Description ..................................................................................pg. 2
Control Panel .............................................................................pg. 3
Setting Up ....................................................................................pg. 4
Tuning .........................................................................................pg. 4
Searching ....................................................................................pg. 5
Specifications .............................................................................pg. 6
Warranty ..........................................................................Back Cover
The Model 66 Valve and Box Locator (M-66) offers the utility industry an uncomplicated detector for finding buried metal objects.
This all-metal metal detector can even search through concrete
and asphalt. Please note that the M-66 is a Metal Detector which
should not be a substitute for a Utility Line Tracer. Fisher Research
Laboratory manufactures a complete line of equipment for Line

The meter of the M-66 serves two purposes for the operation of the
machine. When used with the battery test button, the meter gives
a visual indication of the battery strength. A reading between 80
– 100 is desirable. If the reading is below 80, search depth can
decrease and accuracy may be in question. When searching
with the M-66, the meter gives a visual indication to any change
occurring in the field of detection. This is primarily due to the coil
passing over a metal object, but can also occur when the ground
mineral conditions change.
Battery Test
With the detector turned on, depressing the Battery Test button
will indicate battery strength. This is a no-load battery test.
On/Off Ground Rejection
This control turns the M-66 on and off. It is used to electronically
balance the M-66 to compensate for the natural mineral content
of the soil or ground surface. When tuned properly, raising and
lowering the search coil above the ground will not cause a
change in the meter reading or audio tone.
Tuning Control
This control is used to adjust the detector to the threshold point. This
threshold point is a point at which a very faint audio tone is heard
and the meter reads 10. The Tuning Control can also be thought
of as the Sensitivity control for the M-66.
The M-66 Control Panel.