09: Fix or Replace Roomba..............................................................................................................................8
10: Test Battery.................................................................................................................................................8
11: Test Power Supply......................................................................................................................................8
12: Test Home Base (if applicable).................................................................................................................. 9
13: Test Virtual Wall & Light House (if applicable) ..................................................................................... 9
14: Test Wireless Command Center (if applicable).......................................................................................9
Roomba Power Supply...................................................................................................................................23
Roomba Home Base........................................................................................................................................25
BUILT-IN-TEST RESULT ......................................................................................................................................... 44
DATA COLLECTION ................................................................................................................................................ 45
SUMMARY OF ELECTRICAL CONSTANTS ......................................................................................................... 46
ROOMBA BLACK BOX ............................................................................................................................................ 50
Appendix B : Roomba 500 Series Mobility Test Procedure................................................................ 53
MOBILITY TEST PROCEDURE............................................................................................................................... 54
MOBILITY TABLE 3 CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS (IN MM) ................................................................. 55
ROBOT RCON TEST ................................................................................................................................................. 56
VIRTUAL WALL TEST ............................................................................................................................................. 57
LIGHT HOUSE TEST................................................................................................................................................. 57
LIGHT HOUSE TEST................................................................................................................................................. 58
HOME BASE AND DOCKING TEST ....................................................................................................................... 59
Appendix C : Module Inspection and Cleaning .................................................................................. 60
DRIVE WHEEL Module inspection and cleaning ......................................................................................60
FRONT WHEEL Module inspection and cleaning .....................................................................................60
CLEANING HEAD Module inspection and cleaning .................................................................................61
BUMPER Module inspection and cleaning..................................................................................................61
CLIFF SENSOR Module inspection and cleaning ......................................................................................61
SIDE BRUSH Module inspection and cleaning ...........................................................................................62
BRUSH & FLAPPER inspection and cleaning............................................................................................62
VACUUM BIN Module inspection and cleaning.........................................................................................63
Appendix D: Roomba Spare Parts Replacement Instructions............................................................ 64
Roomba Spare Parts Replacement (Battery, Side Brush, Cleaning Head and Wheel Modules) ............65
Depending on the sophistication of the Customer Service Representation at the service centers,
Roomba issues can be diagnosed over the phone by guiding a user through a troubleshooting process.
At a minimum, iRobot recommends that the customer be asked to perform routine Roomba
maintenance steps to resolve the Roomba issue. Only if these steps fail to resolve the issue should a
customer send the Roomba to a service center.
A) Customer should clean Roomba
i. Clean the cliff sensors under the bumper with a cotton bud. 1
ii. Remove any hair or obstruction from the three wheels. 2
iii. Remove any hair or obstruction from the brushes and bearings. 3
iv. Clean contacts on Roomba and Home Base with alcohol pad (not all models). 4
v. Clean out the vacuum bin and vacuum filter.5
B) If necessary, customer should reset Roomba’s charging system by pressing down the
Roomba’s SPOT and DOCK simultaneously for 10 seconds (this will clear the schedules as
well). This can be done when the robot is ON, OFF or CHARGING. When ON the CLEAN
button will go dark when the reset is complete.
C) Customer should fully charge the battery.
02: Roomba Return Procedure
If the initial maintenance steps did not solve the issue, a customer should proceed to return the
Roomba, battery and all accessories to a service center.
: Before packing and shipping a robot, clear all schedules by resetting the Roomba :
Press down the SPOT and DOCK buttons simultaneously for 10 seconds. This can be done when the
robot is ON, OFF or CHARGING.
03: Incoming Roomba Inspection
Perform a visual inspection of the Roomba condition. Look for wear and dirt on
the chassis, cliff sensors, all wheels, and brushes.
Manually turn the bristle brush. Does the flexible brush counter rotate?
Remove the brush guard and check that both yellow brush bearings are present.
Reinsert all Roomba components and try to recreate the customer complaint by
running the robot for a few minutes. If the battery is low, charge the battery first. If
during the run, it has an error, record this.
04: Roomba Cleaning
Remove and empty the vacuum bin and vacuum filter.
Clean the main brush, flexible brush and bearings from hair and dirt.
Clean drive wheels and front caster.
Remove and clean under the side brush of hair and dirt.
Clean the cliff sensors with compressed air or cotton bud.
Clean the electrical contacts on Roomba and home base with alcohol.
See ‘Pause Errors’;
‘Behavioral Issues’
and ‘Charging
Error’ chapters
05: Roomba Software & Charging Reset
Ensure the Roomba has a charged battery and download the latest software, if
Reset Roomba’s charging system by pressing down the SPOT and DOCK buttons
simultaneously for 10 seconds. This can be done when the robot is ON, OFF or
CHARGING. This can be done when the robot is ON, OFF or CHARGING. When
ON the CLEAN button will go dark when the reset is complete.
