Games PC MIDTOWN MADNESS 2 User Manual

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Games PC MIDTOWN MADNESS 2 User Manual



Jumping right into a race is quick and easy:

1.Start Midtown Madness 2 by double-clicking the shortcut on your desktop.

2.Select Quick Race from the Main Menu.

3.Choose your vehicle from the Select Vehicle screen.

4.Click Go Drive to begin the race!

For details on other racing options, including cars, camera views, and customizing controls, see online Help. Before you start a race, you can display Help by clicking the “?” button on any screen.

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The Cadillacill Trademarks (includingi l i the Eldoradol Touringi Coupe vehiclei le body designs)i are used by Microsofti withi thet express writtenitt permissioni i off Generall Motorst ..

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Welcomel toto Midtowni t Madness 2,, thet sensiblei le curere forf r thet crabbyr commuter,t , and lookl what’st’s new forf r Versioni 2::

Two new highlyi ly detailedt il & interactivei t r ti cities,iti , London and San

Francisco,r i , modeledl forf r maximumi maneuversrs and metalt l munchingi whethert you’retearingt i throught Trafalgarf l Square or levitatingl it ti alongl Lombard Streett t..

10 new campy urbanr roadsters,r t r , rangingr i fromfr a doublele--deckerr bus toto thet Audii TT toto thet zippyi New Beetletle Dune,, withith morere detailedt il damage modelingli and breakaway parts,t , and improvedi physicsi and handlingli performancerf r ..

Withith thet allll--new Crashr Courser mode,, you can jumpj inin thet driver’si ’s seatt as an aspiringiri Hollywoodll stuntt t driverri r orr as an apprenticer ti London cabbieie.. Whicheveri r courser you choose,, you’ll’ll buildild usefulf l Madness drivingri i skillsills whileile unlockingl i cooll painti t jobs,j , vehicles,i l , and challengingll i exam races..

You’ll’ll hear expanded gameplayl commentaryt fromf an eclecticl tic mixix off London and San Franciscoi personalitiesliti ..

Plusl allll thet classicl ic racer typest fromfr thet originalri i l Midtowni t Madness have been revvedr up and retooledr t l forf r righteousri t roadwayr actionti ..

Cruise,i , Checkpoint,i t, Blitz,lit , and Circuiti it races:: they’ret ’ allll back,, and they’ret ’re bettertt r thant ever!r!


As you acceleratetel and slideli throught thet Cityity By thet Bay,, don’t’t forgettf toto enrollll inin thet Goldenl Gatete Stuntt Drivingi School,l, where you can developl allll thet skillsills you need toto own thet road,, whethert you’regrindingi gears inin Goldenl Gatete Park or soaringi over SOMA.. Justt clickli thet Crash Course buttontt on thet mainin game screen!

Whenever you race,, use thet cityity map toto gett an edge on your opponentsts.. To pause thet game and displayli a fullllf-screen map,, press thet Q key.. To dismissi thet map and returnt toto thet game,, press thet Q key againin..

You can alsol use thet TAB key (or joysticktij buttontt 4) toto togglelet betweent differenttiff map viewsi whileile you are drivingi.. You can choose toto displayli eitherit a halflf-screen or smallerll map (whichi appears inin thet lowerl rightti corner off your screen),, or no map att allll..

You can alsol zoom your map viewsi inin and outt usingi thet E key.. And,, ifif you wantt thet map toto rotatete toto matcht thet directionti inin whichi you’redriving,,i press thet F key..

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