automatically:
1 Choose Connect Options from the Options menu. 2 Under Autoconnect, select or clear any of these options: File Trans-
fer, Remote Control, or Chat.
3 Choose OK.
Making connections and openingservices 23
Changingthe Autoconnect feature
By default,LapLink openstwo File Trans­fer windowsautomat­ically as soon as two computers running LapLink are con­nected by cable.
If you prefer to make a cable connection manually, choose Con­nect Options from the Options menu. Then clearthisoption.
Or leave the option se­lectedandchange theseoptions if you want different service windowsto appearon connection.
Go to topic summary
Opening connections manually
If you disable Autoconnect, you must open cable connections manu­ally.
To open a cable connection manually:
1 Click the Cable button on the LinkBar or choose Connect over Ca-
ble from the Connect menu.
2 In the Connection list, make sure that the name of the computer you
want to connect to is selected.
3 UnderServices, select the windows you want to appear when the
connection is made.
4 Under Security, select Send Log-In Name and Password if the other
computerhas password protection and you have an Address Book entry for thatcomputer.
5 Choose OK to open the connection.
By default, LapLink imposes no security protection on cable connec-
tions. If you want the same security protection for cable connec­tions as for modem and network connections, choose Security from the Options menu. Under Cablesand Wireless, select EnforceSecu­rity for Connections.
24 Chapter 2
Connecting over a cable

Attaching the LapLink cable

ora cable connection choose eitherLapLinkcableandattachitto the appropriateportofeach
computer. For a serial connection, choose the blue cable (labeled SERIAL) and attach one connector at each end to a serial port on both computers. For a parallel connection choose the yellowcable (labeled PARALLEL) and attach each connector to a parallelport on bothcomputers.
Go to illustration
LapLinkallowstwo kinds of cable connections:serialand parallel. Choosing between them may be as simple as looking at the backs of the two computers. If either of them lacks a parallel port, for example, you must use a serial connection. Or if one has a mouse attached to its only serial port, you may want to retain the use of the mouseand use a parallel connection instead.
If you have a choice, choose parallel because it is considerably faster. On theother hand, if you want to use Remote Install,chooseserial. You can’t use RemoteInstall over a parallel cable.
Choosing betweenparalleland serial does not affect the way you
use LapLink. Whether you are using File Tr ansfer or one of the otherservices,the proceduresare the same for parallel and serial.
Identifying parallel and serial ports
A parallel port almost always has 25 holes. It is sometimes labeled, LPT1,LPT2, LPT3, or PRINTER.
Serial ports come in two sizes: a DB9 serial port has just 9 pins; the larger DB25 port, 25 pins. If you have a serial port with holes instead of pins, you must purchase a gender changer before you can attach the LapLinkcable.A serialport is sometimes labeled COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4, or SERIAL.
If in doubt about the ports on your computer, proceed carefully. At-
taching the LapLink cable to a monitor port, in particular, may damage the computer. (A monitor port is sometimeslabeledRGB and typically has 9 holes.) Consult the documentation for your sys­tem, or contact your dealeror manufacturer.
Attaching the cable
To connect two computers by the LapLink cable.
1 Choose the serial or parallel cable according to your preferenceand
the availability of ports.
Making connections and openingservices 25
Identifying serial and parallel ports
You may find one or both of these types of serial ports on your computers. Both typesusually havepinsinstead of holes. The smallertype(DB9)has9 pins. The larger type (DB25) has 25 pins. A serial port may be labeled COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4, or SERIAL.
A parallel port typically has holes instead of pins. There are 25 holes in all. A parallel port is sometimes labeled PRINTER, LPT1, LPT2, or LPT3.
Go to topic summary
2 Connect each end of thecable to the appropriateport of each com-
The serial cable has two typesof connectors at one end or both ends, but only one of them is to be used at any time. If the serial port on one of your computers has 25 pins, attach the larger connectorto that port. Otherwise,attachonly the smaller, 9-pin connector.
Use only a LapLink cable to connect your computers. LapLink does
not work overmost other serial cablesor any printercables.(For more information, call Customer Service at the number listed near the end of this guide.)
LapLink III cables can be used with LapLink for Windows, though
they will not providethe fastest transmission rate when you are transmitting over a parallel connection. LapLink Pro and LapLink V cablesare completely compatible with LapLink for Windows.
26 Chapter 2

Connecting over wireless

f your wireless device was ready to use when you installed LapLink, you should be ready to
connectby wirelessto another computer running LapLink. Once thewirelessdevices are within range of each other,two File Transfer windows are openedon both computers.Youcan then use either computer to exchange files. You can also open a Remote Control window on either computer and Chat windows on both.
Go to illustration
In this guide, “wireless” refers to AirShare Radio Modules. The use of these modules is re­stricted in some coun­tries. To connect over a cellular modem, use Connect over Modem. T oconnect over a wire­less LAN adapter,use Connect over Network.
If you attempt to con­nect over wirelessde­vices withouthaving enableda wirelessport, the Port Setup dialog appears.You can then enable the port to which the wireless de­vice is attached.
On installation, LapLink for Windows is set up so that you can open a connection with another computer over wireless devices simply by run­ning LapLink for Windows on both computers and placing the com­puterswithinrange of each other.
When LapLink starts, the computers are connected automatically, and two File T ransfer windows appear on both. The left window shows di­rectories and files on the local computer (the one you are sitting in front of); the rightwindow shows directoriesand files on the remote computer.You can transfer files from either computer. You can also open Remote Control and Chat windows on eithercomputer.
To open a Remote Control or Chat window once you have estab­lished a wireless connection:
Click the Remote Control or Chat button on the LinkBar or choose
Open Remote Control or Open Chat from the Window menu.
Changing Autoconnect
The way in which LapLink reacts to a wireless connection is deter­minedby the Autoconnect option.You can use this option to instruct LapLinknot to make automatic wirelessconnections. Or you can changethe service windows that appear automatically.
To disable Autoconnect:
1 Choose Connect Options from the Options menu. 2 UnderAutoconnect, clearEnable Cable and Wireless Autoconnect. 3 Choose OK.
When you want to connectover wirelessdevicesin the future,you must open theconnection manually.
To change the service windows that appear automatically:
1 Choose Connect Options from the Options menu. 2 Under Autoconnect, select or clear any of these options: File Trans-
fer, Remote Control, or Chat.
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