Wireless Thermometer
Model: 308-1410GR | Instruction Manual
This Wireless Thermomete r features: i ndoor/ou td oor temperat ur e
with MIN/MAX readings in F ahrenheit or Cel sius, outdoor
temperature trend arrow, and manual set time. Wireless
transmis sion range of over 200 feet (60 meters) in open air, from
transmitter to wireles s thermomet er.
• Remove batter y cover from the Wireless
• Insert 2 NEW AA batteries (not included ) i nto
the back of the wireless thermometer. Observe
the co rrect polarity (see mark ing inside the
battery compartment).
• The wireless thermometer will light up and
show, indoor temp erature, and time (12:00).
• Ensure that the transmitter is within 10 feet of the
wireless thermometer.
• Remove batter y cover from TX141-B transmitter: Slide
the battery cover down and l i ft off the front.
• Insert 2 NEW AA batteries into the transmitter.
Observe the correct polarity.
• Within 3 minutes the Wir eless T hermometer will show
readings in t he outdoor temp eratur e area on the LCD.
Note: All ow t he wireless thermometer and the
transmitt er to stay within 10 feet of each other for the first 15
minutes of set up.
• Do Not Mix Old and New Batter ies
• Do Not Mix Alk aline, Standard , Lithium or Rechargeable
After th e batte ries are inserted, the wi reles s thermometer will
search for the outdoor tem perature tr an smitter for 3 mi nutes.
Th e an ten n a s ymb ol will flash d uri ng reception, and
temperature display will be dashes “---“.
No ant enna symbol wil l show d uring transmitter synchronization.
If synchroni zation fails once, the ant enna will lose one bar.
If synchroni zation fails twice, the antenna will lose two bars.
If RF (radio fr equency) reception fails five times, the antenna
symbol will be shown as
The antenna will show full display with successful RF
(radio freq uency) recept ion.
• If the wirel ess thermometer does n ot display th e out door
temperature af te r 3 minutes, rem ove the bat ter ies from both unit s
and start the setup proces s again.
• If t he out door temperature does not show up after a second
attempt, pl ease slide open t he battery c over of the outd oor
transmitter to reveal the TX button. Pu sh down on the TX but ton
for 3 s eco nds to send a w ireless signal to the wireless
• For optimal 433 MH z signal reception, the outdoor transm i tter
should be placed within 20 0 f eet (60 meters) f rom the wireless
The SET/°F/°C b ut ton moves through the program menu. Th e
MIN/MAX/+ button changes the value.
• 12/24-HOUR TIME: Hold the SET/°F/°C button for 2 s econds.
12H will fl ash. Press and release the MIN/MAX/+ button to select
24-hour time format. Press and relea se the SET butt on once to
move to the hour.
• HOUR: The Hour will flash. Press and rel ease the MIN/MAX/+
button until t he correct hour is shown. P res s and release th e SET
button onc e t o m ove to the minut es.
• MINUTES: The Minutes will flash. Press and rel ease the
MIN/MAX/+ but ton until t he correct mi nut es are displayed. Press
and releas e the SET button once more to exit the program menu.
Press th e SET/°F/°C button to
select F ahrenheit or Celsi us
tem per atur e rea d ou t .
The Wireles s Thermometer will show the daily minimum and
maximum temperatures each day st arting at midni ght (12:00 AM).
The temperature stat ion automatic all y re sets the min / ma x
temperatures at midni ght (12:00 AM).
VIEW MINIMUM: Press MAX/MIN button to show the minimum
tem per atur e rec ord.
RESET MINIMUM: Wit h the mi ni mum temperatures display ed,
press and hol d t he MAX/MIN k ey f or 2 seconds t o m anually clear the
MIN records in memory.
VIEW MAXIMUM: Press MAX/MIN key again, to show the
maximum temperature r ecords. In maxim um memory display mode,
RESET MINIMUM: With the maxim um temper atu res displayed,
press and hol d t he MAX/MIN k ey f or 2 seconds t o m anually clear the
MAX records in mem ory.
The outdoor temperature trend indicators will update every 30
minutes or less. These tr ends represent temperatur e changes over
the past three hours.
Temperature rising more than 2°F / 1°C in the past three
Temperature has not chan ged more than 2°F / 1°C in the
past three hours.
Temperatur e f al l i ng more than 2°F / 1°C in t he past three
The temperature trend indi cators ar e shown next t o the indoor
temperature and outd oor temperature readings.
The remote tem perature transmitter should be mounted ve rti cally to
avoid damage. Place both un its in t he desir ed locations, and wait
approximately 1-hour before permanently mounti ng the transmitter

to ensure th at there is pr oper reception. The ou td oor temperature
transmitter is water resistant, n ot w at erproof and shoul d not be
placed anywhere it will becom e su bmerged in wate r or subject to
standing water or snow.
Choose a location for the transmitter that is within range of the
Wireless Thermometer and under an overhang for accurac y.
Option 1:
• Install one mounting scr ew (not included) into a wall
leaving approximately ½ of an inch (12.7mm)
• Place the t ran smitter onto the screw, usi ng the
hangi ng hole on the backs ide.
• Gently pull the transmitter dow n t o lock the s cr ew into
Option 2:
• Insert the mounting screw (not included) through the front of the
transmitter and into the wall.
• Tighten the scr ew t o snug (do not over t i ghten).
