JMA-900B series
Chart radar system
Complies with IMO carriage requirements for vessels above
10.000 GT. and fully meets MSC 192(79) radar performance
standards eective from 1 July 2008 contained within IEC62388.
– the new chart radar combines the features of JRC’s renowned radar systems with great chart graphics
23−inch high visibility display
Constaview™ digital signal processing
TEF™ multi-level target enhancement
Built-in high performance ECDIS mode for backup
Advanced LAN interfacing

JMA-900B series
– performance features
Unique features
The new JMA-900B chart radar combines JRC’s
renowned radar and highly advanced ECDIS
technology, providing reliable performance and
signicantly improves situation awareness.
The second generation and patented
Constaview™ is realised through the use
of two high-speed processors (in-house
Tornado™ technology). All info gathered
by the radar is fully processed within
a few milliseconds before displayed,
generating a smooth image rotation
when sailing in Head-Up mode. When
changing to North-Up, the new radar
image is displayed without any delay
caused by the scanner rotation.
Constaview™ in JMA-900B
Constaview™ works in radar mode. In chart-radar mode,
radar images are displayed with regular intervals.
True Trails
Constaview™ refreshes the image
every 16mS. Despite heading
changes trails are always true.
Relative Trails
Traditional technology relies on several
sweeps of the scanner to redraw the
image. Trails are presented as relative.
Select a trail length
Other ship’s movement and speed can
be monitored from length and direction
of their trails, primary serving for collision
avoidance. The JMA-900B series integrate
1 min 3 min 6 min 10 min
three dierent trail length modes, that will
show a ship’s course instantly.
AIS targets
The AIS is an important key device used to indicate AIS target symbol and information.
These targets are very useful, as it provides the maneuvering conditions of other ships
at a glance, allowing for safe and eective navigation. The name of the vessels, and
bearing, range, speed, length, heading
and much more AIS target specics from
other ships are received and displayed. The
AIS symbols are continuously displayed
on-screen without the inuence of the
radar characteristics. The AIS targets are
never shielded by ground, rain or cloud
reections, nor are they eliminated by
adjustments of anti-sea or anti-rain clutter.
Also, it is easy to active, deactivate
and switch between AIS target
symbols. This simply can be done
with an integrated AIS lter,
prioritising the targets within a
dedicated area.
1. vessels’ position
2. ring area
3. sector area
4. heading line
JMA-900B Chart radar – improved situation a

JMA-900B series
– developed for maximum ease of use
Advanced route planning
The advanced nature of JRC’s new chart radar system allows route
planning in dierent ways. Either plan your route by using the table
editor, while displaying current waypoint or graphically draw your
next waypoint on the chart. Editing the route is just as simple as
inserting. Dedicated menus are readily available to assist the mariner
in eective route planning. Not only can you save the routes, but
import favourite or commonly used les, even from previous ECDIS
models, using industry standard CSV format.
During the voyage, you can add an alternative route, which can
be displayed simultaneously. You can move, insert, add and delete
waypoints instantly and easily exchange the alternative route with
route in progress, at your own convenience.
Route planning with table editor
while displaying waypoints
Editing the user maps
The new JMA-900B chart radar provides a rich suite of objects which you single-handedly can enter,
move, insert and add on user maps. The objects consist of symbols, lines, areas and texts. From buoys to
user map 2user map 1
chart chart
buildings and harbour to seabed signals, the ECDIS system has a total of over 40 categories and 30
sub-categories, which include more than 250 graphics readily available for endless possibilities.
A few examples
warning shing harbour sand wavesdangerous wreck - unknown depth
jurisdiction border warning area large font
Multiple and wide screen viewing is possible with the new JMA-900B. You can divide the chart screen into
two sections, in which the same or dierent charts can be displayed. There is also a ‘look-ahead’ capability,
especially useful in coastal areas. With the wide screen view function, an additional screen in the display
area shows a segment of the chart, allows viewing at a glance.
Optional interswitching to JMA-900B and JMA-9100 series radar.
with optional I/S PCB
JRC also produces special interswitch boxes that allow interswitching up to 8 (chart) radars.