Appendix D
06: Roomba Diagnostics: Built-in-Test (BiT)
It is important that this step only diagnose Roomba failures. For this reason, conduct the BiT with
approved accessories (the customer accessories can be tested separately).
Ensure the Roomba has a charged battery in the Roomba.
If brushes are in bad shape, insert new brushes with bearings.
Use *approved* Power Supply, Home Base, Virtual Wall and Remote.
Perform BiT steps. Take note of the button & speaker performance.
07: Capture Built-in-Test Data
Use “iRobot Factory Test Client Version 1.1” to capture the BiT output.
Use “R3BlackBoxReader” program to capture data in the black box
08: Roomba Diagnostics: Mobility Test
Perform the Mobility Test.
Appendix A
Appendix A
Appendix B
09: Fix or Replace Roomba
Replace parts using Built-in-test Fix and module disassembly procedure.
See “Service
Appendix D
Re-test the BiT and MT and continue fixing until 100% pass.
10: Test Battery
Fully charge the returned Battery.
Perform Battery test
o Battery Voltage should be between 15.5 - 18V.
o Battery Voltage drop should be less than 2V.
When battery PASSES, discharge battery with a Roomba run by pressing DOCK
and not having a home base present. The Roomba will run until the battery runs
low. The runtime should be at least 60 minutes. If not, replace the battery. (Note :
Battery can be discharged at a constant 2.2A until the battery is at 12V. Measure
time to discharge.)
11: Test Power Supply
Appendix A/B
Appendix F
Test returned Power Supply
o Shake the unit and make sure there are no loose parts
o Connect to wall and ensure DC output is between 21.1-24.0 VDC
o Solid green light under load
o Measure idle current with AC RMS ammeter to be <18mA
o Measure standby power is <0.5W
[Note: If the power supply light is off or blinking while charging, replace it and
make sure the Home Base and Roomba pass all charging tests.]
Appendix G
12: Test Home Base (if applicable)
Test returned Home Base with an *approved* power supply and robot
o Clean Home Base (electrical contacts and IR emitter)
o Check if power and dock LEDs are solid green when charging
o Visually inspect contact springs
o Perform Home Base mobility/docking tests
13: Test Virtual Wall & Light House (if applicable)
Test returned Virtual Wall with charged batteries
o Clean Virtual Wall (IR emitter)
o Check power light (if blinking then batteries are low)
o Perform Virtual Wall mobility tests
14: Test Wireless Command Center (if applicable)
Appendix B
Appendix H
Appendix B
Test Wireless Command Center with charged batteries
15: Replace Faulty Accessories
Replace faulty accessories
16: Pack & Record the Serial Numbers
Pack the robot. If a core robot exchange was necessary, record the new serial
number in the service process report
17: Monthly Data Report to iRobot
The detailed International Service Process Report should be managed monthly and
sent Tonia Giesecke at tgiesecke@irobot.com or Martijn Braam at
Roomba 500 Series Vacuuming Robot
The iRobot Roomba 500 series includes the following improvements:
• Better reliability, robustness and product life (R3 core robot has a 500% longer life vs. R2)
• Enhanced mobility system improves room coverage
• Light Houses guide Roomba to clean more rooms
• Larger vacuum bin capacity ( R3 has 117% larger bin capacity vs. R2)
• Better vacuum suction (R3 has 133% greater suction vs. R2)
• Light touch bumper results in a gentler impact (R3 impacts with 50% less force vs. R2)
• Quieter cleaning (R3 has a ~50% lower sound pressure level and a ~75% lower sound intensity
level on hardwood floor vs. R2)
• Replaceable squeegee
• Lower standby current drain (R3 takes about 25% longer to discharge its battery than R2)
• Voice tutorial demonstrates Roomba’s features to new users
• Anti-tangle technology enables Roomba to extract itself from tassels and cord tangles
• Added binoculars (IR emitters) in Roomba’s bumper to improve docking
• Wireless Command Center allows Roomba to be scheduled and directed
Roomba Terminology
Top View
User Panel
Dirt Detect
Charging Socket
Vacuum Bin Release
“Check Robot”
Bottom View
Front Caster Wheel
Electrical Contacts (not all models)
Side Brush : 300 rpm*
Drive Wheel : 80 rpm when driving straight
Flapper : 1600 rpm*
Main Brush : 1000 rpm*
Brush Guard or Wire Bail
* rpm is revolutions per minute. These values may vary as battery charge declines
The base robots 3.4 and 3.5 uses radio frequency channels* for wireless connection. The Roomba will
scan the channels at the start of a cleaning cycle and choose a channel with the least interference. If
during operation the chosen channel becomes very noisy to the point where communications fail), the
robot will choose a better channel.