• T o achiev e a t rue t em per ature r ea d i ng , mount wh ere di rect
sunlight c annot reach th e outdoor transmitter. Mount t he outdoor
transmitt er on a North-faci ng wall or in any well shaded area.
Under an eav e or deck rail work well. The maximum transm i tting
range in open air is ove r 200-feet (60 meters). Obstacles suc h as
walls, window s , stuc co, con cr ete, an d large metal objec ts can
reduce the range. Pl ace the transmitter at lea st 6 feet in th e air to
improve signal transmission.
Indoor Tempera ture:
Range: 32°F to 122°F (0°C to + 50°C)
Resolution: 0.2°F/0.1°C
Outdoor Temper ature:
Range: -40°F to 140°F (-40°C to + 60°C)
Resolution: 0.2°F/0.1°C
Distance: Over 200 ft. (60 meters)
RF 433MHz (open air)
Wireless Thermometer: 2-AA LR6 Alkaline battery
TX141-B Transmitter: 2-AA LR6 Alkaline battery
Battery Life: Battery life is over 24 months when
(not included)
(not included)
using reputable Alkaline battery
Wireless Thermometer: 3”L x 1.36”W x 4.17”H
TX141-B Transmitter: 5.08” H x 1.58” W x 0.83” D
(76 x 34 x 106 mm)
(129 x 40.13 x 21mm)
• Do Not Mix Old and New Batteries
• Do Not Mix Alkaline, Standard, Lithium or Rechargeable Batteries
• Do not expose the Wireless Thermometer: to extreme temperatures,
vibration or shock.
• Keep wireless thermometer dry.
• Clean with a soft damp cloth. Do not use solvents or scouring agents.
• The wireless thermometer is not a toy. Keep it out of reach of children.
• The wireless thermometer is not to be used for medical purpose or for
public information, but is determined for home use only.
• The specifications of this product may change without prior notice.
• Improper use or unauthorized opening of housing will void the warranty.
• If the unit does not work properly, change the batteries.
La Crosse Technology, Ltd provides a 1-year limited warranty on this product against
manufacturing defects in materials and workmanship. This limited warranty begins on
the original date of purchase, is valid only on products purchased and used in North
America and only to the original purchaser of this product. To receive warranty
service, the purchaser must contact La Crosse Technology, Ltd for problem
determination and service procedures. Warranty service can only be performed by a
La Crosse Technology, Ltd authorized service center. The original dated bill of sale
must be presented upon request as proof of purchase to La Crosse Technology, Ltd
or La Crosse Technology, Ltd’s authorized service center.
La Crosse Technology, Ltd will repair or replace this product, at our option and at no
charge as stipulated herein, with new or reconditioned parts or products if found to be
defective during the limited warranty period specified above. All replaced parts and
products become the property of La Crosse Technology, Ltd and must be returned to
La Crosse Technology, Ltd.
Replacement parts and products assume the remaining original warranty, or ninety
(90) days, whichever is longer. La Crosse Technology, Ltd will pay all expenses for
labor and materials for all repairs covered by this warranty. If necessary repairs are
not covered by this warranty, or if a product is examined which is not in need or
repair, you will be charged for the repairs or examination.
The owner must pay any shipping charges incurred in getting your La Crosse
Technology, Ltd product to a La Crosse Technology, Ltd authorized service center.
Your La Crosse Technology, Ltd warranty covers all defects in material and
workmanship with the following specified exceptions: (1) damage caused by accident,
unreasonable use or neglect (including the lack of reasonable and necessary
maintenance); (2) damage occurring during shipment (claims must be presented to
the carrier); (3) damage to, or deterioration of, any accessory or decorative surface;
(4) damage resulting from failure to follow instructions contained in your owner’s
manual; (5) damage resulting from the performance of repairs or alterations by
someone other than an authorized La Crosse Technology, Ltd authorized service
center; (6) units used for other than home use (7) applications and uses that this
product was not intended or (8) the products inability to receive a signal due to any
source of interference.
This warranty covers only actual defects within the product itself, and does not cover
the cost of installation or removal from a fixed installation, normal set-up or
adjustments, claims based on misrepresentation by the seller or performance
variations resulting from installation-related circumstances.
This warranty gives you specific legal rights. You may also have other rights specific
to your State. Some States do no allow the exclusion of consequential or incidental
damages therefore the above exclusion of limitation may not apply to you.
For warranty work, techn i cal support, or informati on contact:
La C rosse Technology , Ltd
2817 Losey B l vd. S .
La Crosse, WI 54601
Contact Support: 1-608-782-1610
Product Registration:
On the Web at:
Protected under U.S. Patents:
5,978,738, 6, 076,044, 6,597,990
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B
digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to
provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.
This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not
installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful
interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that
interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause
harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by
turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the
interference by one or more of the following measures:
—Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
—Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
—Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the
receiver is connected.
—Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
This device must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna
or transmitter. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and
(2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference
that may cause undesired operation.
The manufacturer is not responsible for any radio or TV interference caused by
unauthorized modifications to this equipment. Such modifications could void the user
authority to operate the equipment.
All rights reserved. This manual may not be reproduced in any form, even in part, or
duplicated or processed using electronic, mechanical or chemical process without the
written permission of the publisher.
This booklet may contain errors or misprints. The information it contains is regularly
checked and corrections are included in subsequent editions. We disclaim any
responsibility for any technical error or printing error, or their consequences.
All trademarks and patents are recognized.