Instruction Summary: WS2010PC Professional Wireless Weather Computer Center
Table of Contents
1.0 Set Up (Page 1)
1.1. Installing Batteries and Magnets
1.2. Test Mode
1.3. Calibration Setting
1.4. Return to Normal Operation
2.0 Mounting Instructions (Page 2)
2.1. Location of Sensors
2.2. Rain Gauge Mounting
2.3. Wind Sensor Mounting
2.4. Outdoor Temperature & Humidity
Sensor Mounting
2.5. Indoor Temperature, Humidity &
Pressure Sensor Mounting
2.6. Receiver Mounting
3.0 General Operation (Page 3)
3.1. Current Information
3.2. Indoor Temperature & Humidity
3.3. Outdoor Temperature & Humidity
3.4. Air Pressure
3.5. Rainfall
3.6. Wind Speed and Direction
3.7. Display Illustration
1.0 Set Up
1.1. Installing Batteries and Magnets:
1.1.1. IMPORTANT: Set up sensors first. Install batteries into receiver only when all sensors have been operating
for at least ten minutes. Failure to do this may result in poor reception. If this occurs, remove batteries and
magnets for at least one minute and follow set up instructions.
1.1.2. Plug the PC Interface into the computer
1.1.3. Install the program by inserting the CD and following instructions (if program does not automatically run,
double-click D:/Setup.exe)
1.2. Test Mode: After installing batteries and magnets in the sensors and receiver, they will go into test mode. During
this time, no buttons should be pressed.
1.2.1. The display on your computer will cycle th rough the indoor temperature, humidity and pressu re, outdoor
temperature and humidity, rainfall amount, and wind speed/direction. At first, the cycle will last for only a few
seconds on each display. During this time, it is recommended that you place the sensors in desired locations
to assure reception.
1.2.2. After several successful cycles, the receiver will display each re ading for one minute. Once all data has been
received, usually after ten minutes, you may end the test mode. It will automatically end after 30 minutes.
1.3. Calibration (To be done after the completion of the test mode—approximately 10 minutes.)
1.3.1. Select File Calibr. to enter the calibration mode. (“Calibration” is displayed)
1.3.2. “0000” is displayed under the air pressure display Choose the unit of measurement; inHg or hPa (millibars) Set the height (in meters) above sea level. The WS2010PC shows absolute pressure. To measure
relative pressure, the height above sea level needs to be set. Multiply feet by .305 to get meters.
1.3.3. “370” is displayed under the rainfall display This is the “Rain-volume-measurement”. This normally doesn’t need to be adjusted. See instruction
manual (4.2) for directions. Choose the unit of measurement--inches or mm.
1.3.4. Time & Date Setting: Set the time and date
1.3.5. A “7” is displayed in the indoor temperature, wind speed and rainfall displays These should always be set to “7” unless there happens to be two WS2010PC in operation near one
another (i.e. a neighbor has a WS2010PC). If this is the case, please call La Crosse Technology for
directions. If the number is not “7”, information from that sensor will not be displayed. Select °F to °C.
1.4. Normal Operation: Press the Store key to return to normal operation. If no button is pressed for one minute, the
display will return to the normal ope rating mode. The Weather Station is now operational. If any problems
occur, see section 6 of the instruction manual.
4.0 Minimum and Maximum (Page 4)
4.1. Viewing All Minimum & Maximums
4.2. Displayed Description
4.3. Outdoor Sensor Selection
4.4. Dewpoint and Windchill
4.5. Individual Minimum & Maximums
4.6. Resetting Minimum & Maximums
5.0 Alarm Function (Page 4)
5.1. Alarm Description
5.2. Programming Alarms
5.3. Alarm Occurrence
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2.0 Mounting Instructions
Mounting hardware is included: (4) u-bolts; (8) 2¼” screws; (8) 1¼” screws; (2) 9/16” screws; (2) 5/16” machine screws; (2)
/16” sheet metal screws; (8) washers; (8) wall spacers for 2¼” screws (beige); (8) wall spacers for 1¼” screws (green).
2.1. Location of Sensors
2.1.1. It is easiest to locate sensors while the receiver and sensors are in the test mode. Mount only after good
reception is achieved in desired location. Be sure the receiver can pick up the
signals from different locations if desired.
2.2. Rain Gauge Mounting
2.2.1. Locate away from anything that could interfere with the collection of rain. Keep
away from buildings, downspouts, trees, and sprinklers. The solar sensor
should receive as much light as possible.
2.2.2. It is important to mount the rain gauge level to achieve accuracy. One method of leveling the sensor is as follows: Position sensor in
desired location. Take off cover. Fill the “T”-shaped depression in the
base with water. The rain gauge is level when all three water levels are
equal. Be sure to replace cover correctly with magnets facing each other.
2.2.3. The rain sensor can be permanently mounted to wood (i.e. a deck railing or piece of 2”x6” board) using screw
holes and included (8) 1¼” screws. If necessary, drill ¼” holes, tap in green spacers, and insert screws.
2.3. Wind Sensor Mounting
2.3.1. Ideally should be mounted on a 1¼” mast
on rooftop or mounted on a wall.
2.3.2. The solar sensor must face due south to
register the correct direction. Mount wind
sensor away from obstacles that will
block the wind. The 14” aluminum post
must also be completely horizontal.
2.3.3. Attach the included 14” aluminum post to
the wind sensor using included (2) 9/16”
screws. Attach mounting bracket to other end of post using the included (2) 5/
2.3.4. Attach assembly to mast using u-bolts or to wall using included 2¼” screws. If necessary, use beige spacers
for wall mounting with screws.
2.3.5. The solar cell must be facing dew south for proper reading of wind direction.
2.4. Outdoor Temperature & Humidity Sensor Mounting
2.4.1. Can be mounted on a mast or a wall. It should be out of direct sunlight; under a roof gable is ideal.
2.4.2. The mounting bracket is the same as the one for the wind sensor. Use (2) u-bolts for mounting on a mast or
(4) 2¼” screws (use beige spacers if necessary) for wall mounting.
2.4.3. Mount the bracket on vertical surface then attach sensor using (2)
machine screws. The rain cap must be
on the top of the sensor.
2.5. Indoor Temperature, Humidity & Pressure Sensor Mounting
2.5.1. Can be mounted on a wall or simply placed on a shelf.
2.5.2. This sensor transmits the temperature, humidity, and the pressure.
2.5.3. Do not place the sensor in direct sunlight or high humidity location (bathroom), or expose to water.
2.5.4. The indoor sensor can be hung by the mounting hole located on the back or placed on a stable surface.
2.5.5. Since this sensor’s data is continually displayed, it is ideal to locate it in the main living area.
2.6. Receiver Mounting
2.6.1. This can be placed anywhere reception is good. It is not necessary to keep the receiver plugged in to the
computer. The receiver will store data until it is loaded. It can remain attached to the computer.
sheet metal screws.
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