* Roomba operates on the 2.4GHz US ISM band and has 16 channels spaced at 5MHz intervals,
centered from 2405 to 2480 MHz. The system uses direct sequence spectrum technology (DSSS),
with O-QPSK modulation. Max conducted power output is a few milliwatts.
Sensors on all Base Robots
4 optical infrared (IR) Light-touch sensors
4 optical IR cliff sensors
1 optical IR stasis
1 omni directional IR sensor in RCON
2 optical IR bumper switches
2 Hall Effect and magnetic encoder wheel encoders
2 mechanical switch wheel-drop sensors
1 battery-current sensor
2 wheel-current sensors
1 battery-temp sensor
1 battery-voltage sensor
1 main-brush current analog sensor
1 side-brush current analog sensor
1 main-brush pwm (pulse width modulation) truncation sensor
1 side-brush pwm truncation sensor
1 vacuum pwm truncation sensor
1 spot button
1 home button
1 power button
The Roomba (500 Series) has three cleaning modes and will clean based on the cleaning mode you
Clean Mode : Roomba automatically calculates the room size and adjusts its cleaning time
Spot Mode: Roomba will spiral approximately 3 feet in diameter and then spiral back to where it
started, intensely cleaning a localized area.
Scheduled Cleaning Mode (Base Robot 3.4 and 3.5 only) When a cleaning time is programmed,
Roomba enters scheduled cleaning mode. At the specified time, Roomba leaves its Home Base,
cleans, and then returns to the Home Base to recharge when it’s done.
Max Mode: To recreate a Max mode, run the Roomba by pressing DOCK but do not have a Home
Base present. The robot will clean until the battery depletes to 12V.
{Note: When using Roomba with Light Houses, Roomba will clean for a maximum of 35 minutes per
Roomba features a 3-stage cleaning system
1. Spinning Side brush – sweeps along edge of walls and into corners
2. Two counter rotating brushes – sweeps debris into the vacuum bin
3. Vacuum – sucks up dust and small particles which is trapped by a filter
cd e
Normal Cleaning Behavior
In normal cleaning behavior, Roomba switches between several different behaviors:
o Drive – Roomba drives straight
o Spiral – Roomba drives in an outward spiral pattern
o Bounce – Bumper activation makes Roomba back up, turn in place, and drive straight
o Wall follow – Roomba follows along a wall
When first started, Roomba goes into spiral mode (if the ‘clean’ button is held twice after the robot is
ON, it will drive straight and skip the spiral mode). When the bumper is activated for the first time,
Roomba goes into wall follow mode. Thereafter, when the bumper is activated Roomba will normally
do a bounce, but will revert to wall-follow mode after a number of bumper activations.
There are other behaviors that react to specific situations
o Cliff avoid – Roomba backs up and turns whenever its cliff sensor detects a cliff
o RCON avoid – Roomba turns whenever the RCON sensor detects an infrared beam
o Bump follow – Roomba follows a wall with its bumper
o Panic spin – Roomba will spin in place when the front wheel is stuck (stasis not triggered)
or when Roomba moves straight for 6 meters without triggering its bumper or cliff sensors.
o Wedge Escape – Roomba will turn forwards and backwards in attempt to dislodge itself.
o Dirt Detect – when dirt is detected it will concentrate its cleaning in a specific area
o Light Touch – Roomba will sense objects in front of it and slow down. It does not work
well with thin or black objects.
o Power Save - Roomba will switch off after 5 minutes if switched ON and not in use.
There is special control of brush and drive motors:
o Anti Tassel – The main brush and side brush will reverse direction so as to remove the
thread wrapped around the brush.
o Undocking - The brushes and vacuum are deactivated when Roomba undocks. Then it will
turn and first turn on the vacuum and next the brushes.
Service Procedure (based on Built-in-Test Failures)
Every Roomba that is serviced is required to undergo a Built-in-Test (BiT) which will then dictate
how to best service the Roomba. A Roomba needs to pass the BiT before being returned to a customer.
The following process is based on failed BiT steps or specific symptoms. Basic troubleshooting steps
are detailed but as a last resort, a replacement part is suggested.
# Description Spare Part
Roomba Spare Part : Service or Core Robot Replacement
Roomba BiT 2 – BUMPERS
Trouble shooting : Toggle the bumper and retest
Roomba Spare Part : Service or Core Robot Replacement
Troubleshooting : Has the side brush stalled and obstructing the cliff
sensor? Wipe all cliff sensor windows.
Roomba Spare Part : Service or Core Robot Replacement
Troubleshooting : Clean front window along bumper. Do not use a
black obstacle during test.
Roomba Spare Part : Service or Core Robot Replacement
Roomba BiT 12 to 14 – LEFT & RIGHT WHEEL & ENCODERS
Trouble shooting : Clean wheels from dirt and hair.
Roomba Spare Part : Drive Wheel Replacement
Roomba BiT 15 – STASIS
Trouble shooting : Remove front caster module. Clean optical stasis
window in chassis. Clean white/black wheel if dirty.
Roomba Spare Part : Front Caster and Wheel Replacement
Roomba BiT 16 – MAIN BRUSH
Troubleshooting: Redo test with new brush and flapper. Ensure motor
and pulley string of module is functioning.
Roomba Spare Part : Cleaning Head, Brush, Flapper Drive and
Bearing Replacement
Troubleshooting: Clean debris sensor
Roomba Spare Part : Cleaning Head Replacement
Roomba BiT 18 – VACUUM
Troubleshooting: Empty vacuum bin and inspect filter for holes.
Roomba Spare Part : Vacuum Bin Replacement
Roomba BiT 19 – SIDE BRUSH
Troubleshooting: Remove side brush and clean side brush from hair
and dirt. Inspect side brush axle.
Roomba Spare Part : Side Brush Module Replacement
Roomba BiT 20 to 26 – CHARGING
Troubleshooting: Clean robot and Home Base contacts is necessary
Roomba Spare Part : Service or Core Robot Replacement
Charging Accessories
Power Supply
Home Base
Roomba Battery
Roomba is powered by a soft pack rechargeable NiMH (nickel metal hydride) battery made up of 12
cells. The battery can only be accessed by removing the bottom plate of the Roomba. A fully charged
battery has a voltage between 15.5 and 18 V. The battery also has a thermistor and it relies on the
change of resistance to measure battery temperature.
Roomba will clean until the battery voltage is 12V under load after which it will stop if not already on
the home base for charging.
Thermistor contacts
- ve contact
+ ve contact
Normal battery charge : A normal charge (indicated by a slow pulsing CLEAN button) takes up
to 3 hours.
Recovery battery charge : A recovery charge is automatically detected by the robot (indicated by
rapid flashing CLEAN button) and takes 16 hours and should not be disrupted. This is activated if
the battery voltage is under 10.8 V.
Charging/Battery reset : A robot charging system can be reset by holding down the SPOT and
DOCK buttons together for 10 seconds . This will also erase all schedules. It is easiest to reset
when robot is ON as the CLEAN light will go dark when the reset is complete.
General Battery Maintenance Tips
Keep the battery charging at all times unless in use.
Occasionally reset the charging system in the Roomba. Reset Roomba’s charging system by
pressing down the SPOT and DOCK buttons simultaneously for 10 seconds. This can be done
when the robot is ON, OFF or CHARGING. This can be done when the robot is ON, OFF or
CHARGING. When ON the CLEAN button will go dark when the reset is complete.
It is also recommended at times to run down the battery and then charge it fully. To deplete the
battery, press DOCK and allow robot to clean without a Home Base present. The Roomba will
clean until the battery runs flat. Then give the battery a full charge.
Roomba Power Supply
Roomba’s are charged by either a Universal (100-240V) or Domestic (120V) Power Supply. The
Power Supply steps the voltage down to 22.5VDC and 1.25A. A solid green LED light on the Power
Supply is an indication that it is plugged in and operating properly.
Roomba 500 Series Charging Algorithm Overview
High level sequence
1. Check charging FETs – If FETS fail then charging is aborted
2. Pre-charge cooling { 0mA } - Runs until battery temperature is less than 50°C, or an end
of charge condition is true. Sets the charging state to NORMAL or RECOVERY based on
the battery voltage.
3. Charging - Runs until an end of charge condition is true, in one of the following modes:
a. Normal { 1250mA } – for initial battery voltage greater than 10.8V .
b. Recovery { 300mA } - for initial battery voltage less than 10.8V .
4. Post-charge cooling { 0mA }- Runs until battery temperature is less than 35°C, or 2hrs
passes. Sets charging state to WAITING/TRICKLE.
5. Trickle { 50mA }- Runs indefinitely. If the temperature goes above 42°C, trickle turns off
until the temperature drops below 40°C, then re-enables.
End of charge conditions
Charging is terminated as soon as one of these conditions is true. These conditions are tested in
variable times during charging.
o Voltage Dip : Voltage dips more than a 30 mV from the maximum voltage.
o Temperature Slope : Temperature increases by more than 0.5°C per minute.
o Coulombs Max : If battery level is more than 2 times the nominal capacity.
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